361 resultados para Fantasy.


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Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar cinco cultivares de melão rendilhado em dois sistemas de cultivo quanto às características produtivas. O experimento foi instalado em casa de vegetação na UNESP-FCAV, em Jaboticabal-SP, de novembro/05 a fevereiro/06. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi de blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 5 x 2, com quatro repetições. Os fatores avaliados foram cinco híbridos de melão rendilhado (Maxim, Bônus nº2, Shinju 200, Fantasy e Louis) e dois sistemas de cultivo (no solo e em substrato a base de fibra da casca de coco). Após a colheita, foram avaliados a produção por planta (kg planta-1); diâmetro transversal (DTF) e longitudinal (DLF) do fruto, em mm; índice de formato do fruto (IFF); diâmetro transversal (DTL) e longitudinal (DLL) do lóculo, em mm; índice de formato do lóculo (IFL); diâmetro de inserção do pedúnculo (DIP), em mm; e espessura do mesocarpo (EM), em mm. Não se verificou interação significativa entre os fatores avaliados. O cultivo em substrato proporcionou maior produtividade por planta em relação ao cultivo no solo (2,51 e 1,52 kg planta-1, respectivamente), tendo a cultivar Fantasy (2,44 kg planta-1) o melhor desempenho entre as cultivares, não diferindo de Louis e Maxim. Para as características DIP, DTL e EM, foram verificados melhores desempenhos em plantas cultivadas em substrato. Para as características DTF, DLF, IFF e DLL não foram encontradas diferenças entre os sistemas de cultivo. Assim, o cultivo em substrato se destacou em relação ao cultivo no solo, tendo a cultivar Fantasy apresentado melhor desempenho comparada a Shinju 200 e Bônus nº2.


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This paper aimed to evaluate the performance of hybrids of muskmelon on different substrates. Five substrates were evaluated: S(1) = coconut husk fiber, S(2) = sand; S(3) = 1/2 sand and 1/2 crushed of sugarcane, S(4) = 1/2 sand and 1/2 of peanut shell, and S(5) = 1/3 sand, 1/3 of crushed sugarcane and I of peanut shell and four hybrids of muskmelon (Bonus N(o). 2, Louis, Fantasy Jab and 2007 # 16). The plants were cultivated in plastic pots of 13 dm(3), which were filled with these substrates; they were arranged in plants spacing of 1,0 x 0,5 m between plants. The Fertirrigation was done by dripping, using a nutrient solution for the culture. The experimental design was a randomized blocks, in a 5 X 4 factorial design with four replications. The characteristics evaluated were: total production, average transverse and longitudinal diameter of fruit, fruit shape index; mesocarp thickness; average transverse and longitudinal diameter of the locule; index format locule; mass of fresh fruit; soluble solids, pH; titratable acidity; C vitamin; firmness of flesh; tracery of shell; and maturation index. The optimal substrate for muskmelon cultivation is a combination of 50% sand + 50% peanut shell. The hybrid Fantasy performed better compared to other hybrids.


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Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a qualidade de cinco híbridos de melão rendilhado, com dois e três frutos por planta, utilizando fibra da casca de coco e fertirrigação. Para tanto, foi instalado um experimento em casa de vegetação na UNESP-FCAV, Câmpus de Jaboticabal, com delineamento experimental em blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 5 x 2, com quatro repetições. Os fatores avaliados foram cinco híbridos de melão rendilhado (Maxim, Bônus nº 2, Shinju 200, Fantasy e Louis) e número de frutos por planta (2 ou 3 frutos). Os frutos foram colhidos quando atingiram o máximo do desenvolvimento. Foram avaliados: sólidos solúveis, acidez titulável, pH, vitamina C e massa média dos frutos. Para todas as características avaliadas, não houve interação entre híbridos e o número de frutos por planta. Com base nos resultados obtidos, conclui-se que o híbrido Bônus nº 2 apresentou o maior número de características qualitativas desejáveis quando cultivada sob ambiente protegido, utilizando fibra da casca de coco e fertirrigação. O número de frutos por planta não afetou as características qualitativas avaliadas, exceto o teor de sólidos solúveis e massa média dos frutos, sendo maior quando deixados dois frutos por planta.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar cultivares de melão rendilhado produzidas em plantas sob raleio dos frutos. Foram estudadas as cultivares Maxim, Louis, Fantasy, Shinju 200, e Bônus nº2, com as plantas conduzidas com dois e três frutos. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 5x2, com quatro repetições e com as plantas dispostas no espaçamento de 1,0 m entre linhas e 0,5 m entre plantas. O experimento foi realizado em casa de vegetação, utilizando-se fertirrigação e vasos plásticos de 13 L, preenchidos com fibra da casca de coco Golden Mix® Misto 98. As mudas foram produzidas em bandejas de poliestireno expandido de 128 células e quando estavam com a primeira folha definitiva completamente desenvolvida foram transplantadas aos vasos. Foram avaliados o rendilhamento da casca, os diâmetros longitudinal e transversal do fruto, o índice de formato do fruto, os diâmetros longitudinal e transversal do lóculo, o índice de formato do lóculo, a espessura do mesocarpo, a massa média dos frutos e a produção por planta. Não houve interação entre os fatores estudados. Nas condições deste experimento, a condução de dois frutos por planta resultou em maior rendilhamento da casca, maior diâmetro transversal do fruto, maior diâmetro longitudinal do lóculo e maior massa média dos frutos. Porém, as maiores produções por planta foram observadas quando conduzidas com três frutos. Os híbridos Fantasy e Shinju 200 apresentaram as melhores características de frutos e maiores produções.


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Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a qualidade de frutos de cinco cultivares de melão rendilhado (Cucumis melo L.), cultivados em casa de vegetação, em função do sistema de produção. O experimento foi instalado em casa de vegetação na UNESP-FCAV, Jaboticabal-SP, no período de novembro de 2005 à fevereiro de 2006. O experimento foi delineado em esquema fatorial 5 X 2, em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos resultaram da combinação de cinco híbridos de melão rendilhado: Maxim, Bônus 2, Shinju 200, Fantasy e Louis e dois sistemas de cultivo: no solo e em substrato de fibra da casca de coco. As características avaliadas foram: massa fresca do fruto, espessura de mesocarpo, intensidade de rendilhamento da casca, pH, sólidos solúveis totais, acidez titulável, índice de maturação (RATIO), e vitamina C. Não houve interação significativa entre os sistemas de cultivo e cultivares para nenhuma das características avaliadas. O cultivo de melão em substrato resultou em frutos com qualidade superior ao cultivo em solo. Os híbridos Louis e Fantasy foram os que apresentaram melhor desempenho qualitativo de frutos.


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This research was based on a study regarding the myth, the landscape and then man in Bolivian literature, a country whose cultural tradition transcends myth and reality, with an exotic nature, inherited from extraordinary people from a remote time, with archeological remains that show its glory, making it particular among other Latin American literatures. To contextualize the literary study of this nation, rich in fantasy literature, understanding its traits in the current literature, we have sought to rescue the history of its first inhabitants, the Kollas, and the cultural reference they inherited and reviewed in the acculturation process between indigenous and Spanish people. This study is based on the contributions of Latin American theorists, such as Antonio Conejo Polar, Nestor Canclini, the Cuban ethnologist Fernando Ortiz, and especially the concept of transculturation of the Uruguayan critic Ángel Rama. Thus, we have tried to rescue a study about the Andean past, approaching the fundamentals of mythic component in literature, addressing landscape and nature as the ones that illustrate, characterize and give life to the mythical characters and social problems of the Andean man


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Infância is undoubtedly memory, high qual ity l iterature, reputable, as the story moves between f ict ion and reality. Personal and social history, wi th such a sense of reality, causing the reader to prof it f rom the honesty and the sinceri ty producing, in this work, remarkable results in a constancy of cl ippings, f rame -by-f rame. Memory and obl ivion are this work guidance. We aim to denounce the relat ionship between the chi ld and violence, and as it is a memorialist ic text , we see the importance of f ict ion for this type of narrat ive to be sustained. I aim thereby show the tone of this report humanizing memories, its deep and decisive meaning, through the memories concepts by Le Gof f , by Seligmann-Silva and by Ecléa Bosi. I t is also through the theories of Jeanne Marie Ganegbin that I just ify the concept of remembering and forget t ing, and also it is also according the concepts of Eliane Zagury that I give support to the importance of autobiography as a a mean of expressing the reported memor ies. Final ly, in Infância, there is no room for fantasy. The lyricism that overwhelms, throughout each chapter, commands the author's imaginat ion. The need to invent gives way to the need to test ify, to denounce. And this t ransit ion occurs gradually, slow as Gra c il ia n o s c h i ld li f e , d u e to such humiliat ion and submission


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Cancer goes on to be a frightening disease by humanity, simetimes,it is considered as death, suffering and stigma synonym. Occurring at childhood, this meaning seems to acquire a more intense conotation, having in view of the perplexity and godliness feeling in the presence of the precocity of events, nearly always associated to the death. A psychologist co-existence with the cancer children is going acquiring, thus, a permeated sense by incognitas , fears and fantasy, which raised us the following question: how does the psychologist that answers children with cancer lives this experience? Therefore, the aim this research was to understand this co-existence experience. Our theoretical perspective comes from an existencial fenomenology and, more specifically, the Humanistic Approach and Martin Heidegger Existencial Ontology. The metodology is qualitative of phenomenological character. The access instrument to the experience was the narrative, such as purpose by Walter Benjamin. They were carried out nine semi-open interviews with psychologists who work on pediatric oncology services of Natal-RN city. Such interviews were recorded in cassette, transcripted and later, re-educated. These interviews were recorded, transcribed and later on edited with the help of the interviewee and turned into a text. The narrative comprehension was carried out on Heidegger Existencial Ontology, on dada exaustive reading and the clipping of indicative passages of experience sense of being psychologist on this area. The research suggests that the experience is oriented of clinic kowing-doing, being crossed by implications of key thematics which indicate the care as central ontologic element that orientates the way as these professionals come being in the world in association with the clientèle. Besides, the caring experience of these children acquire the sense of true living experience, since the cancer undoes the immortality illusion, launching the psychologist to his/her condition of being to the death and with that, calling him/her the authenticity. Is is only not dealt with to experience the anguish and the death imminence, but above all, re-meaning them in favour of a continual learning, of quality answering , besides other possibilities. Working with child cancer brings news perspectives and world views, making the psychologist a more human people and sensitive to the distracted needs. And we believe that, regardless of area which actuates, being psychologist is a particular way which choose to be citizen. Is is a project that will be delimited by society, history and culture and after all, by us like human being. Therefore, we understand that the results this research suggest the discussed thematic deepening on this intervention field in order to new sense possibilities can arise giving origin to other reflections about the clinical practice, the professional formation in Psychology and other possible developments


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Suicide rates have been rising all over the world. In Rio Grande do Norte state, a study carried out by Dutra (1999) investigated suicide rates among youngsters and found that in 1997 alone 244 cases of suicide attempt were registered. The author took an interest in studying this phenomenon among adolescents after reviewing Dutra s study and the technical literature on suicide. In addition to that, another topic caught her attention and raised new research questions: suicide attempts motivated by love, i.e., the end of a relationship, the fantasy of being abandoned by a partner. These have made the author to question how love manifested itself among adolescents and how it could become a reason for adolescents to give up their lives. Based on the data she analyzed and the research questions she developed, her research objective was to understand how adolescents who have attempted suicide because of love-related reasons have gone through this experience. The theoretical reference for the research was the Client-centered Therapy and more specifically, the construct self , according to Carl Rogers. The methodological strategy was inspired by the existential-phenomenological strategy. It used the narrative as a research instrument, inspired by the work of Walter Benjamim (1994) which was developed into a research strategy by Schmidt (1990). Four youngsters (three male and one female) have participated in this study. They have attempted suicide for love-related reasons during dolescence, when they were 12 to 18 years old. The interviews were recorded on cassette tapes, transcribed and literalized into narratives. The understanding of the narratives was based on the meanings that emerged from the youngsters speeches, as well as from the moments that touched the author. These moments highlighted the meaning of the experience of giving up life and the experience of love-based relationship as experienced by the youngsters. The study detected, among the adolescents who were interviewed, the existence of impulsiveness related to the suicide attempt. Also, the majority of the interviewees came from unstructured family backgrounds and had lost of one of their parents or had to face their parents divorce. The suicide was attempted by these youngsters through the ingestion of medicines. The research also revealed that the youngsters had regretted attempting suicide and felt guilty about it. With regards to their self-evaluation, the author observed that the youngsters had low self-esteem, negative perceptions about themselves and distorted views of themselves. These findings helped the author to reflect on the close relationship between the construct self and the suicide attempt. She also observed that a few factors, i.e., family context, education, social and cultural values, have influenced the way the youngsters perceived themselves . The results of this research confirm the idea that we have to understand the suicide attempt as a multi-determined phenomenon. This study contributed to the analysis and reflection on the factors that contribute to suicide attempts thus providing a foundation for the development of public health programs and policies to deal with this topic


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Background: Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia-brachydactyly and distinctive speech (SED-BDS) is a syndrome characterized by short stature, disproportionately short limbs, peculiar face, thick and abundant hair, high-pitched and coarse voice, small epiphyses, brachymetacarpalia, brachymetatarsalia and brachy-phalangia of fingers and toes, small pelvis and delayed carpal bone age, among other features. Case Report: We report a Brazilian patient with father, brother and sister presenting with the same typical features of the syndrome. Clinically, he showed disproportionately short stature, rhizo-meso-acromelic shortness of the extremities, short hands and feet, a peculiar distinctive high-pitched voice, peculiar facies, and other features already reported as characteristic of this syndrome. Radiographic fndings included shape anomalies of the vertebral bodies such as cuboid-shaped vertebral bodies, mild scoliosis, short and broad tubular bones, brachymetacarpalia, brachymetatarsalia, and brachy-dactyly, lumbar hyperlordosis, generalized osteopenia, and hypoplastic iliac wings. Conclusions: Few cases have been described, as this is a rare skeletal dysplasia. This paper describes a new familial case of SED-BDS. © The American Journal of Case Reports.


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To identify coping strategies used among professional and amateur Brazilian football players. The Ways of Coping Scale (WOCS) was completed by 134 male football players (71 professionals: mean age = 22.77 ± 3.98 years; 63 amateurs: mean age = 17.18 ± 0.84 years) from three teams that participated in the Campeonatos Estaduais da Primeira Divisão (the state championships for the first division of football). There was no significant difference between the two groups in the type of coping strategy they used (e.g., problem-focused, emotion-focused, fantasy thoughts, religious practices and social support). Problem-focused coping was the most frequently used strategy by all of the players and social support was the least frequently used strategy. Both professional and amateur players failed to focus on the development of adequate coping strategies. Further studies are needed to better understand the impact that Brazilian athletes experience has on their choice of coping strategies during pre-competitive and competitive phases of their sport. © JPES.


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC


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Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)