747 resultados para Food consumption
Im Rahmen der Arbeit wird den Fragen nachgegangen, inwiefern der Konsum von Öko-Lebensmitteln in Familien mit Kindern im zeitlichen Verlauf Veränderungen unterliegt und worin Veränderungen im Öko-Lebensmittelkonsum in Familien mit Kindern begründet sind. Aus den hierzu gewonnenen Erkenntnissen werden Schlussfolgerungen für die Konsumentenforschung und das Marketing von Öko-Produkten gezogen. Theoretische Grundlage stellen der Familienzyklus sowie Forschungsergebnisse zum Konsumentenverhalten in Familien und zum Konsum von Öko-Lebensmitteln in Familien dar. Für die empirische Bearbeitung der Forschungsfragen wurde ein qualitatives Forschungsdesign gewählt. Der Forschungsprozess gliederte sich in drei Wellen der Datenerhebung und -auswertung. Im Rahmen dessen wurden Eltern mithilfe problemzentrierter Interviews zur Entwicklung des Öko-Konsums in ihren Familien befragt. Die Interviews wurden computergestützt und in Anlehnung an die Kodierprozeduren offenes und axiales Kodieren der Grounded Theory ausgewertet. Ergebnis der Datenanalyse sind drei Zusammenhangsmodelle, die zu einer Erklärung von Veränderungen im Öko-Lebensmittelkonsum von Familien beitragen. Veränderungen können demnach erstens in einer Erhöhung der Konsumintensität während einer Schwangerschaft bestehen. Als Bedingungen hierfür konnten ein verstärktes Bewusstsein für Öko-Produkte, die körperliche Konstitution der Mutter sowie die Unterstützung durch die soziale Umwelt identifiziert werden. Weitere Bedingungen stellen Lebensmittelskandale sowie eine gute Verfügbarkeit von Öko-Produkten dar. Handlungsstrategien der Eltern beziehen sich auf das Wohlergehen des noch ungeborenen Kindes (Förderung der Gesundheit, Erhalten der zukünftigen Lebenswelt, Orientierung für die spätere Ernährung des Kindes) sowie auf das Wohlergehen der werdenden Mutter (Förderung der Gesundheit, Förderung des Wohlbefindens, Umgang mit schwangerschaftsbedingten Beschwerden). Zweitens können Veränderungen des Öko-Lebensmittelkonsums in einer Erhöhung der Konsumintensität ab dem Zeitpunkt der Umstellung der Ernährung eines Kindes auf eine Beikosternährung bestehen. Bedingungen hierfür sind eine verstärkte Beachtung von Öko-Produkten, die körperliche Konstitution des Kindes, die Abstimmung von Familien- und Baby-Kost, der Austausch mit und die Unterstützung durch die soziale Umwelt sowie der Wunsch von Eltern, einen Beitrag zum Öko-Landbau zu liefern. Bedingungen können außerdem eine gute Verfügbarkeit von Öko-Produkten sowie der Einfluss von Medien darstellen. Handlungsstrategien der Eltern beziehen sich auf die Ernährung des Kindes (Förderung der Gesundheit, Förderung der Geschmackssozialisation) und auf die Ernährung der restlichen Familie (effiziente Beschaffung und Verwendung von Lebensmitteln, Förderung des Wohlbefindens der Eltern). Drittens können Veränderungen im Öko-Lebensmittelkonsum in Familien in einem Rückgang der Konsumintensität während des Übergangs von Kindern ins Jugendalter bestehen. Bedingungen hierfür bestehen in der Konsequenz, mit der Eltern konventionellen Lebensmittelwünschen ihrer Kinder nachgeben, in der Beurteilung von Lebensmitteln durch die Eltern sowie in der Intensität, mit der Kinder ihre Wünsche einfordern. Handlungsstrategien der Eltern sind darauf ausgerichtet Kindern einen Wunsch zu erfüllen, sich gegenüber diesen liberal zu verhalten, Konflikte mit Kindern zu vermeiden oder diese ihre eigenen Erfahrungen sammeln zu lassen. Die Ergebnisse tragen zu einer theoretischen Fundierung des Zusammenhangs zwischen Familienzyklus und dem Öko-Lebensmittelkonsum in Familien bei und zeigen, dass dieser ein sinnvolles theoretisches Bezugssystem für Veränderungen der Konsumintensität von Öko-Produkten darstellt. Für die Konsumentenforschung tragen die Ergebnisse zu einem differenzierten Verständnis von Ober- und Untergrenzen von Familienzyklusstadien bei. Es zeigt sich weiterhin, dass Veränderungen des Öko-Konsums unter anderem unter dem Einfluss der sozialen Umwelt stehen. Im Hinblick auf das Marketing kann insbesondere geschlussfolgert werden, dass bei bestimmten Produktkategorien die Bedürfnisse jugendlicher Zielgruppen verstärkt berücksichtigt werden sollten. Zur Bindung junger Familien ist darauf hinzuwirken, einen Mehraufwand bei der Beschaffung von Öko-Produkten auszuschließen. Für die Ansprache der Zielgruppe Schwangere erscheinen Kommunikationsbotschaften geeignet, die sich auf das Wohlbefinden von Kind und Mutter und auf Nachhaltigkeitsaspekte beziehen. Eltern mit Kindern im Übergang zu einer Beikosternährung könnten gezielt durch Kommunikationsbotschaften angesprochen werden, die in Zusammenhang mit der Förderung der Gesundheit und der Geschmacksozialisation von Kindern stehen.
Este trabajo estima la proporción del ingreso que se destina al pago del IVA al implementar ocho estructuras tributarias utilizando métodos no paramétricos, a partir de la Encuesta de Ingresos y Gastos de 1994. La estructura tributaria más neutral es la definida por la Ley 633 de 2000. Se concluye que cualquier tasa gravable que se imponga sobre los alimentos genera una estructura regresiva del gravamen por la tipología del bien, que se compensa con el efecto sobre los otros tipos de bienes. Por tanto, es posible diseñar otros escenarios tributarios con mayores tasas de tributación sobre una base gravable más amplia que minimicen los efectos adversos sobre el nivel de consumo de los hogares.
Introducción: La obesidad infantil ha venido en aumento en los últimos años y Colombia no es ajena a esta problemática. Uno de los lugares para intervención son los planteles educativos, en los cuales los escolares son quienes escogen sus alimentos. En el presente estudio se pretendió caracterizar los hábitos alimentarios de una población pediátrica en cuatro instituciones educativas, con el fin de conocer las prioridades infantiles en cuanto a la escogencia de los alimentos, y por ende generar recomendaciones. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo multicéntrico que presenta los resultados de encuestas dirigidas a escolares entre 8 y 18 años, usuarios de tiendas escolares. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de acuerdo a las preferencias de alimentación por institución, por género y por edad entre otros. Resultados: Se incluyeron un total de 512 escolares. La distribución por género y edad fue similar en las cuatro instituciones educativas. Entre los alimentos de preferencia predominaron los alimentos empaquetados, pizza, helados y en menor proporción las frutas. En cuanto a las bebidas predominó la gaseosa y té en botella. Entre las razones para escoger los alimentos predominó “el sabor” seguido de la “facilidad y rapidez” para su consumo; y la principal razón para no escoger los alimentos fue el precio. Discusión: Es necesario hacer intervención desde una temprana edad para generar hábitos de alimentación saludable y equilibrada, al igual que se debería tener un programa de detección de hábitos alimentarios inadecuados en las instituciones escolares para así poder combatirlos.
In order to understand diets, why and how they change and can be influenced, it is important to understand how food choices are made. The has been the subject of, considerable study within many of the social science disciplines and the humanities. The paper draws on the theoretical and empirical work of psychologists, sociologists, economists, market researchers, anthropologists, geographers and historians to understand better the forces behind food choice, derive some general empirical messages from the literature, to shed light on food choice in a European context and to address the question of whether there is, or has been, a recognisably Atlantic diet. The paper proceeds to analyse the characteristics of the food consumption patterns in the Atlantic diet countries, examines whether their food consumption patterns are homogenous (i.e. similar across the countries of this group), whether they are specific (i.e. different from the ones in other country groups) and finally evaluates the nutritional composition of the Atlantic diet against the WHO/FAO recommendations for a healthy and wholesome diet.
Forecasting the effects of stressors on the dynamics of natural populations requires assessment of the joint effects of a stressor and population density on the population response. The effects can be depicted as a contour map in which the population response, here assessed by Population growth rate, varies with stress and density in the same way that the height of land above sea level varies with latitude and longitude. We present the first complete map of this type using as our model Folsomia candida exposed to five different concentrations of the widespread anthelmintic veterinary medicine ivermectin in replicated microcosm experiments lasting 49 days. The concentrations of ivermectin in yeast were 0.0, 6.8 28.83 66.4 and 210.0 mg/L wet weight. Increasing density and chemical concentration both significantly reduced the population growth rate of Folsomia candida, in part through effects on food consumption and fecundity. The interaction between density and ivermectin concentration was "less-than-additive," implying that at high density populations were able to compensate for the effects of the chemical. This result demonstrates that regulatory protocols carried out at low density (as in most past experiments) may seriously overestimate effects in the field, where densities are locally high and populations are resource limited (e.g., in feces of livestock treated with ivermectin).
The facilitation of healthier dietary choices by consumers is one of the key elements of the UK Government’s food strategy. Designing and targeting dietary interventions requires a clear understanding of the determinants of dietary choice. Conventional analysis of the determinants of dietary choice has focused on mean response functions which may mask significant differences in the dietary behaviour of different segments of the population. In this paper we use a quantile regression approach to investigate how food consumption behaviour varies amongst UK households in different segments of the population, especially in the upper and lower quantiles characterised by healthy or unhealthy consumption patterns. We find that the effect of demographic determinants of dietary choice on households that exhibit less healthy consumption patterns differs significantly from that on households that make healthier consumption choices. A more nuanced understanding of the differences in the behavioural responses of households making less-healthy eating choices provides useful insights for the design and targeting of measures to promote healthier diets.
Quadratic programming techniques were applied to household food consumption data in England and Wales to estimate likely changes in diet under healthy eating guidelines, and the consequences this would have on agriculture and land use in England and Wales. The first step entailed imposing nutrient restrictions on food consumption following dietary recommendations suggested by the UK Department of Health. The resulting diet was used, in a second step as a proxy for demand in agricultural commodities, to test the impact of such a scenario on food production and land use in England and Wales and the impacts of this on agricultural landscapes. Results of the diet optimisation indicated a large drop in consumption of foods rich in saturated fats and sugar, essentially cheese and sugar-based products, along with lesser cuts of fat and meat products. Conversely, consumption of fruit and vegetables, cereals, and flour would increase to meet dietary fibre recommendations. Such a shift in demand would dramatically affect production patterns: the financial net margin of England and Wales agriculture would rise, due to increased production of high market value and high economic margin crops. Some regions would, however, be negatively affected, mostly those dependent on beef cattle and sheep production that could not benefit from an increased demand for cereals and horticultural crops. The effects of these changes would also be felt in upstream industries, such as animal feed suppliers. While arable dominated landscapes would be little affected, pastoral landscapes would suffer through loss of grazing management and, possibly, land abandonment, especially in upland areas.
Objective: To identify and assess healthy eating policies at national level which have been evaluated in terms of their impact on awareness of healthy eating, food consumption, health outcome or cost/benefit. Design: Review of policy documents and their evaluations when available. Setting: European Member States. Subjects: One hundred and twenty-one policy documents revised, 107 retained. Results: Of the 107 selected interventions, twenty-two had been evaluated for their impact on awareness or knowledge and twenty-seven for their impact on consumption. Furthermore sixteen interventions provided an evaluation of health impact, while three actions specifically measured any cost/benefit ratio. The indicators used in these evaluations were in most cases not comparable. Evaluation was more often found for public information campaigns, regulation of meals at schools/canteens and nutrition education programmes. Conclusions: The study highlights the need not only to develop harmonized and verifiable procedures but also indicators for measuring effectiveness and success and for comparing between interventions and countries. EU policies are recommended to provide a set of indicators that may be measured consistently and regularly in all countries. Furthermore, public information campaigns should be accompanied by other interventions, as evaluations may show an impact on awareness and intention, but rarely on consumption patterns and health outcome.
Rationale: Increased food consumption following Δ9- tetrahydrocannabinol-induced cannabinoid type 1 receptor agonism is well documented. However, possible non-Δ9- tetrahydrocannabinol phytocannabinoid-induced feeding effects have yet to be fully investigated. Therefore, we have assessed the effects of the individual phytocannabinoids, cannabigerol, cannabidiol and cannabinol, upon feeding behaviors. Methods: Adult male rats were treated (p.o.) with cannabigerol, cannabidiol, cannabinol or cannabinol plus the CB1R antagonist, SR141716A. Prior to treatment, rats were satiated and food intake recorded following drug administration. Data were analyzed for hourly intake and meal microstructure. Results: Cannabinol induced a CB1R-mediated increase in appetitive behaviors via significant reductions in the latency to feed and increases in consummatory behaviors via increases in meal 1 size and duration. Cannabinol also significantly increased the intake during hour 1 and total chow consumed during the test. Conversely, cannabidiol significantly reduced total chow consumption over the test period. Cannabigerol administration induced no changes to feeding behavior. Conclusion: This is the first time cannabinol has been shown to increase feeding. Therefore, cannabinol could, in the future, provide an alternative to the currently used and psychotropic Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol-based medicines since cannabinol is currently considered to be non-psychotropic. Furthermore, cannabidiol reduced food intake in line with some existing reports, supporting the need for further mechanistic and behavioral work examining possible anti-obesity effects of cannabidiol.
Objectives: Investigate the impact of the provision of ONS on protein and energy intake from food and ability to meet protein and calorie requirements in people with dementia. Design: After consent by proxy was obtained, participants took part in a cross over study comparing oral intake on an intervention day to an adjacent control day. Setting: The study occurred in Nursing homes and hspitalised settings. Participants: Older adults with dementia over the age of 65 were recruited. 26 participants (aged 83.9+/-8.4 years, MMSE 13.08+/-8.13) took part. Intervention (if any): On the intervention day nutritional supplement drinks were provided three times. Each drink provided 283.3+/-41.8 Kcal of energy and 13.8+/-4.7g of protein. Supplements were removed approximately 1 hour before meals were served and weighed waste (g) was obtained. Measurements: Intake of food consumed was determined on intervention and control days using the quartile method (none, quarter, half, three quarters, all) for each meal component. Results: More people achieved their energy and protein requirements with the supplement drink intervention with no sufficient impact on habitual food consumption. Conclusion: Findings from these 26 participants with dementia indicate that supplement drinks may be beneficial in reducing the prevalence of malnutrition within teh group as more people meet their nutritional requirements. As the provision of supplement drinks is also demonstrated to have an additive effect to consumption of habitual foods, these can be used alongside other measures to also improve oral intake.
Dietary interventions with flavan-3-ols have shown beneficial effects on vascular function. The translation of these findings into the context of the health of the general public requires detailed information on habitual dietary intake. However, only limited data are currently available for European populations. Therefore, in the present study, we assessed the habitual intake of flavan-3-ol monomers, proanthocyanidins (PA) and theaflavins in the European Union (EU) and determined their main food sources using the EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) Comprehensive European Food Consumption Database. Data for adults aged 18–64 years were available from fourteen European countries, and intake was determined using the FLAVIOLA Flavanol Food Composition Database, developed for the present study and based on the latest US Department of Agriculture and Phenol-Explorer databases. The mean habitual intake of flavan-3-ol monomers, theaflavins and PA ranged from 181 mg/d (Czech Republic) to 793 mg/d (Ireland). The highest intakes of flavan-3-ol monomers and theaflavins were observed in Ireland (191/505 mg/d) and the lowest intakes in Spain (24/9 mg/d). In contrast, the daily intake of PA was highest in Spain (175 mg/d) and lowest in The Netherlands (96 mg/d). Main sources were tea (62 %), pome fruits (11 %), berries (3 %) and cocoa products (3 %). Tea was the major single contributor to monomer intake (75 %), followed by pome fruits (6 %). Pome fruits were also the main source of PA (28 %). The present study provides important data on the population-based intake of flavanols in the EU and demonstrates that dietary intake amounts for flavan-3-ol monomers, PA and theaflavins vary significantly across European countries. The average habitual intake of flavan-3-ols is considerably below the amounts used in most dietary intervention studies.
Background Flavonoids are a group of phenolic secondary plant metabolites that are ubiquitous in plant-based diets. Data from anthropological, observational and intervention studies have shown that many flavonoids are bioactive. For this reason, there is an increasing interest in investigating the potential health effects of these compounds. The translation of these findings into the context of the health of the general public requires detailed information on habitual dietary intake. However, only limited data are currently available for European populations. Objective The objective of this study is to determine the habitual intake and main sources of anthocyanidins, flavanols, flavanones, flavones, flavonols, proanthocyanidins, theaflavins and thearubigins in the European Union. Design We use food consumption data from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the FLAVIOLA Food Composition Database to estimate intake of flavonoids. Results Mean (±SEM) intake of total flavonoids in Europe was 428±49 mg/d, of which 136±14 mg/d were monomeric compounds. Gallated flavan-3-ols (53±12 mg/d) were the main contributor. The lowest flavonoid intake was observed in Mediterranean countries (monomeric compounds: 95±11 mg/d). The distribution of intake was skewed in many countries, especially in Germany (monomeric flavonoids; mean intake: 181 mg/d; median intake: 3 mg/d). Conclusions The habitual intake of flavonoids in Europe is below the amounts found to have a significant health effect.
The interplay between the fat mass- and obesity-associated (FTO) gene variants and diet has been implicated in the development of obesity. The aim of the present analysis was to investigate associations between FTO genotype, dietary intakes and anthropometrics among European adults. Participants in the Food4Me randomised controlled trial were genotyped for FTO genotype (rs9939609) and their dietary intakes, and diet quality scores (Healthy Eating Index and PREDIMED-based Mediterranean diet score) were estimated from FFQ. Relationships between FTO genotype, diet and anthropometrics (weight, waist circumference (WC) and BMI) were evaluated at baseline. European adults with the FTO risk genotype had greater WC (AAv. TT: +1·4 cm; P=0·003) and BMI (+0·9 kg/m2; P=0·001) than individuals with no risk alleles. Subjects with the lowest fried food consumption and two copies of the FTO risk variant had on average 1·4 kg/m2 greater BMI (Ptrend=0·028) and 3·1 cm greater WC (Ptrend=0·045) compared with individuals with no copies of the risk allele and with the lowest fried food consumption. However, there was no evidence of interactions between FTO genotype and dietary intakes on BMI and WC, and thus further research is required to confirm or refute these findings.
Transition to diets that are high in saturated fat and sugar has caused a global public health concern as the pattern of food consumption is a mayor modifiable risk factor for chronic non-communicable diseases Although agri food systems are intimately associated with this transition, agriculture and health sectors are largely disconnected in their priorities policy, and analysis with neither side considering the complex inter relation between agri trade patterns of food consumption health, and development We show the importance of connection of these perspectives through estimation of the effect of adopting a healthy diet on population health, agricultural production trade the economy and livelihoods, with a computable general equilibrium approach On the basis of case studies from the UK and Brazil we suggest that benefits of a healthy diet policy will vary substantially between different populations, not only because of population dietary intake but also because of agricultural production trade and other economic factors
Vitamin A deficiency in preschool children of Recife, Northeast of Brazil. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the extent of vitamin A deficiency (VAD) among preschool children in the city of Recife, Northeast Brazil. The sample comprised 344 children of both sexes, 24 to 60 months old, in 18 public day care centres in the city of Recife, in 2007. The nutritional status of vitamin A was assessed by biochemical (serum retinol) and dietetic (vitamin A rich-food consumption) indicators and the pondo-stature status through anthropometric indicators weight-for-age, height-for-age and weight-for-height. The prevalence of hyporetinolemia (<0.70 mu mol / L) was 7.7% (IC95% 4.88 - 11.81), which characterizes the VAD as a light-type public health problem, according to World Health Organization criteria. On the other hand, 29.6% (IC95% 24.22 - 35.63) of children had acceptable or marginal levels (0.70 to 1.04 mu mol/L) of retinol. Regarding the vitamin A rich-food intake, values below the EAR (Estimated Average Requirement) - 210 mu g/day for children of 1 to 3 years old and 275 mu g/day for children of 4 to 8 years old - were 8.1% and 21.3% respectively. The prevalence of anthropometrical deficits (<-2 scores -Z) in preschool children were 2.5% for the indicator weight-for-age, 8.6% for height-for-age and 1.5% for weight-for-height. The research findings point out to the importance of institutionalization for the appropriate nutritional status of children and maintenance of adequate reserves of vitamin A. However, more studies are needed focusing on non-institutionalized preschool, or children living outside the privileged environment of public day care centres.