988 resultados para High-pressure Adsorption


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In the European Union, food is considered safe with regard to Listeria monocytogenes if its numbers do not exceed 100 cfu/g throughout the shelf-life of the food. Therefore, it is important to determine if a food supports growth of L. monocytogenes. Challenge tests are laboratory-based studies that measure the growth of L. monocytogenes on artificially contaminated food stored under foreseeable conditions of transportation, distribution and storage. The aim of this study was to elaborate and optimize a user-friendly protocol to perform challenge tests on food and to apply it to determine whether growth of L. monocytogenes is supported during the production and distribution of a potentially risky food i.e. mushrooms. A three-strain mixture of L. monocytogenes was inoculated onto three independent batches of whole mushrooms, sliced mushrooms, mushroom casing and mushroom substrate at a concentration of about 100 -1000 cfu/g. The batches were incubated at potential abuse temperatures, as a worst case scenario, and at intervals during storage L. monocytogenes numbers, % moisture and pH were determined. The results showed that the sliced and whole mushrooms supported growth of L. monocytogenes while mushroom casing allowed survival but did not support growth. Mushroom substrate showed a rich background microflora able of growing in Listeria selective media which hindered enumeration of L. monocytogenes. Combase predictions were not always accurate, indicating that challenge tests are a necessary part of growth determination of L. monocytogenes.


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Tomato is the second most widely grown vegetable crop across the globe and it is one of widely cultivated crops in Sri Lanka. However, tomato industry in Sri Lanka facing a problem of high postharvest loss (54%) during the glut coupled with heavy revenue loss to the country by importing processed products. The aim of this work is to develop shelf-stable tomato product with maximum quality characteristics using high pressure processing (HPP). Tomato juice with altered and unaltered pH was processed using HPP at 600 MPa for 1 min after blanching (90 oC/2 min). As a control tomato juice was subjected to thermal processing (TP) at 95 oC /20 min. Processed samples were stored under 20oC and 28oC for 9 month period and analysed for total viable count (TVC) and instrumental colour (L, a, b) value at 0,1,2 3, and 4 week and 2, 3, 6 and 9 months interval. The raw juice sample had initial 6.69 log10 CFU/ml and both TP and HPP caused a more than 4.69 log10 reduction in the TVC of juice and microbial numbers remained low throughout the storage period even at 3 months after storage irrespective of the storage temperature. Both TP and HPP treated samples had the redness ⤘a value’ of 14.44-17.15 just after processing and showed non-significant reduction with storage in all the treatments after 3 months. The storage study results and discussed in relation to the end goal and compared with the literature.


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Abstract The current study reports original vapour-liquid equilibrium (VLE) for the system {CO2 (1) + 1-chloropropane (2)}. The measurements have been performed over the entire pressure-composition range for the (303.15, 313.15 and 328.15) K isotherms. The values obtained have been used for comparison of four predictive approaches, namely the equation of state (EoS) of Peng and Robinson (PR), the Soave modification of Benedict–Webb–Rubin (SBWR) EoS, the Critical Point-based Revised Perturbed-Chain Association Fluid Theory (CP-PC-SAFT) EoS, and the Conductor-like Screening Model for Real Solvents (COSMO-RS). It has been demonstrated that the three EoS under consideration yield similar and qualitatively accurate predictions of VLE, which is not the case for the COSMO-RS model examined. Although CP-PC-SAFT EoS exhibits only minor superiority in comparison with PR and SBWR EoS in predicting VLE in the system under consideration, its relative complexity can be justified when taking into account the entire thermodynamic phase space and, in particular, considering the liquid densities and sound velocities over a wider pressure-volume-temperature range.


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The effect of different pressure levels (500 and 600. MPa for 1. min at ambient temperature) on lasagne ready meal as a means of increasing the safety and shelf life during storage at refrigeration (4. °C) and abuse temperature (8. °C) was investigated. High-pressure processing (500 and 600. MPa for 1. min) was able to significantly reduce the total aerobic and lactic acid bacteria counts and prolong the microbiological shelf life of lasagne at both refrigeration and abuse temperatures. Pressure at 600. MPa was a useful tool to reduce the safety risks associated with Staphylococcus aureus and Listeria monocytogenes. However, abuse storage temperature facilitated the recovery of L. monocytogenes towards the end of storage. Organoleptic evaluation revealed that HPP did not negatively influence the quality attributes of lasagne and prolonged its organoleptic shelf life. HPP treatment can serve as a useful additional step to enhance safety and increase the shelf life of multicomponent ready meals, such as lasagne. Industrial relevance: The ready meals sector of the food industry has been experiencing increasing growth in the past years. This comprehensive study explored the effects of HPP on a very popular multicomponent ready meal i.e., lasagne after treatment and during storage. The results showed that HPP can be successfully applied to lasagne ready meals to decrease the risk from S. aureus and L. monocytogenes and also significantly prolong its shelf life without affecting its organoleptic properties. The utilisation of HPP by the industry can significantly increase safety and also provide the opportunity for this product to reach markets further away.


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High-pressure processing (HPP) can produce tomato juice of high quality and safety with a short shelf life under refrigeration temperatures. Long-term higher temperature storage studies are rare and temperature tolerant products are challenging to develop. The effect of high-pressure processing (HPP) on the total quality (colour, microbial counts, phytochemical levels, antioxidant and enzymatic activities) and stability (retention over time) of tomato juice during long-term storage was investigated. Thermal processing (TP) was used as a control treatment, and overall, two different ambient conditions (20 °C and 28 °C) were tested. Immediately after processing, HPP products proved superior to TP ones (enhanced redness, total carotenoids and lycopene, stable total phenols and inactivation of pectin methyl esterase). During initial storage (30 d) most quality attributes of HPP juice remained stable. Prolonged storage, however, led to losses of most quality attributes, although HPP (20 °C) showed lower quality degradation rate constants comparison to TP and HPP (28 °C). Industrial Relevance: There is a demand for ambient stable tomato products, especially in some parts of the world, and current industrial practices (canning, pasteurisation) either compromise in product quality or require refrigeration conditions. High-pressure processing has been investigated as milder technology, with a potential to deliver superior quality. The drawback is that is also requires chill storage. The results of this study show how quality parameters behave in a high-pressured tomato product and pave the way for further development that could optimise this technology. This could be of economic importance for the tomato juice industry to develop new products stable in ambient temperatures and perhaps beneficial for cutting down the refrigeration costs under specific conditions.


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This study explored the effect of HPP (400 MPa/1 min) and a Weissella viridescens protective culture, alone or in conjunction, against Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat (RTE) salads with different pH values (4.32 and 5.59) during storage at 4 and 12 °C. HPP was able to reduce the counts of the pathogen after treatment achieving approximately a 4.0 and 1.5 log CFU/g reduction in the low and higher pH RTE salad, respectively. However, L. monocytogenes was able to recover and grow during subsequent storage. W. viridescens grew in both RTE salads at both storage temperatures, with HPP resulting in only a small immediate reduction of W. viridescens ranging from 0.50 to 1.2 log CFU/g depending on the pH of the RTE salad. For the lower pH RTE salad, the protective culture was able to gradually reduce the L. monocytogenes counts during storage whereas for the higher pH RTE salad in some cases it delayed growth significantly or exerted a bacteriostatic effect. exerted a bacteriostatic effect. The results revealed that the increased storage temperature led to an increase in the inactivation/inhibition of L. monocytogenes in the presence of W. viridescens. The combination of HPP and W. viridescens is a promising strategy to control L. monocytogenes and can increase safety even when a break in the chill chain occurs.


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Esta tese teve como objectivo estudar estratégias de conservação de pescado fresco, recorrendo ao uso de extractos e óleos essenciais de plantas e do processamento por alta pressão (HPP), usando filetes de robalo como um caso de estudo modelo. Relativamente aos extractos e óleos essenciais, avaliaram-se as suas propriedades antibacterianas e antioxidantes. Os extractos aquosos quente de poejo e de orégão e o óleo essencial de cravinho apresentaram a maior actividade antioxidante. Os óleos essenciais foram mais eficientes do que os extractos para inibir o crescimento das estirpes bacterianas testadas, tendo-se observado os menores valores de concentração mínima inibitória nos óleos essenciais de orégão, citronela, alho e orégão Espanhol. De seguida, estudou-se o efeito dos óleos essenciais de orégão Espanhol e de limão na conservação de filetes de robalo fresco tendo em conta critérios microbiológicos, químicos, físicos e sensoriais. A aplicação do óleo essencial de orégão Espanhol aumentou o tempo de vida útil dos filetes sob o ponto de vista bacteriano, mas não em termos sensoriais. A combinação dos óleos essenciais de orégão Espanhol e de limão melhorou o efeito antioxidante e reduziu a intensidade do odor e a sua eficácia em relação às Enterobacteriaceae, comparando com o tratamento com óleo essencial de orégão Espanhol per se. No sentido de reduzir o odor conferido pelos óleos essenciais realizou-se um estudo de conservação para avaliar o efeito de películas com óleos essenciais (citronela, alho e tomilho) em filetes de robalo, recorrendo a uma teste de desafio bacteriano. As películas sem óleos essenciais aumentaram o tempo de vida útil sob o ponto de vista bacteriano, mas este efeito não foi observado com a incorporação dos óleos essenciais nas películas. Em relação ao HPP, testaram-se diversas condições (nível de pressão, tempo de pressurização e taxa de pressurização) e avaliaram-se os efeitos na actividade enzimática, na qualidade global e na conservação de filetes de robalo fresco. Em geral, o aumento do nível de pressão e do tempo de pressurização diminuiu a actividade da fosfatase ácida e das enzimas proteolíticas, a carga bacteriana e a capacidade de retenção de água, enquanto que os filetes ficaram mais brancos. O HPP revelou potencial para o desenvolvimento de novos produtos: mais brancos, não translúcidos, mais firmes e com maior tempo de frescura e estabilidade microbiológica. Em conclusão, os óleos essenciais e o HPP têm potencial para conservar pescado fresco, devido aos seus efeitos na qualidade bacteriana. Ainda assim, mais esforços devem ser feitos no sentido de reduzir a transferência de odor dos óleos essenciais para o pescado e os efeitos do HPP no aspecto do pescado e na oxidação lipídica.


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Clenbuterol is a β2 agonist agent with anabolic properties given by the increase in the muscular mass in parallel to the decrease of the body fat. For this reason, the use of clenbuterol is forbidden by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) in the practice of sport. This compound is of particular interest for anti-doping authorities and WADA-accredited laboratories due to the recent reporting of risk of unintentional doping following the eating of meat contaminated with traces of clenbuterol in some countries. In this work, the development and the validation of an ultra-high pressure liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-ESI-MS/MS) method for the quantification of clenbuterol in human urine is described. The analyte was extracted from urine samples by liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) in basic conditions using tert butyl-methyl ether (TBME) and analyzed by UHPLC-MS/MS with a linear gradient of acetonitrile in 9min only. The simple and rapid method presented here was validated in compliance with authority guidelines and showed a limit of quantification at 5pg/mL and a linearity range from 5pg/mL to 300pg/mL. Good trueness (85.8-105%), repeatability (5.7-10.6% RSD) and intermediate precision (5.9-14.9% RSD) results were obtained. The method was then applied to real samples from eighteen volunteers collecting urines after single oral doses administration (1, 5 and 10μg) of clenbuterol-enriched yogurts.


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The macroscopic properties of the superconducting phase in the multiphase compound YPd5B3 C.3 have been investigated. The onset of superconductivity was observed at 22.6 K, zero resistance at 21.2 K, the lower critical field Hel at 5 K was determined to be Hel (5) rv 310 Gauss and the compound was found to be an extreme type-II superconductor with the upper critical field in excess of 55000 Gauss at 15 K. From the upper and lower critical field values obtained, several important parameters of the superconducting state were determined at T = 15 K. The Ginzburg-Landau paramater was determined to be ~ > 9 corresponding to a coherence length ~ rv 80A and magnetic penetration depth of 800A. In addition measurements of the superconducting transition temperature Te(P) under purely hydrostatically applied pressure have been carried out. Te(P) of YPd5B3 C.3 decreases linearly with dTe/dP rv -8.814 X 10-5 J


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Certificate for 60 shares of capital stock in High Pressure Oil and Gas Syndicate, Limited to Hamilton K. Woodruff, Nov. 1, 1922.


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Commercially supplied chicken breast muscle was subjected to simultaneous heat and pressure treatments. Treatment conditions ranged from ambient temperature to 70 °C and from 0.1 to 800 MPa, respectively, in various combinations. Texture profile analysis (TPA) of the treated samples was performed to determine changes in muscle hardness. At treatment temperatures up to and including 50 °C, heat and pressure acted synergistically to increase muscle hardness. However, at 60 and 70 °C, hardness decreased following treatments in excess of 200 MPa. TPA was performed on extracted myofibrillar protein gels that after treatment under similar conditions revealed similar effects of heat and pressure. Differential scanning calorimetry analysis of whole muscle samples revealed that at ambient pressure the unfolding of myosin was completed at 60 °C, unlike actin, which completely denatured only above 70 °C. With simultaneous pressure treatment at >200 MPa, myosin and actin unfolded at 20 °C. Unfolding of myosin and actin could be induced in extracted myofibrillar protein with simultaneous treatment at 200 MPa and 40 °C. Electrophoretic analysis indicated high pressure/temperature regimens induced disulfide bonding between myosin chains.


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The pharmaceutical material chlorothiazide (6-chloro-4H-1,2,4-benzothiadiazine-7-sulfonamide 1,1-dioxide) has been studied under high-pressure conditions using single-crystal and powder X-ray diffraction. An isosymmetric phase transition to a second polymorph occurs at 4.4 GPa. An analysis of the structural changes that occur during this phase transition has been performed.


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A high pressure mediated (3+2) cycloaddition polymerization strategy has been employed to afford linear poly(isoxazolidine) architectures. Under these high pressure conditions this cycloaddition process was found to afford primarily endoheterocycles which when translated to the polymerization should ultimately affect the tacticity and resultant properties of the polymer. The stereoselectivity occurred as a result of a lower volume of activation for the endo-transition state and the application of a 'type-I' regime (HOMODipole-LUMODipolarophile) cycloaddition process that features secondary orbital interactions within the extended molecular orbitals. A variety of linker segments were employed in an attempt to affect the physical properties of the polymeric cycloadducts such as T-g and solubility in order to tailor these materials for use in coating applications. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.