934 resultados para Grinding forces
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Over the years, grinding has been considered one of the most important manufacturing processes. Grinding is a high precision process, and the loss of a single workpiece in this stage of the production is unacceptable, fir the value added to the material is very high due to many processes it has already undergone prior to grinding. This study aims to contribute toward the development of an experimental methodology whereby the pressure and speed of the air layer produced by the high rotation of the grinding wheel is evaluated with and without baffles, i.e., in an optimized grinding operation and in a traditional one. Tests were also carried out with steel samples to check the difference in grinding wheel wear with and without the use of baffles.
The world tendency is the increase of the productivity and the production of pieces more and more sophisticated, with high degree of geometric and dimensional tolerances, with good surface finish and low cost. Rectification is responsible for the final finish in the machining process of a material. However, damages generated in this production phase affect all the resources used in the previous processes. Great part of the problems happennig in the rectification process is due to the enormous temperature generated in this activity because of the machining conditions. The dive speed, which is directly related to the productivity, is considered responsible for the damages that occur during rectification, limiting its values to those that do not cause such damages. In this work, through the variation of the dive speed in the process of cylindrical grinding of type ABNT D6 steel, rationalizing the application of two cutting fluids and using a CBN (cubic boron nitrate) abrasive wheel with vitrified blond, the influence of the dive speed on the surface damages of hardened steels was evaluated. The results allowed to say that the dive speed, associated to an efficient cooling and lubrication, didn't provoke thermal damages (including heated zones, cracks and tension stresses) to the material. Residual stresses and the roughness of rectified materials presented a correlation with the machining conditions. The work concluded that it is possible to increase the productivity without provoking damages in the rectified components.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Statement of problem. Noncarious cervical lesions (NCCLs) are a frequent challenge in clinical dental practice, given the variety of opinions regarding their etiology, diagnosis, and treatment.Purpose. The purpose of this study was to assess the potential relationship between occlusal forces and the occurrence of NCCLs.Material and methods. The participant population consisted of 111 volunteers (30 male and 81 female, mean age 23.6 years). General personal information was recorded, after which participants were examined for the presence and location of NCCLs, gingival recession, fracture lines, dental and restoration fractures, presence and location of tooth wear, type of occlusal guidance scheme for lateral mandibular movements, and existence of occlusal interference or premature contacts. The participants were divided according to the presence or absence of NCCLs, and data were statistically analyzed with the Independent t test, the Chi-square test, and the Fisher exact test (alpha=.05).Results. A significant association was found between the presence of NCCLs and age (P=.008), gingival recession (P<.001), occlusal trauma (P<.001), presence (P<.001) and location of tooth wear, and group function as occlusal guidance scheme in lateral excursive movements (P<.001).Conclusions. A strong relationship between the presence of NCCLs and occlusal overload was found. (J Prosthet Dent 2012;108:298-303)
OBJETIVO: Apresentar uma revisão de literatura sobre o bruxismo na infância, abordando os fatores etiológicos, as características clínicas, os sinais e sintomas, a importância do diagnóstico por parte dos pediatras e odontopediatras e o tratamento multidisciplinar desta condição parafuncional. FONTES DE DADOS: Foram selecionados os artigos mais relevantes sobre o tema publicados desde 1907 até 2007, com pesquisa realizada no Medline, na Bibliografia Brasileira de Odontologia (BBO) e em livros de Odontologia. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: O bruxismo é definido como um hábito não funcional do sistema mastigatório, caracterizado pelo ato de ranger ou apertar os dentes, podendo ocorrer durante o dia e durante o sono. A etiologia é multifatorial e a literatura sugere vários fatores associados: dentário, fisiológico, psicológico e neurológico. As forças exercidas pelo bruxismo podem provocar distúrbios em diferentes graus nos dentes e nos tecidos de suporte, na musculatura e na articulação têmporo-mandibular. O sinal mais comum é o desgaste nas faces incisais dos dentes anteriores e oclusais nos posteriores, além de mobilidade e hipersensibilidade dentárias, fratura de cúspides e restaurações e hipertonicidade dos músculos mastigatórios. CONCLUSÃO: O conhecimento dos fatores etiológicos e das características clínicas do bruxismo na infância é fundamental para que o diagnóstico seja precoce, permitindo que pediatras, odontopediatras e psicólogos possam estabelecer um tratamento multidisciplinar e favoreçam o desenvolvimento integral da criança para a promoção de saúde e bem-estar individual.
Analysis of physical phenomena that occurs during tablet disintegration has been studied by several experimental approaches; however none of them satisfactorily describe this process. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of compression force on the tablets by associating the AC Biosusceptometry with consolidated methods in order to validate the biomagnetic technique as a tool for quality control in pharmaceutical processes.Tablets obtained at five compression levels were submitted to mechanical properties tests. For uncoated tablets, water uptake and disintegration force measurements were performed in order to compare with magnetic data. For coated tablets, magnetic measurements were carried out to establish a relationship between physical parameters of the disintegration process. According to the results, differences between the compression levels were found for water uptake, force development and magnetic area variation measurements. ACB method was able to estimate the disintegration properties as well as the kinetics of disintegration process for uncoated and coated tablets. This study provided a new approach for in vitro investigation and validated this biomagnetic technique as a tool for quality control for pharmaceutical industry. Moreover, using ACB will also be possible to test these parameters in humans allowing to establish an in vitro/in vivo correlation (IVIVC). (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper explores firstly the potential of a new evolutionary method - the Cross-Entropy (CE) method in solving continuous inverse electromagnetic problems. For this purpose, an adaptive updating formula for the smoothing parameter, some mutation operation, and a new termination criterion are proposed. The proposed CE based metaheuristics is applied to reduce the ripple of the magnetic levitation forces of a prototype Maglev system. The numerical results have shown that the ripple of the magnetic levitation forces of the prototype system is reduced significantly after the design optimization using the proposed algorithm.
We discuss the electromagnetic energy-momentum distribution and the mechanical forces of the electromagnetic field in material media. There is a long-standing controversy on these notions. The Minkowski and the Abraham energy-momentum tensors are the most well-known ones. We propose a solution of this problem which appears to be natural and self-consistent from both a theoretical and an experimental point of view. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In this paper the performances of different cutting fluids and grinding wheel types were analysed in the grinding of SAE HVN-3 workpieces. The resulting residual stress, wheel wear and roughness were evaluated. The influence of the cutting fluid jet velocity v(j) was also analysed. As a conclusion, the lubrication ability seems to be the governing factor in the cutting fluid performance. The use of CBN wheels can significantly reduce the thermal damage in grinding, leading to compressive residual stresses. The CBN wheel and the cutting oil give an optimum combination for performing this grinding operation.