629 resultados para HERBICIDAS
This study aimed to assess the genetic inheritance, determine the better DNA isolation protocol for this species and to identify molecular markers associated with the Wild Poinsettia (Euphorbia heterophylla L.) resistance ALS- and PROTOX- inhibiting herbicides and. The genetic inheritance of resistance was determined from crosses between E. heterophylla biotypes susceptible (S) and resistant (R), backcrosses and F2 generation. The complete dominance of resistance was confirmed with dose response curves. Ten adjusted methods for DNA isolation described in the literature were tested. The specific primers for ALS and PROTOX genes were designed from the consensus DNA sequence of these genes, obtained by aligning the gene sequences of the species Manihot esculenta and Ricinus communis L. Additionally, it was assessed the transferability of twenty SSR (simple sequence repeat) markers designed for Manihot esculenta, because among the species of Euphorbiaceae with more developed SSRs markers, because it is the closest relative phylogenetic species of E. heterophylla. Regarding genetic inheritance, the frequencies observed in the F1, F2, RCs and RCr did not differ significantly from the expected frequencies for a trait controlled by two dominant genes for multiple resistance and a single dominant gene for simple resistance to ALS- and PROTOX-inhibiting herbicides. The similar levels of resistance to dosage up to 2000 g i.a. ha-1 of fomesafen and dosage up to 800 g i.a. ha-1 of imazethapyr observed in F1 (heterozygous) and homozygous R biotype confirm the complete dominance of resistance to PROTOX- and ALS-inhibiting herbicides, respectively. The 0.2%BME protocol allowed the isolation of 7,083 ng μL-1 DNA, significantly (P=0.05) higher than other methods. Co-isolation of phenolic compounds was observed in FENOL and 3%BME+TB methods, but the addition of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP40) in the protocol extraction buffer 3%BME+TA solved this problem. The primers designed for ALS and PROTOX genes amplified but not showed no visible polymorphism in agarose gel between the S and R biotypes of E. heterophylla. Regarding the SSR transferability, ten markers were transferred to E. heterophylla, however, these six primers showed polymorphism among S and R biotypes.
Neste trabalho estudou-se a eficiência dos herbicidas Herbipec 500 FL (s.a. Clortolurão) e Dopler Super (s.a. Diclofope-Metilo+Fenoxaprope-P-Etilo+Mefenepir-Dietilo) no controlo, em pós-emergência de infestantes Monocotiledóneas, e na produção de grão e suas componentes, na cultura do trigo mole em sementeira directa, combinando doses inferiores às recomendadas pelos fabricantes. Os ensaios decorreram nos anos agrícolas de 2006/2007 e 2007/2008, na Herdade do Louseiro no concelho de Évora e na Herdade da Revilheira no concelho de Reguengos de Monsaraz, respectivamente. Na experimentação efectuou-se o estudo dos dois herbicidas, com 3 níveis cada, correspondentes a nove tratamentos. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições cada. Verificou-se uma maior eficiência no controlo das plantas infestantes de Lolium rigidum Gaud. e de Juncus bufonius L. e, consequentemente, um maior número de grãos e uma produção de grão de trigo elevada com 2 litros ha-l de Herbipec 500 FL e 0,5 litro ha-1 de Dopler Super. ABSTRACT: The purpose of this work was to study the efficiency of the herbicides Herbipec 500 FL (a.i. chlorotoluron) and Dopler Super (a.i. diclofop-methyl + fenoxaprop-P-ethyl + mefenpyr-diethyl) to control grass weeds at post-emergence in no-till bread wheat and consequently to do the evaluation of potential grain yield combining reduced doses to the recommended ones by the manufacturers. The trials were carried out over two growing seasons (2006/2007 and 2007/2008) on the farm "Revilheira" and on a private farm "Louseiro", both in the district of Évora. Trials to study effects of three doses of a two herbicides, with three levels each, corresponding to nine treatments were executed. The experimental design was a randomized block with four replications each. The results showed a great efficiency and grain yield wheat with the mixture with 2 l ha-1 Herbipec 500 FL and 0,5 1 ha-1 Dopler Super to controlling Lolium spp. and Juncus bufonius L..
Mestrado em Engenharia Agronómica - Especialização em Proteção das plantas - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL
The program PROBIODIESEL from the Ministry of Science and Technology has substantially increased glycerine, obtained as a sub-product of biodiesel production process, making it necessary to seek alternatives for the use of this co-product. On the other hand, herbicides although play a role of fundamental importance in the agricultural production system in force, have been under growing concern among the various segments of society because of their potential environmental risk. In this work, we used glycerin in microemulsion systems for application of herbicides, to improve efficiency and lower environmental pollution caused by the loss of those products to the environment. To obtain the systems of microemulsinados were used Unitol L90 NP and Renex 40 as surfactants, butanol as co-surfactant, coconut oil as oil phase and aqueous phase as we used solutions of glycerin + water. Through the determination of phase diagrams, the microemulsion region was found in the system E (L90 Unitol, coconut oil and glycerin + water 1:1). Three points were chosen to the aqueous phase rich in characterization and application in the solubilization of glyphosate and atrazine. Three experiments were performed in Horta, Department of Plant Sciences, Plant Science Sector, UFERSA, Mossoró-RN. The first experiment was conducted in randomized complete blocks with 20 treatments and four replications. The treatments consisted of five doses of the herbicide glyphosate (0.0, 0.45, 0.9, 1.35 and 1.8 L ha-1) diluted with four sauces: C1, C2, C3 (microemulsions) and C4 (water). The phytotoxicity of Brachiaria brizantha was measured at 7, 14, 28 and 60 DAA (days after application). At 60 DAA, we evaluated the biomass of plants. The second experiment was developed in randomized complete blocks with 20 treatments and four repetitions. The treatments consisted of five doses of the herbicide atrazine (0.0, 0.4, 0.8, 1.6 and 2.4 L ha-1) diluted with four sauces: C1, C2, C3 (microemulsions) and C4 (water). The phytotoxicity on Zea mays and Talinum paniculatum was evaluated at 2, 7, 20 DAA. The experiment III was developed in randomized complete blocks with 16 treatments and three repetitions. The treatments consisted of 16 combinations among the constituents of the microemulsion: Unitol L90 surfactant (0.0, 1.66, 5.0, 15 %) and glycerin (0.0, 4.44, 13.33 and 40.0 %). The phytotoxicity on Zea mays was evaluated at 1, 7 and 14 DAA. At 14 DAA, we evaluated the biomass of plants. The control plants using the microemulsions was lower than in the water due to the poisoning caused by the initial microemulsions in the leaves of the plants, a fact that hinders the absorption and translocation of the herbicide. There was no toxicity in Zea mays plants caused by the herbicide, however, were highly intoxicated by microemulsions. T. paniculatum was better controlled in spraying with the microemulsions, regardless of the dose of the herbicide. The glycerine did not cause plant damage. Higher poisoning the plants are caused by tensoactive Unitol L90 and higher rates occur with the use of higher concentrations of surfactant and glycerin, or microemulsion. The microemulsions used hampered the action of glyphosate in controlling B. brizantha and caused severe poisoning in corn, and these poisonings attributed mainly to the action of surfactant
Histórico e distribuição da resistência de plantas daninhas a herbicidas no Brasil. Impacto econômico da resistência de plantas daninhas a herbicidas no Brasil. Manejo e prevenção da resistência de plantas daninhas a herbicidas no Brasil. Manejo e controle de azevém com resistência múltipla. Manejo e controle de buva com resistência múltipla. Manejo e controle de capim-amargoso resistente ao glifosato.
A avaliação, em corpos hídricos, de resíduos de herbicidas empregados em áreas agrícolas para controle de plantas consideradas daninhas, tem encontrado uma grande variação na concentração dos produtos originais e de seus metabólitos. Tem sido sugerido que estas variações são devidas às propriedades químicas dos compostos, somadas às condições hidrogeológicas e climáticas locais e aos sistemas de cultivo, uma vez que são condições que influenciam o comportamento de lixiviação. Em estudo na bacia hidrográfica do rio Corumbataí, que abastece principalmente as cidades de Rio Claro e Piracicaba-SP, foram quantificados sazonalmente por CG/NPD e HPLC, os resíduos de herbicidas em amostras de água e sedimentos em diversos locais, durante os anos de 2004-2005. A área é cultivada principalmente com cana-de-açúcar, citrus e pastagens. A escolha dos herbicidas baseou-se em trabalho de levantamento dos herbicidas mais utilizados e época de aplicação na região. Dos 63 produtos registrados, foram analisados 24 i.a.. Os herbicidas que apresentam alto risco de lixiviação, como ametrina, atrazina e simazina foram os encontrados em concentrações superiores aos níveis do padrão de 2 ?g L-1 da Portaria do Ministério da Saúde MS - 518/2004. A freqüência e nível de concentração foram maiores na época do início das chuvas intensas.
Propriedades físico-químicas de herbicidas e propriedades fisiológicas de plantas foram utilizadas para apresentar um modelo que simula a bioconcentracão e calcula o fator de bioconcentração de herbicidas em plantas. A modelagem supõe que o herbicida na solução do solo é absorvido pela planta no processo de transpiração da solução do solo. Utilizamos o modelo para estimar o fator de bioconcentração dos herbicidas 2,4-D, acetochlor, ametryn, atrazine, clomazone, diuron, hexazinone, imazapyr, metribuzin, pendimethalin, picloram, simazine, sulfentrazone, tebuthiuron e trifluralin em cana-deaçúcar. A modelagem sugere que existe uma correlação negativa entre o fator de bioconcentração e o coeficiente de sorção de herbicidas no carbono orgânico do solo.