952 resultados para General anesthesia
Introduction: Orbital infections may result in permanent morbidity because of the severity of infection. Furthermore, delayed diagnosis or treatment of orbital infections can lead to intracranial complications and even death. The majority of orbital infections develop from paranasal sinus infections, cutaneous infections, and periorbital trauma. Dacryocystitis and odontogenic infection are also accounted as potential etiologies but are scarcely reported in scientific literature. Methods: The patient revealed a history of having endodontic treatment on left maxillary second molar performed 2 weeks previously. Moreover, she exhibited signs of facial pain accompanied by sinusitis symptoms, fever, and nasal obstruction the week after this endodontic procedure. The patient presented proptosis, impairment of ocular motility to the right side, facial tenderness, palpebral erythema, and referred decreased visual acuity. Intraoral exam revealed root fragments of left maxillary first molar and an extensive carious lesion on left maxillary second molar. Computed tomography enabled the observation of frontal sinus, left-sided maxillary, opacity of sphenoidal and ethmoidal sinuses, and apical lesion of left maxillary first and second molars, all suggesting the presence of their apex in the maxillary sinus. In addition, images revealed ocular proptosis and presence of high-density areas suggestive of pus in the medial orbital wall region. Results: The patient was submitted to surgical drainage under general anesthesia approximately 8 hours after the clinical evaluation. Conclusions: Early detection of orbital infection, proper diagnostic tests, and treatment may provide successful outcomes of this rarely occurring disease. (J Endod 2012;38:1541-1543)
Background: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of the duodenal-jejunal bypass liner (DJBL), a 60-cm, impermeable fluoropolymer liner anchored in the duodenum to create a duodenal-jejunal bypass, on metabolic parameters in obese subjects with type 2 diabetes. Methods: Twenty-two subjects (mean age, 46.2 +/- 10.5 years) with type 2 diabetes and a body mass index between 40 and 60 kg/m(2) (mean body mass index, 44.8 +/- 7.4 kg/m(2)) were enrolled in this 52-week, prospective, open-label clinical trial. Endoscopic device implantation was performed with the patient under general anesthesia, and the subjects were examined periodically during the next 52 weeks. Primary end points included changes in fasting blood glucose and insulin levels and changes in hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c). The DJBL was removed endoscopically at the end of the study. Results: Thirteen subjects completed the 52-week study, and the mean duration of the implant period for all subjects was 41.9 +/- 3.2 weeks. Reasons for early removal of the device included device migration (n = 3), gastrointestinal bleeding (n = 1), abdominal pain (n = 2), principal investigator request (n = 2), and discovery of an unrelated malignancy (n = 1). Using last observation carried forward, statistically significant reductions in fasting blood glucose (-30.3 +/- 10.2 mg/dL), fasting insulin (-7.3 +/- 2.6 mu U/mL), and HbA1c (-2.1 +/- 0.3%) were observed. At the end of the study, 16 of the 22 subjects had an HbA1c < 7% compared with only one of 22 at baseline. Upper abdominal pain (n = 11), back pain (n = 5), nausea (n = 7), and vomiting (n = 7) were the most common device-related adverse events. Conclusions: The DJBL improves glycemic status in obese subjects with diabetes and therefore represents a nonsurgical, reversible alternative to bariatric surgery.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the association between tourniquet and total operative time during total knee arthroplasty and the occurrence of deep vein thrombosis. METHODS: Seventy-eight consecutive patients from our institution underwent cemented total knee arthroplasty for degenerative knee disorders. The pneumatic tourniquet time and total operative time were recorded in minutes. Four categories were established for total tourniquet time: <60, 61 to 90, 91 to 120, and >120 minutes. Three categories were defined for operative time: <120, 121 to 150, and >150 minutes. Between 7 and 12 days after surgery, the patients underwent ascending venography to evaluate the presence of distal or proximal deep vein thrombosis. We evaluated the association between the tourniquet time and total operative time and the occurrence of deep vein thrombosis after total knee arthroplasty. RESULTS: In total, 33 cases (42.3%) were positive for deep vein thrombosis; 13 (16.7%) cases involved the proximal type. We found no statistically significant difference in tourniquet time or operative time between patients with or without deep vein thrombosis. We did observe a higher frequency of proximal deep vein thrombosis in patients who underwent surgery lasting longer than 120 minutes. The mean total operative time was also higher in patients with proximal deep vein thrombosis. The tourniquet time did not significantly differ in these patients. CONCLUSION: We concluded that surgery lasting longer than 120 minutes increases the risk of proximal deep vein thrombosis.
OBJETIVO: Endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration (EBUS-TBNA, punção aspirativa por agulha guiada por ultrassom endobrônquico) é um método novo em diagnóstico e estadiamento linfonodal mediastinal. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar os resultados preliminares obtidos com EBUS-TBNA no diagnóstico de lesões e no estadiamento linfonodal mediastinal. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados pacientes com tumores ou adenopatias mediastinais e com diagnóstico ou suspeita de câncer de pulmão. Os procedimentos foram realizados com os pacientes sob sedação ou anestesia geral. O material coletado foi preparado em lâminas fixadas em álcool absoluto para citologia e em formol para bloco de células. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos 50 pacientes (30 do sexo masculino), com média de idade de 58,3 ± 13,5 anos. Foram realizadas 201 punções em 81 linfonodos ou massas mediastinais (média de 2,5 punções). O material obtido foi considerado adequado para análise citológica em 37 pacientes (74%), dos quais 21 (57%) foram diagnosticados com malignidade. Nos 16 pacientes remanescentes, 1 teve diagnóstico de tuberculose, 6 tiveram seguimento clínico, e 9 foram submetidos a investigação adicional (2 diagnosticados com neoplasia - resultados falso-negativos). O rendimento do exame foi maior nos procedimentos com objetivo diagnóstico, em pacientes com lesões em múltiplas estações, e nas punções da estação linfonodal subcarinal. Um paciente apresentou sangramento endobrônquico resolvido com medidas locais. Não houve mortalidade na série. CONCLUSÕES: Esta experiência preliminar confirmou que o EBUS-TBNA é procedimento seguro, e que o nosso rendimento diagnóstico, inferior ao da literatura, foi compatível com a curva de aprendizado do método.
We report the case of a 9-year-old girl who presented with a complaint of a malodorous bloody discharge from the left naris. The patient had previously undergone a complete repair of left-sided cleft lip and palate. Clinical examination revealed hyperplasia of the nasal mucosa on the left side. X-ray examination of the nasal cavity demonstrated a radiopaque structure that resembled a tooth and a radiopaque mass similar to an odontoma that was adherent to the root of the suspected tooth. With the patient under general anesthesia, the structure was removed. On gross inspection, the structure was identified as a tooth with a rhinolith attached to the surface of its root. Microscopic examination revealed normal dentin and pulp tissue. A nonspecific inflammatory infiltrate was observed around the rhinolith, and areas of regular and irregular mineralization were seen. Some mineralized areas exhibited melanin-like brownish pigmentation. Areas of mucus with deposits of mineral salts were also observed. Rare cases of an intranasal tooth associated with a rhinolith have been described in the literature. We believe that this case represents only the second published report of an intranasal tooth associated with a rhinolith in a patient with cleft lip and palate
Background: Initially described by Gorlin et al. in 1962, the calcifying cystic odontogenic tumor (CCOT) may be associated with unerupted teeth, ameloblastomas, adenomatoid odontogenic tumors, and, in many cases, with odontomas. It is rare in patients in the first decade of life, particularly involving deciduous teeth. Surgery is the treatment of choice, with low recurrence rates. Case report: We present a clinical case of CCOT associated with odontoma and a missing deciduous tooth in a 3-year-old female patient. The lesion was removed under general anesthesia. The patient has been followed up for 1 year, and no recurrence was found. This appears to be the first report in such a young age
Le caratteristiche istologiche, immunologiche e fisiologiche della cute in età pediatrica sono responsabili di quadri dermatologici differenti nel bambino rispetto all’adulto, per cui la dermatologia pediatrica sta acquisendo sempre maggiore importanza come branca specifica nell’ambito sia della dermatologia generale che della pediatria. Il problema cruciale che si incontra nel management delle dermatosi pediatriche è legato alle difficoltà diagnostiche incontrate, che comportano spesso la necessità di eseguire una biopsia cutanea. Mentre gli studi epidemiologici relativi alla frequenza delle patologie dermatologiche pediatriche siano ampiamente riportati in letteratura, i dati e le revisioni relative alla chirurgia pediatrica dermatologica, nell’ambito dei servizi di Dermatologia Pediatrica, sono ridotti. Nell’arco dei tre anni di dottorato, la mia attività è stata finalizzata a valutare la possibilità di organizzare un servizio ambulatoriale per i prelievi bioptici in età pediatrica, con il solo ausilio di anestetici topici e locali. Durante i tre anni di Dottorato di Ricerca sono stati eseguiti 296 prelievi. Le biopsie eseguite sono state suddivise in 3 gruppi: biopsie diagnostiche su patologie dermatologiche (108 pz, 36%), biopsie su neoformazioni cutanee (174 pz, 59 %) e biopsie su lesioni follicolari ( 14 pz, 5%). Di ciascun gruppo sono state valutate le patologie riscontrate, l’età, il sesso, l’impiego di anestetico topico associato ad anestetico locale. In 180 (61%) pazienti dopo la biopsia si è proceduto all’applicazione di punti di sutura. Si sono valutati inoltre i vantaggi e gli svantaggi di tale attività ambulatoriale rispetto ai prelievi eseguiti avvalendosi di una sedazione profonda.
Il presente studio rappresenta la prima applicazione della tecnica CEUS in alcune delle più diffuse specie non convenzionali, nonché la prima nei rettili. In particolare è stata investigata la perfusione di fegato e milza in 10 conigli, 10 furetti e il fegato in 8 iguane. Per quanto riguarda i mammiferi, la tecnica è risultata di facile attuazione e i risultati ottenuti erano equiparabili a quelli documentati per i piccoli animali. Maggiore variabilità si è messa in evidenza a livello splenico in entrambe le specie e nel coniglio rispetto al furetto. Nelle iguane è stata necessaria una modifica del protocollo a seguito dei tempi più lunghi delle fasi di wash in e di wash out. Le curve ottenute erano caratterizzate da picchi più bassi e TTP più lunghi, con wash out incompleto anche dopo 10 minuti di indagine. Nelle iguane l’indagine del fegato è stata approfondita grazie all’esecuzione di TC dinamiche con MDC, studio pioneristico per quanto riguarda la medicina dei rettili. L’esecuzione è avvenuta senza problemi in anestesia generale. Diffusione del MDC e conseguenti variazione di HU a livello aortico e epatico sono state considerate contemporaneamente, con costruzione di curve HU-tempo piuttosto ripetibili, entrambe caratterizzate da un wash in rapido, un picco, particolarmente alto a livello aortico, e da una fase di wash out più lento, anche qui incompleto dopo i 600 secondi di indagine. Una certa variabilità è stata notata in tre individui, risultato attendibile conseguentemente alla forte dipendenza da fattori intriseci ed estrinseci del metabolismo e della funzionalità epatica dei rettili. L’intero protocollo è stato applicato in un furetto e due iguane patologiche, al fine di evidenziare le potenzialità cliniche delle tecniche. Sebbene il numero esiguo di casi non permetta di trarre conclusioni a questo riguardo, l’ultimo capitolo della tesi vuole essere uno spunto per studi futuri.
Recently published studies suggest that the anesthetic technique used during oncologic surgery affects cancer recurrence. To evaluate the effect of anesthetic technique on disease progression and long-term survival, we compared patients receiving general anesthesia plus intraoperative and postoperative thoracic epidural analgesia with patients receiving general anesthesia alone undergoing open retropubic radical prostatectomy with extended pelvic lymph node dissection.
After an uneventful general anesthesia, in a horse negative pressure pulmonary edema developed due to acute upper airway obstruction during the anesthetic recovery phase after colic surgery. No pathologic alteration of respiration was observed until the horse stood up and began suffocating. The horse had recovered with the nasogastric tube in situ. This, together with the postmortem diagnosis of laryngeal hemiplegia resulted in impairment of airflow through the larynx and development of pulmonary edema. Our objective is to alert clinicians about the possible hazard of recovery with an in-situ nasogastric tube.
OBJECTIVE: To report use of a pinless external fixator (PEF) for unilateral mandibular fractures in 9 equids. STUDY DESIGN: Case series. ANIMALS: Equids (n=9) with unilateral mandibular fractures. METHODS: All fractures were stabilized with the AO/ASIF PEF using a minimum of 4 clamps, under general anesthesia. Fracture configuration, complications, outcome, and owner satisfaction were evaluated. RESULTS: All fractures were stabilized; 2 equids were euthanatized; 1 because of an inability to stand after surgery and 1 because of owner decision after PEF dislodgement. Seven repairs healed with good outcome and owner satisfaction. Complications included dislodgement of the PEF (3), bone sequestration (3), and weight loss (1). Drainage associated with repair resolved after removal of sequestra and clamps. CONCLUSIONS: Stabilization of unilateral mandibular fractures with the PEF in horses was minimally invasive with minimal risk of tooth root interference; however, after care is time consuming. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: PEF is an alternative technique for stabilizing unilateral mandibular fractures in equids.
Radiography is part of evaluating horses with poor performance and pelvic limb lameness; however, the radiographic appearance of the sacroiliac region is poorly described. The goal of the present study was to describe the use of a simple technique to obtain radiographs of the sacroiliac region in the anesthetized horse and to describe the radiographic appearance of this region. Seventy-nine horses underwent radiography of the pelvis under general anesthesia in dorsal recumbency. During a 5s exposure time the horse was actively ventilated to blur the abdominal viscera, which allowed assessment of individual bone structures in 77 horses. A large variation in the shape of the sacral wings, their articulation with the transverse processes of L6, and the relation of the sacrum to the ilium were observed. Females had significantly narrower width of the sacral wings. Broad sacral wings and bony proliferations at the caudal aspect were commonly observed features and their size was highly correlated with gender. In males, caudal osteophytes were significantly larger than in females. Five horses had transitional or hemitransitional vertebrae. Radiography with the ventilation-induced blurring technique is a simple approach that results in diagnostic quality radiographs and delineation of the highly variable bone structures of the sacroiliac region.
BACKGROUND: Electrical stimulation of the P6 acupuncture point reduces the incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV). Neuromuscular blockade during general anesthesia can be monitored with electrical peripheral nerve stimulation at the wrist. The authors tested the effect of neuromuscular monitoring over the P6 acupuncture point on the reduction of PONV. METHODS: In this prospective, double-blinded, randomized control trial, the authors investigated, with institutional review board approval and informed consent, 220 women undergoing elective laparoscopic surgery anesthetized with fentanyl, sevoflurane, and rocuronium. During anesthesia, neuromuscular blockade was monitored by a conventional nerve stimulator at a frequency of 1 Hz over the ulnar nerve (n = 110, control group) or over the median nerve (n = 110, P6 group) stimulating at the P6 acupuncture point at the same time. The authors evaluated the incidence of nausea and vomiting during the first 24 h. RESULTS: No differences in demographic and morphometric data were found between both groups. The 24-h incidence of PONV was 45% in the P6 acupuncture group versus 61% in the control group (P = 0.022). Nausea decreased from 56% in the control group to 40% in the P6 group (P = 0.022), but emesis decreased only from 28% to 23% (P = 0.439). Nausea decreased substantially during the first 6 h of the observation period (P = 0.009). Fewer subjects in the acupuncture group required ondansetron as rescue therapy (27% vs. 39%; P = 0.086). CONCLUSION: Intraoperative P6 acupuncture point stimulation with a conventional nerve stimulator during surgery significantly reduced the incidence of PONV over 24 h. The efficacy of P6 stimulation is similar to that of commonly used antiemetic drugs in the prevention of PONV.
BACKGROUND: Oxidative killing is the primary defense against surgical pathogens; risk of infection is inversely related to tissue oxygenation. Subcutaneous tissue oxygenation in obese patients is significantly less than in lean patients during general anesthesia. However, it remains unknown whether reduced intraoperative tissue oxygenation in obese patients results from obesity per se or from a combination of anesthesia and surgery. In a pilot study, we tested the hypothesis that tissue oxygenation is reduced in spontaneously breathing, unanesthetized obese volunteers. METHODS: Seven lean volunteers with a body mass index (BMI) of 22 +/- 2 kg/m(2) were compared to seven volunteers with a BMI of 46 +/- 4 kg/m(2). Volunteers were subjected to the following oxygen challenges: (1) room air; (2) 2 l/min oxygen via nasal prongs, (3) 6 l/min oxygen through a rebreathing face mask; (4) oxygen as needed to achieve an arterial oxygen pressure (arterial pO(2)) of 200 mmHg; and (5) oxygen as needed to achieve an arterial pO(2) of 300 mmHg. The oxygen challenges were randomized. Arterial pO(2) was measured with a continuous intraarterial blood gas analyzer (Paratrend 7); deltoid subcutaneous tissue oxygenation was measured with a polarographic microoxygen sensor (Licox). RESULTS: Subcutaneous tissue oxygenation was similar in lean and obese volunteers: (1) room air, 52 +/- 10 vs 58 +/- 8 mmHg; (2) 2 l/min, 77 +/- 25 vs 79 +/- 24 mmHg; (3) 6 l/min, 125 +/- 43 vs 121 +/- 25 mmHg; (4) arterial pO(2) = 200 mmHg, 115 +/- 42 vs 144 +/- 23 mmHg; (5) arterial pO(2) = 300 mmHg, 145 +/- 41 vs 154 +/- 32 mmHg. CONCLUSION: In this pilot study, we could not identify significant differences in deltoid subcutaneous tissue oxygen pressure between lean and morbidly obese volunteers.
OBJECTIVES: We sought to determine both the procedural performance and safety of percutaneous implantation of the second (21-French [F])- and third (18-F)-generation CoreValve aortic valve prosthesis (CoreValve Inc., Irvine, California). BACKGROUND: Percutaneous aortic valve replacement represents an emerging alternative therapy for high-risk and inoperable patients with severe symptomatic aortic valve stenosis. METHODS: Patients with: 1) symptomatic, severe aortic valve stenosis (area <1 cm2); 2) age > or =80 years with a logistic EuroSCORE > or =20% (21-F group) or age > or =75 years with a logistic EuroSCORE > or =15% (18-F group); or 3) age > or =65 years plus additional prespecified risk factors were included. Introduction of the 18-F device enabled the transition from a multidisciplinary approach involving general anesthesia, surgical cut-down, and cardiopulmonary bypass to a truly percutaneous approach under local anesthesia without hemodynamic support. RESULTS: A total of 86 patients (21-F, n = 50; 18-F, n = 36) with a mean valve area of 0.66 +/- 0.19 cm2 (21-F) and 0.54 +/- 0.15 cm2 (18-F), a mean age of 81.3 +/- 5.2 years (21-F) and 83.4 +/- 6.7 years (18-F), and a mean logistic EuroSCORE of 23.4 +/- 13.5% (21-F) and 19.1 +/- 11.1% (18-F) were recruited. Acute device success was 88%. Successful device implantation resulted in a marked reduction of aortic transvalvular gradients (mean pre 43.7 mm Hg vs. post 9.0 mm Hg, p < 0.001) with aortic regurgitation grade remaining unchanged. Acute procedural success rate was 74% (21-F: 78%; 18-F: 69%). Procedural mortality was 6%. Overall 30-day mortality rate was 12%; the combined rate of death, stroke, and myocardial infarction was 22%. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment of severe aortic valve stenosis in high-risk patients with percutaneous implantation of the CoreValve prosthesis is feasible and associated with a lower mortality rate than predicted by risk algorithms.