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A critical problem in radiocarbon dating is the spatial and temporal variability of marine reservoir ages (MRAs). We assessed the MRA evolution during the last deglaciation by numerical modeling, applying a self-consistent iteration scheme in which an existing radiocarbon chronology (derived by Hughen et al., Quat. Sci. Rev., 25, pp. 3216-3227, 2006) was readjusted by transient, 3-D simulations of marine and atmospheric Delta14C. To estimate the uncertainties regarding the ocean ventilation during the last deglaciation, we considered various ocean overturning scenarios which are based on different climatic background states (PD: modern climate, GS: LGM climate conditions). Minimum and maximum MRAs are included in file 'MRAminmax_21-14kaBP.nc'. Three further files include MRAs according to equilibrium simulations of the preindustrial ocean (file 'C14age_preindustrial.nc'; this is an update of our results published in 2005) and of the glacial ocean (files 'C14age_spinupLGM_GS.nc' and 'C14age_spinupLGM_PD.nc').


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Seagrass meadows are a crucial component of tropical marine reef ecosystems. The seagrass plants are colonized by a multitude of epiphytic organisms that contribute to determining the ecological role of seagrasses. To better understand how environmental changes like ocean acidification might affect epiphytic assemblages, the microbial community composition of the epiphytic biofilm of Enhalus acroides was investigated at a natural CO2 vent in Papua New Guinea using molecular fingerprinting and next generation sequencing of 16S and 18S rRNA genes. Both bacterial and eukaryotic epiphytes formed distinct communities at the CO2-impacted site compared to the control site. This site-related CO2 effect was also visible in the succession pattern of microbial epiphytes. We further found an increased abundance of bacterial types associated with coral diseases at the CO2-impacted site (Fusobacteria, Thalassomonas) whereas eukaryotes such as certain crustose coralline algae commonly related to healthy reefs were less diverse. These trends in the epiphytic community of E. acroides suggest a potential role of seagrasses as vectors of coral pathogens and may support previous predictions of a decrease in reef health and prevalence of diseases under future ocean acidification scenarios.


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The global aerosol/climate model ECHAM5-HAM is used in order to investigate the dust cycle for four interglacial and one glacial climate conditions. The 20-year time-slices are the pre-industrial control (CTRL), mid-Holocene (6000 years BP), last glacial inception (115000 years BP), Eemian (126000 years BP) and Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) (21000 years BP) time intervals. The study is focused on the Antarctic region. The model is able to reproduce the magnitude order of dust deposition globally for the pre-industial and LGM climates. Correlation coefficient of the natural logarithm of the observed and modeled values is 0.78 for the CTRL and 0.81 for the LGM. For the pre-industrial simulation the model overestimates observed values in Antarctica by a factor of about 2-3 due to overestimation of the Australian dust source and too high wet deposition in the Antarctica interior. In the LGM, the model underestimates dust deposition in eastern Antarctica by a factor of about 4-5 due to underestimation of the South American dust source. More records are needed to validate dust deposition for the past interglacial time-slices. The modeled results show that dust deposition in Antarctica in the past interglacial time-slices is higher than in the CTRL simulation. The largest increase of dust deposition in Antarctica is simulated for the LGM, showing about 10-fold increase compared to CTRL.


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We experimentally and numerically investigated the generation of plumes from a local heat source (LHS) and studied the interaction of these plumes with cellular convective motion (CCM) in a rectangular cavity filled with silicon oil at a Prandtl number (Pr) of approximately two thousand. The LHS is generated using a 0.2-W green laser beam. A roll-type CCM is generated by vertically heating one side of the cavity. The CCM may lead to the formation of an unusual spiral convective plume that resembles a vertical Archimedes spiral. A similar plume is obtained in a direct numerical simulation. We discuss the physical mechanism for the formation of a spiral plume and the application of the results to mantle convection problems. We also estimate the Reynolds (Re) and Rayleigh (Ra) numbers and apply self-similarity theory to convection in the Earth's mantle. Spiral plumes can be used to interpret mantle tomography results over the last decade.


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Ein interdisziplinäres und interaktives Medienprojekt von und für junge Menschen zum Thema "Regionale Klimaänderungen". Der Klimawandel ist eines der wichtigsten Zukunftsthemen und Handlungsfelder unserer Zivilgesellschaft, mit weltweiter Relevanz und regionalen Auswirkungen. Die jungen Menschen heute sind diejenigen, die in Zukunft von den Folgen der Klimaveränderungen besonders stark betroffen sein werden. Sie sind aber auch gleichzeitig gefordert zu erkennen, dass wir andere Lebensstile finden und Vermeidungs- und Anpassungsstrategien jetzt auf den Weg bringen müssen, da diese Maßnahmen nur sehr langfristig wirken. Es liegt noch zu wenig im Erfahrungs- und Erlebenshorizont vieler junger Menschen, Maßnahmen zu Klimaschutz und -anpassung als wichtige Bausteine für die eigene Zukunft zu begreifen und aktiv als Thema anzunehmen. Daher bedarf es einer frühen und intensiven Auseinandersetzung mit dieser gesellschaftlichen Herausforderung als Teil der eigenen Lebenswirklichkeit. Zielgruppe des Medienprojektes war hier die heranwachsende Generation im Ausbildungsalter (16-30 Jahre). Die Helmholtz-Klimainitiative REKLIM (Regionale Klimaänderungen) und die DEKRA Hochschule Berlin haben sich 2013 gemeinsam auf den Weg gemacht, den Prozess der Auseinandersetzung und der Bewusstseinsbildung für die Bedeutung dieses Themas für junge Menschen in einem gemeinsamen interdisziplinären Projekt anzustoßen (www.reklim-medienprojekt.de). Gewählt für die Umsetzung dieses Projektes wurde die internationale REKLIM Konferenz "Our Climate - Our Future, Regional Perspectives on a global Challenge", die vom 6. - 9. Oktober 2014 in Berlin stattfand. Das ins Leben gerufene Medienprojekt zu dieser wissenschaftlichen Konferenz vereinte die Expertisen beider Projektpartner, um das Thema "Regionale Klimaänderungen" von jungen Menschen für junge Menschen zu adressieren und sie in ihrer eigenen Sprache und Mediennutzung zu erreichen. Insgesamt konnten mehr als 80 Studierende aus den Studiengängen Fernsehen und Film, Journalismus und Medienmanagement der DEKRA Hochschule Berlin in diesem einzigartigen Projekt in die Wissenschaftskonferenz eingebunden werden. Mit selbst konzipierten und produzierten Medienprodukten (u.a. einem Blog, mehreren Dokumentarfilmen, Viralen Videos sowie täglichen Berichterstattungen) für die Öffentlichkeit sollten die regionalen Aspekte des Klimawandels, die in der Helmholtz-Klimainitiative REKLIM wissenschaftlich erarbeitet werden, der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht werden. Den Studierenden kam dabei die wichtige Rolle zu, die wissenschaftlichen Inhalte in eine filmkünstlerische, journalistische und junge Sprache zu transformieren, mit unvoreingenommener Perspektive auf die Probleme zu schauen und die Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler dabei gleichsam mit einzubinden. So ist in dem Projekt ein wichtiger Dialog- und Lernprozess zwischen den verschiedenen Disziplinen entstanden. Darüber hinaus bot die Zusammenarbeit für die Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler des REKLIM-Verbunds und der beteiligten Zentren eine einmalige Chance, eine mediale Öffentlichkeit herzustellen, die es in dieser Form vermutlich für eine derartige Konferenz noch nicht gegeben hat. Für die Studierenden der DEKRA Hochschule bedeutete das Medienprojekt wichtige Erfahrungen in der projektbezogenen Arbeit mit einem externen Partner zu einem gesellschaftsrelevanten Thema zu sammeln. Das REKLIM-Medienprojekt verfolgt die Ziele: - in einem interdisziplinären und interaktiven Projekt junge Menschen zur Auseinandersetzung mit dem Klimawandel und zur Bewusstseinsbildung für die Bedeutung der regionalen Klimaänderungen anzuregen, - durch die von den Studierenden entwickelten Medienprodukte eine Verbindung zwischen den wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten und einer breiten Öffentlichkeit zu ermöglichen, - einen Dialogprozess zwischen Wissenschaftler/-innen und Studierenden zu initiieren, - wissenschaftliche Inhalte über künstlerische und mediale Transferprozesse anschaulich und ansprechend einer breiten Öffentlichkeit, insbesondere jungen Menschen, näherzubringen, um sie für das Thema Klimawandel und seine regionalen Auswirkungen zu sensibilisieren, - einen Dialog- und Lernprozess zwischen den verschiedenen Disziplinen anzuregen.


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hyDRaCAT Spectral Reflectance Library for tundra provides the surface reflectance data and the bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) of important Arctic tundra vegetation communities at representative Siberian and Alaskan tundra sites. The aim of this dataset is the hyperspectral and spectro-directional reflectance characterization as basis for the extraction of vegetation parameters, and the normalization of BRDF effects in off-nadir and multi-temporal remote sensing data. The spectroscopic and field spectro-goniometric measurements were undertaken on the YAMAL2011 expedition of representative Siberian vegetation fields and on the North American Arctic Transect NAAT2012 expedition of Alaskan vegetation fields both belonging to the Greening-of-the-Arctic (GOA) program. For the field spectroscopy each 100 m2 vegetation study grid was divided into quadrats of 1 × 1 m. The averaged reflectance of all quadrats represents the spectral reflectance at the scale of the whole grid at the 10 × 10 m scale. For the surface radiometric measurements two GER1500 portable field spectroradiometers (Spectra Vista Corporation, Poughkeepsie, NY, USA) were used. The GER1500 measures radiance across the wavelength range of 350-1,050 nm, with sampling intervals of 1.5 nm and a radiance accuracy of 1.2 × 10**-1 W/cm**2/nm/sr. In order to increase the signal-to-noise ratio, 32 individual measurements were averaged per one target scan. To minimize variations in the target reflectance due to sun zenith angle changes, all measurements at one study location have been performed under similar sun zenith angles and during clear-sky conditions. The field spectrometer measurements were carried out with a GER1500 UV-VIS spectrometer The spectrogoniometer measurements were carried out with a self-designed spectro-goniometer: the Manual Transportable Instrument platform for ground-based Spectro-directional observations (ManTIS, patent publication number: DE 10 2011 117 713.A1). The ManTIS was equipped with the GER1500 spectrometer allowing spectro-directional measurements with up to 30° viewing zenith angle by full 360° viewing azimuth angles. Measurements in central Yamal (Siberia) at the research site 'Vaskiny Dachi' were carried out in the late summer phenological state from August 12 2011 to August 28 2011. All measurements in Alaska along the North South transect on the North Slope were taken between 29 June and 11 July 2012, ensuring that the vegetation was in the same phenological state near peak growing season.


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Fast-flowing ice streams discharge most of the ice from the interior of the Antarctic Ice Sheet coastward. Understanding how their tributary organisation is governed and evolves is essential for developing reliable models of the ice sheet's response to climate change. Despite much research on ice-stream mechanics, this problem is unsolved, because the complexity of flow within and across the tributary networks has hardly been interrogated. Here I present the first map of planimetric flow convergence across the ice sheet, calculated from satellite measurements of ice surface velocity, and use it to explore this complexity. The convergence map of Antarctica elucidates how ice-stream tributaries draw ice from the interior. It also reveals curvilinear zones of convergence along lateral shear margins of streaming, and abundant convergence ripples associated with nonlinear ice rheology and changes in bed topography and friction. Flow convergence on ice-stream tributaries and their feeding zones is markedly uneven, and interspersed with divergence at distances of the order of kilometres. For individual drainage basins as well as the ice sheet as a whole, the range of convergence and divergence decreases systematically with flow speed, implying that fast flow cannot converge or diverge as much as slow flow. I therefore deduce that flow in ice-stream networks is subject to mechanical regulation that limits flow-orthonormal strain rates. These properties and the gridded data of convergence and flow-orthonormal strain rate in this archive provide targets for ice- sheet simulations and motivate more research into the origin and dynamics of tributarization.


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The DTRF2008 is a realization of the International Terrestrial Reference System ITRS. The DTRF2008 consists of station positions and velocities of global distributed observing stations of the space geodetic observation techniques VLBI, SLR, GPS and DORIS. The DTRF2008 was released in May 2010 and includes the observation data of the techniques up to and including 2008. The observation data are processed and submitted by the corresponding international services: IGS (International GNSS Service, http://igscb.jpl.nasa.gov) IVS (International VLBI Service, http://ivscc.gsfc.nasa.gov) ILRS (International Laser Ranging Service, http://ilrs.gsfc.nasa.gov) IDS (International DORIS Service, http://ids-doris.org). The DTRF2008 is an independent ITRS realization, which is computed on the basis of the same input data as the ITRF2008 (IGN, Paris). Both realizations differ with respect to their computation strategies: while the ITRF2008 is based on the combination of solutions, the DTRF2008 is computed by the combination of normal equations. The DTRF2008 comprises the coordinates of 559 GPS-, 106 VLBI-, 122 SLR- and 132 DORIS-stations. The reference epoch is 1.1.2005, 0h UTC. The Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP) - that means the coordinates of the terrestrial and the celestial pole, UT1-UTC and the Length of Day (LOD) - were simultaneously estimated with the station coordinates. The EOP time series cover the period of 1983 to 2008. The station names are the official IERS indications: cdp numbers or 4-character IDs and DOMES numbers (http://itrf.ensg.ign.fr/doc_ITRF/iers_sta_list.txt). The solution is available in different file formats (SINEX and SSC), see below. A detailed description of the solution is given by Seitz M. et al. (2012). The results of a comparison of DTRF2008 and ITRF2008 is given by Seitz M. et al. (2013). More information as well as residual time series of the station positions can be made available by request.


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Pockmarks are seafloor depressions commonly associated with fluid escape from the seabed and are believed to contribute noticeably to the transfer of methane into the ocean and ultimately into the atmosphere. They occur in many different areas and geological contexts, and vary greatly in size and shape. Nevertheless, the mechanisms of pockmark growth are still largely unclear. Still, seabed methane emissions contribute to the global carbon budget, and understanding such processes is critical to constrain future quantifications of seabed methane release at local and global scales. The giant Regab pockmark (9°42.6' E, 5°47.8' S), located at 3160 m water depth near the Congo deep-sea channel (offshore southwestern Africa), was investigated with state-of-the-art mapping devices mounted on IFREMER's (French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea) remotely operated vehicle (ROV) Victor 6000. ROV-borne micro-bathymetry and backscatter data of the entire structure, a high-resolution photo-mosaic covering 105,000 m2 of the most active area, sidescan mapping of gas emissions, and maps of faunal distribution as well as of carbonate crust occurrence are combined to provide an unprecedented detailed view of a giant pockmark. All data sets suggest that the pockmark is composed of two very distinctive zones in terms of seepage intensity. We postulate that these zones are the surface expression of two fluid flow regimes in the subsurface: focused flow through a fractured medium and diffuse flow through a porous medium. We conclude that the growth of giant pockmarks is controlled by self-sealing processes and lateral spreading of rising fluids. In particular, partial redirection of fluids through fractures in the sediments can drive the pockmark growth in preferential directions.


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During a field campaign in the Austral spring 2012 the sedimentary architecture of a periglacial flood plain at the northeastern coast of Potter Peninsula (Area 5) was revealed using ground-penetrating radar (GPR, Geophysical Survey Systems, Inc. SIR-3000). 14 profiles were collected using a mono-static 200 MHz antenna operated in common offset mode. Trace increment was set to 0.05 m. A differential global-positioning system (dGPS, Leica GS09) was used to obtain topographical information along the GPR lines. GPR data are provided in RADAN-Format, dGPS coordinates are provided in ascii format; projection is UTM (WGS 84, zone 21S).


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226Ra is used to document the growth histories of six manganese nodules from Oneida Lake, New York. Detailed sectioning and analysis reveal that there are discontinuous gradients in 226Ra content in these samples. These gradients result from periods of rapid growth (>1 mm/100 years) separated by periods of no growth of erosion. Although the 226Ra 'age' of the nodules approximates the age of Oneida Lake, the nodules are not sediment-covered because they occur only in areas of the lake where fine-grained sediments are not accumulating.


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