439 resultados para HIRFL-CSRe
本论文利用三剖面法和梯度法对HIRFL束流发射度进行了测量,并对这两种测量方法的系统误差,测量最佳条件和数据处理作了较详细地研究。通过测量,给出了HIRFL束流剖面。相图、横向密度分布和束流百分比-发射度特性曲线。对两种方法的测量结果作了比较,在误差范围内二者基本一致。测量结果如下:水平方向:束流百分比76%:EMH = 4.987 ± 0.287 mm mrad 90%:EMH = 9.887 ± 0.829 mm mrad垂直方向:束流百分比76%:EMV = 3.800 ± 0.254 mm mrad 90%:EMV = 7.554 ± 0.740 mm mrad
本文介绍了HIRFL的中控台束诊系统的设计与实现。该系统从中控台的触摸板接收用户命令,然后经公共区送抵VAX通讯程序,再通过CAMAC的4096 * 24bit 静态存储器3821插件将命令送至一台286微机,由微机程序控制束诊设备读回数据,经相反的路径送抵VAX机束诊程序,再在中控台的显示器上显示出来。从显示出的数据可以了解束流品质,据此进行调束。该系统的所有程序都用C语言编写。通过公共区实现VAX机独立进程之间的通讯和通过3821实现VAX机和微机通讯是本工作鲜明的特点,也是本工作能否实现的关键之处。本工作除解决束诊系统难以挂接VAX机的问题外,其思想和方法还可应用于菘它分控站的分散与集中控制
本论文计算HIRFL主加速器SSC和注入器SFC的理论等时场,并在实测线圈场数据基础上,用最优化方法计算出主线圈和垫补线圈电流,建立起垫补场。还进一步研究了垫补场下粒子的轨道特性。垫补场和理论等时场间的相对误差<=1#per thousand)
本论文通过对kb,kr,方法的讨论,纠正了以前的等时场计算方法中存在的1‰的误差.理论和实际情况符合得很好.编制了HIRFL SSC SFC等时场优化程序,以及SSC二维场构造程序,在计算机上进行了SSC模拟优化.优化结果表明,上述程序在理论上可以自洽.
兰州重离子研究装置(Heavy Ion Research Facility at LanZhou,HIRFL)是由一台1.7m扇聚焦回旋加速器(SFC)与一台能量常数K=450的分离扇回旋加速器(SSC)组成的加速器系统。束流相位测量系统式束流诊断系统中的一个重要部分,对等时场优化等具有十分重要的作用。HIRFL束流中心相位测量系统于1985年完成了桌面实验,但由于测量精度低,现场抗干扰能力差,一直未能投入使用。 本课题的目的就是找出原系统存在的问题,逐一解决,以便提高其可靠性与测量精度,达到设计要求。 在通过一系列的电子学部分改进和SSC中心相位探针改造之后,于1995年7月第一次测出了SSC中心束流相位。此后,逐步完善改进电子学硬件部分,同时全新设计了系统控制软件,提高了在SFC和SSC上束流相位的测量精度,终于使该系统达到了测量精度为±2.75°~±1.5°的水平。 本论文第一、二章阐述了束流中心相位测量原理和HIRFL束流中心相位测量系统的工作原理,这是本工作的基础和出发点。 在本论文的第三章中,分析了原系统中存在的主要问题。实践使用中可以看出原系统灵敏度低,抗干扰能力差,可靠性差,测量精度低。为了定量判断系统存在的问题,我们设计了自检系统。利用自检系统我们测出原系统测量精度为±6°,且检测出原系统sin,cos正交输出异常。同时测量了原系统多路开关串话量,大多数道与道之间高于最低要求的-40dB,最差只有-20dB,证明存在严重的道间干扰。 本文的第四章中,针对原系统的可靠性差和精度低的两个问题,采取了硬件与软件两方面的各种措施,对系统加以改进。首先,为了提高系统的可靠性,必须提高系统抗干扰能力。为此,我们进行了两个方面的工作,一是根据我们现有条件自行设计了一种新的电缆电子学长度校正方法,大大减少了电缆间相差(小于0.3°),从而有效地提高了系统的抗干扰能力。这种方法不但可以用来校正相同介质电缆,而且可以用来校正不同介质电缆的电子学长度。二是设计了新的信号预选器,其串话量达到约-70dB,并完善了电磁屏蔽,使其完全达到了设计要求。在改进硬件的同时,为了提高可靠性,重新设计了系统控制软件。新的软件测量数据可靠,漏报概率为10-3,操作简便直观,并易于发展。其次,我们工作的重点是提高测量精度。根据自检结果,我们采取了如下措施: (1) 通过对自检数据进行分析,并与理论分析比较,发现问题主要存在于90°移相电路中。而其后的检测证实了这一点。重新调整90°移相电路,并对90°电缆相移进行了精确的校正,从原81.5°校正为90.6°,从而使系统的精度从±6°提高到±4°。 (2) 通过自检数据和理论分析发现鉴相器存在输出增益不平衡,在解决问题之后使系统测量精度达到了±2.75°~±1.5°。 在本文的第五章中,对加速器运行时的中心束流相位测量结果进行了详细分析。结果证明,测量数据可靠,能正确反映出磁场变化情况,测量重复误差达到了±0.5°,从而说明改进后的中心束流相位测量系统性能良好,达到了设计指标。
电子冷却对提高重离子冷却储存环上的束流品质起着至关重要的作用,而电子冷却机制的理论研究,至今尚未完善。本论文的重点就是从理论上修正了电子冷却力的普遍形式,由此对电子冷却过程进行了计算机模拟,首次解决了冷却时间的理论计算问题。冷却时间是设计储存环的束流冷却方案和研究束流某些运动特性的重要物理量,其计算是基于离子所受到的冷却力,但由于冷却力是离子速度的复杂函数,如果再考虑被冷却离子在储存环内的横向与纵向运动特性以及电子束的空间电荷效应等等,冷却时间的解析计算是不可能的。论文通过建立理论模型,编程序作模拟计算,得到了束流发射度和动量散度随冷却时间连续变化的完整图像,模拟结果与德国Heidelberg的重离子冷却储存环TSR上的实验结果一致,这实际上就验证了冷却力的正确性。这项研究成果已发表在国外核心期刊上。 本论文的另一重点是将电子冷却理论研究所得到的结果应用于兰州重离子加速器冷却储存环(HIRFL-CSR)的设计及其重要过程的模拟中。完成了CSR电子冷却装置的总体物理参数和关键部件——电子枪的设计,并提出了在CSR上采用绝热展开技术;完成了重离子冷却储存环上束流储存寿命的系统研究,从而提出了CSR应具备的真空条件和允许的内靶厚度,并由此得到了CSR准连续束模式下的内靶实验亮度;此外,对CSR重离子束的分辨率极限作了定量的分析。这些研究为CSR的工程设计提供了重要的理论依据。
Rammed earth walls are low carbon emission and energy efficient alternatives to load bearing walls. Large numbers of rammed earth buildings have been constructed in the recent past across the globe. This paper is focused on embodied energy in cement stabilised rammed earth (CSRE) walls. Influence of soil grading, density and cement content on compaction energy input has been monitored. A comparison between energy content of cement and energy in transportation of materials, with that of the actual energy input during rammed earth compaction in the actual field conditions and the laboratory has been made. Major conclusions of the investigations are (a) compaction energy increases with increase in clay fraction of the soil mix and it is sensitive to density of the CSRE wall, (b) compaction energy varies between 0.033 MJ/m(3) and 0.36 MJ/m(3) for the range of densities and cement contents attempted, (c) energy expenditure in the compaction process is negligible when compared to energy content of the cement and (d) total embodied energy in CSRE walls increases linearly with the increase in cement content and is in the range of 0.4-0.5 GJ/m(3) for cement content in the rage of 6-8%. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Rammed earth is used for load bearing walls of buildings and there is growing interest in this low carbon building material. This paper is focused on understanding the compaction characteristics and physical properties of compacted cement stabilised soil mixtures and cement stabilised rammed earth (CSRE). This experimental study addresses (a) influence of soil composition, cement content, time lag on compaction characteristics of stabilised soils and CSRE and (b) effect of moulding water content and density on compressive strength and water absorption of compacted cement stabilised soil mixes. Salient conclusions of the study are (a) compaction characteristics of soils are not affected by the addition of cement, (b) there is 50% fall in strength of CSRE for 10 h time lag, (c) compressive strength of compacted cement stabilised soil increases with increase in density irrespective of moulding moisture content and cement content, and (d) compressive strength increases with the increase in moulding water content and compaction of CSRE on the wet side of OMC is beneficial in terms of strength.
Strength and behaviour of cement stabilised rammed earth (CSRE) is a scantily explored area. The present study is focused on the strength and elastic properties of CSRE. Characteristics of CSRE are influenced by soil composition, density of rammed earth, cement and moisture content. The study is focused on examining (a) role of clay content of the soil on strength of CSRE and arriving at optimum clay fraction of the soil mix, (b) influence of moisture content, cement content and density on strength and (c) stress-strain relationships and elastic properties for CSRE. Major conclusions are (a) there is considerable difference between dry and wet compressive strength of CSRE and the wet to dry strength ratio depends upon the clay fraction of soil mix and cement content, (b) optimum clay fraction yielding maximum compressive strength for CSRE is about 16%, (c) strength of CSRE is highly sensitive to density and for a 20% increase in density the strength increases by 300-500% and (d) in dry state the ultimate strain at failure for CSRE is as high as 1.5%, which is unusual for brittle materials.
A rammed-earth wall is a monolithic construction made by compacting processed soil in progressive layers in a rigid formwork. There is a growing interest in using this low-embodied-carbon building material in buildings. The paper investigates the strength and structural behavior of story-high cement-stabilized rammed-earth (CSRE) walls, reviews literature on the strength of CSRE, and discusses results of the compressive strength of CSRE prisms, wallettes, and story-high walls. The strength of the story-high wall was compared with the strength of wallettes and prisms. There is a nearly 30% reduction in strength as the height-to-thickness ratio increases from about 5 to 20. The ultimate compressive strength of CSRE walls predicted using the tangent modulus theory is in close agreement with the experimental values. The shear failures noticed in the story-high walls resemble the shear failures of short-height prism and wallette specimens. The paper ends with a discussion of structural design and characteristic compressive strength of CSRE walls. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0000155. (C) 2011 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Rammed earth is an energy efficient and low carbon emission alternative for load bearing walls. This paper attempts to examine the influence of clay content and moisture content on the compressive strength of cement stabilised rammed earth (CSRE) through experimental investigations. Compressive strength of CSRE prisms was monitored both in dry and wet (saturated) conditions. Major conclusions of the study are:(a) Optimum clay content for maximum compressive strength is about 16%, (b) the strength of CSRE is sensitive to the moisture content at the time of testing, (c) Strength in saturated condition is less than half of the dry strength and (d) Water absorption (saturated water content) increases as the clay content of the soil mix increases and it is in the range of 12 to 16% for the CRSE prisms with 8% cement.