920 resultados para Food Sector


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Currently, society faces a number of challenges related to the large amounts of organic wastes generated and accumulated by the increasing expansion of agroindustrial activities1. Most of these wastes are rich in lignocellulosic compounds, which represents a major fraction of all plant biomass (of above 90%), so, its degradation is crucial for global carbon cycle2. These organic wastes may be introduced directly on agriculture sector as soil organic amendment, however, these might contain phytochemicals, such as phenolic compounds which may introduce toxic effects to soil and to beneficial organisms. Transformation and degradation of these renewable organic wastes into composts (COMPOSTING) is a possible solution for these problems and an environmentally friendly processes that allows make use of natural resources efficiently3. The main potential handicap is generation and emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2 ), methane (CH4 ) and nitrous oxide (N2O) and another ones which may led serious problems like nitric oxide (NO) and ammonia (NH3) 4. For this reason, quantification of GHG emissions from composting and finding possible relations with the chemical and structural composition of the wastes used is crucial to the development of technologies for mitigating emissions and should help to make decisions concerning waste management.


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The demands of mitigation and adaptation policies are important to understanding a country’s climate change preparation by providing microfinance in the agricultural sector. This could be seen as a strategy to fight against the challenges of future food security. In 2014, Indonesia established climate change adaptation policies. This legislation aims to pave the way for making actions on climate change adaptation mainstream in national and local development planning. Public and private finance have supported the implementation of the climate actions. However, most funding is still used for mitigation. Adaptation finance needs support, especially in agriculture. This research paper studies opportunities for microfinance to play a role together with existing resources in supporting climate change adaptation in Indonesia. The data was acquired and analysed through a literature review, analysis of case studies and interviews with stakeholders in the climate change-related financial sector. The central findings regarding the opportunity for microfinance to contribute to the existing schemes in Indonesian climate change adaptation finance for agriculture are worthy of the result. This study found that adaptation finance is mostly used for indirect activities. Meanwhile, local communities, and farmers in particular, need directly targeted measures to adapt to climate change. An alternative approach is providing microfinance, insurance and capacity development for farmers to produce high quality agricultural products. This would contribute to optimizing the agri-food value chain, which supports socio-economic development of stakeholders, especially farmers. Hence, microfinance appears to be one potential solution to support direct climate change adaptation actions for the agricultural sector. However, this may not be strong enough to finance the entire needs for agricultural climate actions. Adaptation is contextual, so it has to be grounded in the needs of local communities. Microfinance needs public sectors support as well as other resources from the private sector. In the case of rapid response to disasters, which often destroy the agricultural sector, microfinance should be advantageous in supporting adaptation. However, in reality, it does not work, as it is prevented by regulations. So, this can be an area the public sector can support as a risk-taker as well as by providing initial funds and resources for scaling up efforts.


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Este trabajo busca aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos para identificar los problemas que se presentan en la empresa “Calzado Yullyan” y obtener posibles soluciones para lograr un mejor desempeño de la organización en el sector. Se pretende determinar los posibles escenarios en los que la empresa se puede ver involucrada, de manera que se planteen soluciones que mejoren las actividades desarrolladas y permitan el crecimiento y fortalecimiento de la misma. Para este trabajo se realizó un análisis del sector teniendo en cuenta diferentes aspectos como la productividad, el comportamiento de las importaciones y las exportaciones, la cadena productiva, las fuerzas del mercado, entre otros.


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A prevalência da obesidade está a aumentar nos países desenvolvidos e Portugal não é excepção. O presente trabalho teve como principal objectivo caracterizar a situação relativamente aos parâmetros antropométricos e hábitos alimentares de várias categorias profissionais do sector da saúde de uma instituição hospitalar do distrito de Lisboa. Com efeito, verificou-se que existem diferenças ao nível do Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC), da massa gorda e muscular e do perímetro de cintura entre as profissões estudadas (assistentes operacionais, enfermeiros, médicos e técnicos de diagnóstico e terapêutica). De acordo com a classificação do IMC, o grupo estudado situou-se no cut-off superior do ‘peso normal’ (IMC de 24,9 kg/m2). A obesidade esteve presente em 29% dos assistentes operacionais, 9% nos médicos e 5% nos enfermeiros e técnicos de diagnóstico e terapêutica. Também se observaram diferenças entre os géneros feminino e masculino, já que neste último o IMC foi de 26,5 kg/m2 e no primeiro foi de 24,6 kg/m2. Quanto aos hábitos alimentares, através do questionário de frequência alimentar (QFA) e após comparar com as recomendações da pirâmide dos alimentos mediterrânica e com a roda dos alimentos, foi notório o desvio do padrão alimentar face ao que é preconizado por estas representações. Assim, a maioria dos indivíduos não ingere produtos lácteos, pão, cereais e derivados com a frequência que seria adequada. Também se observaram diferenças no reporte de ingestão dos mesmos alimentos entre as categorias profissionais, salientando que todas estas apresentam padrões de ingestão desviantes das recomendações defendidas pela pirâmide dos alimentos mediterrânica e pela roda dos alimentos. Na sociedade actual, o local de trabalho é cada vez mais obesogénico devido quer à mudança na natureza do trabalho, quer às condições em que este decorre. Face aos resultados obtidos foi elaborado um plano de intervenção sócio- organizacional que visa promover hábitos alimentares e estilos de vida saudáveis. /ABSTRACT: Obesity prevalence is increasing all over developed countries, and Portugal is no exception. The present study had as major objective to describe the situation relative to anthropometric measures and dietary habits of several job strains operating in the health sector of a Lisbon district’s central hospital. Indeed, it has been verified that there are differences as concern to Body Mass Index (BMI), fat and muscle mass and waist circumference among the job strains studied (operational assistants, nurses, physicians and diagnostic and therapeutic technicians). According to BMI classification, the sample showed to be lined up with the superior BMI cut-off value for “normal weight” (BMI of 24,9 kg/m2). Obesity was present in 29% of operational assistants, 9% in physicians, 5% in nurses and diagnostic and therapeutic technicians. There were differences in both feminine and masculine genders, as in the latter the BMI was 26,5 kg/m2 and in the first, 24,6 kg/m2. As concern to dietary habits, through the application of the food frequency questionnaire (FFQ), after comparing with mediterranean food pyramid and wheel of foods it was notorious the deviation of dietary habits from these representations. Thus, most individuals do not consume dairy products, bread, cereals and derivates with an appropriate eating frequency. There were also differences in eating reporting of the same foods between job strains, focusing that all of these show eating patterns that deviates from the recommendations argued by mediterranean food pyramid and wheel of foods. In the present societies, workplace appears to be obesogenic due to the changes in labour’s nature and to the conditions that this one takes place. Towards the results obtained, it was developed a social and organizational intervention which entails to promote healthy eating habits and lifestyles.


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It has been estimated that one third of edible food destined for human consumption is lost or wasted along the food supply chain globally. Much of the waste comes from Global North, where consumers are considered as the bigger contributors. Different studies tried to analyze and estimate the Household Food Waste (HFW), especially in UK and Northern Europe. The result is that accurate studies at national level exist only in UK, Finland and Norway while no such studies are available in Italy, except for survey- based researches. Though, there is a widespread awareness that such methods might be not able to estimate Food Waste. Results emerging from literature clearly suggest that survey estimate inferior amounts of Food Waste as a result, if compared to waste sorting and weighting analysis or to diary studies. The hypothesis that household food waste is under-estimated when gathered through questionnaires has been enquired into. First, a literature review of behavioral economics and heuristics has been proposed; then, a literature review of the sector listing the existing methodologies to gather national data on Household Food Waste has been illustrated. Finally, a pilot experiment to test a mixed methodology is proposed. While literature suggests that four specific cognitive biases might be able to affect the reliability of answers in questionnaires, results of the present experiment clearly indicate that there is a relevant difference between how much the individual thinks to waste and he/she actually does. The result is a mixed methodology based on questionnaire, diary and waste sorting, able to overcome the cons of each single method.


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This paper outlines the methods and outcomes of a study into equity management strategies in Australian private sector organisations reporting to the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Agency. Reports from 1976 organisations indicate eleven key factors characterising equity management in Australia. The study highlights differences within previously identified social structural policies, temperamental and opportunity policies and identifies a further policy type, categorised as “support policies”. Differences have also been identified in relation to distribution structures, suggesting that gender is not the sole consideration in determining equity management strategies. The principle of distribution also figures strongly in equity management implementation.