929 resultados para GERMAN HOSPITALS
This study presents estimates of returns to post-secondary educationand wage differentials among graduates fromdifferent secondary schoolsin Germany. I use an empirical model that captures the basic features ofthe German education system. It controls for selection into post-secondaryeducation and treats latter as endogenous in the wage equation. Myresults show that OLS estimates are severely biased. The direction ofthe bias depends on the secondary school type. Annual returns topost-secondary education differ significantly: they are eight timeshigher for graduates from the highest secondary school than for graduatesfrom the lowest secondary school.
The economic effects of the Protestant Reformation: Testing the Weber hypothesis in the German Lands
Many theories, most famously Max Weber s essay on the Protestant ethic, have hypothesizedthat Protestantism should have favored economic development. With their considerablereligious heterogeneity and stability of denominational affiliations until the 19th century, theGerman Lands of the Holy Roman Empire present an ideal testing ground for this hypothesis.Using population figures in a dataset comprising 272 cities in the years 1300 1900, I find no effectsof Protestantism on economic growth. The finding is robust to the inclusion of a varietyof controls, and does not appear to depend on data selection or small sample size. In addition,Protestantism has no effect when interacted with other likely determinants of economic development.I also analyze the endogeneity of religious choice; instrumental variables estimates ofthe effects of Protestantism are similar to the OLS results.
Ants inhabit several types of natural and urban habitats, where they successfully nest. In urban environments, the hospitals should be considered priority for studies, as ants pose risks to human health due to their pathogen carrying potential. We aimed at surveying the literature about studies on ants in hospital settings in Brazil in the past 20 years. We found 40 papers in 22 journals, the first one published in 1993. Among them, 26 papers assessed pathogenic microorganisms on ants. We recorded 59 ant species, being Tapinoma melanocephalumthe most common. The Minas Gerais and São Paulo states had the largest number of published papers. Mato Grosso do Sul and Rio Grande do Sul showed the highest number of species. Exotic ant species were recorded in all states, except Goiás. Considering the potential to carry microorganisms and the importance of thorough studies on the ecology of ant species, our results can support and guide further research in Brazil.
During the Greek debt crisis after 2010, the German government insisted on harshausterity measures. This led to a rapid cooling of relations between the Greekand German governments. We compile a new index of public acrimony betweenGermany and Greece based on newspaper reports and internet search terms. Thisinformation is combined with historical maps on German war crimes during theoccupation between 1941 and 1944. During months of open conflict between Germanand Greek politicians, German car sales fell markedly more than those of cars fromother countries. This was especially true in areas affected by German reprisals duringWorldWar II: areas where German troops committed massacres and destroyed entirevillages curtailed their purchases of German cars to a greater extent during conflictmonths than other parts of Greece. We conclude that cultural aversion was a keydeterminant of purchasing behavior, and that memories of past conflict can affecteconomic choices in a time-varying fashion. These findings are compatible withbehavioral models emphasizing the importance of salience for individual decision-making.
Although tremendous advances have been made in the diagnosis and treatment of patients, hospital administrative systems have progressed relatively slowly. The types of information available to managers in industrial sectors are not available in the health sector. For this reason, many phenomena, such as the variations of average costs and lengths of stay between different hospitals, have remained poorly explained.The DRG system defines groups of patients that consume relatively homogeneous quantities of hospital resources. On the basis, it is possible to standardize average lengths of stay and average hospital costs in terms of the differences in case mix treated. Thus DRGs can serve as an explanation of variations in these factors between different hospitals, and also (but not only) for prospective reimbursement schems. As in a number of other European countries, a project has been set up in Switzerland to examine the possibilities of using DRGs in hospital management, planning and financing.
Estat de la qüestió sobre l'ús de les tecnologies de la informació als hospitals pediàtrics per tal d'educar en el lleure i pal·liar l'aïllament d'infants i adolescents i les seves famílies durant l'estada a l'hospital. A partir del grau d'implantació de les tecnologies, s'ha fet una anàlisi de diverses experiències d'arreu del món. S'han identificat dos models diferents pel que fa als objectius: els que centren la seva atenció en aspectes curriculars i els que potencien aspectes lúdics. Ambdós compten amb la implicació del personal sanitari vinculat als pacients i amb la figura del voluntari per a gestionar aquests serveis. Les principals diferències entre els projectes estudiats són les fonts de finançament, la tipologia de serveis que ofereixen i la naturalesa de les entitas que els promociona.
Les "Pautas para bibliotecas al servicio de pacientes de hospital, ancianos y discapacitados en centros de atención de larga duración" elaborades per l'IFLA són el marc normatiu de les biblioteques per a pacients. La seva existència, però, no garanteix el seu compliment; és per això que trobem realitats ben diverses, des dels hospitals que les reinterpreten i adeqüen a les seves necessitats i mitjans fins als que les ignoren o les desconeixen. En aquesta comunicació farem un recorregut per diverses alternatives o interpretacions als espais hospitalaris dedicats tant a l'oci com a la informació dels pacients en un context internacional. Es conclou que la biblioteca per a pacients és un servei en si mateix i es reivindica com un servei més al qual el malalt té dret.
Contexte : Les infections du site opératoire (Surgical Site Infections - SSI) sont des complications fréquentes des procédures chirurgicales et un problème majeur de la santé publique. La surveillance constitue un élément essentiel de la prévention des SSI. Les résultats publiés récemment par certains pays européens suggèrent un impact positif qu'un réseau de surveillance active peut avoir sur le taux de SSI dans les hôpitaux participants. Objectif : La présente étude évalue les effets de la surveillance sur l'incidence des SSI en analysant les résultats du programme suisse multicentrique de surveillance des SSI. Méthodes : L'étude porte sur les 13 premières années du programme, regroupant au total 23 hôpitaux périphériques, cantonaux et universitaires de la Suisse occidentale et du sud. Ce programme, qui a intégré le consortium national Swissnoso en 2011, a été organisé conformément aux principes du système américain de National Nosocomial Infections Surveillance (NNIS). La surveillance incluait les procédures de la chirurgie viscérale (appendicectomie, cholécystectomie, chirurgie du colon et herniaire) et de l'orthopédie (arthroplastie de la hanche et du genou). Les données démographiques et cliniques étaient recueillies de manière standardisée par les infirmières cliniciennes en infectiologie pendant et après l'hospitalisation. Les rapports annuels, résumant les taux des SSI pour chaque type de procédure ainsi que la comparaison inter-hospitalière des risques relatifs ajustés à l'index NNIS, ont été discutés au sein de chaque établissement entre le comité des chirurgiens et le responsable local du programme. Analyses statistiques : Les taux cumulatifs des SSI ont été calculés pour chaque procédure chirurgicale. Une stratification selon le type de SSI (superficielle, profonde, organe/espace) et selon l'index NNIS a été respectée. Les facteurs de risque des SSI ont été identifiés pour chaque procédure par les analyses univariées des caractéristiques du patient (âge, sexe, score ASA, temps avant l'opération) et celles de l'opération (classe de contamination, durée de la chirurgie, urgence, antibioprophylaxie, laparoscopie, procédures multiples, ré¬intervention). Afin d'évaluer l'effet de la durée de la surveillance sur le taux des SSI, le temps de participation au programme a été calculé et stratifié par périodes d'un an par hôpital et par procédure. La corrélation entre la durée de la surveillance et les SSI a été estimée en utilisant les modèles de régression logistique pour chaque procédure avec l'ajustement pour les variables avec p ^ 0.2. Dans toutes les analyses, la valeur p < 0.05 était considéré significative. Résultats : Les taux globaux des SSI étaient : 18.2% pour les colectomies, 6.4% pour les appendicectomies, 2.3% pour les cholécystectomies, 1.7% pour les cures des hernies et 1.6% et 1.3% pour les arthroplasties de la hanche et du genou, respectivement. L'incidence des SSI post-hospitalières allait du 21% pour les colectomies au 94% pour les arthroplasties du genou. Concernant les facteurs prédictifs des SSI, l'index NNIS était valable seulement pour la chirurgie gastro-intestinale, la laparoscopie étant globalement protectrice mais associée à un taux d'infections profondes plus élevé après l'appendicectomie. La durée de la participation au programme de surveillance n'apportait pas de diminution des taux des SSI dans aucune procédure incluse dans l'étude. Conclusions : L'étude confirme l'impact de la surveillance post-hospitalière sur le taux des SSI, l'effet protectrice de la laparoscopie ainsi que l'absence de la valeur prédictive de l'index NNIS en orthopédie. Contrairement aux autres programmes européens nous n'avons pas détecté d'effet positif de la durée de la surveillance sur le taux des SSI. Les résultats obtenus ouvrent la discussion sur l'utilisation plus effective des données de surveillance des SSI.
We conducted a molecular study of MRSA isolated in Swiss hospitals, including the first five consecutive isolates recovered from blood cultures and the first ten isolates recovered from other sites in newly identified carriers. Among 73 MRSA isolates, 44 different double locus sequence typing (DLST) types and 32 spa types were observed. Most isolates belonged to the NewYork/Japan, the UK-EMRSA-15, the South German and the Berlin clones. In a country with a low to moderate MRSA incidence, inclusion of non-invasive isolates allowed a more accurate description of the diversity.
Diagnosis and decisions on life-sustaining treatment (LST) in disorders of consciousness, such as the vegetative state (VS) and the minimally conscious state (MCS), are challenging for neurologists. The locked-in syndrome (LiS) is sometimes confounded with these disorders by less experienced physicians. We aimed to investigate (1) the application of diagnostic knowledge, (2) attitudes concerning limitations of LST, and (3) further challenging aspects in the care of patients. A vignette-based online survey with a randomized presentation of a VS, MCS, or LiS case scenario was conducted among members of the German Society for Neurology. A sample of 503 neurologists participated (response rate 16.4%). An accurate diagnosis was given by 86% of the participants. The LiS case was diagnosed more accurately (94%) than the VS case (79%) and the MCS case (87%, p < 0.001). Limiting LST for the patient was considered by 92, 91, and 84% of the participants who accurately diagnosed the VS, LiS, and MCS case (p = 0.09). Overall, most participants agreed with limiting cardiopulmonary resuscitation; a minority considered limiting artificial nutrition and hydration. Neurologists regarded the estimation of the prognosis and determination of the patients' wishes as most challenging. The majority of German neurologists accurately applied the diagnostic categories VS, MCS, and LiS to case vignettes. Their attitudes were mostly in favor of limiting life-sustaining treatment and slightly differed for MCS as compared to VS and LiS. Attitudes toward LST strongly differed according to circumstances (e.g., patient's will opposed treatment) and treatment measures.
Introduction Functional subjective evaluation through questionnaire is fundamental, but not often realized in patients with back complaints, lacking validated tools. The Spinal Function Sort (SFS) was only validated in English. We aimed to translate, adapt and validate the French (SFS-F) and German (SFS-G) versions of the SFS. Methods Three hundred and forty-four patients, experiencing various back complaints, were recruited in a French (n = 87) and a German-speaking (n = 257) center. Construct validity was estimated via correlations with SF-36 physical and mental scales, pain intensity and hospital anxiety and depression scales (HADS). Scale homogeneities were assessed by Cronbach's α. Test-retest reliability was assessed on 65 additional patients using intraclass correlation (IC). Results For the French and German translations, respectively, α were 0.98 and 0.98; IC 0.98 (95% CI: [0.97; 1.00]) and 0.94 (0.90; 0.98). Correlations with physical functioning were 0.63 (0.48; 0.74) and 0.67 (0.59; 0.73); with physical summary 0.60 (0.44; 0.72) and 0.52 (0.43; 0.61); with pain -0.33 (-0.51; -0.13) and -0.51 (-0.60; -0.42); with mental health -0.08 (-0.29; 0.14) and 0.25 (0.13; 0.36); with mental summary 0.01 (-0.21; 0.23) and 0.28 (0.16; 0.39); with depression -0.26 (-0.45; -0.05) and -0.42 (-0.52; -0.32); with anxiety -0.17 (-0.37; -0.04) and -0.45 (-0.54; -0.35). Conclusions Reliability was excellent for both languages. Convergent validity was good with SF-36 physical scales, moderate with VAS pain. Divergent validity was low with SF-36 mental scales in both translated versions and with HADS for the SFS-F (moderate in SFS-G). Both versions seem to be valid and reliable for evaluating perceived functional capacity in patients with back complaints.
BACKGROUND: In 2004, complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) was offered by physicians in one-third of Swiss hospitals. Since then, CAM health policy has changed considerably. This study aimed to describe the present supply and use of CAM in hospitals in the French-speaking part of Switzerland, and to explore qualitatively the characteristics of this offer. METHODS: Between June 2011 and March 2012, a short questionnaire was sent to the medical directors of hospitals (n = 46), asking them whether CAM was offered, where and by whom. Then, a semi-directive interview was conducted with ten CAM therapists. RESULTS: Among 37 responses (return rate 80%), 19 medical directors indicated that their hospital offered at least one CAM and 18 reported that they did not. Acupuncture was the most frequently available CAM, followed by manual therapies, osteopathy and aromatherapy. The disciplines that offered CAM most frequently were rehabilitation, gynaecology and obstetrics, palliative care, psychiatry, and anaesthetics. In eight out of ten interviews, it appeared that the procedures for introducing a CAM in the hospital were not tightly supervised by the hospital and were mainly based on the goodwill of the therapists, rather than clinical/scientific evidence. CONCLUSION: The number of hospitals offering CAM in the French-speaking part of Switzerland seemed to have risen since 2004. The selection of a CAM to be offered in a hospital should be based on the same procedure of evaluation and validation as conventional therapy, and if the safety and efficiency of the CAM is evidence-based, it should receive the same resources as a conventional therapy.