883 resultados para Glass fosfo-borates with titanium
O trabalho descrito nesta tese mostra de forma detalhada a fabricação e caracterização de diferentes microssensores eletroquímicos os quais têm sido recentemente utilizados como sondas em grupo de técnicas conhecida como Scanning Electrochemical Probe Microscopy (SEPM). Desta forma, a caracterização de superfícies pode ser feita explorando diferentes fenômenos interfaciais relevantes à Ciência. Neste sentido, as interfaces de materiais cristalinos como hidroxiapatita (materiais dentários) e calcita foram o foco de estudo neste trabalho. Assim, diferentes técnicas SEPM foram exploradas no sentido de se obter informações relevantes relacionadas aos processos dentários, como a erosão ácida e hipersensibilidade. Inicialmente, microeletrodos de platina foram desenvolvidos empregando uma metodologia convencional na qual são utilizados microfibras encapsuladas em capilares de vidro. Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy (SECM) no modo amperométrico foi utilizada para obtenção de informações com relação às alterações de topografia do esmalte dentário causadas pelo contato com substâncias ácidas. Adicionalmente, SECM foi empregada no estudo do transporte de espécies eletroativas em amostras de dentina e investigações relacionadas ao bloqueio dos túbulos empregando-se cremes dentais comerciais foram realizadas. A permeação de peróxido de hidrogênio pela dentina também foi estudada. Os resultados de SECM foram comparados com imagens SEM obtidas nas mesmas condições experimentais. Microeletrodos de membrana ionófora íon-seletiva (Ion Selective Microelectrodes-ISMEs) sensíveis a íons cálcio também foram desenvolvidos e caracterizados, com subsequente aplicação em SECM no modo potenciométrico. A dissolução ácida de esmalte bovino (erosão dentária) foi investigada em diferentes valores de pH (2,5; 4,5; 6,8). Além disso, o transporte de íons cálcio através de membranas porosas sintéticas foi avaliado a uma distância tip/substrato de 300µm. Alterações no fluxo de íons cálcio foram correlacionadas em experimentos realizados na presença e ausência de campos magnéticos gerados por nanopartículas de magnetita incorporadas à membrana porosa. Microcristais de calcita facilmente sintetizados pelo método de precipitação foram utilizados como superfície modelo para investigações interfaciais, cujos resultados podem ser correlacionados aos materiais dentários. Desta forma, nanopipetas de vidro preenchidas com eletrólito suporte foram fabricadas e utilizadas como sonda em Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy (SICM). O mapeamento topográfico de alta resolução espacial da superfície de um microcristal de calcita foi obtido utilizando o modo de varredura hopping mode. Adicionalmente, sondas multifuncionais ISME-SICM também foram desenvolvidas e caracterizadas para investigações simultâneas com relação às alterações topográficas e quantificação de íons cálcio sobre a superfície de um microcristal de calcita. A adição de reagentes ácidos no canal SICM promoveu a dissolução da superfície do microcristal, sendo obtidos dados cinéticos de dissolução. Investigações em meio neutro também foram realizadas utilizando a sonda ISME-SICM. Os resultados experimentais obtidos também foram comparados com aqueles oriundos de simulação computacional.
O processo de nitrificação e desnitrificação simultâneas (NDS) permite alcançar a remoção combinada de matérias carbonácea e nitrogenada em uma única unidade. O reator de leito estruturado, com biomassa imobilizada e recirculação interna, apresenta características positivas para que estes processos envolvidos ocorram, tais como propiciar a formação de biofilme e evitar a colmatação do leito. Esta configuração tem sido estudada com êxito em reatores em escala de bancada para tratamento de esgoto. Nesta pesquisa foi utilizado um reator de leito estruturado em escala piloto com a finalidade de avaliar sua implantação, eficiência e estabilidade tratando esgoto doméstico em condições reais para futura aplicação em pequenas comunidades, condomínios residenciais entre outros como sistema descentralizado. O reator foi construído em fibra de vidro, de formato cilíndrico, com diâmetro interno de aproximadamente 0,80 m e 2,0 m de altura. O volume total foi de aproximadamente 0,905 m3 e o volume útil de 0,642 m3. A operação foi realizada sob condições de aeração contínua e intermitente e os tempos de detenção hidráulica (TDH) testados foram de 48, 36 e 24 horas. A remoção de DQO manteve-se acima de 90% com TDH de 48 e 36 horas. A melhor eficiência de remoção de nitrogênio total foi de 72,4 ± 6,4%, sob TDH de 48 horas e a aeração intermitente, com 2 horas de aeração e 1 hora não aerada. A concentração de oxigênio dissolvido (OD) média de 2,8 ± 0,5 mg.L-1 na fase aerada e temperatura média de 24,7 ± 1,0 °C. Nesse mesmo período, a eficiência média de remoção de DQO foi de 94 ± 4 %. Apesar das dificuldades apresentadas no controle da aeração, as eficiências das remoções obtidas indicaram que o reator de leito estruturado e aeração intermitente (LEAI) se apresenta como uma alternativa promissora em escala plena, requerendo ajustes para construção e incremento da estabilidade da NDS.
The reduction of the band gap of titania is critically important to fully utilize its photocatalytic properties. Two main strategies, i.e. doping and partial reduction of Ti(IV), are the main alternatives available to date. Herein, we report a new synthesis strategy based on one-pot co-condensation of in situ prepared polymetallic titanium-alkoxide complexes with titanium tetrabutoxide. Using this direct reaction, it is possible to introduce organic compounds in the anatase phase, causing site distortions in the crystalline structure of the network. By using this strategy, a yellow and a black titania have been produced, with the latter showing a remarkable photocatalytic activity under visible-light.
Tourmaline from a gem-quality deposit in the Grenville province has been studied with X-ray diffraction, visible-near infrared spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, electron microprobe and optical measurements. The tourmaline is found within tremolite-rich calc-silicate pods hosted in marble of the Central Metasedimentary Belt. The crystals are greenish-greyish-brown and have yielded facetable material up to 2.09 carats in size. Using the classification of Henry et al. 2011 the tourmaline is classified as a dravite, with a representative formula shown to be (Na0.73Ca0.2380.032)(Mg2+2.913Fe2+0.057Ti4+0.030) (Al3+5.787Fe3+0.017Mg2+0.14)(Si6.013O18)(BO3)3(OH)3((OH,O)0.907F0.093). Rietveld analysis of powder diffraction data gives a = 15.9436(8) Å, c = 7.2126(7) Å and a unit cell volume of 1587.8 Å3. A polished thin section was cut perpendicular to the c-axis of one tourmaline crystal, which showed zoning from a dark brown core into a lighter rim into a thin darker rim and back into lighter zonation. Through the geochemical data, three key stages of crystal growth can be seen within this thin section. The first is the core stage which occurs from the dark core to the first colourless zone; the second is from this colourless zone increasing in brown colour to the outer limit before a sudden absence of colour is noted; the third is a sharp change from the end of the second and is entirely colourless. These events are the result of metamorphism and hydrothermal fluids resulting from nearby felsic intrusive plutons. Scanning electron microscope, and electron microprobe traverses across this cross-section revealed that the green colour is the result of iron present throughout the system while the brown colour is correlated with titanium content. Crystal inclusions in the tourmaline of chlorapatite, and zircon were identified by petrographic analysis and confirmed using scanning electron microscope data and occur within the third stage of formation.
Modal analysis of middle Miocene to Pleistocene volcaniclastic sands and sandstones recovered from Sites 1108, 1109, 1118, 1112, 1115, 1116, and 1114 within the Woodlark Basin during Leg 180 of the Ocean Drilling Program indicates a complex source history for sand-sized detritus deposited within the basin. Volcaniclastic detritus (i.e., feldspar, ferromagnesian minerals, and volcanic rock fragments) varies substantially throughout the Woodlark Basin. Miocene sandstones of the inferred Trobriand forearc succession contain mafic and subordinate silicic volcanic grains, probably derived from the contemporary Trobriand arc. During the late Miocene, the Trobriand outerarc/forearc (including Paleogene ophiolitic rocks) was subaerially exposed and eroded, yielding sandstones of dominantly mafic composition. Rift-related extension during the late Miocene-late Pliocene led to a transition from terrestrial to neritic and finally bathyal deposition. The sandstones deposited during this period are composed dominantly of silicic volcanic detritus, probably derived from the Amphlett Islands and surrounding areas where volcanic rocks of Pliocene-Pleistocene age occur. During this time terrigenous and metamorphic detritus derived from the Papua New Guinea mainland reached the single turbiditic Woodlark rift basin (or several subbasins) as fine-grained sediments. At Sites 1108, 1109, 1118, 1116, and 1114, serpentinite and metamorphic grains (schist and gneiss) appear as detritus in sandstones younger than ~3 Ma. This is thought to reflect a major pulse of rifting that resulted in the deepening of the Woodlark rift basin and the prevention of terrigenous and metamorphic detritus from reaching the northern rift margin (Site 1115). The Paleogene Papuan ophiolite belt and the Owen Stanley metamorphics were unroofed as the southern margin of the rift was exhumed (e.g., Moresby Seamount) and, in places, subaerially exposed (e.g., D'Entrecasteaux Islands and onshore Cape Vogel Basin), resulting in new and more proximal sources of metamorphic, igneous, and ophiolitic detritus. Continued emergence of the Moresby Seamount during the late Pliocene-early Pleistocene bounded by a major inclined fault scarp yielded talus deposits of similar composition to the above sandstones. Upper Pliocene-Pleistocene sandstones were deposited at bathyal depths by turbidity currents and as subordinate air-fall ash. Silicic glassy (high-K calc-alkaline) volcanic fragments, probably derived from volcanic centers located in Dawson and Moresby Straits, dominated these sandstones.
Sutton Hoo, England; gold, glass and enamel with garnet and emeralds
Sutton Hoo, England; 15/16 in.x 25/64 in.; gold, glass and enamel with garnet and emeralds
The use of modulated temperature differential scanning calorimetry (MTDSC) has provided further insight into the gelatinisation process since it allows the detection of glass transition during gelatinisation process. It was found in this work that the glass transition overlapped with the gelatinisation peak temperature for all maize starch formulations studied. Systematic investigation on maize starch gelatinisation over a range of water-glycerol concentrations with MTDSC revealed that the addition of glycerol increased the gelatinisation onset temperature with an extent that depended on the water content in the system. Furthermore, the addition of glycerol promoted starch gelatinisation at low water content (0.4 g water/g dry starch) and the enthalpy of gelatinisation varied with glycerol concentration (0.73-19.61 J/g dry starch) depending on the water content and starch type. The validities of published gelatinisation models were explored. These models failed to explain the glass transition phenomena observed during the course of gelatinisation and failed to describe the gelatinisation behaviour observed over the water-glycerol concentrations range investigated. A hypothesis for the mechanisms involved during gelatinisation was proposed based on the side chain liquid crystalline polymer model for starch structure and the concept that the order-disorder transition in starch requires that the hydrogen bonds (the major structural element in the granule packing) to be broken before the collapse of order (helix-coil transition) can take place. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Long-period fibre gratings (LPGs) have previously been used to detect quantities such as temperature, strain, and refractive index (RI). We report here, to the best of our knowledge, the first investigation on refractive index sensing properties of LPGs with sol–gel derived titanium and silicon oxide coatings. It is revealed that the RI sensitivity of an LPG is affected by both the thickness and the index value of the coating; a coating with higher index and thickness will enhance the LPG RI sensitivity significantly. The surrounding refractive index induced LPG resonance shift has been evaluated over the LPGs' most sensitive RI region from 1.42 to 1.44. We have identified that, in this region, the uncoated LPG has an RI sensitivity of (-673.0 ± 0.4) nm/uri (unit of refractive index) while the LPG coated with titanium oxide exhibits a sensitivity as high as (-1067.15 ± 0.04) nm/uri. The experimental results also reveal that, even in the RI insensitive region around 1.33, there still is a marked enhancement in RI sensitivity of the sol–gel coated LPG compared to the uncoated one. This is potentially significant as coated LPGs may be extended to low RI gas and semi-liquidized based sensing applications.
A literature review of work carried out on batch and continuous chromatographic biochemical reactor-separators has been made. The major part of this work has involved the development of a batch chromatographic reactor-separator for the production of dextran and fructose by the enzymatic action of the enzyme dextransucrase on sucrose. In this reactor, simultaneous reaction and separation occurs thus reducing downstream processing and isolation of products as compared to the existing industrial process. The chromatographic reactor consisted of a glass column packed with a stationary phase consisting of cross linked polysytrene resin in the calcium form. The mobile phase consisted of diluted dextransucrase in deionised water. Initial experiments were carried out on a reactor separtor which had an internal diameter of 0.97cm and length of 1.5m. To study the effect of scale up the reactor diameter was doubled to 1.94cm and length increased to 1.75m. The results have shown that the chromatographic reactor uses more enzyme than a conventional batch reactor for a given conversion of sucrose and that an increase in void volume results in higher conversions of sucrose. A comparison of the molecular weight distribution of dextran produced by the chromatographic reactor was made with that from a conventional batch reactor. The results have shown that the chromatographic reactor produces 30% more dextran of molecular weight greater than 150,000 daltons at 20% w/v sucrose concentration than conventional reactors. This is because some of the fructose molecules are prevented as acting as acceptors in the chromatographic reactor due to their removal from the reaction zone. In the conventional reactor this is not possible and therefore a greater proportion of low molecular weight dextran is produced which does not have much clinical use. A theoretical model was developed to describe the behaviour of the reactor separator and this model was simulated using a computer. The simulation predictions showed good agreement with experimental results at high eluent flowrates and low conversions.
This thesis describes the synthesis of functionalised polymeric material by variety of free-radical mediated polymerisation techniques including dispersion emulsion, seeded emulsion, suspension and bulk polymerisation reactions. Organic fluorophores and nanoparticles such as quantum dots were incorporated within polymeric materials, in particular, thiol-functionalised polymer microspheres, which were fluorescently labelled either during synthesis or by covalent attachment post synthesis. The resultant fluorescent polymeric conjugates were then assessed for their utility in biological systems as an analytical tool for cells or biological structures. Quantum dot labelled, thiol-functionalised microspheres were assessed for their utility in the visualisation and tracking of red blood cells. Determination of the possible internalisation of fluorescent microspheres into red blood cells was required before successful tracking of red blood cells could take place. Initial work appeared to indicate the presence of fluorescent microspheres inside red blood cells by the process of beadfection. A range of parameters were also investigated in order to optimise beadfection. Thiol-functionalised microspheres labelled successfully with organic fluorophores were used to image the tear film of the eye. A description of problems encountered with the covalent attachment of hydrophilic, thiol-reactive fluorescent dyes to a variety of modified polymer microspheres is also included in this section. Results indicated large microspheres were particularly useful when tracking the movement of fluid along the tear meniscus. Functional bulk polymers were synthesised for assessment of their interaction with titanium dioxide nanoparticles. Thiol-functionalised polymethyl methacrylate and spincoated thiouronium-functionalised polystyrene appeared to facilitate the attachment of titanium dioxide nanoparticles. Interaction assays included the use of XPS analysis and processes such as centrifugation. Attempts to synthesise 4-vinyl catechol, a compound containing hydroxyl moieties with potential for coordination with titanium dioxide nanoparticles, were also carried out using 3,4-dihydroxybenzaldehyde as the starting material.
Mineralogical (microprobe) and geochemical (X-ray fluorescence, neutron activation analyses) data are given for 18 samples of volcanic rocks from the Guatemala Trench area (Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 67). Typical fresh oceanic tholeiites occur in the trench itself (Hole 500) and in its immediate vicinity on the Cocos Plate (Site 495). Several samples (often reworked) of "spilitic" oceanic tholeiites are also described from the Trench: their mineralogy (greenschist facies association - actinolite + plagioclase + chlorite) and geochemistry (alteration, sometimes linked to manganese and zinc mineralization) are shown to result from high-temperature (300°-475°C) hydrothermal sea water-basalt interactions. The samples studied are depleted in light rare-earth elements (LREE), with the exception of the slightly LREE-enriched basalts from Hole 500. The occurrence of such different oceanic tholeiites in the same area is problematic. Volcanic rocks from the Guatemala continental slope (Hole 494A) are described as greenschist facies metabasites (actinolite + epidote + chlorite + plagioclase + calcite + quartz), mineralogically different from the spilites exposed on the Costa Rica coastal range (Nicoya Peninsula). Their primary magmatic affinity is uncertain: clinopyroxene and plagioclase compositions, together with titanium and other hygromagmaphile element contents, support an "active margin" affinity. The LREE-depleted patterns encountered in the present case, however, are not frequently found in orogenic samples but are typical of many oceanic tholeiites.
Tourmaline from a gem-quality deposit in the Grenville province has been studied with X-ray diffraction, visible-near infrared spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, electron microprobe and optical measurements. The tourmaline is found within tremolite-rich calc-silicate pods hosted in marble of the Central Metasedimentary Belt. The crystals are greenish-greyish-brown and have yielded facetable material up to 2.09 carats in size. Using the classification of Henry et al. 2011 the tourmaline is classified as a dravite, with a representative formula shown to be (Na0.73Ca0.2380.032)(Mg2+2.913Fe2+0.057Ti4+0.030) (Al3+5.787Fe3+0.017Mg2+0.14)(Si6.013O18)(BO3)3(OH)3((OH,O)0.907F0.093). Rietveld analysis of powder diffraction data gives a = 15.9436(8) Å, c = 7.2126(7) Å and a unit cell volume of 1587.8 Å3. A polished thin section was cut perpendicular to the c-axis of one tourmaline crystal, which showed zoning from a dark brown core into a lighter rim into a thin darker rim and back into lighter zonation. Through the geochemical data, three key stages of crystal growth can be seen within this thin section. The first is the core stage which occurs from the dark core to the first colourless zone; the second is from this colourless zone increasing in brown colour to the outer limit before a sudden absence of colour is noted; the third is a sharp change from the end of the second and is entirely colourless. These events are the result of metamorphism and hydrothermal fluids resulting from nearby felsic intrusive plutons. Scanning electron microscope, and electron microprobe traverses across this cross-section revealed that the green colour is the result of iron present throughout the system while the brown colour is correlated with titanium content. Crystal inclusions in the tourmaline of chlorapatite, and zircon were identified by petrographic analysis and confirmed using scanning electron microscope data and occur within the third stage of formation.
We present a primary transit observation for the ultra-hot (T eq ~ 2400 K) gas giant expolanet WASP-121b, made using the Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field Camera 3 in spectroscopic mode across the 1.12–1.64 μm wavelength range. The 1.4 μm water absorption band is detected at high confidence (5.4σ) in the planetary atmosphere. We also reanalyze ground-based photometric light curves taken in the B, r', and z' filters. Significantly deeper transits are measured in these optical bandpasses relative to the near-infrared wavelengths. We conclude that scattering by high-altitude haze alone is unlikely to account for this difference and instead interpret it as evidence for titanium oxide and vanadium oxide absorption. Enhanced opacity is also inferred across the 1.12–1.3 μm wavelength range, possibly due to iron hydride absorption. If confirmed, WASP-121b will be the first exoplanet with titanium oxide, vanadium oxide, and iron hydride detected in transmission. The latter are important species in M/L dwarfs and their presence is likely to have a significant effect on the overall physics and chemistry of the atmosphere, including the production of a strong thermal inversion.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi utilizar diferentes técnicas químicas (dimetilsulfóxido, ácido clorídrico, acético e lático), técnicas mecânicas (banho ultrassônico, abrasão com pérolas de vidro, maceração com terra diatomácea, ruptor ultrassônico e imersão em nitrogênio líquido) e técnica enzimática (preparado enzimático comercial Glucanex®) para a recuperação de carotenoides a partir da ruptura da parede celular das leveduras Sporidiobolus pararoseus e Rhodotorula mucilaginosa isoladas de amostras ambientais. Para isso a obtenção de biomassa foi realizada através de cultivos submersos no meio YM, a 25 °C, 180 rpm por 168 h. Para a ruptura celular, a operação de congelamento da biomassa (-18°C por 48 h) foi estudada. Os métodos de secagem convencional por ar forçado (35°C/48h) e liofilização (-80°C/48h, em ultrafreezer, seguido de liofilizador até alcançar 2% de umidade da amostra) também foram avaliados. Nas técnicas químicas aplicadas, o dimetilsulfóxido apresentou os melhores resultados para as duas leveduras, porém o seu uso é limitado devido a sua toxicidade. Para S. pararoseus, os maiores valores encontrados foram para o ácido clorídrico, seguido do acético e do lático, sendo detectada diferença entre eles quando aplicado o congelamento. Com R. mucilaginosa, os maiores valores foram encontrados para os ácidos acético e lático, seguido do ácido clorídrico, no qual o congelamento da biomassa também não influenciou a recuperação dos carotenoides. Dentre as técnicas mecânicas estudadas, para a levedura S. pararoseus, o banho ultrassônico e a abrasão com pérolas de vidro apresentaram os resultados mais promissores comparados ao DMSO (84,79±2,34 e 76,87±2,06 μg/g respectivamente), onde o processo de congelamento da biomassa não influenciou positivamente no percentual de extratibilidade e na concentração específica dos carotenoides quando utilizada estas técnicas. Com Rhodotorula mucilaginosa, o banho ultrassônico propiciou a recuperação da maior concentração específica de carotenoides (193,5±25,8 μg/g), sendo que o processo de congelamento também não influenciou positivamente no percentual de extratibilidade e na concentração específica dos carotenoides. Através do Delineamento Central Composto Rotacional (DCCR) 23 foi possível avaliar que a levedura S. pararoseus não demonstrou nenhum efeito sob as variáveis pH, temperatura e concentração de enzima. Assim, a melhor condição de trabalho escolhida foi pH 7,4, 30 ºC e concentração de enzima de 1,0 g/gcs, onde apresentou a concentração específica de 42,6 μg/g e volumétrica de 308 μg/L de carotenoides. Para R. mucilaginosa, a condição ótima foi definida como 1,0 g/gcs, pH 5,0 e temperatura de 30 ºC, onde foi encontrado 115,1±8,1 μg/g e 470,1±38,8 μg/L para a concentração específica e volumétrica de carotenoides, respectivamente. A utilização de técnicas combinadas empregando banho ultrassônico e lise enzimática não proporcionou melhorias nos resultados para ambas as leveduras. A liofilização provocou um ganho de 20% e 13,7% na concentração específica dos carotenoides das leveduras S. pararoseus e R. mucilaginosa, respectivamente, onde o congelamento da biomassa não influenciou significativamente (p<0,05) a recuperação de carotenoides provenientes das duas leveduras, podendo ser eliminada do processo. Assim, para S. pararoseus o banho ultrassônico e as pérolas de vidro apresentaram os melhores resultados na recuperação de carotenoides, e para R. mucilaginosa o melhor resultado foi alcançado com o banho ultrassônico.