483 resultados para GST


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Glutathione-S-transferase (GST)-Grb2 fusion proteins have been used to identify the potential role of Grb2-binding proteins in platelet activation by the platelet low-affinity IgG receptor, Fc gamma RIIA. Two tyrosine phosphoproteins of 38 and 63 kD bind to the SH2 domain of Grb2 following Fc gamma RIIA stimulation of platelets. Both are located in the particulate fraction following platelet activation and are also able to bind to a GST-construct containing the SH2 and SH3 domains of phospholipase C gamma 1. p38 also forms a complex with the tyrosine kinase csk in stimulated cells and is a substrate for the kinase. The SH3 domains of Grb2 form a stable complex with SOS1 and two proteins of 75 kD and 120 kD, which undergo tyrosine phosphorylation in Fc gamma RIIA stimulated cells. The 75-kD protein is recognized by antibodies to SLP-76, which has recently been isolated from T cells and sequenced. Tyrosine phosphorylation of p38 and p63 is also observed in platelets stimulated by the tyrosine kinase-linked receptor agonist collagen and by the G protein-coupled receptor agonist thrombin, although phosphorylation of SLP-76 is only observed in collagen-stimulated platelets. p38 and p63 may provide a docking site for Grb2, thereby linking Grb2 SH3-binding proteins SOS1, SLP-76, and p120 to downstream signalling events.


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We present one of the first studies of the use of Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) along fibre-optic cables to purposely monitor spatial and temporal variations in ground surface temperature (GST) and soil temperature, and provide an estimate of the heat flux at the base of the canopy layer and in the soil. Our field site was at a groundwater-fed wet meadow in the Netherlands covered by a canopy layer (between 0-0.5 m thickness) consisting of grass and sedges. At this site, we ran a single cable across the surface in parallel 40 m sections spaced by 2 m, to create a 40×40 m monitoring field for GST. We also buried a short length (≈10 m) of cable to depth of 0.1±0.02 m to measure soil temperature. We monitored the temperature along the entire cable continuously over a two-day period and captured the diurnal course of GST, and how it was affected by rainfall and canopy structure. The diurnal GST range, as observed by the DTS system, varied between 20.94 and 35.08◦C; precipitation events acted to suppress the range of GST. The spatial distribution of GST correlated with canopy vegetation height during both day and night. Using estimates of thermal inertia, combined with a harmonic analysis of GST and soil temperature, substrate and soil-heat fluxes were determined. Our observations demonstrate how the use of DTS shows great promise in better characterising area-average substrate/soil heat flux, their spatiotemporal variability, and how this variability is affected by canopy structure. The DTS system is able to provide a much richer data set than could be obtained from point temperature sensors. Furthermore, substrate heat fluxes derived from GST measurements may be able to provide improved closure of the land surface energy balance in micrometeorological field studies. This will enhance our understanding of how hydrometeorological processes interact with near-surface heat fluxes.


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The Hyades stream has long been thought to be a dispersed vestige of the Hyades cluster. However, recent analyses of the parallax distribution, of the mass function, and of the action-space distribution of stream stars have shown it to be rather composed of orbits trapped at a resonance of a density disturbance. This resonant scenario should leave a clearly different signature in the element abundances of stream stars than the dispersed cluster scenario, since the Hyades cluster is chemically homogeneous. Here, we study the metallicity as well as the element abundances of Li, Na, Mg, Fe, Zr, Ba, La, Ce, Nd and Eu for a random sample of stars belonging to the Hyades stream, and compare them with those of stars from the Hyades cluster. From this analysis: (i) we independently confirm that the Hyades stream cannot be solely composed of stars originating in the Hyades cluster; (ii) we show that some stars (namely 2/21) from the Hyades stream nevertheless have abundances compatible with an origin in the cluster; (iii) we emphasize that the use of Li as a chemical tag of the cluster origin of main-sequence stars is very efficient in the range 5500 K <= T(eff) <= 6200 K, since the Li sequence in the Hyades cluster is very tight, while at the same time spanning a large abundance range; (iv) we show that, while this evaporated population has a metallicity excess of similar to 0.2 dex with respect to the local thin-disc population, identical to that of the Hyades cluster, the remainder of the Hyades stream population has still a metallicity excess of similar to 0.06-0.15 dex, consistent with an origin in the inner Galaxy and (v) we show that the Hyades stream can be interpreted as an inner 4:1 resonance of the spiral pattern: this then also reproduces an orbital family compatible with the Sirius stream, and places the origin of the Hyades stream up to 1 kpc inwards from the solar radius, which might explain the observed metallicity excess of the stream population.


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Oxidative stress has been associated with normal aging and Alzheimer`s disease (AD). However, little is known about oxidative stress in mild cognitive impairment (MCI) patients who present a high risk for developing AD. The aim of this study was to investigate plasma production of the lipid peroxidation marker, malonaldehyde (MDA) and to determine, in erythrocytes, the enzymatic antioxidant activity of catalase, glutathione peroxidase (GPx), glutathione reductase (GR), and glutathione S-transferase (GST) in 33 individuals with MCI, 29 with mild probable AD and 26 healthy aged subjects. GR/GPx activity ratio was calculated to better assess antioxidant defenses. The relationship between oxidative stress and cognitive performance was also evaluated by the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE). AD patients showed higher MDA levels than both MCI and healthy elderly subjects. MCI subjects also exhibited higher MDA levels compared to controls. Catalase and GPx activity were similar in MCI and healthy individuals but higher in AD. GR activity was lower in MCI and AD patients than in healthy aged subjects. Additionally, GR/GPx ratio was higher in healthy aged subjects, intermediate in MCI and lower in AD patients. No differences in GST activity were detected among the groups. MMSE was negatively associated with MDA levels (r = -0.31, p = 0.028) and positively correlated with GR/GPx ratio in AD patients (r = 0.68, p < 0.001). MDA levels were also negatively correlated to GR/GPx ratio (r = -0.31, p = 0.029) in the AD group. These results suggest that high lipid peroxidation and decreased antioxidant defenses may be present early in cognitive disorders.


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Glutathione S-transferase (GST) is a family of enzymes involved in the detoxification of electrophilic compounds. Different classes of GST are expressed in various organs, such as liver, lungs, stomach and others. Expression of GST can be modulated by diet components and plant-derived compounds. The importance of controlling GST expression is twofold: increasing levels of GST are beneficial to prevent deleterious effects of toxic and carcinogenic compounds, while inhibition of GST in tumor cells may help overcoming tumor resistance to chemotherapy. A screening of 16 plants used in the Brazilian pharmacopoeia tested their effects on GST expression in hepatocytes and Jurkat (leukemia) T-cells. The methanol extracts of five plants inhibited GST expression in hepatocytes. Three plants significantly inhibited and four others induced GST expression in Jurkat cells. Among these, the extracts of Bauhinia forficata Link. (Leguminosae) and Cecropia pachystachya Trec. (Urticaceae) inhibited GST expression at relatively low concentrations. With the exception of B. forficata, all plants were cytotoxic when administered to Jurkat cells at high doses (1 mg/mL) and some extracts were considerably cytotoxic even at lower concentrations.


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Xylella fastidiosa is an important pathogen bacterium transmitted by xylem-feedings leafhoppers that colonizes the xylem of plants and causes diseases on several important crops including citrus variegated chlorosis (CVC) in orange and lime trees. Glutathione-S-transferases (GST) form a group of multifunctional isoenzymes that catalyzes both glutathione (GSH)-dependent conjugation and reduction reactions involved in the cellular detoxification of xenobiotic and endobiotic compounds. GSTs are the major detoxification enzymes found in the intracellular space and mainly in the cytosol from prokaryotes to mammals, and may be involved in the regulation of stress-activated signals by suppressing apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1. In this study, we describe the cloning of the glutathione-S-transferase from X. fastidiosa into pET-28a(+) vector, its expression in Escherichia coli, purification and initial structural characterization. The purification of recombinant xfGST (rxfGST) to near homogeneity was achieved using affinity chromatography and size-exclusion chromatography (SEC). SEC demonstrated that rxfGST is a homodimer in solution. The secondary and tertiary structures of recombinant protein were analyzed by circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopy, respectively. The enzyme was assayed for activity and the results taken together indicated that rxfGST is a stable molecule, correctly folded, and highly active. Several members of the GST family have been extensively studied. However, xfGST is part of a less-studied subfamily which yet has not been structurally and biochemically characterized. In addition, these studies should provide a useful basis for future studies and biotechnological approaches of rxfGST. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The flavivirus NS5 protein is one of the most important proteins of the replication complex, and cellular proteins can interact with it. This study shows for the first time that the yellow fever virus (YFV) NS5 protein is able to interact with U1A, a protein involved in splicing and polyadenylation. We confirmed this interaction by GST-pulldown assay and by co-immunoprecipitation in YFV-infected cells. A region between amino acids 368 and 448 was identified as the site of interaction of the NS5 protein with U1A. This region was conserved among some flaviviruses of medical importance. The implications of this interaction for flavivirus replication are discussed.


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One of the most useful methods for elimination of solid residues of health services (SRHS) is incineration. However, it also provokes the emission of several hazardous air pollutants such as heavy metals, furans and dioxins, which produce reactive oxygen species and oxidative stress. The present study, which is parallel to an accompanied paper (Avila Jr. et al., this issue), investigated several enzymatic and non-enzymatic biomarkers of oxidative stress in the blood (contents of vitamin E, lipoperoxidation = TBARS, reduced glutathione = GSH, oxidized glutathione = GSSG, and activities of glutathione S-transferase = GST, glutathione reductase = GR, glutathione peroxidase = GPx, catalase = CAT and superoxide dismutase = SOD), in three different groups (n = 20 each) exposed to airborne contamination associated with incineration of SRHS: workers directly (ca. 100 m from the incinerator) and indirectly exposed (residents living ca. 5 km the incineration site), and controls (non-exposed subjects). TBARS and GSSG levels were increased whilst GSH, TG and alpha-tocopherol contents were decreased in workers and residents compared to controls. Increased GST and CAT activities and decreased GPx activities were detected in exposed subjects compared to controls, while GR did not show any difference among the groups. In conclusion, subjects directly or indirectly exposed to SRHS are facing an oxidative insult and health risk regarding fly ashes contamination from SRHS incineration.


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Biochemical responses in bivalve mollusks are commonly employed in environmental studies as biomarkers of aquatic contamination. The present study evaluated the possible influence of salinity (35, 25,15 and 9 ppt) in the biomarker responses of Crassostrea gigas oysters exposed to diesel at different nominal concentrations (0.01, 0.1 and 1 mLL(-1)) using a semi-static exposure system. Salinity alone did not resulted in major changes in the gill`s catalase activity (CAT), glutathione S-transferase activity (GST) and lipid peroxidation levels (measured as malondialdehyde. MDA), but influenced diesel related responses. At 25 ppt salinity, but not at the other salinity levels, oysters exposed to diesel showed a strikingly positive concentration-dependent GST response. At 25 ppt and 1 mLL(-1) diesel, the GST activity in the gills remained elevated, even after one week of depuration in clean water. The increased MDA levels in the oysters exposed to diesel comparing to control groups at 9, 15 and 35 ppt salinities suggest the occurrence of lipid peroxidation in those salinities, but not at 25 ppt salinity. The MDA quickly returned to basal levels after 24 h of depuration. CAT activity was unaltered by the treatments employed. High toxicity for 1 mLL(-1) diesel was observed only at 35 ppt salinity, but not in the other salinities. Results from this study strongly suggest that salinity influences the diesel related biomarker responses and toxicity in C. gigas, and that some of those responses remain altered even after depuration. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Chronic chagasic cardiac patients are exposed to oxidative stress that apparently contributes to disease progression. Benznidazole (BZN) is the main drug used for the treatment of chagasic patients and its action involves the generation of reactive species. 41 patients with Chagas` heart disease were selected and biomarkers of oxidative stress were measured before and after 2 months of BZN treatment (5 mg/kg/day) and the subsequent antioxidant supplementation with vitamin E (800 UI/day) and C (500 mg/day) during 6 months. Patients were classified according to the modified Los Andes clinical hemodynamic classification in groups IA, IB, II and III, and the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), glutathione S-transferase (GST) and glutathione reductase (GR), as well as the contents of reduced glutathione (GSH), thiobarbituric acid reactive species (TBARS), protein carbonyl (PC), vitamin E and C and nitric oxide (NO), myeloperoxidase (MPO) and adenosine deaminase (ADA) activities were measured in their blood. Excepting in group III, after BZN treatment SOD, CAT, GPx and GST activities as well as PC levels were enhanced while vitamin E levels were decreased in these groups. After antioxidant supplementation the activities of SOD, GPx and GR were decreased whereas PC, TBARS, NO, and GSH levels were decreased. In conclusion, BZN treatment promoted an oxidative insult in such patients while the antioxidant supplementation was able to attenuate this effect by increasing vitamin E levels, decreasing PC and TBARS levels, inhibiting SOD, GPx and GR activities as well as inflammatory markers, mainly in stages with less cardiac involvement. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Coal mining and incineration of solid residues of health services (SRHS) generate several contaminants that are delivered into the environment, such as heavy metals and dioxins. These xenobiotics can lead to oxidative stress overgeneration in organisms and cause different kinds of pathologies, including cancer. In the present study the concentrations of heavy metals such as lead, copper, iron, manganese and zinc in the urine, as well as several enzymatic and non-enzymatic biomarkers of oxidative stress in the blood (contents of lipoperoxidation = TBARS, protein carbonyls = PC, protein thiols = PT, alpha-tocopherol = AT, reduced glutathione = GSH, and the activities of glutathione S-transferase = GST, glutathione reductase = GR, glutathione peroxidase = GPx, catalase = CAT and superoxide dismutase = SOD), in the blood of six different groups (n = 20 each) of subjects exposed to airborne contamination related to coal mining as well as incineration of solid residues of health services (SRHS) after vitamin E (800 mg/day) and vitamin C (500 mg/day) supplementation during 6 months, which were compared to the situation before the antioxidant intervention (Avila et al., Ecotoxicology 18:1150-1157, 2009; Possamai et al., Ecotoxicology 18:1158-1164, 2009). Except for the decreased manganese contents, heavy metal concentrations were elevated in all groups exposed to both sources of airborne contamination when compared to controls. TBARS and PC concentrations, which were elevated before the antioxidant intervention decreased after the antioxidant supplementation. Similarly, the contents of PC, AT and GSH, which were decreased before the antioxidant intervention, reached values near those found in controls, GPx activity was reestablished in underground miners, and SOD, CAT and GST activities were reestablished in all groups. The results showed that the oxidative stress condition detected previously to the antioxidant supplementation in both directly and indirectly subjects exposed to the airborne contamination from coal dusts and SRHS incineration, was attenuated after the antioxidant intervention.


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Reactive oxygen species and nitrogen species have been implicated in the pathogenesis of coal dust-induced toxicity. The present study investigated several oxidative stress biomarkers (Contents of lipoperoxidation = TBARS, reduced = GSH, oxidized = GSSG and total glutathione = TG, alpha-tocopherol, and the activities of glutathione S-transferase = GST, glutathione reductase = GR, glutathione peroxidase = GPx, catalase = CAT and superoxide dismutase = SOD), in the blood of three different groups (n = 20 each) exposed to airborne contamination associated with coal mining activities: underground workers directly exposed, surface workers indirectly exposed, residents indirectly exposed (subjects living near the mines), and controls (non-exposed subjects). Plasma TBARS were increased and whole blood TG and GSH levels were decreased in all groups compared to controls. Plasma alpha-tocopherol contents showed approximately half the values in underground workers compared to controls. GST activity was induced in workers and also in residents at the vicinity of the mining plant, whilst CAT activity was induced only in mine workers. SOD activity was decreased in all groups examined, while GPx activity showed decreased values only in underground miners, and GR did not show any differences among the groups. The results showed that subjects directly and indirectly exposed to coal dusts face an oxidative stress condition. They also indicate that people living in the vicinity of the mine plant are in health risk regarding coal mining-related diseases.


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Variation i björkvirkets färg beror på art, läge i träd, ursprung och lagringstid. Vårtbjörk har en mörkare färg än glasbjörk, men livligare struktur och glans. Timmer hugget under tillväxtsäsongen bör sågas färskt eller lagras högst en månad. Vid brädgårdstorkning är god luftcirkulation och skydd för väta och direkt solljus väsentligt. Strövirkets färskhet är av stor betydelse för att undvika fuktfärgning av virket.Variation in birch colours depend on species, position in tree, origin and the storage period. White birch is darker than hairy birch but with a lively structure and shine. During vegetation period timber storage exceeding one month should be avoided. Air circulation, protection from rain and direct sunlight are essential for yard drying. Freshness of stickers used for stacking is important to avoid water marks on wood surface.


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Från och med 1:a jan 2010 gäller nya byggregler avseende energianvändning och effektbehov för nya byggnader. De nya kraven innebär en skärpning för alla byggnader som använder el för uppvärmning. För att begränsa effektbehovet för elvärmda hus införs krav på maximal installerad eleffekt och kraven på köpt energimängd blir lägre i hus med elvärme än i hus som har annat uppvärmningssätt. Denna rapport undersöker hur byggandet kan komma att påverkas av de nya byggreglerna och vilka system som kan komma att bli dominerande i småhusen framöver. En villa med olika isolerstandard simulerades på fyra olika orter från Malmö i söder till Kiruna i norr och energianvändningen för de olika uppvärmningssystemen beräknades sedan scha-blonmässigt med hjälp av tillverkarnas data. Två olika isolerstandarder och ett passivhus simu-lerades med respektive utan från och tilluft med värmeåtervinning. Resultaten visar att traditionella frånluftvärmepumpar inte klarar kraven, både vad gäller ener-gi och effekt, förutom möjligen i sydligaste Sverige i ett välisolerat hus. En kondenserande frånluftvärmepump som kyler frånluften kraftigare och utvinner kondensationsvärme klarar kraven om den uppfyller vad tillverkaren lovar. En frånluft/jordvärmepump klarar också kra-ven, men ligger nära gränsen i Mellansverige. De uppvärmningsalternativ som klarar de nya energikraven med god marginal i alla klimatzoner är kondenserande frånluftvärmepump, bergvärmepump, fjärrvärme (FTX krävs i norra Sverige), pelletkamin med FTX samt passiv-huset. De el-baserade uppvärmningsalternativ som ger lägst elanvändning är bergvärmepump samt passivhus alternativet. Dessa ligger på alla orter långt under kravgränserna från BBR.Uppvärmning med enbart pellets eller fjärrvärme (utan FTX eller solvärme) klarar inte energi-kraven med tillräcklig marginal förutom i Malmö. Det krävs ytterligare åtgärder som kan vara tilläggsisolering, värmeåtervinning med FTX, frånluftvärmepump eller solvärme. Pelletvärme-systemen får lite svårare att klara energikraven, pga pelletkaminens verkningsgrad. Det blir alltså i praktiken krav på FTX med ved, pellets och oftast med fjärrvärme.En ekonomisk utvärdering har genomförts baserad på första årets energi-, kapital- och under-hållskostnader. Kapitalkostnader delas upp på komponentens förväntade livslängd med annui-tetsmetoden. Framtida underhållskostnader diskonteras ett nuvärde och delas upp med annui-tetsmetoden. Dagens energipriser och en kalkylränta på 4,5 % används som utgångspunkt, men varieras för olika scenarier. Fjärrvärme tycks ge bland de lägsta kostnaderna av de studerade alternativen. I alla fall i de kommuner som ligger under medelpriset för svensk fjärrvärme. Vedeldning har inte studerats här, men ger säkerligen lägst totalkostnader om man accepterar den tid som krävs för att han-tera ved och elda. Det studerade passivhuset hör också till de alternativ som har bland de lägs-ta kostnaderna då investering och energianvändning vägs samman. Men räntenivån har en stor inverkan på systemens totalkostnad. Låg ränta har en utjämnande effekt på totalkostnaden. Vid högre ränta ökar kostnaden mest för system med lång livslängd (avskrivningstid), vilket gör passivhusen dyrare. Pelleteldning i nybyggda hus kommer nog att utgöra en mindre del av installationerna, då det krävs FTX och investeringskostnaden blir ganska hög, men om lösningar med frånluftvärme-pump och luftburen pelletkamin mot förmodan skulle komma att uppfylla kraven för ett icke elvärmt hus kan det bli ett uppsving av sådana lösningar.


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Denna undersökning söker ett svar på hur den relativt vana lyssnarens bedömning av ljudkvalitet påverkas av ett så kallat öppet test, där det som bedöms är känd för lyssnaren, jämfört med ett blindtest, där detta objekt är okänt. Frågan appliceras på kvalitetsbedömningen av digitala kodningstekniker, d.v.s. hur lyssnaren påverkas av att valet av kodningsteknik som avlyssnas är känd eller inte. För att ta reda på detta genomfördes ett lyssningstest med nio deltagare. Deltagarna fick betygssätta perceptuellt kodade ljudfiler mot en känd referens, både som ett blindtest samt i ett öppet test. Resultatet är mångtydigt och inga generella slutsatser för hur lyssnaren påverkas av ett öppet test jämfört med ett blindtest går att uppfatta. Resultatet visar dock att påverkan ett öppet test har på lyssnarens bedömning är högst individuell. Lyssningstest i form av blindtest bör därför användas för att uppnå pålitligast resultat.