982 resultados para GnRH-agonist


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This work aimed to evaluate the pregnancy rate and follicular diameter using EB or GnRH on the insertion of progesterone implant (D0) in lactating beef cows. Two groups were tested in two experiments. In Exp. 1 were used 61 Nelore cows divided into two groups: G-BE (n = 32) and G-GnRH (n = 29), on D0 was inserted P4 implant (CIDR ) and applied 2 mL of BE (G-BE) or 2.5 mL GnRH (G-GnRH). In D9 was performed ultrasonography (U.S.) to measure the diameter of the dominant follicle (DF) present in the ovary and the implant was removed, with concomitant administration of 2.5 mL of PGF2a and estradiol cypionate (ECP ) followed by calves removal. After 48 hours all the cows were inseminated and the calves returned. In Exp. 2 50 cows were used following the same protocol described above, but the pregnancy was assessed without performing ovarian US. There was no difference (p>0.05) in pregnancy rate between treatments, BE (55%) or GnRH (41%), but the follicular diameter was significantly higher (p<0.05) in pregnant cows treated with EB (10.7 mm vs. 8.5 mm) and in cows treated with GnRH there was no difference (p>0.05) between pregnant and no pregnant cows (11.6 mm vs. 10.2 mm). We concluded the use of GnRH on D0 did not improve the pregnancy rate in lactating beef cows and follicular diameter was greater (p <0.05) in pregnant cows compared to non-pregnant only in G-BE.


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The objective of this study was to investigate the role of GnRH on the preimplantation development of mouse embryos in vitro. GnRH-I, GnRH-II, and GnRH agonists: Des-Gly, Des-Trp and histrelin did not improve embryo development. However, treatment with the specific GnRH antagonist SB-75 blocked embryo development at morula stage. The inhibition of embryo development by SB-75 could be rescued by the addition of histrelin. To determine which intracellular signaling cascade is involved following binding of GnRH to the GnRHR, embryos were cultured in the presence of specific PKC (GFX) or PKA (SQ22536) inhibitors. The PKC inhibitor blocked embryo development at a similar stage as SB-75, whereas SQ22536 had an inhibitory effect, diminishing blastocyst formation and hatched rates. There are evidences that GnRH has an essential autocrine effect on mouse embryonic development via GnRHR, probably by activating PKC signaling cascade while the inhibition of the GnRH signaling does not activate apoptotic mechanisms involving caspase-3. In another experiment, development in vitro of embryos from Chinese Meishan (M) and occidental white crossbred (WC) females were investigated after improving the vitrification protocol for pig embryos. Efficient cryopreservation of zona pellucida-intact porcine embryos and studies of the difference among breeds could greatly impact the swine industry. The percentage of embryos surviving 24 h after cryopreservation without lysis or degeneration was higher for M (72%) than WC (44%). However, in vitro development of embryos that survived cryopreservation was not different between M and WC at the expanded (64%) or hatched (22%) blastocyst stages. Developmental rates were significantly higher for control embryos than frozen embryos from both breeds at expanded blastocyst stage, but not at hatched blastocyst stage. Rates of expanded blastocyst formation did not differ between M and WC control embryos (98 and 95%, respectively). With a new procedure to warm vitrified pig embryos, the survival rates may be improved. The optimal stages to vitrify pig embryos using the microdroplet method ranges from late compact morula to early expanded blastocyst. The results suggest that M embryos have a higher capacity to survive the vitrification process than WC embryos. O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar a importância do GnRH no desenvolvimento embrionário precoce em camundongos. GnRH-I, GnRH-II e os GnRH agonistas: Des-Gly, Des-Trp e histrelina não incrementaram o desenvolvimento embrionário. Entretanto, o tratamento com SB-75, um antagonista específico do GnRH, bloqueou o desenvolvimento embrionário no estádio de mórula. A inibição do desenvolvimento embrionário pelo SB-75 pôde ser revertida com a adição de histrelina. Para determinar a cascata do sinal intracelular desencadeada pela ligação do GnRH com o seu receptor, embriões foram cultivados na presença de inibidores específicos da PKC (GFX) e da PKA (SQ22536). O inibidor da PKC bloqueou o desenvolvimento embrionário em estádio similar ao bloqueio mediado pelo SB- 75, enquanto o SQ22536 teve efeito inibitório diminuindo a formação de blastocisto e taxas de eclosão. Os resultados sugerem que o GnRH tem um efeito autócrino essencial no desenvolvimento embrionário através do GnRHR, provavelmente, ativando a cascata da PKC. Por outro lado, a inibição do sinal do GnRH não ativa mecanismos apoptóticos que involvam caspase-3. Em outro experimento, foi investigado o desenvolvimento in vitro de embriões da raça Meishan (M) e branco cruzado (WC) após vitrificação pelo método microgota. O desenvolvimento de protocolos eficientes para criopreservação de embriões suínos com a zona pelúcida intacta e a avaliação das diferenças entre raças pode ter um significativo impacto na suinocultura. A percentagem de embriões que sobreviveram à criopreservação depois de 24 h foi maior na M (72%) do que na WC (44%). No entanto, o desenvolvimento in vitro dos embriões que sobreviveram à criopreservação não foi diferente entre M e WC nos estádios de blastocisto expandido (64%) ou eclodido (22%). Os índices de desenvolvimento foram significativamente mais altos para os embriões controle do que para os embriões vitrificados nas duas raças no estádio de blastocisto expandido, porém não foram diferentes para o estádio de blastocisto eclodido. A formação de blastocisto expandido não diferiu entre os embriões controle M e WC (98 e 95%, respectivamente). Com o novo procedimento (“hot warm”) para descongelar embriões vitrificados pelo método de microgota, pode-se aumentar dos índices de sobrevivência. Os melhores estádios embrionários para a vitrificação de embriões suínos variam de mórula compacta tardia até blastocisto expandido inicial. Os resultados sugerem que embriões M têm mais capacidade de sobreviver ao processo de vitrificação do que embriões WC.


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This study examined the effectiveness of leuprolide, a gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonist, in suppressing rut-associated events in farmed male red deer. In mid-January (~6 weeks before the rut period in the southern hemisphere) adult red deer (Cervus elaphus scoticus) stags that had been allocated to three groups (n = 10 per group) received leuprolide, administered subcutaneously in a 90-day release formulation, at zero (control), low (22.5 mg) or high (45 mg) doses. Following treatment with leuprolide there was evidence of suppression of mean plasma luteinising hormone concentration that was significant (P < 0.05) at 9 weeks. Mean plasma testosterone concentration of all three groups rose following treatment, then declined prematurely in the low- and high-dose leuprolide-treated groups, so that it was significantly (P < 0.05) suppressed (0.66 ± 0.29 and 2.0 ± 0.88 ng mL–1, low and high dose respectively) in early April when the peak value (9.0 ± 1.94 ng mL–1) was recorded from control stags. A reduction in mean liveweight occurred in all three groups through February–April and this did not differ among treatments. However, a corresponding reduction in mean body condition score was greater in the control stags (P < 0.05). There was little effect of leuprolide treatment on aggressive behaviours, but it lowered roaring frequency in the latter period of the rut. The results indicate that this gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonist has potential for application in the deer farming industry to suppress undesirable effects of the rut.


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A growing body of evidence demonstrates a correlation between Th2 cytokines and the development of focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis ( FSGS). Therefore, we hypothesized that GSL-1, a monoglycosylceramide from Sphingomonas ssp. with pro-Th1 activity on invariant Natural Killer T ( iNKT) lymphocytes, could counterbalance the Th2 profile and modulate glomerulosclerosis. Using an adriamycin( ADM)-based model of FSGS, we found that BALB/c mice presented albuminuria and glomerular degeneration in association with a Th2-like pro-fibrogenic profile; these mice also expressed a combination of inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-4, IL-1 alpha, IL-1 beta, IL-17, TNF-alpha, and chemokines, such as RANTES and eotaxin. In addition, we observed a decrease in the mRNA levels of GD3 synthase, the enzyme responsible for GD3 metabolism, a glycolipid associated with podocyte physiology. GSL-1 treatment inhibited ADM-induced renal dysfunction and preserved kidney architecture, a phenomenon associated with the induction of a Th1-like response, increased levels of GD3 synthase transcripts and inhibition of pro-fibrotic transcripts and inflammatory cytokines. TGF-beta analysis revealed increased levels of circulating protein and tissue transcripts in both ADM- and GSL-1-treated mice, suggesting that TGF-beta could be associated with both FSGS pathology and iNKT-mediated immunosuppression; therefore, we analyzed the kidney expression of phosphorylated SMAD2/3 and SMAD7 proteins, molecules associated with the deleterious and protective effects of TGF-beta, respectively. We found high levels of phosphoSMAD2/3 in ADM mice in contrast to the GSL-1 treated group in which SMAD7 expression increased. These data suggest that GSL-1 treatment modulates the downstream signaling of TGF-beta through a renoprotective pathway. Finally, GSL-1 treatment at day 4, a period when proteinuria was already established, was still able to improve renal function, preserve renal structure and inhibit fibrogenic transcripts. In conclusion, our work demonstrates that the iNKT agonist GSL-1 modulates the pathogenesis of ADM-induced glomerulosclerosis and may provide an alternative approach to disease management.


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Most atypical antipsychotic drugs (APDs), e. g. risperidone (RIS), produce more extensive blockade of brain serotonin (5-HT)(2A) than dopamine (DA) D-2 receptors. This distinguishes them from typical APDs, e.g. haloperidol (HAL). Our objective was to test the hypothesis that augmentation of low doses of RIS or HAL (2 mg/day) with pimavanserin (PIM), a selective 5-HT2A inverse agonist, to enhance 5-HT2A receptor blockade, can achieve efficacy comparable to RIS, 6 mg/day, but with lesser side effects. In a multi-center, randomized, double-blind, 6 week trial, 423 patients with chronic schizophrenia experiencing a recent exacerbation of psychotic symptoms were randomized to RIS2mg + placebo (RIS2PBO), RIS2mg + PIM20mg (RIS2PIM), RIS6mg + PBO (RIS6PBO), HAL2mg + PBO (HAL2PBO), or HAL2mg + PIM20mg (HAL2PIM). Improvement in psychopathology was measured by the PANSS and CGI-S. The reduction in PANSS Total Score with RIS2PIM at endpoint was significantly greater than RIS2PBO: -23.0 vs. -16.3 (p = 0.007), and not significantly different from the RIS6PBO group: -23.2 points. The percentage of patients with >= 20% improvement at day 15 in the RIS2PIM group was 62.3%, significantly greater than the RIS6PBO (42.1%; p = 0.01) and the RIS2PBO groups (37.7%; p = 0.002). Weight gain and hyperprolactinemia were greater in the RIS6PBO group than the RIS2PIM group but there was no difference in extrapyramidal side effects (EPS). HAL2PBO and HAL2PIM were not significantly different from each other in efficacy but HAL2PIM had less EPS at end point. Both HAL groups and RIS6PBO showed equal improvement in psychopathology at endpoint, indicating HAL 2 mg/day is effective to treat an acute exacerbation in chronic schizophrenia patients. In conclusion, a sub-effective RIS dose combined with PIM to enhance 5-HT2A receptor blockade provided faster onset of action, and at endpoint, equal efficacy and better safety, compared to standard dose RIS. These results support the conclusion that 5-HT2A receptor blockade is a key component of the action of some atypical APDs and can reduce EPS due to a typical APD. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Skeletal muscles from old rats fail to completely regenerate following injury. This study investigated whether pharmacological stimulation of beta 2-adrenoceptors in aged muscles following injury could improve their regenerative capacity, focusing on myofiber size recovery. Young and aged rats were treated with a subcutaneous injection of beta 2-adrenergic agonist formoterol (2 mu g/kg/d) up to 10 and 21 days after soleus muscle injury. Formoterol-treated muscles from old rats evaluated at 10 and 21 days postinjury showed reduced inflammation and connective tissue but a similar number of regenerating myofibers of greater caliber when compared with their injured controls. Formoterol minimized the decrease in tetanic force and increased protein synthesis and mammalian target of rapamycin phosphorylation in old muscles at 10 days postinjury. Our results suggest that formoterol improves structural and functional regenerative capacity of regenerating skeletal muscles from aged rats by increasing protein synthesis via mammalian target of rapamycin activation. Furthermore, formoterol may have therapeutic benefits in recovery following muscle damage in senescent individuals.


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Baclofen, a GABA(B) agonist, reduces ethanol intake in animals and humans, but the contrary or no effect was also reported. Our previous study demonstrated that mice characterized as "loss of control over ethanol intake" had different Gabbr1 and Gabbr2 transcription levels, which express, respectively, the GABA(B1) and GABA(B2) subunits in brain areas related to addictive behavior. In the present study, we tested baclofen on ethanol intake in mice exposed to the free-choice paradigm. Adult male Swiss mice, individually housed, had free access to three bottles: ethanol (5% and 10%) and water. The protocol had four phases: acquisition (AC, 10 weeks), withdrawal (W, 4 cycles during 2 weeks of 2 day-free-choice and 2 day-only-water), reexposure (RE, 2 weeks), and adulteration of ethanol solutions with quinine (AD, 2 weeks). Mice characterized as "loss of control" (A, n = 11, preference for ethanol in AC and maintenance of ethanol intake levels in AD), heavy (H, n = 11, preference for ethanol in AC and reduction of ethanol intake levels in AD), and light (L n = 16, preference for water in all phases) drinkers were randomly distributed into two subgroups receiving either intraperitoneal injections of all doses of baclofen (1.25, 2.5, and 5.0 mg/kg, given each dose twice in consecutive days) or saline, being exposed to free-choice. Fluid consumption was measured 24 h later. Baclofen reduced ethanol intake in group L In group H a reduction compared to AC was observed. Group A maintained their high ethanol intake even after baclofen treatment. Activation of the GABA(B) receptor depends on the precise balance between the GABA(B1) and GABA(B2) subunits, so the disproportionate transcription levels, we reported in group A, could explain this lack of response to baclofen. These data highlight the importance to test baclofen in individuals with different ethanol drinking profiles, including humans. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Phagocyte function is critical for host defense against infections. Defects in phagocytic function lead to several primary immunodeficiencies characterized by early onset of recurrent and severe infections. In this work, we further investigated the effects of BAY 41-2272, a soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) agonist, on the activation of human peripheral blood monocytes (PBM) and THP-1 cells. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH THP-1 cells and PBM viability was evaluated by methylthiazoletetrazolium assay; reactive oxygen species production by lucigenin chemiluminescence; gene and protein expression of NAPDH oxidase components by qRT-PCR and Western blot analysis, respectively; phagocytosis and microbicidal activity by co-incubation, respectively, with zymosan and Escherichia coli; and cytokine release by elisa. KEY RESULTS BAY 41-2272, compared with the untreated group, increased spreading of monocytes by at least 35%, superoxide production by at least 50%, and gp91PHOX and p67PHOX gene expression 20 to 40 times, in both PBM and THP-1 cells. BAY 41-2272 also augmented phagocytosis of zymosan particles threefold compared with control, doubled microbicidal activity against E. coli and enhanced the release of TNF-a and IL-12p70 by both PBM and THP-1 cells. Finally, by inhibiting sGC with ODQ, we showed that BAY 41-2272-induced superoxide production and phagocytosis is not dependent exclusively on sGC activation. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS In addition to its ability to induce vasorelaxation and its potential application for therapy of vascular diseases, BAY 41-2272 was shown to activate human mononuclear phagocytes. Hence, it is a novel pro-inflammatory drug that may be useful for controlling infections in the immunocompromised host.


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Abstract Background While it is well known that bradykinin B2 agonists increase plasma protein extravasation (PPE) in brain tumors, the bradykinin B1 agonists tested thus far are unable to produce this effect. Here we examine the effect of the selective B1 agonist bradykinin (BK) Sar-[D-Phe8]des-Arg9BK (SAR), a compound resistant to enzymatic degradation with prolonged activity on PPE in the blood circulation in the C6 rat glioma model. Results SAR administration significantly enhanced PPE in C6 rat brain glioma compared to saline or BK (p < 0.01). Pre-administration of the bradykinin B1 antagonist [Leu8]-des-Arg (100 nmol/Kg) blocked the SAR-induced PPE in the tumor area. Conclusions Our data suggest that the B1 receptor modulates PPE in the blood tumor barrier of C6 glioma. A possible role for the use of SAR in the chemotherapy of gliomas deserves further study.


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To explore the molecular pathways underlying thiazolidinediones effects on pancreatic islets in conditions mimicking normo- and hyperglycemia, apoptosis rate and transcriptional response to Pioglitazone at both physiological and supraphysiological glucose concentrations were evaluated. Adult rat islets were cultured at physiological (5.6 mM) and supraphysiological (23 mM) glucose concentrations in presence of 10 μM Pioglitazone or vehicle. RNA expression profiling was evaluated with the PancChip 13k cDNA microarray after 24-h, and expression results for some selected genes were validated by qRT-PCR. The effects of Pioglitazone were investigated regarding apoptosis rate after 24-, 48- and 72-h. At 5.6 mM glucose, 101 genes were modulated by Pioglitazone, while 1,235 genes were affected at 23 mM glucose. Gene networks related to lipid metabolism were identified as altered by Pioglitazone at both glucose concentrations. At 23 mM glucose, cell cycle and cell death pathways were significantly regulated as well. At 5.6 mM glucose, Pioglitazone elicited a transient reduction in islets apoptosis rate while at 23 mM, Bcl2 expression was reduced and apoptosis rate was increased by Pioglitazone. Our data demonstrate that the effect of Pioglitazone on gene expression profile and apoptosis rate depends on the glucose concentration. The modulation of genes related to cell death and the increased apoptosis rate observed at supraphysiological glucose concentration raise concerns about Pioglitazone’s direct effects in conditions of hyperglycemia and reinforce the necessity of additional studies designed to evaluate TZDs effects on the preservation of β-cell function in situations where glucotoxicity might be more relevant than lipotoxicity.


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The aim of the present study was to evaluate the LH surge after EB (estradiol benzoate) or GnRH administration with or without P4 (progesterone) pre-exposure in ovariectomized (OVX) buffalo cows. Females were randomly assigned to receive an intravaginal P4 device (D0–D9). They were then given EB 24 h or GnRH 36 h post-P4 device removal (factorial 2×2, n=6 per group). Blood collection for LH measurement began 36 h after the P4 device removal and continued at 3 h intervals. The area under the LH curve (AUC; 30.2 ng2 and 13.41 ng2; P=0.007) and the area of the LH peak (AP; 19.0 ng2 and 8.9 ng2; P=0.009) were greater for EB than GnRH. We did not observe an effect of P4 pre-exposure on the AUC and AP. Furthermore, there was no interaction between P4 pre-exposure and EB or GnRH treatment on the AUC and AP. However, there was an interaction (P<0.01) between P4 pre-exposure and the type of inducer (EB or GnRH) to release a preovulatory-like LH surge at the beginning (BP), final (FP) and time (TP) of the LH peak. The P4 pre-exposure anticipated the BP (2.5 and 7.4 h), TP (6.0 and 12.0 h) and FP (11.5 and 17.1 h) when EB was used to induce a preovulatory-like LH surge (P<0.01). However, there was no effect of P4 pre-exposure on BP (0.4 and 0.4 h), TP (3.0 and 3.0 h) and FP (5.9 and 6.1 h) with GnRH treatment. There was also no effect of the pre-exposure to P4, type of inducer or interaction on the amplitude of the LH peak. We concluded that EB therefore led to greater LH release than GnRH, and pre-exposure to P4 before EB administration anticipated the preovulatory-like LH surge in buffalo cows.


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The present study aimed to show the in vivo mechanisms of action of an indole-thiazolidine molecule peroxisome-proliferator activated receptor pan-agonist (PPAR pan) and cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitor, LYSO-7, in an ethanol/HCl-induced (Et/HCl) gastric lesion model. Swiss male mice were treated with vehicle, LYSO-7 or Bezafibrate (p.o.) 1 hour before oral administration of Et/HCl (60%/0.03M). In another set of assays, animals were injected i.p. with an anti-granulocyte antibody, GW9962 or L-NG-nitroarginine methyl ester (L-NAME) before treatment. One hour after Et/HCl administration, neutrophils were quantified in the blood and bone marrow and the gastric microcirculatory network was studied in situ. The gastric tissue was used to quantify the percentage of damaged area, as well as myeloperoxidase (MPO), inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) protein and PPARγ protein and gene expression. Acid secretion was evaluated by the pylorus ligation model. LYSO-7 or Bezafibrate treatment reduced the necrotic area. LYSO-7 treatment enhanced PPARγ gene and protein expression in the stomach, and impaired local neutrophil influx and stasis of the microcirculatory network caused by Et/HCl administration. The effect seemed to be due to PPARγ agonist activity, as the LYSO-7 effect was abolished in GW9962 pre-treated mice. The reversal of microcirculatory stasis, but not neutrophil influx, was mediated by nitric oxide (NO), as L-NAME pre-treatment abolished the LYSO-7-mediated reestablishment of microcirculatory blood flow. This effect may depend on enhanced eNOS protein expression in injured gastric tissue. The pH and concentration of H(+) in the stomach were not modified by LYSO-7 treatment. In addition, LYSO-7 may induce less toxicity, as 28 days of oral treatment did not induce weight loss, as detected in pioglitazone treated mice. Thus, we show that LYSO-7 may be an effective treatment for gastric lesions by controlling neutrophil influx and microcirculatory blood flow mediated by NO


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The next generation of vaccine adjuvant are represented by a wide ranging set of molecules called Toll like agonists (TLR’s). Although many of these molecules are complex structures extracted from microorganisms, small molecule TLR agonists have also been identified. However, delivery systems have not been optimized to allow their effective delivery in conjunction with antigens. Here we describe a novel approach in which a small molecule TLR agonist has been conjugated directly to antigens to ensure effective co delivery. We describe the conjugation of a relevant protein, a recombinant protective antigen from S.pneumoniae (RrgB), which is linked to a TLR7 agonist. Following thorough characterization to ensure there was no aggregation, the conjugate was evaluated in a murine infection model. Results showed that the conjugate extended animals’ survival after lethal challenge with S.pneumoniae. Comparable results were obtained with a 10 fold lower dose than that of the native unconjugated antigen. Notably, the animals immunized with the same dose of unconjugated TLR7 agonist and antigen showed no adjuvant effect. The increased immunogenicity was likely a consequence of the co-localization of TLR7 agonist and antigen by chemical binding and is was more effective than simple co-administration. Likely, this approach can be adopted to reduce the dose of antigen required to induce protective immunity, and potentially increase the safety of a broad variety of vaccine candidates


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To determine the protective effect of gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogs (GnRHa) using several ultrasound and endocrine markers to detect ultrastructural ovarian damage in Hodgkin's lymphoma patients.


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Recent advances have revealed that during exogenous airway challenge, airway diameters can not be adequately predicted by their initial diameters. Furthermore, airway diameters can also vary greatly in time on scales shorter than a breath. In order to better understand these phenomena, we developed a multiscale model which allows us to simulate aerosol challenge in the airways during ventilation. The model incorporates agonist-receptor binding kinetics to govern the temporal response of airway smooth muscle (ASM) contraction on individual airway segments, which together with airway wall mechanics, determines local airway caliber. Global agonist transport and deposition is coupled with pressure-driven flow, linking local airway constrictions with global flow dynamics. During the course of challenge, airway constriction alters the flow pattern, redistributing agonist to less constricted regions. This results in a negative feedback which may be a protective property of the normal lung. As a consequence, repetitive challenge can cause spatial constriction patterns to evolve in time, resulting in a loss of predictability of airway diameters. Additionally, the model offers new insight into several phenomena including the intra- and inter-breath dynamics of airway constriction throughout the tree structure.