999 resultados para Hegemonia - Santiago (Chile)


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Includes bibliography


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Conferencia Regional de América Latina y el Caribe preparatoria del período extraordinario de sesiones de la Asamblea General para realizar un examen y una evaluación generales de la aplicación del Programa de Hábitat - Santiago, Chile, 25-27 de Octubre, 2000


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En la Declaración de Brasilia, aprobada en la segunda Conferencia regional intergubernamental sobre envejecimiento en América Latina y el Caribe: hacia una sociedad para todas las edades y de protección social basada en derechos en 2007, y ratificada por la CEPAL mediante la resolución 644(XXXII); de 2008, se insta a los gobiernos participantes a realizar esfuerzos encaminados a impulsar la elaboración de una convención internacional sobre los derechos de las personas de edad (artículo 24);. Se solicitaba asimismo la designación de un relator especial en el Consejo de Derechos Humanos encargado de velar por la promoción y protección de los derechos humanos de las personas de edad (artículo 25);.En el pasado bienio se celebraron tres reuniones de conformidad con ese compromiso. Las dos primeras tuvieron lugar, respectivamente, en Río de Janeiro (Brasil); (2008); y en Buenos Aires (Argentina); (2009);. En la tercera reunión, celebrada en Santiago (Chile); los días 5 y 6 de octubre de 2009, los países participantes solicitaron a la Secretaría de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL); que elaborara "una propuesta de estrategia sobre cómo avanzar en el seguimiento de los artículos 24 y 25 de la Declaración de Brasilia". La propuesta debería incluir "los contenidos mínimos que deberían estar presentes, desde la perspectiva de América Latina y el Caribe, en una convención internacional sobre los derechos de las personas de edad".En respuesta a esa solicitud, en este documento se presenta, en primer lugar, un panorama general sobre las normas existentes en materia de derechos humanos que están relacionadas con la promoción y protección de los derechos de las personas de edad, tanto a nivel internacional como regional. A continuación se señalan los argumentos que, desde la perspectiva de América Latina y el Caribe, justifican la aprobación de una convención internacional sobre los derechos de las personas de edad, así como los contenidos mínimos que esa convención debería incluir. Por último, se presenta una propuesta de estrategia para promover la aprobación.


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Includes bibliography


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Programa del curso de postgrado impartido en castellano en la Sede de CEPAL (Santiago, Chile) por CELADE, para profesionales de niveles altos y medios, con el objeto de mejorar la comprensión de las relaciones existentes entre el proceso de desarrollo socioeconómico y dinámica poblacional; la incorporación de las variables poblacionales a las políticas y estrategias de desarrollo; ampliar la capacidad de formular políticas y programas de población integrados a los objetivos de desarrollo de los países.


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El 12 de septiembre de 2006, el Secretario Ejecutivo de la CEPAL, José Luís Machinea, junto con el lanzamiento del informe Panorama de la inserción internacional de América Latina y el Caribe, 2005-2006, presentó la nueva versión del programa computacional Módulo para Analizar el Crecimiento del Comercio Internacional, conocido como MAGIC (según su sigla en inglés). El MAGIC es un software cuya primera versión fue creada por la Sede Subregional de la CEPAL en México, con el fin de analizar la competitividad expost de las exportaciones de los países en el mercado de Estados Unidos. El desarrollo de la nueva arquitectura de la aplicación fue posible gracias al apoyo financiero de la Agencia Canadiense para el Desarrollo Internacional (ACDI/CIDA) y el trabajo conjunto de la Sede Subregional de la CEPAL en México y las Divisiones de Comercio Internacional e Integración y Desarrollo Productivo y Empresarial de la sede central de la CEPAL en Santiago, Chile. Esta edición del Boletín presenta el recorrido del MAGIC en sus diez años de existencia y la evolución que lo ha llevado a convertirse en una de las aplicaciones más populares, versátiles, y tecnológicamente avanzada de la CEPAL.


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A meeting of experts was held in Santiago, Chile on 27 and 28 October 1999 to mark the start of the project for the development of the South American Transport Statistics System (SETAS). The main objective of the meeting was to analyse different elements for the development of a SETAS pilot project. The meeting was attended by representatives of Bolivia, Brazil and Chile, the countries chosen to participate in this early stage of the project's development. Officials from the Latin American Integration Association (LAIA), and from the Statistics and Economic Projections Division and the Transport Unit, Natural Resources and Infrastructure Division of ECLAC also participated. This edition of the FAL Bulletin focuses on this regional effort, listing the specifications and components of the SETAS pilot plan and the results expected from its implementation.


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The ALADI - ECLAC Seminar Latin American Association for Integration - Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean Santiago, Chile, 15-17 April, 1997 Experts from the public and private sectors of Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela participated on a private basis in an open debate. Representatives from the International Association of Latin American Air Transport (AITAL), the Latin American Civil Aviation Commission (CLAC), and the International Civil Aviation Organization (OACI) also attended the meeting.The topics analyzed in the Seminar were: 1. The situation and prospects for international air-transport: policies and tendencies in the United States and the European Union. 2. South American sub-regional agreements. 3. The evolution of national policies in the region. 4. Structural changes in corporate management. 5. The use of commercial air-traffic rights. 6. Security in air-navigation. 7. The challenges facing regional airlines.


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Traffic congestion is nothing new in Latin American cities but has worsened in recent years. Eliminating it is a pipedream, but it should be brought under control. Many economists and transport planners think electronic road pricing would be the best way of tackling it, now that the appropriate technology for implementing it is available. On the other hand, experience shows that, for political reasons, it would be better to begin by adopting simpler methods. To start with, simple road pricing would seem to be the best option. But, over 20 years of experience in London and more than six in Santiago, Chile, made it clear that socio-political barriers have to be surmounted before even this option can be applied in practice. There is more political support for measures to control parking, due in part to the fact that the legal powers do not normally extend to restricting the number of parking spaces available to high-income and influential motorists who have the right to park near their offices and who cause a great deal of the congestion whilst getting there. In Latin America, the relative importance of taxis also diminishes the effectiveness of measures geared to parking, since taxis contribute to congestion although but they do not park. The problem of congestion cannot be solved by using tame measures. The time has come for something bolder, i.e., measures that, at the very least, exercise control over those parking spaces, which so far have been beyond the reach of governments and local authorities, ideally, simple road pricing systems would be even more effective.


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This edition of the Bulletin presents a summary of topics examined and discussed during the Second Latin American Meeting of Bodies Responsible for the Supervision, Control and Regulation of Land Transport, held at ECLAC Headquarters, Santiago, Chile, from 10 to 12 August 1999. The rapporteur of the meeting was Mr. Humberto Valdés Ríos, Sub-Director, Asociación de Investigación y Producción del Transporte, Cuba.


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This issue of the Bulletin is based on the material presented at the seminar Information Technology for Development of Small and Medium-sized Exporters in East Asia and Latin America, which was held on 23 and 24 November 2004 at the headquarters of ECLAC in Santiago, Chile. The seminar was part of the project entitled Comparative Study on East Asian and Latin American IT Industry, financed by the thematic fund for information and communication technologies (ICT) for development of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and has been carried out in close collaboration with the Institute of Developing Economies (IDE), an organization that belongs to the Japanese External Trade Organization (JETRO). This article contains a discussion of the concepts, definitions and standards associated with electronic commerce, as well as the opportunities to be seized and the challenges to be met so that MSMEs can expand their electronic business.


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On 15 and 16 December 1998, in New Orleans, United States, the third Western Hemisphere Transportation Ministerial Meeting will take place. This is part of a work programme which has been incorporated into the Plan of Action of the Americas. The Summit of the Americas held in Santiago, Chile, in April 1998, and the adoption of negotiations mechanisms for the Free Trade Area of the Americas constitute two major landmarks of the continental integration processes this year. The current issue of the FAL Bulletin focuses on the relationship between trade and transport in the Americas, and includes a discussion of transport systems and the supporting integration progress in the continent.


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On 12 September 2006, on the occasion of the launching of the report Latin America and the Caribbean in the World Economy, 2005-2006, the Executive Secretary of ECLAC, José Luis Machinea, presented a new version of the software program Module for the Analysis of Growth of International Commerce (MAGIC).  The first version of MAGIC was created by ECLAC Subregional Headquarters in Mexico , to conduct ex post analysis of the competitiveness of countries' exports to the United States market. The new application architecture was made possible thanks to financial support from the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and the Division of Production, Productivity and Management of ECLAC headquarters in Santiago , Chile .  This issue of the FAL Bulletin reviews the progress of MAGIC in the ten years it has been functioning, and the evolution which has made it one of ECLAC's most popular, versatile, and technologically advanced applications.