970 resultados para Fractionation of carbohydrates
Abstract In search for renewable energy sources, the Brazilian residual biomasses stand out due to their favorable physical and chemical properties, low cost, and their being less pollutant. Therefore, they are likely to be used in biorefineries in the production of chemical inputs to substitute fossil fuels. This substitution is possible due to the high contents of carbohydrates (>40%), low contents of extractives (<20%), ashes (<8%) and moisture (<8%) found in these residual biomasses. High calorific values of all residues also offer them the chance to be used in combustion. A principal components analysis (PCA) was performed for better understanding of the samples and their hysic-chemical properties. Thus, this study aimed to characterize biomasses from the north (babassu residues, such as mesocarp and endocarp; pequi and Brazil nut) and northeast (agave and coconut) regions of Brazil, in order to contribute to the preservation of the environment and strengthen the economy of the region.
Abstract The present work describes setting up a laboratory unit for supercritical fluid extraction. In addition to its construction, a survey of cost was done to compare the cost of the homemade unit with that of commercial units. The equipment was validated using an extraction of annatto seeds’ oil, and the extraction and fractionation of fennel oil were used to validate the two separators; for both systems, the solvent was carbon dioxide. The chemical profiles of annatto and fennel extracts were assessed using thin layer chromatography; the images of the chromatographic plates were processed using the free ImageJ software. The cost survey showed that the homemade equipment has a very low cost (~US$ 16,000) compared to commercial equipment. The extraction curves of annatto were similar to those obtained in the literature (yield of 3.8% oil). The separators were validated, producing both a 2.5% fraction of fennel seed extract rich in essential oils and another extract fraction composed mainly of oleoresins. The ImageJ software proved to be a low-cost tool for obtaining an initial evaluation of the chemical profile of the extracts.
The Island Lake greenstone belt is one of the major Archean supracrustal exposures in the northwestern part of the Superior Province of the Canadian Shield. This belt is subdivided into two units: 1) a lower sequence characterised by pillowed to massive, locally pyroclastic, basalt to andesite with a thin central zone of felsic derivatives, all of which are interbedded with and overlain by thick sequences of turbidite facies rock; 2) the upper unit which consists of thick stratified conglomerate overlain by thickly bedded arkose and feldspathic greywacke. Reconnaissance sampling traverses were completed across both the strike of the belt and along its margins with adjacent granitoids. Most of the belt is within the greenschist metamorphic f acies with amphibolite facies occurring in certain areas near t he margins. A post-tectonic, low pressure thermal event may be responsible for the development of a unit of cordierite schi s t which stretches southeastwards from the east end of Cochrane Bay. Volcanism is cyclical in nature changing from tholeiitic to calc-alkaline. There is a general progression in the character of the lavas from mafic t o felsic with stratigraphic height. Chemica l d a ta sugges t that h i gh level fractionation of a mantle- derived ' dry' magma i s t he s ource of the thole i iti c lavas. Contamination of this magma with 'we t' sia l and subsequent fractionation may be r esponsi b l e for the calcalkaline phases .Observations of stratigraphic relationships (in particular the contact between the supracrustals and the granitoids) coupled with the metamorphic and chemical studies, allow the construction of a preliminary model for the evolution of the Island Lake greenstone belt. The following sequential development is suggested: 1) a platform stage characterised by the subaqueous effusion of mafic to intermediate lavas of alternating tholeiitic and calc-alkaline affinities; 2) an edifice stage marked by the eruption of felsic calc-alkaline rocks; 3) an erosional stage characterised by the deposit~on of thick sequences of turbidite facies rocks; 4) the impingement of granitic masses into the margins of the greenstone belt, which was probably related to a downward warping of the supracrustal pilei 5) the erosion of sialic massifs surrounding and within the greenstone belt and of early supracrustal piles, to give the clastic upper unit.
Although much research has been conducted on blood-meal acquisition in adult female black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae), the same cannot be said for sugarmeals. Both sexes feed on sugar which provides energy for flight and it has been commonly held that nectar is the major carbohydrate source. This thesis addresses the question of whether a non-floral carbohydrate source, specifically homopteran honeydew, is ingested by male and female black flies. Black flies reared in the laboratory have been observed to readily ingest freshly excreted and older (dry) honeydew when presented with honeydew coated tamarack branches. Field work was conducted in Algonquin Park, Ontario in the spring and summer of 1993. Three separate studies were designed to test whether homopteran honeydew is an important carbohydrate source for black flies and whether flies from different habitats utilize different sugar sources. The sugars melezitose and / or stachyose are known to occur in a variety of homopteran honeydews and therefore were used as indicators of honeydew feeding by black flies. In the first study, black flies were collected with insect nets from a stand of Larix larcina heavily infested with honeydew - producing homopterans (Adelges lariciatus). Six black fly species were captured: Simulium venustum, S. rostra tum, S. vittatum, Stegopterna mutata, S. aureum and S. quebecense. Samples of honeydew and individual black flies were tested using thin layer chromatography (T. L. C.) with fructose, glucose, sucrose, turanose, melezitose, raffinose and stachyose as standards. All sugars except turanose and melezitose were found in the adelgid honeydew samples. Since the sugar melezitose was absent from ~ honeydew samples, stachyose was used to indicate that black flies were feeding from this particular honeydew source. Of the 201 black flies tested, 194 contained sugars which occurred in 16 combinations. Stachyose combinations excluding melezitose, present in 45.9 % of flies, were used to indicate that black flies had been feeding on the adelgid honeydew. In the second study, black flies were collected in the morning and evening on 8 collection dates, using a vehicle mounted insect net. The crops and midguts of 10 male and 10 female Simulium venustum were dissected on each sample date. In total the gut contents of 320 individual flies were analysed by T. L. C. The sugars identified from these flies were present in the following proportions: fructose (100.0%), glucose (100.0%), sucrose/turanose (50.4%), melezitose (30.3%), raffinose (18.8%) and stachyose (8.7%). These sugars occurred in fourteen different combinations. It is argued that the presence of melezitose and / or stachyose indicates that black flies had fed on homopteran honeydew. Significantly more female flies (40.0%) than male flies (27.5%) had fed on honeydew. In the third study, adult black flies were sampled by sweep netting vegetation in four habitats in the morning and evening on 8 collection dates. The habitats are as follows: (1) Davies Bog, (2) Abandoned Air Field (dominated by blueberries, Vaccinium spp.), (3) Deciduous Habitat and (4) Coniferous Habitat. Sugars in the crops and midguts of female flies were tested by T. L. C. and, for S. venustum, it was found that significantly fewer flies (18.8%) from the Air Field contained honeydew than from the other three sites (Davies Bog, 34.4%; Deciduous Habitat, 36.2%; Coniferous Habitat, 25.0%). Of the 1287 black flies tested individually by T. L. C. 441 (34.3%) contained melezitose and / or stachyose sugars indicating that this proportion of the population were feeding from Homopteran honeydew. It is therefore clear that floral (nectar) sugars are not the only source of carbohydrates available to black flies.
Floral nectar is thought to be the primary carbohydrate source for most dipteran species. However, it has been shown that black flies (Burgin & Hunter 1997 a,b,c), mosquitoes (Foster 1995; Burkett et al. 1999; Russell & Hunter 2002), deer flies (Magnarelli & Burger 1984; Janzen & Hunter 1998; Ossowski & Hunter 2000), horse flies (Schutz & Gaugler 1989; Hunter & Ossowski 1999) and sand flies (MacVicker et al. 1990; Wallbanks et al. 1990; Cameron et al. 1992, 1995; Schlein & Jacobson 1994, 1999; Hamilton & EI Naiem 2000) feed on homopteran honeydew as well as floral nectar. Prior to 1997 floral nectar was thought to be the main source of carbohydrates for black flies. However, Burgin & Hunter (1 997a) demonstrated that up to 35% of black flies had recently consumed meals of homo pte ran honeydew. This information has necessitated a re-assessment of many life history aspects of black flies. Attempts are being made to examine the effects of nectar versus honeydew on black fly fecundity and parasite transmission (Hazzard 2003). Recently, Stanfield and Hunter (unpublished data) have shown that in female black flies, honeydew sugars produce flights of longer distance and duration than do nectar sugars. This thesis examines two aspects of black fly biology as it relates to sugar meal consumption. First, the effects of honeydew and nectar on black fly longevity are examined. Second, the proximate causation behind longer flight performances in honeydew-fed flies will be examined. The comparison between these two sources is important because nectar is composed of mainly simple sugars (monosaccharides and disaccharides) whereas honeydew is composed of both simple and complex sugars (including trisaccharides and tetrasaccharides ).
The cell wall composition of Choanephora cucur - bitarum and the host-parasite interface, after infection with Piptocephalis virginiana , were examined in detail. The cell walls of C_. cucurbitarum were determined to be composed of chitin (17%), chitosan (28.4%), neutral sugars (7.2%),uronic acid (2.4%), proteins (8.2%) and lipids (13.8%). The structure of hyphal walls investigated by electron microscopy of shadowed replicas before and after alkali-acid hydrolysis, showed two distinct regions: microfibrillar and amorphous. The microfibrils which were composed of mainly chitin, were organized into two distinct layers: an outer, thicker layer of randomly orientated microfibrils and an inner, thin layer of parallel microfibrils.Electronmicrographs of the host-parasite interface of C_. cucurbitarum and the mycoparasite , P_. virginiana , 30 h following inoculation, showed that the sheath zone has a similar electron density to that of the host cell wall. The sheath was not present around the young (18 h old) haustorium. High-resolution autoradiographs of infected host hyphae showed that radioactive N-acetyl-D-glucosamine , a precursor of chitin, was incorporated preferentially in the host cell wall and sheath zone. Cell fractionation of label fed hyphae showed that 84% of the label was present in the cell wall and specifically in the chitin portion of the wall. The antifungal antibiotic, Polyoxin D, a specific inhibitor of the enzyme, chitin synthetase, suppressed the incorporation of the label in the cell wall and sheath zone and resulted in a decrease in electron density of the developing sheath. The significance of these results is discussed in the light of host resistance.
The McElroy and Larder Lake assemblages, located in the southern Abitibi Greenstone Belt are two late Archean metavolcanic sequences having markedly contrasting physical characteristics arid are separated from one another by a regional fault. An assemblage is an informal term which describes stratified volcanic and/or sedimentary rock units built during a specific time period in a similar depositional or volcanic setting and are commonly bounded by faults, unconformities or intrusions. The petrology and petrogenesis of these assemblages have been investigated to determine if a genetic link exists between the two adjacent assemblages. The McElroy assemblage is homoclinal sequence of evolved massive and pillowed fl.ows, which except for the basal unit represents a progressively fractionated volcanic pile. From the base to the top of the assemblage the lithologies include Fe-tholeiitic, dendritic flows; komatiite basaltic, ultramafic flows; Mg-tholeiitic, leucogabbro; Mg-tholeiitic, massive flows and Fe-tholeiitic, pillowed flows. Massive flows range from coarse grained to aphanitic and are commonly plagioclase glomerophyric. The Larder Lake assemblage consists of komatiitic, Mg-rich and Fe-rich tholeiitic basalts, structurally disrupted by folds and faults. Tholeiitic rocks in the Larder Lake assemblage range from aphanitic to coarse grained massive and pillowed flows. Komatiitic flows contain both spinifex and massive textures. Geochemical variability within both assemblages is attributed to different petrogenetic histories. The lithologies of the McElroy assemblage were derived by partial melting of a primitive mantle source followed by various degrees of crystal fractionation. Partial melting of a primitive mantle source generated the ultramafic flows and possibly other flows in the assemblage. Fractionation of ultramafic flows may have also produced the more evolved McElroy lithologies. The highly evolved, basal, dendritic flow may represent the upper unit 3 of a missing volcanic pile in which continued magmatism generated the remaining McElroy lithologies. Alternatively, the dendritic flows may represent a primary lava derived from a low degree (10-15%) partial melt of a primitive mantle source which was followed by continued partial melting to generate the ultramafic flows. The Larder Lake lithologies were derived by partial melting of a komatiitic source followed by gabbroic fractionation. The tectonic environment for both assemblages is interpreted to be an oceanic arc setting. The McElroy assemblage lavas were generated in a mature back arc setting whereas the Larder Lake lithologies were produced during the early stages of komatiitc crust subduction. This setting is consistent with previous models involving plate tectonic processes for the generation of other metavolcanic assemblages in the Abitibi Greenstone Belt.
The steeply dipping, isoclinally folded early Precambrian (Archean) Berry Creek Metavolcanic Complex comprises primary to resedimented pyroclastic, epiclastic and autoclastic deposits. Tephra erupted from central volcanic edifices was dumped by mass flow mechanisms into peripheral volcanosedimentary depressions. Sedimentation has been essentially contemporaneous with eruption and transport of tephra. The monolithic to heterolithic tuffaceous horizons are interpreted as subaerial to subaqueous pumice and ash flows, secondary debris flows, lahars, slump deposits and turbidites. Monolithic debris flows, derived from crumble breccia and dcme talus, formed during downslope collapse and subsequent gravity flowage. Heterolithic tuff, lahars and lava flow morphologies suggest at least temporary emergence of the edifice. Local collapse may have accompanied pyroclastic volcanism. The tephra, produced by hydromagmatic to magmatic eruptions, were rapidly transported, by primary and secondary mechanisms, to a shallow littoral to deep water subaqueous fan developed upon the subjacent mafic metavolcanic platform. Deposition resulted from traction, traction carpet, and suspension sedimentation from laminar to turbulent flows. Facies mapping revealed proximal (channel to overbank) to distal facies epiclastics (greywackes, argillite) intercalated with proximal vent to medial fan facies crystal rich ash flows, debris flows, bedded tuff and shallow water to deep water lava flows. Framework and matrix support debris flows exhibit a variety of subaqueous sedimentary structures, e.g., coarse tail grading, double grading, inverse to normal grading, graded stratified pebbly horizons, erosional channels. Pelitic to psammitic AE turbidites also contain primary stru~tures, e.g., flames, load casts, dewatering pipes. Despite low to intermediate pressure greenschist to amphibolite grade metamorphism and variably penetrative deformation, relicts of pumice fragments and shards were recognized as recrystallized quartzofeldspathic pseudomorphs. The mafic to felsic metavolcanics and metasediments contain blasts of hornblende, actinolite, garnet, pistacitic epidote, staurolite, albitic plagioclase, and rarely andalusite and cordierite. The mafic metavolcanics (Adams River Bay, Black River, Kenu Lake, Lobstick Bay, Snake Bay) display _holeiitic trends with komatiitic affinities. Chemical variations are consistent with high level fractionation of olivine, plagioclase, amphibole, and later magnetite from a parental komatiite. The intermediate to felsic (64-74% Si02) metavolcanics generally exhibit calc-alkaline trends. The compositional discontinuity, defined by major and trace element diversity, can be explained by a mechanism involving two different magma sources. Application of fractionation series models are inconsistent with the observed data. The tholeiitic basalts and basaltic andesites are probably derived by low pressure fractionation of a depleted (high degree of partial melting) mantle source. The depleted (low Y, Zr) calc-alkaline metavolcanics may be produced by partial melting of a geochemically evolved source, e.g., tonalitetrondhjemite, garnet amphibolite or hydrous basalt.
The pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) complex regulates the oxidation of carbohydrates in mammals. Decreased activation of PDH following exhaustive exercise may aid the resynthesis of glycogen through increased activity of PDH kinase-4 (PDK4), one of four kinases that decrease the activity of the PDH complex. The purpose of this study was to examine the role of PDK4 in post-exercise glycogen resynthesis. Wild-type (WT) and PDK4-knockout (PDK4-KO mice) were exercised to exhaustion and were sampled at rest (Rest), at exercise exhaustion (Exh), and after two-hours post-exercise (Rec). Differences in feeding post-exercise led to the addition of a PDK4-KO group, pair-fed (PF) with WT mice. Glycogen fully recovered in all Rec groups in muscle however remained low in the PF group in liver. Flux through PDH was elevated in PDK4-KO muscle with feeding and low in the PF group in both tissues. This suggests PDK4 may fine-tune flux through PDH during exercise recovery.
L’incidence du diabète chez les premières nations du Canada est plus de trois fois celle du reste du pays, dû, en partie, aux traitements culturellement inappropriés. Notre projet vise à traiter le diabète chez ces populations à partir de leur pharmacopée de médicine traditionnelle afin d’améliorer l’acceptation des traitements. En utilisant une approche ethnobotanique, notre équipe a identifié 17 plantes médicinales utilisées pour traiter des symptômes du diabète par les Cris d'Eeyou Istchee (Baie James, Québec). Parmi eux, l'extrait éthanolique de baies de Vaccinium vitis-idaea a montré un effet stimulateur sur le transport du glucose dans les cellules musculaires squelettiques et les adipocytes en culture. Le but de cette thèse était d’élucider les mécanismes par lesquels cet extrait exerce ses effets anti-hyperglycémiants, d’identifier ses principes actifs et de confirmer in vivo, son efficacité. Les résultats démontrent que V.vitis a augmenté le transport du glucose dans les cellules musculaires en cultures, C2C12 et L6 et a stimulé la translocation des transporteurs GLUT4 dans les cellules L6. L'extrait a également inhibé la respiration dans les mitochondries isolées du foie du rat. Cet effet est semblable à celui de la metformine et en lien avec la production du stress métabolique et l'activation de l'AMPK. De plus, la voie de signalisation de l’insuline ne semble pas être impliquée dans le mécanisme d’action de V. vitis. Le fractionnement guidé par la stimulation du transport du glucose a mené à l'isolation des principes actifs; la quercétine, la quercétine-3-O-galactoside, et la quercétine-3-O-glucoside. Comparable à l'extrait brut, ses composés ont stimulé la voie AMPK. Cependant, la quércetine était la seule à inhiber la respiration mitochondriale. Pour valider l'effet de V.vitis in vivo, l'extrait (1% dans l'eau de boisson) a été administré aux souris KKAy pendant 10 jours. La glycémie et le poids corporel ont été significativement réduits par V.vitis. Ces effets ont été associés à une diminution de la prise alimentaire, ce qui suggère que V.vitis diminue l'appétit. L'étude pair-fed a confirmé que les effets de V.vitis sont, majoritairement, dû à la réduction de l’appétit. De plus, V.vitis a augmenté la teneur en GLUT4 dans le muscle squelettique, a stimulé la iv phosphorylation de l'ACC et a augmenté les niveaux de PPAR-α dans le foie des souris KKAy. Ces effets se voient être additifs à l’effet anorexigène de V. vitis. Au cours du fractionnement bioguidé de l’extrait, l’ester méthylique de l'acide caféique (CAME), un produit formé lors de la procédure du fractionnement, a démontré un effet stimulateur puissant sur le transport du glucose dans les celules C2C12 et donc un potentiel anti-diabétique. Pour identifier d'autres acides caféique active (AC) et pour élucider leurs relations structure-activité et structure-toxicité, vingt dérivés AC ont été testés. Outre CAME, quatre composés ont stimulé le transport du glucose et ont activé l'AMPK suite au stress métabolique résultant d'un découplage de la phosphorylation oxydative mitochondriale. L’activité nécessite une fonction d’AC intacte dépourvu de groupements fortement ionisés et ceci était bien corrélée avec la lipophilicite et la toxicité. Les résultats de cette thèse soutiennent le potentiel thérapeutique de V. vitis, ses composés actifs ainsi que de la famille de l’AC et pour la prévention et le traitement du diabète.
Controlling the inorganic nitrogen by manipulating carbon / nitrogen ratio is a method gaining importance in aquaculture systems. Nitrogen control is induced by feeding bacteria with carbohydrates and through the subsequent uptake of nitrogen from the water for the synthesis of microbial proteins. The relationship between addition of carbohydrates, reduction of ammonium and the production of microbial protein depends on the microbial conversion coefficient. The carbon / nitrogen ratio in the microbial biomass is related to the carbon contents of the added material. The addition of carbonaceous substrate was found to reduce inorganic nitrogen in shrimp culture ponds and the resultant microbial proteins are taken up by shrimps. Thus, part of the feed protein is replaced and feeding costs are reduced in culture systems.The use of various locally available substrates for periphyton based aquaculture practices increases production and profitability .However, these techniques for extensive shrimp farming have not so far been evaluated. Moreover, an evaluation of artificial substrates together with carbohydrate source based farming system in reducing inorganic nitrogen production in culture systems has not yet been carried-out. Furthermore, variations in water and soil quality, periphyton production and shrimp production of the whole system have also not been determined so-far.This thesis starts with a general introduction , a brief review of the most relevant literature, results of various experiments and concludes with a summary (Chapter — 9). The chapters are organised conforming to the objectives of the present study. The major objectives of this thesis are, to improve the sustainability of shrimp farming by carbohydrate addition and periphyton substrate based shrimp production and to improve the nutrient utilisation in aquaculture systems.
Objectives of the present study are to find out the proximate composition of 20 commercially important tropical fish species on the west coast of India. To determine the collagen content in these commercially important fish species and fractionation of collagen into acid soluble collagen (ASC) and hot water soluble (insoluble) collagen (ISC). To classify fishes according to its collagen content and To study the different storage characteristics in the mince based product—surimi, from different species of fishes. The researcher tries to find out a suitable collagen source to incorporate in surimi. and studies the different storage qualities in the mince based product, surimi at different levels of collagen in different species of fishes. The optimum collagen level to get desirable texture and storage quality for mince based product. The researcher aims to develop some products from surimi with desirable level of collagen. And compare the products prepared from surimi of lesser collagen content fish containing desirable level of collagen with surimi prepared with high collagen content fish without collagen. This study gains in importance as there is littleinformation on the collagen content of different species of fishes in India. So far no attempt was made to classify fishes according to its collagen content.
This thesis is an attempt to make a comparative study of the composition of the muscle proteins of some commercially important species of fishes and shell fishes of our coast and their changes during preservation and processing. As a part of this the distribution of the major protein nitrogen fractions in several species of fishes and shell fishes was studied in detail.
Cochin estuarine system is among the most productive aquatic environment along the Southwest coast of India, exhibits unique ecological features and possess greater socioeconomic relevance. Serious investigations carried out during the past decades on the hydro biogeochemical variables pointed out variations in the health and ecological functioning of this ecosystem. Characterisation of organic matter in the estuary has been attempted in many investigations. But detailed studies covering the degradation state of organic matter using molecular level approach is not attempted. The thesis entitled Provenance, Isolation and Characterisation of Organic Matter in the Cochin Estuarine Sediment-“ A Diagenetic Amino Acid Marker Scenario” is an integrated approach to evaluate the source, quantity, quality, and degradation state of the organic matter in the surface sediments of Cochin estuarine system with the combined application of bulk and molecular level tools. Sediment and water samples from nine stations situated at Cochin estuary were collected in five seasonal sampling campaigns, for the biogeochemical assessment and their distribution pattern of sedimentary organic matter. The sampling seasons were described and abbreviated as follows: April- 2009 (pre monsoon: PRM09), August-2009 (monsoon: MON09), January-2010 (post monsoon: POM09), April-2010 (pre monsoon: PRM10) and September- 2012 (monsoon: MON12). In order to evaluate the general environmental conditions of the estuary, water samples were analysed for water quality parameters, chlorophyll pigments and nutrients by standard methods. Investigations suggested the fact that hydrographical variables and nutrients in Cochin estuary supports diverse species of flora and fauna. Moreover the sedimentary variables such as pH, Eh, texture, TOC, fractions of nitrogen and phosphorous were determined to assess the general geochemical setting as well as redox status. The periodically fluctuating oxic/ anoxic conditions and texture serve as the most significant variables controlling other variables of the aquatic environment. The organic matter in estuary comprise of a complex mixture of autochthonous as well as allochthonous materials. Autochthonous input is limited or enhanced by the nutrient elements like N and P (in their various fractions), used as a tool to evaluate their bioavailability. Bulk parameter approach like biochemical composition, stoichiometric elemental ratios and stable carbon isotope ratio was also employed to assess the quality and quantity of sedimentary organic matter in the study area. Molecular level charactersation of free sugars and amino acids were carried out by liquid chromatographic techniques. Carbohydrates are the products of primary production and their occurrence in sediments as free sugars can provide information on the estuarine productivity. Amino acid biogeochemistry provided implications on the system productivity, nature of organic matter as well as degradation status of the sedimentary organic matter in the study area. The predominance of carbohydrates over protein indicated faster mineralisation of proteinaceous organic matter in sediments and the estuary behaves as a detrital trap for the accumulation of aged organic matter. The higher lipid content and LPD/CHO ratio pointed towards the better food quality that supports benthic fauna and better accumulation of lipid compounds in the sedimentary environment. Allochthonous addition of carbohydrates via terrestrial run off was responsible for the lower PRT/CHO ratio estimated in thesediments and the lower ratios also denoted a detrital heterotrophic environment. Biopolymeric carbon and the algal contribution to BPC provided important information on the better understanding the trophic state of the estuarine system and the higher values of chlorophyll-a to phaeophytin ratio indicated deposition of phytoplankton to sediment at a rapid rate. The estimated TOC/TN ratios implied the combined input of both terrestrial and autochthonous organic matter to sedimentsAmong the free sugars, depleted levels of glucose in sediments in most of the stations and abundance of mannose at station S5 was observed during the present investigation. Among aldohexoses, concentration of galactose was found to be higher in most of the stationsRelative abundance of AAs in the estuarine sediments based on seasons followed the trend: PRM09-Leucine > Phenylalanine > Argine > Lysine, MON09-Lysine > Aspartic acid > Histidine > Tyrosine > Phenylalanine, POM09-Lysine > Histadine > Phenyalanine > Leucine > Methionine > Serine > Proline > Aspartic acid, PRM10-Valine > Aspartic acid > Histidine > Phenylalanine > Serine > Proline, MON12-Lysine > Phenylalanine > Aspartic acid > Histidine > Valine > Tyrsine > MethionineThe classification of study area into three zones based on salinity was employed in the present study for the sake of simplicity and generalized interpretations. The distribution of AAs in the three zones followed the trend: Fresh water zone (S1, S2):- Phenylalanine > Lysine > Aspartic acid > Methionine > Valine ῀ Leucine > Proline > Histidine > Glycine > Serine > Glutamic acid > Tyrosine > Arginine > Alanine > Threonine > Cysteine > Isoleucine. Estuarine zone (S3, S4, S5, S6):- Lysine > Aspartic acid > Phenylalanine > Leucine > Valine > Histidine > Methionine > Tyrosine > Serine > Glutamic acid > Proline > Glycine > Arginine > Alanine > Isoleucine > Cysteine > Threonine. Riverine /Industrial zone (S7, S8, S9):- Phenylalanine > Lysine > Aspartic acid > Histidine > Serine > Arginine > Tyrosine > Leucine > Methionine > Glutamic acid > Alanine > Glycine > Cysteine > Proline > Isoleucine > Threonine > Valine. The abundance of AAs like glutamic acid, aspartic acid, isoleucine, valine, tyrosine, and phenylalanine in sediments of the study area indicated freshly derived organic matter.
The density (BSG) of bone increases, at the osteon scale, during lifetime aging within the bone. In addition, post-mortem diagenetic change due to microbial attack produces denser bioapatite. Thus, fractionation of finely powdered bone on the basis of density should not only enable younger and older populations of osteons to be separated but also make it possible to separate out a less diagenetically altered component. We show that the density fractionation method can be used as a tool to investigate the isotopic history within an individual's lifetime, both in recent and archaeological contexts, and we use the bomb C-14 atmospheric pulse for validating the method.