211 resultados para Holidays


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The evaluation of public policies that promote Food Security and Nutrition (FSN) it s a multidisciplinary activity extremely relevant to the effectiveness of actions to legitimize the Human Right to Adequate Food (HRAF). This study aimed at assessing the effectiveness of the unit project Natal-RN Café do Trabalhador in promoting SAN to its users. The theoretical framework is based on the public and political and on the dimensions of the concept of FSN (quantity and quality-regularity). Through a qualitative approach, methodologically this was the work of an evaluation of efficiency of the unit Natal-RN of Café do Trabalhador project in light of the assumptions of the concept of SAN. Data collection was conducted through retrospective archival research in official documents of the project, semi-structured interviews with managers involved in its implementation (representative of the Secretary of State for Employment, Housing and Care of RN SETHAS and third party), socioeconomic questionnaire applied to the users of the unit, check the amount, regularity and quality of meals offered for 15 days (menu routine) using the descriptive form menu and form filling type checklist for verification of compliance with good practices . Methods of analysis, we used content analysis, descriptive statistics and compared to previously established parameters for the project. As categories of analysis were defined organizational arrangement, access, user, food quantity-regularity and food quality. The results show that, it was found in the category arrangement that will implement the project dismissed technical criteria for choosing the districts and the quantitative distribution of meals for each location. It was found that the valuation of the shares of the company outsources technical SETHA has not been performed. We observed in the access category, the unit has a strategic location, but lack of space in the refectory. The main obstacle to economic access for users is the lack of a register for the beneficiaries. In the category of users, it was identified that the clientele of the project it is predominantly men, with more than 51 years, low education, earning wages less 1 obtained through informal employment, which they move up through the unit transport collective, go to all days of operation due primarily to price. About the meals category quantity-regularity of food showed that the menu serves 95% of the desired needs, and that holidays and weekends are periods of disrupting the regularity of supply of meals. Regarding the category of food quality, it was found that the nutritional aspect on the menu are food sources rich in sodium, nitrates and low in fiber. In the aspect of hygiene and sanitation are the main limitations related to waste management, lack of exposure controls of food prepared and inadequacies of the physical structure. The results showed that in general and the institutional arrangement of the organs attached to the project should establish a systematic evaluation project is to establish as a promoter of and FSN overcome these obstacles


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With the holidays fast approaching questions inevitably arise concerning a resident’s right and ability to leave a nursing facility. Residents often want to join in family festivities but may believe that leaving a nursing facility for a period of time is not an option because they may lose their source of payment from Medicare, Medicaid, or a long term care insurance policy or lose their room all together.


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El trabajo de graduación describe el desarrollo de una Aplicación web desarrollada para la Asociación cooperativa de producción pesquera y servicios múltiples “Bocana Lempa - Jaltepec de R.L”, en el Cantón las Mesas del municipio de Tecoluca del departamento de San Vicente, con dicha aplicación se automatizaron los procesos de las áreas de comercialización y administración de la cooperativa, los cuales son, Activo fijo, Recursos Humanos, Facturación, Inventario y el desarrollo de una página web a la que accesan los clientes para la realización de pedidos. Con el desarrollo de dicha aplicación se ha obtenido una mayor agilización en los procesos, los cuales conllevan a adquirir mayores logros entre los cuales podemos mencionar: información detallada de los movimientos de inventario, presentación de informes, mejoras en el control de activo fijo, salarios, vacaciones, permisos de los empleados, registro de pedidos realizados desde la página web, impresión de facturas y la reducción del tiempo en el desarrollo de los procesos. SUMMARY The graduation work describes the development of a web application developed for the cooperative association of fish production and multiple services "Bocana Lempa - Jaltepec RL" in the Canton Tables Township Tecoluca the department of San Vicente, with such application they automated processes as the marketing and administration of the cooperative, which are, fixed Assets, Human Resources, Billing, Inventory and development of a website that access to customers for ordering. With the development of this application has gained greater streamlining processes, which lead to acquire greater achievements among which include: detailed information on inventory movements, reporting, improved control of fixed assets, wages holidays, permits employees record orders made from the website, print invoices and time reduction in development processes. Keywords : Online ordering , fixed assets, payroll employees , billing, control fishing. The graduation work describes the development of a web application developed for the cooperative association of fish production and multiple services "Bocana Lempa - Jaltepec RL" in the Canton Tables Township Tecoluca the department of San Vicente, with such application they automated processes as the marketing and administration of the cooperative, which are, fixed Assets, Human Resources, Billing, Inventory and development of a website that access to customers for ordering. With the development of this application has gained greater streamlining processes, which lead to acquire greater achievements among which include: detailed information on inventory movements, reporting, improved control of fixed assets, wages holidays, permits employees record orders made from the website, print invoices and time reduction in development processes.


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The evaluation of public policies that promote Food Security and Nutrition (FSN) it s a multidisciplinary activity extremely relevant to the effectiveness of actions to legitimize the Human Right to Adequate Food (HRAF). This study aimed at assessing the effectiveness of the unit project Natal-RN Café do Trabalhador in promoting SAN to its users. The theoretical framework is based on the public and political and on the dimensions of the concept of FSN (quantity and quality-regularity). Through a qualitative approach, methodologically this was the work of an evaluation of efficiency of the unit Natal-RN of Café do Trabalhador project in light of the assumptions of the concept of SAN. Data collection was conducted through retrospective archival research in official documents of the project, semi-structured interviews with managers involved in its implementation (representative of the Secretary of State for Employment, Housing and Care of RN SETHAS and third party), socioeconomic questionnaire applied to the users of the unit, check the amount, regularity and quality of meals offered for 15 days (menu routine) using the descriptive form menu and form filling type checklist for verification of compliance with good practices . Methods of analysis, we used content analysis, descriptive statistics and compared to previously established parameters for the project. As categories of analysis were defined organizational arrangement, access, user, food quantity-regularity and food quality. The results show that, it was found in the category arrangement that will implement the project dismissed technical criteria for choosing the districts and the quantitative distribution of meals for each location. It was found that the valuation of the shares of the company outsources technical SETHA has not been performed. We observed in the access category, the unit has a strategic location, but lack of space in the refectory. The main obstacle to economic access for users is the lack of a register for the beneficiaries. In the category of users, it was identified that the clientele of the project it is predominantly men, with more than 51 years, low education, earning wages less 1 obtained through informal employment, which they move up through the unit transport collective, go to all days of operation due primarily to price. About the meals category quantity-regularity of food showed that the menu serves 95% of the desired needs, and that holidays and weekends are periods of disrupting the regularity of supply of meals. Regarding the category of food quality, it was found that the nutritional aspect on the menu are food sources rich in sodium, nitrates and low in fiber. In the aspect of hygiene and sanitation are the main limitations related to waste management, lack of exposure controls of food prepared and inadequacies of the physical structure. The results showed that in general and the institutional arrangement of the organs attached to the project should establish a systematic evaluation project is to establish as a promoter of and FSN overcome these obstacles


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Los viajes combinados han ocupado tradicionalmente un lugar destacado dentro de la amplia gama de servicios ofrecidos por los operadores turísticos. Por ello, el Consejo de la Unión Europea adoptó en 1990 la Directiva 90/314/CEE, de 13 de junio, relativa a los viajes combinados, las vacaciones combinadas y los circuitos combinados, con el fin de eliminar, o cuanto menos mitigar, la especial situación de indefensión en que se encontraba aquél que los contrataba. Desde la aprobación de esta Directiva han pasado casi veinticinco años y ante el surgimiento de problemas derivados de la aparición de nuevos modelos de negocio y formas de contratación de los servicios turísticos que ni siquiera se plantearon en aquel momento, se ha hecho necesaria la revisión de una normativa a todas luces obsoleta e incapaz de proteger adecuadamente a los usuarios de estos servicios. Así, el 9 de julio de 2013 la Comisión Europea aprobó la Propuesta de Directiva del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo relativa a los viajes combinados y los servicios asistidos de viaje, por la que se modifican el Reglamento (CE) nº 2006/2004 y la Directiva 2011/83/UE y por la que se deroga la Directiva 90/314/CEE. El objetivo de este trabajo se centra en analizar las modificaciones propuestas por la C C omisión respecto al ámbito de aplicación de la Directiva 90/314/CEE y su posible repercusión en las legislaciones internas, sobre todo teniendo en cuenta el enfoque de armonización máxima que se pretende dar al nuevo texto.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Direção e Gestão Hoteleira, Escola Superior de Gestão, Hotelaria e Turismo, Universidade do Algarve, 2016


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Reliable testing methodologies for the assessment of protective coatings are critical for ensuring the integrity and durability of pipeline coatings (such as field joint coatings) and the mitigation of pipeline corrosion. Currently the failure of joint coatings is one of the major concerns in corrosion protection of pipelines, although they represent only approximately 5% of the coated area in a pipeline system. This paper presents an overview of major testing methodologies currently used in the pipeline industry for the selection, testing, and life prediction of coatings, in particular field joint coatings. Particular focus is on the discussion of difficulties and limitations in testing methods for assessing pipeline coating cracking, cathodic disbondment and loss of adhesion. It is shown that there are limitations in current methodologies in evaluating the coating flexibility - a key parameter for avoiding coatings cracking during hydrostatic testing, cyclic pressure operation and field bending. Methodologies for assessing the effect of holidays in coatings on the cathodic disbondment of pipeline coating under excessively negative cathodic protection (CP) voltages also require improvement. Furthermore, methods for understanding the effects of coating wet adhesion on pipeline coating, cracking and disbondment also need attention. Some preliminary results for addressing some of these issues are also presented in this paper.


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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: People with end-stage kidney disease receiving haemodialysis are restricted to holidays where dialysis services are readily available. Holiday dialysis in regional, rural and remote areas is particularly challenging. The aims of this study were to (1) evaluate the wellbeing of those who received dialysis in a holiday haemodialysis bus, and (2) to measure patient wellbeing with that of a comparable cohort of haemodialysis patients. METHODS: A three machine haemodialysis bus, the Big Red Kidney Bus, was built to enable people, their families and carers to take holidays across a range of tourist destinations in Victoria, Australia. Measures included pre-post subjective wellbeing, dialysis symptoms and mood questionnaires complemented by post semi-structured telephone interviews. RESULTS: Participating holidaymakers were positive about the haemodialysis bus service and the standard of care experienced. They reported decreased dialysis side effects of fatigue, muscle cramp, and dry skin. The overall number of reported symptoms decreased and the perceived level of bother associated with symptoms also decreased. No changes in subjective wellbeing and mood were detected. Mean Personal Wellbeing Index scores were significantly higher than in a comparative haemodialysis sample. CONCLUSION: The Big Red Kidney Bus provided a safe and feasible holiday dialysis service. Holidaymakers' wellbeing was reflected by the decreased dialysis patient side effects.


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This executive order by Governor Nikki R. Haley declares October 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, and 12, 2016 to be legal holidays for banks and savings and loan institutions in the State of South Carolina that were forced to close due to my Orders, other State actions, or hazardous weather conditions caused as a result of Hurricane Matthew.


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This newsletter from the Soil Classifiers Advisory Council gives information about the Council including professional licenses for soil classifiers, office hours and state holidays, council members and staff and online services.


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This study identifies the senior European tourists determinants that explained their decisions to go on holidays. The empirical study was conducted among European tourists by applying a logit model. The model intends to explain the determinants related to the decision to go on holidays since the probability of a senior European tourist taking holidays in a country depends on a mix of motives as previous travel experience and demographic characteristics. Policy and theoretical implications are derived for contributing to the discussion between demographic variables and tourism demand choice patterns.


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Palaces, as an architectural typology, can be found in recreation Quintas that surrounded the main cities in Portugal, which preserved its rural character since the 16th century until the middle of the 19th century. Consisting of cultivated land and farm buildings, the palace of the Quinta was the owner´s temporary residence, for summer holidays and festive events, with gardens, pavilions, fountains and lakes for recreational purposes and leisure. The focus on palaces, as a historic building and as in need of new uses, clearly shows how current the debate on contemporary interventions in this heritage typology is. Interventions in architectural heritage require multidisciplinary teams to identify conservation strategies which enable a qualified use of its spaces, such as for example the experience of security and well-being, which can contribute to a better quality of life and simultaneously to the quality of the urban environment. This paper presents the Palace of Quinta Alegre and its rehabilitation project for contemporary use and public esteem, both of which are considered fundamental prerequisites for its sustainable maintenance in space, in time and in memory. [versão Portuguesa] Sob a denominação de tipologia arquitectónica, o edifício Palácio pode ser encontrado nas Quintas de Recreio que rodeavam as principais cidades Portuguesas, tendo preservado o seu carácter rural, desde o século XVI até metade do século XIX. Consistindo as Quintas em terra cultivada e edifícios rurais, o Palácio da Quinta consistia na residência temporária do proprietário, para férias de verão e eventos comemorativos, dispondo de jardins, pavilhões, fontes e lagos para recreação e lazer. O tema dos Palácios, entendido como edifício histórico que procura novos usos, demonstra como é actual o debate sobre intervenções contemporâneas nesta tipologia de valor patrimonial. A intervenção em património arquitectónico requer a definição de estratégias de conservação por equipas multidisciplinares que permitam estabelecer um uso qualificado dos seus espaços, proporcionando experiências sensoriais de bem-estar e segurança, contribuindo para uma melhor qualidade de vida e, simultaneamente, para a qualidade do ambiente urbano em que se insere. Este artigo tem por objectivo apresentar o Palácio da Quinta Alegre e o projecto de reabilitação, devolvendo-o a um uso contemporâneo e à estima pública, factores fundamentais para a sua manutenção sustentável no espaço, no tempo e na memória.


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This study identifies the senior European tourists determinants that explained their decisions to go on holidays. The empirical study was conducted among European tourists by applying a logit model. The model intends to explain the determinants related to the decision to go on holidays since the probability of a senior European tourist taking holidays in a country depends on a mix of motives as previous travel experience and demographic characteristics. Policy and theoretical implications are derived for contributing to the discussion between demographic variables and tourism demand choice patterns.


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ResumenEste artículo se encarga de estudiar las develaciones de estatuas que se dieron en Costa Rica durante las fiestas patrias de la independencia, en un periodo ubicado entre 1876 y 1921. Su objetivo fundamental consiste en comprender la forma en que se seleccionó un cierto pasado político, y las estrategias discursivas que se utilizaron para fomentarlo y representarlo a través de la estatuaria. Así, inspecciona las discusiones que se dieron en torno de la elección de los personajes históricos que se iban a seleccionar para ser convertidos en estatuas públicas, y el papel de las representaciones en la elaboración de una memoria oficial.AbstractThis article intends to study the unveiling of statues carried out during the national independence celebrations between 1876 and 1921. Its fundamental purpose is to understand how a certain political period from the past was chosen, as well as the discourse strategies used for promoting and representing it through statuary activities. Therefore, it assesses the discussions that arose in relation with the selection of historical characters that were to be sculpted as public statues, and the role played by the representatives in the preparation of an official memory.


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ResumenEste artículo analiza las transformaciones que sufrieron los exportadores y consignatarios en la cadena de comercialización del café de Costa Rica a finales del siglo XIX. Además se hace énfasis en cuáles estrategias de competitividad utilizó el sector cafetalero para mantenerse y extender su participación en el mercado internacional y la vulnerabilidad de las empresas comerciales ante la crisis de precios mundiales del café al caer el siglo XIX.AbstractThis article intends to study the unveiling of statues carried out during the national independence celebrations between 1876 and 1921. Its fundamental purpose is to understand how a certain political period from the past was chosen, as well as the discourse strategies used for promoting and representing it through statuary activities. Therefore, it assesses the discussions that arose in relation with the selection of historical characters that were to be sculpted as public statues, and the role played by the representatives in the preparation of an official memory.