983 resultados para Freezing and processing


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Eumelanin pigments show hydration-dependent conductivity, broad-band UV-vis absorption, and chelation of metal ions. Solution-processing of synthetic eumelanins opens new possibilities for the characterization of eumelanin in thin film form and its integration into bioelectronic devices. We investigate the effect of different synthesis routes and processing solvents on the growth, the morphology, and the chemical composition of eumelanin thin films using atomic force microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. We further characterize the films by transient electrical current measurements obtained at 50% to 90% relative humidity, relevant for bioelectronic applications. We show that the use of dimethyl sulfoxide is preferable over ammonia solution as processing solvent, yielding homogeneous films with surface roughnesses below 0.5 nm and a chemical composition in agreement with the eumelanin molecular structure. These eumelanin films grow in a quasi layer-by-layer mode, each layer being composed of nanoaggregates, 1-2 nm high, 10-30 nm large. The transient electrical measurements using a planar two-electrode device suggest that there are two contributions to the current, electronic and ionic, the latter being increasingly dominant at higher hydration, and point to the importance of time-dependent electrical characterization of eumelanin films. This journal is © 2013 The Royal Society of Chemistry.


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Valuable genetic material can be preserved by the cryopreservation of epididymal sperm. This study evaluated the viability of pre-freezing and post-thawed sperm samples recovered from the epididymal cauda of buffaloes. Epididymides from eight Murrah buffaloes with 18 months of age were used. Semen samples were diluted in two different freezing extenders: Botu-bov (BB) and Tris (TRIS). Immediately after slaughter, both testicles from each animal were collected and transported at 4 degrees C for six hours interval. In laboratory, the removed epididymides were flushed to obtain sperm and the fractions were diluted in both freezing extenders (BB and TRIS). Semen doses were analyzed before and after frozen at -196 degrees C. BB and TRIS pre-freezing results were 38.54 +/- 22.33%(b) and 14.17 +/- 12.78%(a) for total motility (TM), 25.00 +/- 16.12(a) and 9.44 +/- 9.11(a) for progressive motility (PM), 7.21 +/- 0.98(a) and 5.09 +/- 2.65(a) for percentage of rapid cells (RAP), 91.08 +/- 12.53(b) and 63.33 +/- 31.47(a) for velocity of trajectory (VAP), 73.54 +/- 20.17(b) and 49.50 +/- 9.11(a) for linear progressive velocity (VSL), 172.21 +/- 24.55(a) and 116.94 +/- 59.48(a) for curvilinear velocity (VCL), respectively (P < 0.05). BB and TRIS post-thawing results were 42.25 +/- 21.50(b) and 17.62 +/- 19.46(a) for TM, 27.25 +/- 24.86(a) and 18.00 +/- 13.68(a) for PM, 7.35 +/- 0.98(a) and 6.26 +/- 1.13(a) for RAP, 91.42 +/- 16.86(a) and 75.96 +/- 13.17(a) for VAP, 67.96 +/- 12.13(a) and 60.04 +/- 10.42(a) for VSL, 177.54 +/- 23.53(b) and 141.29 +/- 24.97a for VCL, respectively (P < 0.05). The sperm recovered from the epididymal cauda, after 6 h storage of epididymides at 5 degrees C ensures sperm preservation demonstrating that the diluent Botu-bov had higher total motility both pre-and post-freezing when compared with TRIS. Additionally, the sperm frozen with the diluent Botu-bov showed higher values of VSL at post-thawing. These findings may reflect in improvement of conception rates.


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The web services (WS) technology provides a comprehensive solution for representing, discovering, and invoking services in a wide variety of environments, including Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) and grid computing systems. At the core of WS technology lie a number of XML-based standards, such as the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), that have successfully ensured WS extensibility, transparency, and interoperability. Nonetheless, there is an increasing demand to enhance WS performance, which is severely impaired by XML's verbosity. SOAP communications produce considerable network traffic, making them unfit for distributed, loosely coupled, and heterogeneous computing environments such as the open Internet. Also, they introduce higher latency and processing delays than other technologies, like Java RMI and CORBA. WS research has recently focused on SOAP performance enhancement. Many approaches build on the observation that SOAP message exchange usually involves highly similar messages (those created by the same implementation usually have the same structure, and those sent from a server to multiple clients tend to show similarities in structure and content). Similarity evaluation and differential encoding have thus emerged as SOAP performance enhancement techniques. The main idea is to identify the common parts of SOAP messages, to be processed only once, avoiding a large amount of overhead. Other approaches investigate nontraditional processor architectures, including micro-and macrolevel parallel processing solutions, so as to further increase the processing rates of SOAP/XML software toolkits. This survey paper provides a concise, yet comprehensive review of the research efforts aimed at SOAP performance enhancement. A unified view of the problem is provided, covering almost every phase of SOAP processing, ranging over message parsing, serialization, deserialization, compression, multicasting, security evaluation, and data/instruction-level processing.


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According to recent studies, antioxidant supplementation on gamete processing and/or storage solutions improvesgamete quality parameters, after cooling or storage at sub zero temperature. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of antioxidant supplementation on pig and horse gamete storage. The first study aimed to determine the effects of resveratrol (RESV) on the apoptotic status of porcine oocytes vitrified by Cryotop method, evaluating phosphatidylserine (PS) exteriorization and caspases activation. RESV(2µM) was added during: IVM (A); 2 h post-warming incubation (B); vitrification/warming and 2 h post-warming incubation (C); all previous phases (D). The obtained data demonstrate that RESV supplementation in the various steps of IVM and vitrification/warming procedure can modulate the apoptotic process, improving the resistance of porcine oocytes to cryopreservation-induced damage. In the second work different concentrations of RESV (10, 20, 40, and 80µM) were added during liquid storage of stallion sperm for 24 hours at either 10°C or 4°C, under anaerobic conditions. Our findings demonstrate that RESV supplementation does not enhance sperm quality of stallion semen after 24 hours of storage. Moreover, the highest RESV concentrations tested (40 and 80µM) could damage sperm functional status, probably acting as pro-oxidant. Finally, in the third work other two antioxidants, ascorbic acid (AA) (100 µM) and glutathione (GSH) (5mM) were added on boar freezing and/or thawing solutions. In our study different sperm parameters were evaluated before freezing and at 30 and 240 minutes after thawing. Our results showed that GSH and AA significantly improved boar sperm cryotolerance, especially when supplemented together to both freezing and thawing media. This improvement was observed in sperm viability and acrosome integrity, sperm motility, and nucleoprotein structure. Although ROS levels were not much increased by freeze-thawing procedures, the addition of GSH and AA to both freezing and thawing extenders significantly decreased intracellular peroxide levels.


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Effects of soil freezing on nitrogen (N) mineralization have been the subject of increased attention in the ecological literature, though fewer studies have examined N mineralization responses to successive mild freezing, severe freezing and cyclic freeze–thaw events. Even less is known about relationships of responses to soil N status. This study measured soil N mineralization and nitrification in the field along an experimental N gradient in a grassland of northern China during the dormant season (October 2005–April 2006), a period in which freezing naturally occurs. Net N mineralization exhibited great temporal variability, with nitrification being the predominant N transformation process. Soil microbial biomass C and N and extractable NH4 + pools declined by 40, 52, and 56%, respectively, in April 2006, compared with their initial concentrations in October 2005; soil NO3– pools increased by 84%. Temporal patterns of N mineralization were correlated with soil microbial biomass C and N. N mineralization and nitrification increased linearly with added N. Microbial biomass C in treated soils increased by 10% relative to controls, whereas microbial N declined by 9%. Results further suggest that freezing events greatly alter soil N dynamics in the dormant season at this site, with considerable available N accumulating during this period.


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Following the processing and validation of JEFF-3.1 performed in 2006 and presented in ND2007, and as a consequence of the latest updated of this library (JEFF-3.1.2) in February 2012, a new processing and validation of JEFF-3.1.2 cross section library is presented in this paper. The processed library in ACE format at ten different temperatures was generated with NJOY-99.364 nuclear data processing system. In addition, NJOY-99 inputs are provided to generate PENDF, GENDF, MATXSR and BOXER formats. The library has undergone strict QA procedures, being compared with other available libraries (e.g. ENDF/B-VII.1) and processing codes as PREPRO-2000 codes. A set of 119 criticality benchmark experiments taken from ICSBEP-2010 has been used for validation purposes.


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Long-length ultrafine-grained (UFG) Ti rods are produced by equal-channel angular pressing via the conform scheme (ECAP-C) at 200 °C, which is followed by drawing at 200 °C. The evolution of microstructure, macrotexture, and mechanical properties (yield strength, ultimate tensile strength, failure stress, uniform elongation, elongation to failure) of pure Ti during this thermo-mechanical processing is studied. Special attention is also paid to the effect of microstructure on the mechanical behavior of the material after macrolocalization of plastic flow. The number of ECAP-C passes varies in the range of 1–10. The microstructure is more refined with increasing number of ECAP-C passes. Formation of homogeneous microstructure with a grain/subgrain size of 200 nm and its saturation after 6 ECAP-C passes are observed. Strength properties increase with increasing number of ECAP passes and saturate after 6 ECAP-C passes to a yield strength of 973 MPa, an ultimate tensile strength of 1035 MPa, and a true failure stress of 1400 MPa (from 625, 750, and 1150 MPa in the as-received condition). The true strain at failure failure decreases after ECAP-C processing. The reduction of area and true strain to failure values do not decrease after ECAP-C processing. The sample after 6 ECAP-C passes is subjected to drawing at 200¯C resulting in reduction of a grain/subgrain size to 150 nm, formation of (10 View the MathML source1¯0) fiber texture with respect to the rod axis, and further increase of the yield strength up to 1190 MPa, the ultimate tensile strength up to 1230 MPa and the true failure stress up to 1600 MPa. It is demonstrated that UFG CP Ti has low resistance to macrolocalization of plastic deformation and high resistance to crack formation after necking.


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Identifying cloud interference in satellite-derived data is a critical step toward developing useful remotely sensed products. Most MODIS land products use a combination of the MODIS (MOD35) cloud mask and the 'internal' cloud mask of the surface reflectance product (MOD09) to mask clouds, but there has been little discussion of how these masks differ globally. We calculated global mean cloud frequency for both products, for 2009, and found that inflated proportions of observations were flagged as cloudy in the Collection 5 MOD35 product. These erroneously categorized areas were spatially and environmentally non-random and usually occurred over high-albedo land-cover types (such as grassland and savanna) in several regions around the world. Additionally, we found that spatial variability in the processing path applied in the Collection 5 MOD35 algorithm affects the likelihood of a cloudy observation by up to 20% in some areas. These factors result in abrupt transitions in recorded cloud frequency across landcover and processing-path boundaries impeding their use for fine-scale spatially contiguous modeling applications. We show that together, these artifacts have resulted in significantly decreased and spatially biased data availability for Collection 5 MOD35-derived composite MODIS land products such as land surface temperature (MOD11) and net primary productivity (MOD17). Finally, we compare our results to mean cloud frequency in the new Collection 6 MOD35 product, and find that landcover artifacts have been reduced but not eliminated. Collection 6 thus increases data availability for some regions and land cover types in MOD35-derived products but practitioners need to consider how the remaining artifacts might affect their analysis.


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In a series of experiments, we tested category-specific activation in normal parti¬cipants using magnetoencephalography (MEG). Our experiments explored the temporal processing of objects, as MEG characterises neural activity on the order of milliseconds. Our experiments explored object-processing, including assessing the time-course of ob¬ject naming, early differences in processing living compared with nonliving objects and processing objects at the basic compared with the domain level, and late differences in processing living compared with nonliving objects and processing objects at the basic compared with the domain level. In addition to studies using normal participants, we also utilised MEG to explore category-specific processing in a patient with a deficit for living objects. Our findings support the cascade model of object naming (Humphreys et al., 1988). In addition, our findings using normal participants demonstrate early, category-specific perceptual differences. These findings are corroborated by our patient study. In our assessment of the time-course of category-specific effects as well as a separate analysis designed to measure semantic differences between living and nonliving objects, we found support for the sensory/motor model of object naming (Martin, 1998), in addition to support for the cascade model of object naming. Thus, object processing in normal participants appears to be served by a distributed network in the brain, and there are both perceptual and semantic differences between living and nonliving objects. A separate study assessing the influence of the level at which you are asked to identify an object on processing in the brain found evidence supporting the convergence zone hypothesis (Damasio, 1989). Taken together, these findings indicate the utility of MEG in exploring the time-course of object processing, isolating early perceptual and later semantic effects within the brain.


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Two reactive comonomers, divinyl benzene (DVB) and trimethylolpropane triacrylate (TRIS), were evaluated for their role in effecting the melt free radical grafting reaction of the monomer glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) onto polypropylene (PP). The characteristics of the GMA-grafting systems in the presence and absence of DVB or TRIS were examined and compared in terms of the yield of the grafting reaction and the extent of the main side reactions, namely homopolymerisation of GMA (poly-GMA) and polymer degradation, using different chemical compositions of the reactive systems and processing conditions. In the absence of the comonomers, i.e. in a conventional system, high initiator concentrations of peroxides were typically required to achieve the highest possible GMA grafting levels which were found to be generally low. Concomitantly, both poly-GMA and degradation of the polymer by chain scission takes place with increasing initiator amounts. On the other hand, the presence of a small amount of the comonomers, DVB or Tris, in the GMA-grafting system, was shown to bring about a significant increase in the grafting level paralleled by a large reduction in poly-GMA and PP degradation. In the presence of these highly reactive comonomers, the optimum grafting system requires a much lower concentration of the peroxide initiator and, consequently, would lead to the much lower degree of polymer degradation observed in these systems. The differences in the effects of the presence of DVB and that of TRIS in the grafting systems on the rate of the GMA-grafting and homopolymerisation reactions, and the extent of PP degradation (through melt flow changes), were compared and contrasted with a conventional GMA-grafting system.


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This paper explores demand and production management challenges in the food processing industry. The goal is to identify the main production planning constraints and secondly to explore how each of these constraints affects company’s performance in terms of costs and customer service level. A single case study methodology was preferred since it enabled the collection of in-depth data. Findings suggest that product shelf life, carcass utilization and production lead time are the main constraints affecting supply chain efficiency and hence, a single planning approach is not appropriate when different products have different technological and processing characteristics.


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The software architecture and development consideration for open metadata extraction and processing framework are outlined. Special attention is paid to the aspects of reliability and fault tolerance. Grid infrastructure is shown as useful backend for general-purpose task.


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After many years of scholar study, manuscript collections continue to be an important source of novel information for scholars, concerning both the history of earlier times as well as the development of cultural documentation over the centuries. D-SCRIBE project aims to support and facilitate current and future efforts in manuscript digitization and processing. It strives toward the creation of a comprehensive software product, which can assist the content holders in turning an archive of manuscripts into a digital collection using automated methods. In this paper, we focus on the problem of recognizing early Christian Greek manuscripts. We propose a novel digital image binarization scheme for low quality historical documents allowing further content exploitation in an efficient way. Based on the existence of closed cavity regions in the majority of characters and character ligatures in these scripts, we propose a novel, segmentation-free, fast and efficient technique that assists the recognition procedure by tracing and recognizing the most frequently appearing characters or character ligatures.


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Physiological signals, which are controlled by the autonomic nervous system (ANS), could be used to detect the affective state of computer users and therefore find applications in medicine and engineering. The Pupil Diameter (PD) seems to provide a strong indication of the affective state, as found by previous research, but it has not been investigated fully yet. ^ In this study, new approaches based on monitoring and processing the PD signal for off-line and on-line affective assessment ("relaxation" vs. "stress") are proposed. Wavelet denoising and Kalman filtering methods are first used to remove abrupt changes in the raw Pupil Diameter (PD) signal. Then three features (PDmean, PDmax and PDWalsh) are extracted from the preprocessed PD signal for the affective state classification. In order to select more relevant and reliable physiological data for further analysis, two types of data selection methods are applied, which are based on the paired t-test and subject self-evaluation, respectively. In addition, five different kinds of the classifiers are implemented on the selected data, which achieve average accuracies up to 86.43% and 87.20%, respectively. Finally, the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve is utilized to investigate the discriminating potential of each individual feature by evaluation of the area under the ROC curve, which reaches values above 0.90. ^ For the on-line affective assessment, a hard threshold is implemented first in order to remove the eye blinks from the PD signal and then a moving average window is utilized to obtain the representative value PDr for every one-second time interval of PD. There are three main steps for the on-line affective assessment algorithm, which are preparation, feature-based decision voting and affective determination. The final results show that the accuracies are 72.30% and 73.55% for the data subsets, which were respectively chosen using two types of data selection methods (paired t-test and subject self-evaluation). ^ In order to further analyze the efficiency of affective recognition through the PD signal, the Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) was also monitored and processed. The highest affective assessment classification rate obtained from GSR processing is only 63.57% (based on the off-line processing algorithm). The overall results confirm that the PD signal should be considered as one of the most powerful physiological signals to involve in future automated real-time affective recognition systems, especially for detecting the "relaxation" vs. "stress" states.^