733 resultados para Gall wasps.


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Ropalidia marginata is a primitively eusocial wasp widely distributed in peninsular India. Although solitary females found a small proportion of nests, the vast majority of new nests are founded by small groups of females. In suchmultiple foundress nests, a single dominant female functions as the queen and lays eggs, while the rest function as sterile workers and care for the queen's brood. Previous attempts to understand the evolution of social behaviour and altruism in this species have employed inclusive fitness theory (kin selection) as a guiding framework. Although inclusive fitness theory is quite successful in explaining the high propensity of the wasps to found nests in groups, several features of their social organization suggest that forces other than kin selection may also have played a significant role in the evolution of this species. These features include lowering of genetic relatedness owing to polyandry and serial polygyny, nest foundation by unrelated individuals, acceptance of young non-nest-mates, a combination of well-developed nest-mate recognition and lack of intra-colony kin recognition, a combination of meek and docile queens and a decentralized self-organized work force, long reproductive queues with cryptic heir designates and conflict-free queen succession, all resulting in extreme intra-colony cooperation and inter-colony conflict.


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The nursery pollination mutualism between figs and pollinating fig wasps is based on adaptations that allow wasps to enter the enclosed inflorescences of figs, to facilitate seed set, and to have offspring that develop within the nursery and that leave to enter other inflorescences for pollination. This closed mutualistic system is not immune to parasitic fig wasps. Although the life histories and basic biology of the mutualists have been investigated, the biology of the fig wasp parasites has been severely neglected. This review brings together current knowledge of the many different ways in which parasites can enter the system, and also points to the serious lacunae in our understanding of the intricate interactions between gallers, kleptoparasites, seed eaters and parasitoids within this mutualism.


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In nursery pollination mutualisms, which are usually obligate interactions, olfactory attraction of pollinators by floral volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is the main step in guaranteeing partner encounter. However, mechanisms ensuring the evolutionary stability of dioecious fig-pollinator mutualisms, in which female fig trees engage in pollination by deceit resulting in zero reproductive success of pollinators that visit them, are poorly understood. In dioecious figs, individuals of each sex should be selected to produce odours that their pollinating wasps cannot distinguish, especially since pollinators have usually only one choice of a nursery during their lifetime. To test the hypothesis of intersexual chemical mimicry, VOCs emitted by pollen-receptive figs of seven dioecious species were compared using headspace collection and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis. First, fig-flower scents varied significantly among species, allowing host-species recognition. Second, in species in which male and female figs are synchronous, intersexual VOC variation was not significant. However, in species where figs of both sexes flower asynchronously, intersexual variation of VOCs was detectable. Finally, with one exception, there was no sexual dimorphism in scent quantity. We show that there are two ways to use scent to be a dioecious fig based on differences in flowering synchrony between the sexes.


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Contenido: Nota preliminar – Poesía mariana en Gonzalo de Berceo / Lía N. Uriarte Rebaudi – El judío y el diablo como “otro” en los Milagros de Nuestra Señora de Berceo / Heanon M. Wilkins – “Intellectum tibi dabo et instruam te” / Eric Naylor – Descripción, narración, argumentación y crisis de la oralidad en el Libro del Buen Amor / Sofía M. Carrizo Rueda – El poema de Alfonso XI: ¿Un eco priscilianista, sabeliano, patripasiano? / Jorge Norberto Ferro – El vino en el refranero español; concordancias / Dolly M. Lucero Ontiveros – Una propuesta de clasificación de la Literatura Sapiencial Hispánica en el siglo XIII / Alicia E. Ramadori – Fray Juan García de Castrojeriz receptor de Aristóteles / Hugo Oscar Bizzarri – La especificidad de la prosa alfonsí; el caso del Lapidario / Mirta G. Aguayo – Alfonso el Sabio y Brunetto Latini: convergencias / Gretchem Arnstedt de Magneres – La figura autoral de Alfonso X en las Cantigas de Santa María / Santiago Aníbal Disalvo – La historia del rey Guillermo de Inglaterra: del relato del siglo XIV a la crónica quinientista / Carina Alejandra Zubillaga – El prólogo de “El Victorial”: heterogeneidad y orden a favor de una adecuada recepción / María Mercedes Rodríguez Temperley – A propósito del prólogo de la Confesión del amante / María Cristina Balestrini – Función de la “ekprhasis” en los relatos caballerescos / Lilia Elda Ferrario de Orduna – Una nueva fuente del Amadís de Gaula primitivo: la Waltbarii poesis del abad Ekkehard I. de Saint Gall / Aquilino Suárez Pallasá – Profecía mesiánica y profecía apocalíptica: la cuestión constantinopolitana en las Sergas de Esplandián y Primaleón / Javier Roberto González – Dos romances sefardíes de incógnito en una colección de romances. Aporte de nuevas versiones / Eleonora Angélica Alberti de Kleinbort – Conjeturas acerca del original manuscrito de la Comedia de Fernando Rojas / Germán Orduna – Fernando de Rojas, ¿autor? / Joseph Thomas Snow – El fondo medieval de la colección Foulché-Delbosc / Georgina Olivetto – Nómina de todos los congresistas


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Studies on Hymenopteran Parasitism of Drosophila

Flies of the genus Drosophila are subject to attack by a number of parasitic forms. Sturtevant (1921) has listed records of parasitism by protozoa (Leptomonas), fungi (Muiaria and Stigmatomyces), nematodes, mites and v~rious hymenoptera. According to Sturtevant, Perkins (1913) has bred at least five species of hymenoptera, belonging to the proctotrupoid, cynipoid and chalcidoid groups, upon Drosophiline flies. H.S. Smith has bred an unidentified proctotrupoid and a chalcidoid, Pachy crepoideus dubius Ashmead* from both Drosophila melanogaster ani D. hydei. Kieffer ( 1913) has described three species of hymenoptera from Africa collected by Silvestri and stated by him to be parasitic on Drosophila, species not given. They are Trichopria (Planopria) rhopalica (Diapriidae), Ashmeadopria drosophilae (Diapriidae), and the insect which forms the subject matter of the present investigation, Eucoila drosophilae (Figitidae).

There are in addition a number of predacious enemies among wasps, spiders, flies and beetles.

The present account is concerned with parasitism of various species of Drosophila by Eucoila drosophilae Kieff. The wasps were found b y Dr. w. P. Spencer who exposed traps in an effort to collect Drosophila at Long Lake, Ohio, in Sept. 1934 . Drosophila larvae from the trap gave a large number of pupae from which wasps emerged in considerable proportions. Since that time stock s have been maintained in culture on Drosophila melanogaster.


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O lagarto Tropidurus torquatus (Wied, 1820) possui ampla distribuição geográfica e é encontrado em abundância nas áreas onde ocorre, sendo considerada uma espécie apropriada para estudos ecológicos. No presente estudo nós analisamos o período de atividade, o uso do microhabitat, a intensidade de forrageamento, a dieta e a ecologia térmica de uma população de T. torquatus do Costão de Itacoatiara, no Parque Estadual da Serra da Tiririca, situado nos municípios de Niterói e Maricá, RJ. Os dados foram coletados em dois períodos: entre julho de 2004 e janeiro de 2008 para estudo do período de atividade, uso do microhabitat e intensidade de forrageamento, e entre julho e agosto de 2010 para estudo da ecologia térmica e dieta. Todos os indivíduos coletados eram adultos, com comprimento rostro-cloacal médio de 66,2 12,0mm para machos (n = 11) e 64,1 8,0mm para fêmeas (n = 03). O período de atividade de T. torquatus no Costão de Itacoatiara durou de 12 a 14 horas. Teve um padrão unimodal na estação seca, com pico de atividade entre 09:00h e 13:00h, durante as horas mais quentes do dia. Na estação chuvosa o padrão de atividade foi bimodal, com um pico entre 8:00h e 9:00h e outro entre 16:00h e 17:00h, ambos associados aos horários de temperaturas ambientais mais amenas. O período de atividade não diferiu entre as estações, o que pode ser explicado pelo extenso pico de atividade dos lagartos na estação seca. Os microhabitats mais utilizados foram o substrato rochoso do Costão e a bromélia, refletindo a disponibilidade destes na área. A intensidade de forrageamento não diferiu sazonalmente e o tempo médio que os lagartos ficaram parados foi maior do que o tempo médio em deslocamento. A dieta foi onívora e esteve composta por artrópodes, principalmente insetos, e material vegetal, principalmente frutos. Os principais insetos consumidos foram Formicidae, Coleoptera e Hymenoptera não-Formicidae como pequenas vespas e abelhas. Os frutos, as sementes e as flores consumidos pertenciam às cactáceas Rhipsalis cereoides e Coleocephalocereus fluminensis, para as quais T. torquatus pode ser um potencial agente dispersor de sementes na área. Lagartos maiores consumiram itens maiores, mas em menor número, indicando um balanço energético positivo. O consumo de material vegetal variou de acordo com o tamanho dos lagartos, aumentando sua proporção nos indivíduos mais velhos. A temperatura média em atividade de T. torquatus foi de 34,3 2,5C, estando na faixa de temperatura corpórea média encontrada para outras populações e para outros Tropidurus. O substrato foi a fonte de calor ambiental com maior importância relativa para a termorregulação dos lagartos durante a estação seca, explicando cerca de 48% da variação na temperatura corpórea da população. Os lagartos termorregularam de forma passiva, principalmente em relação à temperatura do substrato.


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O presente trabalho se dedica a realizar uma incursão na história do pensamento criminológico a fim de contribuir para um mapeamento das justificativas do surgimento de certas normas penais, algumas ainda em vigor, e o mapeamento das razões da edificação de muitas instituições jurídicas e administrativas, algumas ainda em funcionamento. A análise tradicional da biografia da Criminologia costuma, todavia, omitir certas ideias que deveriam ser integradas ao percurso da sua vertente científica. Vários são os autores que apontam para a origem da trajetória cientificista criminológica na Europa do fim do século XIX. No entanto, quando se aprofunda na identificação das raízes das referências positivistas na implicação Medicina-Pessoa-Sociedade da era moderna e sua influência na seara criminológica, percebesse que uma tímida Criminologia já estava nascendo no início do século XIX com os estudos sobre a fisiologia cerebral. Em meio a um processo político amplo de fortalecimento do Estado e da burguesia, dá-se a formação de um aparato médico-jurídico, pelo qual se demonstra a tentativa de reconhecimento da autoridade médica para além dos limites legítimos da atividade. Preocupa-se, portanto, em chamar a atenção para o movimento de medicalização do criminoso por uma leitura histórica do impacto do cientificismo cerebral na esfera criminal. O material desenvolvido pela Frenologia e, depois, pela Antropologia Criminal, é emblemático dessa onda cientificista do século XIX, na qual as pesquisas cerebrais imprimem a visão sobre a etiologia do crime a partir de seus marcadores biológicos. Mais particularmente, atenta-se para a recepção das teorias de Franz Joseph Gall e de Cesare Lombroso sobre o cérebro (do) criminoso na criminologia do século XIX, através da discussão da noção de livre arbítrio, do debate sobre retribuição versus tratamento, bem como das propostas de medidas preventivas em caso de tendências à violência e das políticas públicas voltadas para o cerceamento de direitos em nome de uma suposta defesa social.


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紫茎泽兰(Eupatorium adenophorum)是臭名昭著的世界恶性杂草之一,目前全世界已有30多个国家和地区遭受到它的入侵危害,因此引起了全社会各方面广泛的关注。我国西南部是紫茎泽兰入侵并造成严重危害的地区之一,本文以四川省攀西地区紫茎泽兰入侵危害严重的生态系统为研究对象,分别对不同生境条件下各年龄紫茎泽兰的生长状况、幼苗生长动态、不同类型群落中紫茎泽兰的种群变化规律以及泽兰实蝇防治紫茎泽兰现状进行研究,分析紫茎泽兰生态学特征及入侵策略,以揭示紫茎泽兰的入侵机制。   不同生境条件下相同年龄紫茎泽兰其生长状况有很大的不同:当年生紫茎泽兰幼苗在偏阴和灌丛遮荫环境下生长状况优于偏阳生境下,一年生以上的成熟植株生长情况则相反;紫茎泽兰在其单优群落中的生长状况明显优于灌丛中伴生的紫茎泽兰,说明一定程度的遮荫、植被覆盖及竞争对紫茎泽兰生长有一定的抑制作用。不同种类的灌木对紫茎泽兰生长的影响亦有所不同,其中,马桑(Coriaria sinica)等冠幅较大、性喜阴湿的落叶类灌木对紫茎泽兰幼苗萌发、种群更新有庇护和促进作用,而其他类冠幅小、常绿或落叶、且生于干旱生境下的灌木,则不利于紫茎泽兰幼苗萌发及种群更新,有些甚至会产生化感物种抑制紫茎泽兰的生长。   紫茎泽兰种子萌发属投机式萌发,一年内只要有适合的温湿条件都可以萌发。种子萌发的高峰期主要集中在雨季,冬春干旱季节萌发率很低。紫茎泽兰为常绿半灌木,终年可持续生长,生长速率受光照、湿度和温度影响显著。秋季萌发的紫茎泽兰幼苗在越冬及干旱季节中,各项生长指标(包括主茎长度、总叶面积、基径等)增长缓慢,一年之内平均月增长量由高到低的顺序分别为:偏阳生境>全荫湿润生境>灌丛遮荫生境,生长旺期为雨季约6 ~10月份;秋季萌发越年生实生苗生长节律与当年生实生苗相似,但生长周期不同于雨季萌发苗,需经过两个冬季才能开花结实完成其生活史;紫茎泽兰生活史循环过程,通过有性生殖与无性生殖相互补的繁殖策略进行种群的更新与扩散,进而达到入侵的目的。   泽兰实蝇(Procecidochares utilis)作为天敌控制紫茎泽兰已经在国内外得到广泛的应用,但关于它对紫茎泽兰控制的有效性和防治现状的研究尚不深入。本文通过对攀西地区紫茎泽兰入侵危害严重的路域生态系统中泽兰实蝇寄生状况的抽样调查,初步研究了泽兰实蝇对紫茎泽兰生长,特别是生殖能力的影响。研究结果表明:1)植株寄生率与枝条寄生率有显著差异(p﹤0.05),分别为71.67% 和17.30%,前者显著高于后者;样方调查结果显示,成熟群落中枝条寄生率为17.48枝•m-2;1虫瘿•枝条-1的枝条占所有寄生枝条的92.30%;2)湿润生境下紫茎泽兰的枝条寄生率为20.27%,显著高于干旱生境下的枝条寄生率(9.33%)(p﹤0.05);3)不同年龄植株枝条寄生率有差异,0 ~1年生植株枝条寄生率分别为36.36%和21.56%,显著高于2 ~4年生的植株枝条寄生率,后者分别为13.50%,8.82%及12.16%(p﹤0.05);4)在目前的寄生强度下,泽兰实蝇对紫茎泽兰枝条的直径、花枝量、头状花序数及结实量均无显著影响(p﹥0.05)。因此可以推断,目前单一的引进泽兰实蝇进行天敌控制不能达到预期的防治目标,天敌的引入也应慎重考虑。   紫茎泽兰能够利用与当地大多数植物种类生长节律的时间差异,通过首先占领时间生态位而达到占据空间生态位,最终导致严重的入侵危害。在不同类型的群落中,紫茎泽兰种群利用不同的适应策略进行入侵。自然和人工播种样地中,紫茎泽兰种群与群落状况的变化规律均呈相反趋势。对于一个成熟的紫茎泽兰种群,一旦其定居后即能很好的利用时间和空间生态位的空缺的来促进其优势地位的增强和巩固,从而逐渐增加其入侵程度,造成越来越大的灾害;而对于一个郁蔽度较好且较完整的群落,紫茎泽兰通过幼苗进行扩张以达到入侵的途径通常比较困难,只有在发生人为活动干扰时,才有可能通过投机式繁殖方式进入群落内部定居,继而通过克隆生殖的方式进行入侵。


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于2007年4月-2007年7月在中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园,通过干预控制榕小蜂产卵的方法研究了聚果榕的传粉榕小蜂Ceratosolen fusciceps和非传粉小蜂Platyneura mayri及垂叶榕的非传粉小蜂Acophila sp.1和Wakerella benjamini等的产卵顺序.对传粉榕小蜂,在完成放蜂后不同间隔时间向榕果内注入乙醚杀死小蜂:对非传粉榕小蜂,在放蜂后不同间隔时间将其从纱网袋内全部放出,从而控制了各种榕小蜂的产卵时间.到榕果成熟后,收集了榕果内的小蜂,并分析比较各种榕小蜂在不同产卵时间下的子代性比.结果表明:Ceratosolen fusciceps、P.mayri和Acophila sp.1在产卵的最初时间内倾向于产下更多的雄性后代,而随后的时间内则产下更多的雌性伴随少量的雄性后代,这样的产卵顺序导致子代性比随着母代产卵时间的延长而下降,榕小蜂后代雌性比例显著高于雄性.同时,子代榕小蜂数晕随母代产卵时间的延长而增加,这在一定程度上解释了单头繁殖雌蜂的子代性比随子代数量的增加而减少的现象.而Wakerella benjamini在产卵顺序上是随机的,在其开始产卵后的不同时间段内子代性比都接近于50%.这一结果表明榕小蜂的产卵顺序与母代产卵时间的长短对子代性比有极为重要的影响.


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下载PDF阅读器在聚果榕与其传粉榕小蜂Ceratosolen fusciceps组成的互利共生系统中,与传粉榕小蜂共存的还有榕树的寄生性小蜂Platyneura testacea和Platyneura mayri.这些寄生性小蜂由于不能给榕树带来任何收益而只是利用榕树的种子或与传粉小蜂竞争植物的雌花资源,因而可能导致榕树与榕小蜂之间合作系统的崩溃.植物果实的脱落机制普遍被认为是维持系统稳定的关键因素之一.然而,定量实验和野外观测发现P. mayri产卵并不会引起果实脱落,只有P. testacea产卵会使果实大量脱落.通过对3株样树进行比较发现:当产卵时的P. testacea数量越多时,它产生的瘿花数就越多,榕果发生脱落的比例越高.P. testacea的过度产卵是导致榕果选择性脱落的主要原因.结果表明:脱落机制并不能完全阻止非传粉小蜂的寄生,榕树只能选择性地脱落掉先于传粉小蜂产卵的榕果.这也同时表明维持榕树与榕小蜂互利共存的机制不仅仅只有榕果的脱落机制,可能还存在其它未被发现的机制.


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在榕树与其传粉小蜂组成的互利阿共生系统中,理解传粉小蜂与各种非传粉小蜂如何共存是解决这一系统稳定性维持机制问题的关键之一.生态位分化被普遍认为是传粉小蜂与各种非传粉小蜂共存的最主要动力.而作为生态位分化中最基础的食性分化在这一系统中如何具体实现尚小清楚.2006年12月至2007年6月.我们以聚果榕(Ficus racemosa)为材料,通过对果内6种榕小蜂进行独立放蜂及两两组合定最放蜂,并对传粉小蜂分别进行不携带花粉和不能产卵的技术处理,研究了寄生在聚果榕果内的5种非传粉小蜂的食性及相互关系,分析了在不同季节下寄生蜂与寄主间的相关系数.研究结果表明:在5种非传粉小蜂中,Platyneura testacea和P mayri是造瘿者,能独立刺激子房发育成瘿花,并使果实发育成熟;而 Apocrypta sp、A.westwoodi和P.agraensis只能寄生于某些已发育的虫瘿,为拟寄生者,它们各自分别与P.testacea,P.mayri和传粉小蜂Ceratosolen fusciceps存在着一对一的寄生关系.拟寄生者与寄主间的相关性在不同季节下会显示出不同的结果,这表明过去文献中用物种间的相关系数推理而确定的食性关系可能是不可靠的.对自然采集榕果内的小蜂群落分析表明,传粉小蜂处于优势地位,这说明在自然情况下非传粉小蜂的种群维持在一个较低水平,对榕树-传粉小蜂系统稳定性影响较小,故能与之长期共存.


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榕树与其传粉小蜂形成了高度专一的互惠共生系统。非传粉小蜂则是该系统的资源掠夺者, 但它与 该系统共存的机制仍不清楚。于2003 年12 月—2004 年4 月在西双版纳以聚果榕( Ficus racemosa L. ) 为材料, 研究了寄生在聚果榕榕果内的5 种非传粉小蜂的食性及相互关系, 以探讨非传粉小蜂与榕树- 传粉小蜂系统共 存的机制。结果表明: 寄生在聚果榕榕果内的5 种非传粉小蜂中, 仅Platyneura testacea Motschulsky 和Platyneu2 ra mayri Rasplus 能刺激子房发育成瘿花, 是造瘿者; Apocrypta sp . , Apocrypta westwoodi Grandi 和Platyneura a2 graensis Joseph 不能刺激子房发育成瘿花, 是拟寄生者。传粉小蜂的拟寄生者和造瘿者对传粉小蜂有负的影响, 但在蚂蚁和造瘿者的拟寄生蜂作用下, 这种负面影响并不显著, 而且它们对榕树繁殖没有显著影响。对小蜂自 然种群的分析表明, 传粉小蜂处于优势地位。说明在自然情况下传粉小蜂的拟寄生者和造瘿者的种群维持在一 个较低水平, 对榕树- 传粉小蜂系统稳定性影响较小, 故能与之长期共存。


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Figs (Moraceae) and their pollinating wasps (Agaonidae) constitute a famous reciprocal mutualism in which figs provide some female flowers for the development of fig wasp offspring while the fig wasps pollinate Fig flowers. However, figs also host many no


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In reciprocal mutualism systems, the exploitation events by exploiters might disrupt the reciprocal mutualism, wherein one exploiter species might even exclude other coexisting exploiter species over an evolutionary time frame. What remains unclear is how such a community is maintained. Niche partitioning, or spatial heterogeneity among the mutualists and exploiters, is generally believed to enable stability within a mutualistic system. However, our examination of a reciprocal mutualism between a fig species (Ficus racemosa) and its pollinator wasp (Ceratosolen fusciceps) shows that spatial niche partitioning does not sufficiently prevent exploiters from overexploiting the common resource (i.e., the female flowers), because of the considerable niche overlap between the mutualists and exploiters. In response to an exploiter, our experiment shows that the fig can (1) abort syconia-containing flowers that have been galled by the exploiter, Apocryptophagus testacea, which oviposits before the pollinators do; and (2) retain syconia-containing flowers galled by Apocryptophagus mayri, which oviposit later than pollinators. However, as a result of (2), there is decreased development of adult non-pollinators or pollinator species in syconia that have not been sufficiently pollinated, but not aborted. Such discriminative abortion of figs or reduction in offspring development of exploiters while rewarding cooperative individuals with higher offspring development by the fig will increase the fitness of cooperative pollinating wasps, but decrease the fitness of exploiters. The fig fig wasp interactions are diffusively coevolved, a case in which fig wasps diversify their genotype, phenotype, or behavior as a result of competition between wasps, while figs diverge their strategies to facilitate the evolution of cooperative fig waps or lessen the detrimental behavior by associated fig wasps. In habitats or syconia that suffer overexploitation, discriminative abortion of figs or reduction in the offspring development of exploiters in syconia that are not or not sufficiently pollinated will decrease exploiter fitness and perhaps even drive the population of exploiters to local extinction, enabling the evolution and maintenance of cooperative pollinators through the movement between habitats or syconia (i.e., the metapopulations).


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Habitat fragmentation usually results in alteration of species composition or biological communities. However, little is known about the effect of habitat fragmentation on the fig/fig wasp system. In this study, we compared the structure of a fig wasp community and the interaction between figs and fig wasps of Ficus racemosa L. in a primary forest, a locally fragmented forest and a highly fragmented forest. Our results show that, in the highly fragmented forest, the proportion of pollinator wasps is lower and the proportion of non-pollinator wasps is higher compared with the primary forest and locally fragmented forest. The proportion of fruits without pollinator wasps in mature fruits is also greatly increased in the highly fragmented forest. The proportion of galls in all female flowers increases in the highly fragmented forest, whereas the proportion of viable seeds does not change considerably. The disruption of groups of fig trees results in a decrease in pollinator wasps and even might result in the extinction of pollinator wasps in some extreme cases, which may transform the reciprocal interaction between figs and fig wasps into a parasite/host system. Such an effect may lead to the local extinction of this keystone plant resource of rain forests in the process of evolution, and thereby, may change the structure and function of the tropical rain forest.