892 resultados para Game Quiz
Given a graph G and a set X ⊆ V(G), the relative Wiener index of X in G is defined as WX (G) = {u,v}∈X 2 dG(u, v) . The graphs G (of even order) in which for every partition V(G) = V1 +V2 of the vertex set V(G) such that |V1| = |V2| we haveWV1 (G) = WV2 (G) are called equal opportunity graphs. In this note we prove that a graph G of even order is an equal opportunity graph if and only if it is a distance-balanced graph. The latter graphs are known by several characteristic properties, for instance, they are precisely the graphs G in which all vertices u ∈ V(G) have the same total distance DG(u) = v∈V(G) dG(u, v). Some related problems are posed along the way, and the so-called Wiener game is introduced.
This is an exercise to use with groups. It was sent to Debra Morris in 2007, by David Jaques, an educationalist with many years' experience in groupwork.
Quiz on A-level chemistry used during induction
For students learning JavaScript programming, this exercise sets out a fairly complete template for a DHTML implementation of Life. Students have to program the missing sections of code and attempt the extra features described. Only I have the password to unlock the solution!
A multiple-choice quiz to test a student's understanding of academic integrity and plagiarism. A range of quiz formats including Blackboard, IMS-QTI, plain text and Respondus is available for users to download.
As part of the INFO2009 coursework; an interactive resource set to teach students about the Computer Misuse Act, encompassing an explanation of the law and multiple-choice questions.
Quiz resource to complement the INFO2009 Group Website resource
The resource set of info2009 coursework 2 is produced by group22. it contains: 1. poster 2. internet link of a set of multiple questions 3. a pdf file of a set of multiple questions 4. reference list 5. lecture slides 6. lecture notes ps: Edward Payne (ejp1x07@ecs.soton.ac.uk) has not contributed to any part of the activities.
This share has a web resource on hacking. The web resource provides a tutorial on hacking and then an interactive quiz to test the user's knowledge.
Created for INFO2009 coursework.