245 resultados para Ficheiro GPX


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Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde der Einfluss zweier möglicher Biomarker auf die Atherosklerose untersucht.rnMilk fat globule-EGF factor 8 (MFG-E8, Lactadherin) ist ein Glycoprotein, das vornehmlich von Makrophagen, glatten Muskelzellen und Endothelzellen sezerniert wird. MFG-E8-/--Mäuse zeigen vermehrt apoptotische Zellen in der atherosklerotischen Plaque, verstärkte Inflammationszeichen und vergrößerte Läsionen. In situ-Hybridisierung und Immunfluoreszenz zeigen eine starke Lactadherin-Expression in den Schaumzellen atherosklerotischer Plaques von Apo E-/-, Apo E-/-/GPx 1-/-und LDLR-/- Mäusen, vor allem in der Nähe des Lipid Core. Dort kolokalisiert Lactadherin mit dem Makrophagenmarker CD 68 und dem Chemokin Fraktalkin, das die MFG-E8 Sekretion stimuliert und so die Phagocytose forciert. Untersuchungen mittels RTD-PCR ergaben, dass Peritonealmakrophagen der Genotypen Apo E-/-, Apo E-/-/GPx 1-/- und GPx 1-/-, deren Gemeinsamkeit eine höhere Empfindlichkeit gegenüberrnoxidativem Stress ist, mehr Lactadherin exprimieren als andere Genotypen (B6, LDLR-/-). Die Inkubation muriner oder humaner Makrophagen mit oxLDL und eLDL hat keinen Einfluss auf die Expression der MFG-E8 mRNA. Der Kontakt mit apoptotischer Zellen hingegen erhöht die Expression signifikant. Lactadherin ist entscheidend für die effektive Phagozytose apoptotischer Zellen in der atherosklerotischen Läsion. Seine Expression wird vermutlich durch die Apoptose in der Nähe liegender Zellen und das verstärkte Vorkommen von ROS reguliert. Macrophage stimulating protein (MSP) übt Einfluss auf Migration, Proliferation und Phagocytose von Makrophagen aus. Seine Beteiligung an inflammatorischen Vorgängen und der Karzinogenese ist intensiv untersucht worden, nicht jedoch der Einfluss auf die Atherosklerose. Es ist bekannt, dass der SNP rs3197999 mit chronisch entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen (CED) assoziiert ist. Zudem geht er vermutlich mit einem erniedrigten Atheroskleroserisiko einher. Der Polymorphismus c2078t hat den Aminosäureaustausch R689C zur Folge. Rekombinant erzeugtes, mutantes und wildtypisches MSP induziert Migration und Proliferation bei THP-1-Makrophagen. MSPmut vermittelt dies jedoch wesentliche effektiver als MSPwt. Apoptose hingegen wird durch keine der Formen induziert. R689C führt zu einem “gain of function” des MSP-Proteins in Bezug auf die Proliferations- und Migrationsfähigkeit von Makrophagen und verändert vermutlich deren Cytokinfreisetzung. Dies führt möglicherweise zu einer erhöhten Phagocytoseeffizienz in der atherosklerotischen Läsion (erniedrigtes Atherosklerose-Risiko), und zu einer aberranten immunologischen Reaktion im Rahmen der CED (erhöhtes CED-Risiko).


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Die antioxidative Aktivität des Enzyms Glutathionperoxidase-1 (GPx-1) schützt vor Atherosklerose und ihren Folgeerkrankungen. In einer Vorstudie konnten wir zeigen, dass der Mangel an GPx-1 die Atheroskleroseentwicklung in Apolipoprotein E defizienten (ApoE-/-) Mäusen beschleunigt und modifiziert. Allerdings sind die Verteilung der GPx-1 in atherosklerotischen Läsionen und die Mechanismen für den erhöhten Makrophagengehalt in der Läsion noch nicht geklärt. Deshalb haben wir (1) die in-situ Expression der GPx-Isoformen in atherosklerotischen Läsionen von GPx-1-/-ApoE-/- und ApoE-/- Mäusen und (2) den Einfluss der GPx-1 Defizienz auf die Schaumzellbildung und Proliferation der Peritonealmakrophagen in ApoE-/- Mäusen untersucht. Die GPx-1-/-ApoE-/- und ApoE-/- Weibchen wurden für 6 und 12 Wochen auf einer atherogenen „Western-type“ Diät gehalten. Die in situ-Hybridisierung zeigte, dass die verschiedenen Isoformen der GPx (GPx-1, GPx-3, GPx-4) vorwiegend in Makrophagen, nicht jedoch in glatten Muskelzellen der atherosklerotischen Läsionen von ApoE-/- Mäusen exprimiert wurden. Für die in vitro Untersuchungen wurden 5 Monate alte, GPx-1 defiziente und Wildtyp-Mäuse, gehalten auf Normaldiät, verwendet. Die Öl-Rot-O Färbung zeigte, dass die GPx-1 Defizienz die OxLDL (oxidiertes LDL) - und E-LDL (enzymatisch modifiziertes LDL) - induzierte Schaumzellbildung förderte. Darüber hinaus war die OxLDL-induzierte Cholesterinakkumulation (zellulärer Cholesterinester/ Cholesterin-Gehalt) in GPx-1 defizienten Makrophagen verstärkt, sodass ein Mangel an GPx-1 die Aufnahme von OxLDL durch Monozyten und damit die Umwandlung in Schaumzellen beschleunigt. Hinsichtlich der Proliferation zeigte sich, dass MCSF (Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Facotr) ein stärkerer Stimulus als OxLDL ist. Ein Mangel an GPx-1 fördert die Proliferation zusätzlich. Daran ist die ERK1/2 (extracellular-signal regulated kinase 1/2) - Kaskade beteiligt, denn es wurde eine schnelle Phosphorylierung der ERK1/2-Kaskade durch MCSF und/oder OxLDL nachgewiesen. Entsprechend reduzieren ERK1/2-Inhibitoren die proliferative Aktivität der Makrophagen. Die Hemmung der p38-MAPK (p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase) führt zur vermehrten Proliferation und bei gleichzeitig verringerter Caspase-3/7 Aktivität der Makrophagen unabhängig von der Expression der GPx-1. Ein Mangel an GPx-1 hat auch keinen Einfluss auf die MCSF-vermittelte Aktivierung der p38-MAPK und JNK (c-Jun N-terminal kinase). Zusammenfassend läßt sich feststellen, dass die GPx-1-Defizienz einen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Schaumzellbildung und Proliferation von Makrophagen hat, was zur Beschleunigung der Atherosklerose und zu vermehrter Zellularität der entstehenden atherosklerotischen Läsionen führt. Die Proliferation wird über den ERK1/2 Signal-transduktionsweg positiv und über den p38-MAPK Weg negativ reguliert, wobei die ERK1/2-Kaskade empfindlich gegenüber oxidativem Stress bei GPx-1-Defizienz ist.


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In dieser Arbeit sollte der Einfluss einer Überproduktion von humaner Superoxiddismutase 1 (hSOD1) auf die Spiegel der DNA-Schäden in verschiedenen Geweben von transgenen Mäusen untersucht werden. Tiere die eine Defizienz des Ogg1- und Csb- Proteins aufweisen und deshalb oxidative Purinmodifikationen nicht oder nur schwer reparieren können, akkumulieren 8-oxoG im Laufe ihres Lebens (Osterod, et al. 2001). Aus diesem Grund sind diese ein gutes Modell, um protektive Eigenschaften von Antioxidantien wie z.B. Substanzen oder Enzymen zu untersuchen. Fusser, et al. 2011 konnten beispielsweise zeigen, dass das pflanzliche Polyphenol Resveratrol die endogenen Spiegel an 8-oxoG sowie die spontanen Mutatiosraten im Lac I - Gen senken kann. Um den Einfluss von hSOD1 in vivo zu untersuchen, wurden in zwei Zuchtschritten 4 Mausgenotypen generiert, nämlich (Csb -/- Ogg1 -/- und Csb +/- Ogg1 +/- Mäuse jeweils mit ohne hSOD1 Überexpression). Diese wurden in verschiedenen Altersstufen auf die Basalspiegel an oxidativen Schäden (Einzelstrangbrüche und Fpg-sensitive Läsionen) in der Leber, der Niere und der Milz untersucht. Die Genotypen wurden zunächst charakterisiert und die hSOD1-Überexpression mittels qRT-PCR, Western Blot und Enzymaktivitätsbestimmung verifiziert. Es konnte an diesen Tieren erstmalig gezeigt werden, dass SOD die Generierung von DNA-Schäden in vivo mit zunehmendem Alter der Tiere senkt und dass deshalb Superoxid eine der reaktiven Sauerstoffspezies ist, die unter physiologischen Bedingungen für die DNA-Schäden verantwortlich ist. Außerdem kann ein möglicher toxischer Effekt der Überproduktion von SOD ausgeschlossen werden. Erhöhte Spiegel an oxidativen DNA-Schäden durch womöglich erhöhte Spiegel an H2O2 konnten in dieser Studie nicht beobachtet werden. Eine Messung der Genexpression anderer antioxidativer Enzyme wie Katalase, SOD2 und SOD3, GPX oder HO1 sind an diesem Effekt nicht beteiligt. Auch konnte kein Einfluss des redoxsensitiven Transkriptionsfaktors Nrf2 gezeigt werden. rnUm mögliche Quellen der für die oxidativ gebildeten DNA-Schäden verantwortlichen ROS zu identifizieren, wurde der Einfluss des Dopaminstoffwechsels untersucht. Während des Dopaminmetabolismus werden intrazellulär Reaktive Sauerstoffspezies (H2O2 und O2.-) gebildet und tragen sehr wahrscheinlich zur Entstehung von neurodegenerativen Erkrankungen wie Parkinson bei. In dem gängigen Parkinson-Zellkulturmodell SH-SY5Y konnte keine Erhöhung von oxidativen Schäden in nukleärer DNA nach Dopaminbehandlung nachgewiesen werden. Eine Überexpression der Dopaminmetabolisierenden Enzyme MAO-A und MAO-B zeigen bei niedrigen Dosen Dopamin eine leichte jedoch nicht signifikante Erhöhung der Fpg-sensitiven Modifikationen. Die Überproduktion des Dopamintransporters zeigte keinen Effekt nach Dopaminzugabe. Es kann geschlussfolgert werden, dass durch erhöhte MAO-A und MAO-B endogen ROS gebildet werden, die die Bildung Fpg-sensitiver Läsionen hervorrufen. Bei hohen Dosen und langer Inkubationszeit steht die Dopaminautoxidation, anschließende Neuromelaninbildung und als Konsequenz Apoptose im Vordergrund.rn


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Oxidative stress is a critical component of the injury response to hypoxia-ischemia (HI) in the neonatal brain, and this response is unique and at times paradoxical to that seen in the mature brain. Previously, we showed that copper-zinc superoxide-dismutase (SOD1) over-expression is not beneficial to the neonatal mouse brain with HI injury, unlike the adult brain with ischemic injury. However, glutathione peroxidase 1 (GPx1) over-expression is protective to the neonatal mouse brain with HI injury. To further test the hypothesis that an adequate supply of GPx is critical to protection from HI injury, we crossed SOD1 over-expressing mice (hSOD-tg) with GPx1 over-expressing mice (hGPx-tg). Resulting litters contained wild-type (wt), hGPx-tg, hSOD-tg and hybrid hGPx-tg/hSOD-tg pups, which were subjected to HI at P7. Confirming previous results, the hGPx-tg mice had reduced injury compared to both Wt and hSOD-tg littermates. Neonatal mice over-expressing both GPx1 and SOD1 also had less injury compared to wt or hSOD-tg alone. A result of oxidative stress after neonatal HI is a decrease in the concentration of reduced (i.e. antioxidant-active) glutathione (GSH). In this study, we tested the effect of systemic administration of alpha-lipoic acid on levels of GSH in the cortex after HI. Although GSH levels were restored by 24h after HI, injury was not reduced compared to vehicle-treated mice. We also tested two other pharmacological approaches to reducing oxidative stress in hSOD-tg and wild-type littermates. Both the specific inhibitor of neuronal nitric oxide synthase, 7-nitroindazole (7NI), and the spin-trapping agent alpha-phenyl-tert-butyl-nitrone (PBN) did not reduce HI injury, however. Taken together, these results imply that H2O2 is a critical component of neonatal HI injury, and GPx1 plays an important role in the defense against this H2O2 and is thereby neuroprotective.


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The effect of hypoxic preconditioning (PC) on hypoxic-ischemic (HI) injury was explored in glutathione peroxidase (GPx)-overexpressing mice (human GPx-transgenic [hGPx-tg]) mice. Six-day-old hGPx-tg mice and wild-type (Wt) littermates were pre-conditioned with hypoxia for 30 min and subjected to the Vannucci procedure of HI 24 h after the PC stimulus. Histopathological injury was determined 5 d later (P12). Additional animals were killed 2 h or 24 h after HI and ipsilateral cerebral cortices assayed for GPx activity, glutathione (GSH), and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). In line with previous studies, hypoxic PC reduced injury in the Wt brain. Preconditioned Wt brain had increased GPx activity, but reduced GSH, relative to naive 24 h after HI. Hypoxic PC did not reduce injury to hGPx-tg brain and even reversed the protection previously reported in the hGPx-tg. GPx activity and GSH in hGPx-tg cortices did not change. Without PC, hGPx-tg cortex had less H2O2 accumulation than Wt at both 2 h and 24 h. With PC, H2O2 remained low in hGPx-tg compared with Wt at 2 h, but at 24 h, there was no longer a difference between hGPx-tg and Wt cortices. Accumulation of H2O2 may be a mediator of injury, but may also induce protective mechanisms.


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In vivo studies support selective neuronal vulnerability to hypoxia-ischemia (HI) in the developing brain. Since differences in intrinsic properties of neurons might be responsible, pure cultures containing immature neurons (6-8 days in vitro) isolated from mouse cortex and hippocampus, regions chosen for their marked vulnerability to oxidative stress, were studied under in vitro ischemic conditions-oxygen-glucose deprivation (OGD). Twenty-four hours of reoxygenation after 2.5 h of OGD induced significantly greater cell death in hippocampal than in cortical neurons (67.8% vs. 33.4%, P = 0.0068). The expression of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) protein, production of nitric oxide (NO), and reactive oxygen species (ROS), as well as glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity and intracellular levels of reduced glutathione (GSH), were measured as indicators of oxidative stress. Hippocampal neurons had markedly higher nNOS expression than cortical neurons by 24 h of reoxygenation, which coincided with an increase in NO production, and significantly greater ROS accumulation. GPx activity declined significantly in hippocampal but not in cortical neurons at 4 and 24 h after OGD. The decrease in GSH level in hippocampal neurons correlated with the decline of GPx activity. Our data suggest that developing hippocampal neurons are more sensitive to OGD than cortical neurons. This finding supports our in vivo studies showing that mouse hippocampus is more vulnerable than cortex after neonatal HI. An imbalance between excess prooxidant production (increased nNOS expression, and NO and ROS production) and insufficient antioxidant defenses created by reduced GPx activity and GSH levels may, in part, explain the higher susceptibility to OGD of immature hippocampal neurons.


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To assess the role of brain antioxidant capacity in the pathogenesis of neonatal hypoxic-ischemic brain injury, we measured the activity of glutathione peroxidase (GPX) in both human-superoxide dismutase-1 (hSOD1) and human-GPX1 overexpressing transgenic (Tg) mice after neonatal hypoxia-ischemia (HI). We have previously shown that mice that overexpress the hSOD1 gene are more injured than their wild-type (WT) littermates after HI, and that H(2)O(2) accumulates in HI hSOD1-Tg hippocampus. We hypothesized that lower GPX activity is responsible for the accumulation of H(2)O(2). Therefore, increasing the activity of this enzyme through gene manipulation should be protective. We show that brains of hGPX1-Tg mice, in contrast to those of hSOD-Tg, have less injury after HI than WT littermates: hGPX1-Tg, median injury score = 8 (range, 0-24) versus WT, median injury score = 17 (range, 2-24), p < 0.01. GPX activity in hSOD1-Tg mice, 2 h and 24 h after HI, showed a delayed and bilateral decline in the cortex 24 h after HI (36.0 +/- 1.2 U/mg in naive hSOD1-Tg versus 29.1 +/- 1.7 U/mg in HI cortex and 29.2 +/- 2.0 for hypoxic cortex, p < 0.006). On the other hand, GPX activity in hGPX1-Tg after HI showed a significant increase by 24 h in the cortex ipsilateral to the injury (48.5 +/- 5.2 U/mg, compared with 37.2 +/- 1.5 U/mg in naive hGPX1-Tg cortex, p < 0.008). These findings support the hypothesis that the immature brain has limited GPX activity and is more susceptible to oxidative damage and may explain the paradoxical effect seen in ischemic neonatal brain when SOD1 is overexpressed.


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The present study was undertaken to identify changes in some important proteins involved in CO2 fixation (Rubisco, Rubisco activase (RA), Rubisco binding protein (RBP)), NH4+ assimilation (glutamine synthetase (GS) and glutamate synthase (GOGAT)), using immunoblotting, and in the antioxidative defense as a result of Cu or Mn excess in barley leaves (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Obzor). Activities and isoenzyme patterns of superoxide dismutase (SOD), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), guaiacol peroxidase (GPX) and catalase (CAT), as well as the levels of ascorbate (ASC), non-protein sulfhydryl groups, hydrogen peroxide and oxidative damage to proteins were determined. Data were correlated to the accumulation of Cu or Mn in the leaves after 5 days supply of heavy metal (HM) excess in the nutrient solution. In the highest Cu excess (1500 μM), Rubisco LS and SS were reduced considerably whereas under the highest Mn concentrations (18,300 μM) only minor changes in Rubisco subunits were detected. The RBP was diminished under the highest concentrations of both Cu or Mn. The bands of RA changed differently comparing Cu and Mn toxicity. GS decreased and GOGAT was absent under the highest concentration of Cu. At Mn excess Fd-GOGAT diminished whereas GS was not apparently changed. The development of toxicity symptoms corresponded to an accumulation of Cu or Mn in the leaves and to a gradual increase in protein carbonylation, a lower SOD activity and elevated CAT and GPX activities. APX activity was diminished under Mn toxicity and was not changed under Cu excess. Generally, changes in the isoenzyme profiles were similar under both toxicities. An accumulation of H2O2 was observed only at Mn excess. Contrasting changes in the low-molecular antioxidants were detected when comparing both toxicities. Cu excess affected mainly the non-protein SH groups, while Mn influenced the ASC content. Oxidative stress under Cu or Mn toxicity was most probably the consequence of depletion in low-molecular antioxidants as a result of their involvement in detoxification processes and disbalance in antioxidative enzymes. The link between heavy metal accumulation in leaves, leading to different display of oxidative stress, and changes in individual chloroplast proteins is discussed in the article.


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Toxic side effect is a major problem in cancer chemotherapy. Therefore, identification and development of new agents that can selectively remove cancer with low toxicity to normal cells would have significant clinical impact. Compared to normal cells, cancer cells are under intrinsic stress with elevated reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. My research aimed to exploit this biochemical alteration as a novel basis to develop a selective agent. The goal of my dissertation research was to test the hypothesis that since most cancer cells are under higher oxidative stress than normal cells, compounds which modulate oxidative stress such as pphenylethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC) may preferentially impact cancer cells through ROS-mediated mechanisms and have implications in cancer therapeutics. Using H-RasV1-transformed ovarian cells and their immortalized non-tumorigenic counterparts, I discovered that the transformed cells exhibited increased ROS generation and this intrinsic stress rendered them highly dependent on glutathione antioxidant system to maintain redox balance. Abolishing this system by PEITC through depletion of glutathione and inhibition of GPX activity led to a preferential ROS increase in the transformed cells. The severe ROS accumulation caused oxidative damage to the mitochondria membranes and impaired the membrane integrity leading to massive cell death. In contrast, PEITC caused only a modest increase of ROS insufficient to cause significant cell death in non-transformed cells. Promisingly, PEITC exhibited anticancer activity in vivo by prolonging survival of mice bearing the Ras-transformed ovarian xenograft with minimal toxic side effect. Further study in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) cells isolated from the blood samples of CLL patients revealed that PEITC not only exhibits promising selectivity against primary CLL cells compared to normal lymphocytes, but it is also effective in removing CLL cells resistant to standard anti-cancer drug Fludarabine. In conclusion, the data implicate that intrinsic oxidative stress in cancer cells could serve as a biochemical basis to develop selective novel anticancer agents such as PEITC, with significant therapeutic implications. ^


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Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) from South Georgia comprise one of the most northern and abundant krill stocks. South Georgia waters are undergoing rapid warming, as a result of climate change, which in turn could alter the oxygen concentration of the water. We investigated gene expression in Antarctic krill related to aerobic metabolism, antioxidant defence, and heat-shock response under severe (2.5% O2 saturation or 0.6 kPa) and threshold (20% O2 saturation or 4 kPa) hypoxia exposure compared to in situ levels (normoxic; 100% O2 saturation or 21 kPa). Biochemical metabolic and oxidative stress indicators complemented the genic expression analysis to detect in vivo signs of stress during the hypoxia treatments. Expression levels of the genes citrate synthase (CS), mitochondrial manganese superoxide dismutase (SODMn-m) and one heat-shock protein isoform (E) were higher in euphausiids incubated 6 h at 20% O2 saturation than in animals exposed to control (normoxic) conditions. All biochemical antioxidant defence parameters remained unchanged among treatments. Levels of lipid peroxidation were raised after 6 h of severe hypoxia. Overall, short-term exposure to hypoxia altered mitochondrial metabolic and antioxidant capacity, but did not induce anaerobic metabolism. Antarctic krill are swarming organisms and may experience short periods of hypoxia when present in dense swarms. A future, warmer Southern ocean, where oxygen saturation levels are decreased, may result in smaller, less dense swarms as they act to avoid greater levels of hypoxia.


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The efficiency of antioxidant defenses and relationship with body burden of metal and organic contaminants has not been previously investigated in arctic seabirds, neither in chicks nor in adults. The objective of this study was to compare such defenses in chicks from three species, Black-legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla), Northern fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis), and Herring gull (Larus argentatus), and the relationship with tissue concentrations of essential metals such as selenium and iron and halogenated organic compounds, represented by polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB). The results showed significant species-specific differences in the antioxidant responses which also corresponded with metal and PCB levels in different ways. The capability to neutralize hydroxyl radicals (TOSC-HO°) and the activities of catalase and Se-dependent glutathione peroxidases (GPX) clearly increased in species with the higher levels of metals and PCBs, while the opposite trend was observed for Se-independent GPX, TOSC against peroxyl radicals (ROO°) and peroxynitrite (ONOOH). Less clear relationships were obtained for glutathione levels, GSH/GSSG ratio, glutathione reductase and superoxide dismutase. The results showed differences in antioxidant efficiency between the species, and some of these defenses exhibited dose-response-like relationships with measured levels of selenium, iron and XPCBs. PCBs, selenium and iron levels were positively related to the responses of antioxidants with potential to reduce HO°/H2O2 (Se-dependent GPX, CAT and TOSC against HO°). However, direct causal relationships between antioxidant responses and contaminant concentrations could not be shown on individual level. Varying levels of metals and contaminants due to different diet and age were probably the main explanations for the species differences in antioxidant defense.


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To understand the adaptation of euphausiid (krill) species to oxygen minimum zones (OMZ), respiratory response and stress experiments combining hypoxia/reoxygenation exposure with warming were conducted. Experimental krill species were obtained from the Antarctic (South Georgia area), the Humboldt Current system (HCS, Chilean coast), and the Northern California Current system (NCCS, Oregon). Euphausia mucronata from the HCS shows oxyconforming or oxygen partial pressure (pO2)-dependent respiration below 80% air saturation (18 kPa). Normoxic subsurface oxygenation in winter posed a "high oxygen stress" for this species. The NCCS krill, Euphausia pacifica, and the Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba maintain respiration rates constant down to low critical pO2 values of 6 kPa (30% air saturation) and 11 kPa (55% air saturation), respectively. Antarctic krill had the lowest antioxidant enzyme activities, but the highest concentrations of the molecular antioxidant glutathione (GSH) and was not affected by 6 h exposure to moderate hypoxia. Temperate krill species had higher SOD (superoxide dismutase) values in winter than in summer, which relate to higher winter metabolic rate (E. pacifica). In all species, antioxidant enzyme activities remained constant during hypoxic exposure at habitat temperature. Warming by 7°C above habitat temperature in summer increased SOD activities and GSH levels in E. mucronata (HCS), but no oxidative damage occurred. In winter, when the NCCS is well mixed and the OMZ is deeper, +4°C of warming combined with hypoxia represents a lethal condition for E. pacifica. In summer, when the OMZ expands upwards (100 m subsurface), antioxidant defences counteracted hypoxia and reoxygenation effects in E. pacifica, but only at mildly elevated temperature (+2°C). In this season, experimental warming by +4°C reduced antioxidant activities and the hypoxia combination again caused mortality of exposed specimens. We conclude that a climate change scenario combining warming and hypoxia represents a serious threat to E. pacifica and, as a consequence, NCCS food webs.


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Supported file formats: - CrossRef XML file(s) - TRiDaS (Tree Ring Data Standard, http://www.tridas.org). Example: hdl:10013/epic.42747.d001 - IMMA (International Maritime Meteorological Archive). Used by the project CLIWOC (García-Herrera et al. 2007, http://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.743343) - NOAA IOAS (International Ocean Atlas Series). Example: hdl:10013/epic.42747.d008 - SOCAT (Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas, Bakker et al. 2014, http://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.811776) - CHUAN (Comprehensive Historical Upper-Air Network, Stickler et al. 2013, http://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.821222). Example: hdl:10013/epic.42747.d003 - Thermosalinograph (TSG) data. Format developed by Gerd Rohardt. Example: hdl:10013/epic.42747.d002 - Columus GPS Data Logger V-900 format to KML or GPX. Example: hdl:10013/epic.42747.d006


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Lagartos teiú eclodem no verão e enfrentam o desafio de crescer e armazenar substratos em um curto período de tempo, antes do início do período de jejum e depressão metabólica (≈80%) a temperaturas amenas durante o inverno (≈17 °C). No despertar, o aumento do metabolismo e a reperfusão de órgãos favoreceriam a ocorrência de estresse oxidativo. Na primeira parte do presente estudo investigou−se os ajustes que compatibilizam as demandas em teiús neonatos, especialmente na pré-hibernação, por meio da gravação do comportamento em vídeo e da análise da massa dos corpos gordurosos abdominais e do nível plasmático de corticosterona (CORT) durante o primeiro ciclo anual. No início do outono a massa corpórea dos teiús foi 27 g e o comprimento rostro−cloacal 9,3 cm e aumentaram 40% e 20%, respectivamente, ao longo do outono, enquanto que as taxas diminuíram progressivamente até atingirem o valor zero no início do inverno. Na primavera, a massa corpórea dos teiús aumentou 80% em relação ao despertar e dobrou em relação ao final do verão; o comprimento acumulou um aumento de 27% em relação ao final do verão. A massa relativa dos corpos gordurosos foi 3,7% no início do outono e diminuiu nos meses subsequentes; no despertar, este estoque acumulou uma perda de 63% da sua massa. No início do outono 74% dos teiús estavam ativos por 4,7 h e permaneceram 2 h assoalhando diariamente; ao longo do outono o número de animais ativos e o tempo em atividade diminuíram até que todos se tornaram inativos. Na primavera 83% dos teiús estavam ativos por 7 h e permaneceram 4 h assoalhando. Um padrão sazonal similar foi observado na atividade locomotora e na alimentação. No outono, a alimentação cessou antes da atividade diária e os teiús tornaram−se afágicos algumas semanas antes da entrada em hibernação. Os maiores níveis de CORT foram observados no início do outono, reduzindo progressivamente até valores 75 e 86% menores na dormência e despertar, respectivamente; na primavera os níveis de CORT foram 32% menores em comparação com o início do outono. Este padrão sugere um papel da CORT nos ajustes que promovem a ingestão de alimento e a deposição de substratos energéticos no outono. A redução da atividade geral no final do outono contribuiria para a economia energética e manutenção da massa corpórea, apesar da redução da ingestão de alimento. O curso temporal das alterações fisiológicas e comportamentais em neonatos reforça a ideia de que a dormência sazonal nos teiús é o resultado da expressão de um ritmo endógeno. Na segunda parte do estudo foi investigada a hipótese de que ocorreriam ajustes das defesas antioxidantes durante a hibernação, em antecipação ao despertar. Foram analisados marcadores de estresse oxidativo e antioxidantes em vários órgãos de teiús em diferentes fases do primeiro ciclo anual. A CS, um indicador do potencial oxidante, não variou no fígado e foi menor no rim e no pulmão na hibernação. As enzimas antioxidantes revelaram (1) um efeito abrangente de redução das taxas na hibernação e despertar; por exemplo, GR e CAT foram menores em todos órgãos analisados e a GST tendeu a diminuir no fígado e no rim, embora constante no coração e no pulmão. A G6PDH no fígado e no rim não variou. (2) No fígado, a GST, a Se−GPX e o teor de TBARS foram maiores na atividade de outono em relação à primavera e a Se−GPX permaneceu elevada na hibernação. (3) No fígado, a SOD foi maior na hibernação e despertar em relação ao outono e a Mn−SOD seguiu este padrão. Em contraste, no rim, coração e pulmão a SOD foi menor na hibernação e as taxas se recuperaram no coração e pulmão no despertar. A Mn−SOD seguiu este padrão no pulmão. A concentração e o estado redox da glutationa não variaram no fígado, rim e coração; no pulmão o teor de Eq−GSH e GSH foi menor na hibernação, com tendência à recuperação no despertar. O teor de PC no rim foi maior na hibernação e diminuiu no despertar. No fígado, as alterações no jejum se assemelham às sazonais, como sugerem a inibição da CAT e GR e aumento da Se−GPX. Os efeitos do jejum na primavera no rim diferem dos efeitos sazonais, como sugerem a redução do teor de Eq−GSH e GSH e o aumento da razão GSSG:GSH, a redução da G6PDH e o aumento de PC. No conjunto, houve um efeito predominante de redução das taxas enzimáticas na hibernação e no despertar, exceto pelas taxas aumentadas da SOD e Se−GPX no fígado e pela recuperação da SOD no coração e da GR, SOD e Mn−SOD no pulmão no despertar. As elevadas taxas das enzimas antioxidantes no teiú em comparação a outros ectotermos e a ausência de evidências de estresse oxidativo no despertar sugerem que a atividade enzimática remanescente é suficiente para prevenir danos aos tecidos face às flutuações do metabolismo


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The micronutrient selenium is essential to human physiology. As the amino acid selenocysteine, it is inserted into selenoproteins with a wide range of functions including antioxidant capacity, thyroid hormone metabolism, improvement of immune system, brain function, fertility and reproduction. Low selenium status has been associated with increased risk for chronic diseases, such as cancer, type-2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. In this context, several studies have been conducted in order to investigate if selenium supplementation could reduce the risk of such diseases. However, genetic variations may interfere in the response of individuals to a dietary intervention and must be considered as a important source of inter-individual variation. Therefore, this study was conducted was conducted to investigate the influence of genetic variations in selenoproteins genes on the response to an intervention with Brazil nuts, the richest source of selenium known in nature. The study included 130 healthy volunteers with both genders, aged 20 to 60 years old selected in University of São Paulo. They received nuts for 8 weeks, eating one nut a day, and did a washout period for more 8 weeks. All volunteers had a blood sampling collection every 4 weeks during 4 months, in a total of 5. The following analysis were done: anthropometric measurements, lipid profile, plasma malondialdehyde, plasma and erythrocyte Se, selenoprotein P, plasma and erythrocyte GPx activity, gene expression of GPX1, SEPP1, SELS and SEP15. The volunteers were also genotyped for SNPs rs1050450, rs3811699, rs1800699, rs713041, rs3877899, rs7579, rs34713741 and rs5845. Each unit of Brazil nut provided an average of 300 µg of selenium. All 130 volunteers completed the protocol. The concentrations of total cholesterol and glucose decreased after 8 weeks of supplementation. Moreover, HDL concentrations were higher for carriers of the variant T allele for GPX4_rs713041. The frequencies of the variant genotypes were 5,4% for rs1050450, rs3811699 e rs1088668, 10% for rs3877899, 19,2% for rs713041 e rs7579, 11,5% for rs5845 and 8,5% for rs34713741. The levels of the five biomarkers increased significantly after supplementation. In addition, erythrocyte GPx activity was influenced by rs1050450, rs713041 and rs5845; erythrocyte selenium was influenced by rs5845 and plasma selenium by rs3877899. Gene expression of GPX1, SEPP1 and SEP15 were higher after supplementation. The SNP rs1050450 influenced GPX1 mRNA expression and rs7579 influenced SEPP1 mRNA expression. Therefore, it can be concluded that the supplementation with one of Brazil nut for 8 weeks was efficient to reduce total cholesterol and glucose levels and to increase the concentrations of the main biomarkers of selenium status in healthy adults. Furthermore, our results suggest that GPX4_rs713041 might interfere on HDL concentrations and GPx1 activity, GPX1_rs1050450 might interfere on GPx1 activity, SEP15_rs5845 might interfere on GPx1 activity and erythrocyte selenium and SEPP1_3877899 might interfere on plasma Se levels. Therefore, the effect of genetic variations should be considered in future nutritional interventions evaluating the response to Brazil nut supplementation.