849 resultados para HR profession


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Comments about education and medicine teaching were made. The learning and the curriculum in according with the priorities of the country's health had special emphasis.Students and teachers of Botucatu considered that the improvement of the 2nd year medical microbiological course was good with predominantly basic contents. The students prefer a balanced content or predominantly applied to medicine.Three phases of the teaching of microbiological contents are proposed: 1st - in the basic cycly (2nd year); 2nd - into the course of Clinical Laboratory (3rd or 4th year); 3rd - into the clinical cycle, following a program of integration.


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We report here new chemical evidence for the generation of radical molecular ions of compounds with a conjugated pi-system (polyene) in ESI and HR-MALDI mass spectrometry. The oxidation potential of the neutral polyenes was calculated by cyclic-voltammetry and the results compared with those previously published for other complex conjugated compounds that have also been shown to form M.+ in ESI-MS. This study clearly demonstrates the correlation between the oxidation potential and the formation of the M.+ for the polyenes studied.


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Seven species of the genus Eucalyptus were studied cytogenetically (E. deanei, E. dunni, E. grandis, E. maculata E. propinqua, E. saligna and E. tereticornis). The species showed a symmetrical karyotype with 2n=22 chromosomes, with chromosome length ranging from 0.58 μm to 1.39 μm. Karyotypic analysis indicated homogeneity of morphology and of chromosome number for most of the species of this genus studied here, although casual disploid species with 2n=24 have been found in previous studies. According to these data, a basic number of x=11 was established for this genus. The evolutionary tendency probably occurred by structural alterations (deletions, duplications, additions and translocations) and in some cases by aneuploid chromosome alterations.


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Three species of the genus Eucalyptus (E. dunni, E. grandis, E. saligna) and interspecific hybrid were studied cytogenetically. The Eucalyptus species and the hybrid showed a symmetrical karyotype with 2n=22 chromosomes, with chromosome length ranging from 0.67 to 1.39 μm. Karyotypic analysis indicated a homogenous morphology and chromosome number for the species and the hybrid studied here. Based on the karyotype asymmetry data, together with the chromosome morphology results, the hybrid presented close similarity to E. saligna, suggesting that the latter is one of the parental species involved in the production of the hybrid.


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A simple method to determine Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn in single aliquots of medicinal plants by HR-CS FAAS is proposed. The main lines for Cu, Mn and Zn, and the alternate line measured at the wing of the main line for Fe at 248.327 nm allowed calibration within the 0.025 - 2.0 mg L-1 Cu, 1.0 - 20.0 mg L-1 Fe, 0.05 - 2.0 mg L-1 Mn, 0.025 - 0.75 mg L-1 Zn ranges. Nineteen medicinal plants and two certified plant reference materials were analyzed. Results were in agreement at a 95% confidence level (paired t-test) with reference values. Limits of detection were 0.12 μg L-1 Cu, 330 μg L-1 Fe, 1.42 μg L-1 Mn and 8.12 μg L-1 Zn. Relative standard deviations (n=12) were ≤ 3% for all analytes. Recoveries in the 89 - 105% (Cu), 95 - 108% (Fe), 94 - 107% (Mn), and 93 - 110% (Zn) ranges were obtained.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Includes bibliography


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The following research project deals with the development of new analytical procedures aimed at the identification and quantification of the element zinc in different fractions of vegetable drugs used for weight loss, using the high-resolution continuum source atomic absorption spectrometry in flame. The determination of the levels of zinc was made in an AnalytikJena ContrAA 300 spectrometer in the principal line of Zn at 213.857 nm and wavelength integrated absorbance equal to 3 pixels. Calibration curves were obtained with linear dynamic range from 0.10 to 1.00 mg L-1, correlation coefficient equal to 0.9991 and limit of detection equal to 0.020 mg L-1. The total Zn content in the samples obtained after microwave-assisted acid digestion system were: 28.06 mg kg-1 (Artichoke), 31.49 mg kg-1 (Chamomile), 77.16 mg kg-1 (Gorse), 105.38 mg kg-1 (Horsetail), 32.37 mg kg-1 (Fennel) and 5.00 mg kg-1 (Senna). The extraction in aqueous environment assisted by microwave radiation produced extracts containing: 5.40 mg kg-1 (Artichoke), 10.65 mg kg-1 (Chamomile), 14.83 mg kg-1 (Gorse), 18.90 mg kg-1 (Horsetail), 7.80 mg kg-1 (Fennel), 3.24 mg kg-1 (Senna), corresponding to 19%, 34%, 19%, 18%, 24% and 64% of their total content of Zn, respectively. The amounts of Zn in the extracted samples from some plants indicate that this metal was strongly bounded to the plant's matrix. The sequential extraction using solvents and mixtures with different polarities (n-hexane, ethyl acetate, propanol, methanol, ethanol-water 1:1 (v/v), water) aimed the separation of different Zn containing species and water was considered the most efficient extractor. The Zn contents extracted were: 14.82 mg kg-1 (Artichoke), 16.82 mg kg-1 (Chamomile), 34.09 mg kg-1 (Gorse), 4.75 mg kg-1 (Senna), corresponding to 53% in the first two samples, 44% and 95% for the last two, respectively. It was observed that Zn is found complexed under


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The issue of multijurisdictional practice ("MJP") concerns whether, and to what extent, lawyers can practice law in states in which they are not licensed. Under current law in Nebraska and almost every other state, it may be a violation of both the ethics rules and state law for a lawyer not licensed in that state to engage in activity that constitutes the practice of law, even on a temporary basis. This is law that is no longer practical or necessary and Nebraska should now consider modifying it.


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We sought to evaluate the performance of diagnostic tools to establish an affordable setting for early detection of cervical cancer in developing countries. We compared the performance of different screening tests and their feasibility in a cohort of over 12,000 women: conventional Pap smear, liquid-based cytology, visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA), visual inspection with Iodine solution (VILI), cervicography, screening colposcopy, and high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) testing (HR-HPV) collected by physician and by self-sampling. HR-HPV assay collected by the physician has the highest sensitivity (80 %), but high unnecessary referrals to colposcopy (15.1 %). HR-HPV test in self-sampling had a markedly lower (57.1 %) sensitivity. VIA, VILI, and cervicography had a poor sensitivity (47.4, 55, and 28.6 %, respectively). Colposcopy presented with sensitivity of 100 % in detecting CIN2+, but the lowest specificity (66.9 %). Co-testing with VIA and VILI Pap test increased the sensitivity of stand-alone Pap test from 71.6 to 87.1 % and 71.6 to 95 %, respectively, but with high number of unnecessary colposcopies. Co-testing with HR-HPV importantly increased the sensitivity of Pap test (to 86 %), but with high number of unnecessary colposcopies (17.5 %). Molecular tests adjunct to Pap test seems a realistic option to improve the detection of high-grade lesions in population-based screening programs.


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Syftet med studien var att beskriva några anhörigas behov av föreningen ATSUB (Anhöriga Till Sexuellt Utnyttjade Barn). Vidare var syftet att undersöka några anhörigas upplevelser av det stöd och bemötande de får och har fått av föreningen samt andra instanser. Vi har använt oss av en kvalitativ forskningsmetod och uppsatsen bygger på sex stycken intervjuer med anhöriga till sexuellt utnyttjade barn samt litteraturstudier av tidigare forskning. I studien framkom det att kommunernas socialtjänst har det yttersta ansvaret för att de människor som vistas i kommunen får det stöd och hjälp som de behöver. Resultatet av studien visar att socialtjänsten i vissa fall inte har tagit detta ansvar gentemot de anhöriga och deras utsatta barn. Flera av respondenterna uttrycker en besvikelse på det bemötande de har fått från myndigheter då de har upplevt ett stort motstånd. Mamman blir ofta ifrågasatt och man tror inte på barnens berättelser. Både vår studie och tidigare forskning visar på att bristande kunskap om hur människor reagerar i kris samt kunskap om sexuella övergrepp över lag hos de professionella kan ha bidragit till det bristande bemötandet som barnen och de anhöriga har fått. Oavsett om man har haft en positiv eller negativ upplevelse från andra instansers stöd och bemötande visar våran studie att behovet av föreningen ATSUB är stort hos alla våra respondenter. Föreningen besitter en stor kunskap som de anhöriga saknade hos berörda myndigheter samt att de har egna erfarenheter vilket alla nämner som en viktig del. Man får en förståelse och empati hos ATSUB som inte går att få någon annanstans.


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SAMMANFATTNING: Människor tvingas fly ifrån sina hemländer på grund av våld för att söka säkerhet någon annanstans. Att människor lämnar ett land eller tvingas fly har skett under alla tider. Människor flyr från förföljelse, fattigdom, svält eller krig. Uppskattningsvis finns 19,2 miljoner människor på flykt runt om i världen och nära hälften av dessa är barn. Av de barn som befinner sig på flykt är de ensamkommande ungdomarna en viktig grupp att urskilja. Då de ensamkommande asylsökande ungdomarna är i behov av särskilt skydd. Under 2003 var de flesta ensamkommande ungdomar i Sverige från Somalia, Irak, Serbien och Montenegro. Vårt syfte är att få ökad förståelse för ensamkommande ungdomars upplevelser av hur deras identitet formats i hemlandet och senare i mottagarlandet i samspel med människor i sin omgivning. Samt vilken betydelse asylprocessen och tidigare trauman har haft för ungdomarnas personliga identitetsutveckling. De faktorer som berörts som viktiga för ungdomens personliga identitetsutveckling är förluster, boende, ovisshet, familjeåterförening och nätverk samt språket.Vi har valt att göra en explorativ studie som innefattar kvalitativa halvstrukturerade intervjuer med fem ensamkommande ungdomar. Resultatet i form av empiri och analys har utförts utifrån tidigare forskning och från Cullbergs kristeori samt relevanta begrepp som etnicitet och identitet utifrån symbolisk interaktionism. Studien har visat att samtliga ungdomar upplevt att den ovisshet de levt i under asylprocessen samt tidigare trauman har påverkat dem mycket både psykiskt och fysiskt. De ungdomar vi har intervjuat upplever alla att de idag har en ny personlighet efter att ha fått uppehållstillstånd. Den nya identiteten har enligt ungdomarna påverkats bland annat av föräldrarnas uppfostran och de nya människor de möter i mottagarlandet samt av de nya miljöerna ungdomarna befinner sig i.