775 resultados para Fano Manifolds


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A method to determine the admissibility of symbolic sequences and to find the unstable periodic orbits corresponding to allowed symbolic sequences for the diamagnetic Kepler problem is proposed by using the ordering of stable and unstable manifolds. By investigating the unstable periodic orbits up to length 6, a one to one correspondence between the unstable periodic orbits and their corresponding symbolic sequences is shown under the system symmetry decomposition.


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We discuss the transversal heteroclinic cycle formed by hyperbolic periodic pointes of diffeomorphism on the differential manifold. We point out that every possible kind of transversal heteroclinic cycle has the Smalehorse property and the unstable manifolds of hyperbolic periodic points have the closure relation mutually. Therefore the strange attractor may be the closure of unstable manifolds of a countable number of hyperbolic periodic points. The Henon mapping is used as an example to show that the conclusion is reasonable.


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On the basis of previous works, the strange attractor in real physical systems is discussed. Louwerier attractor is used as an example to illustrate the geometric structure and dynamical properties of strange attractor. Then the strange attractor of a kind of two-dimensional map is analysed. Based on some conditions, it is proved that the closure of the unstable manifolds of hyberbolic fixed point of map is a strange attractor in real physical systems.


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 Introduction The strange chaotic attractor (ACS) is an important subject in the nonlinear field. On the basis of the theory of transversal heteroclinic cycles, it is suggested that the strange attractor is the closure of the unstable manifolds of countable infinite hyperbolic periodic points. From this point of view some nonlinear phenomena are explained reasonably. 


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A visual observation of liquid-gas two-phase flow in anode channels of a direct methanol proton exchange membrane fuel cells in microgravity has been carried out in a drop tower. The anode flow bed consisted of 2 manifolds and 11 parallel straight channels. The length, width and depth of single channel with rectangular cross section was 48.0 mm, 2.5 mm and 2.0 mm, respectively. The experimental results indicated that the size of bubbles in microgravity condition is bigger than that in normal gravity. The longer the time, the bigger the bubbles. The velocity of bubbles rising is slower than that in normal gravity because buoyancy lift is very weak in microgravity. The flow pattern in anode channels could change from bubbly flow in normal gravity to slug flow in microgravity. The gas slugs blocked supply of reactants from channels to anode catalyst layer through gas diffusion layer. When the weakened mass transfer causes concentration polarization, the output performance of fuel cells declines.


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Noncommutative geometry is a source of particle physics models with matter Lagrangians coupled to gravity. One may associate to any noncommutative space (A, H, D) its spectral action, which is defined in terms of the Dirac spectrum of its Dirac operator D. When viewing a spin manifold as a noncommutative space, D is the usual Dirac operator. In this paper, we give nonperturbative computations of the spectral action for quotients of SU(2), Bieberbach manifolds, and SU(3) equipped with a variety of geometries. Along the way we will compute several Dirac spectra and refer to applications of this computation.


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We present a novel account of the theory of commutative spectral triples and their two closest noncommutative generalisations, almost-commutative spectral triples and toric noncommutative manifolds, with a focus on reconstruction theorems, viz, abstract, functional-analytic characterisations of global-analytically defined classes of spectral triples. We begin by reinterpreting Connes's reconstruction theorem for commutative spectral triples as a complete noncommutative-geometric characterisation of Dirac-type operators on compact oriented Riemannian manifolds, and in the process clarify folklore concerning stability of properties of spectral triples under suitable perturbation of the Dirac operator. Next, we apply this reinterpretation of the commutative reconstruction theorem to obtain a reconstruction theorem for almost-commutative spectral triples. In particular, we propose a revised, manifestly global-analytic definition of almost-commutative spectral triple, and, as an application of this global-analytic perspective, obtain a general result relating the spectral action on the total space of a finite normal compact oriented Riemannian cover to that on the base space. Throughout, we discuss the relevant refinements of these definitions and results to the case of real commutative and almost-commutative spectral triples. Finally, we outline progess towards a reconstruction theorem for toric noncommutative manifolds.


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A standard question in the study of geometric quantization is whether symplectic reduction interacts nicely with the quantized theory, and in particular whether “quantization commutes with reduction.” Guillemin and Sternberg first proposed this question, and answered it in the affirmative for the case of a free action of a compact Lie group on a compact Kähler manifold. Subsequent work has focused mainly on extending their proof to non-free actions and non-Kähler manifolds. For realistic physical examples, however, it is desirable to have a proof which also applies to non-compact symplectic manifolds.

In this thesis we give a proof of the quantization-reduction problem for general symplectic manifolds. This is accomplished by working in a particular wavefunction representation, associated with a polarization that is in some sense compatible with reduction. While the polarized sections described by Guillemin and Sternberg are nonzero on a dense subset of the Kähler manifold, the ones considered here are distributional, having support only on regions of the phase space associated with certain quantized, or “admissible”, values of momentum.

We first propose a reduction procedure for the prequantum geometric structures that “covers” symplectic reduction, and demonstrate how both symplectic and prequantum reduction can be viewed as examples of foliation reduction. Consistency of prequantum reduction imposes the above-mentioned admissibility conditions on the quantized momenta, which can be seen as analogues of the Bohr-Wilson-Sommerfeld conditions for completely integrable systems.

We then describe our reduction-compatible polarization, and demonstrate a one-to-one correspondence between polarized sections on the unreduced and reduced spaces.

Finally, we describe a factorization of the reduced prequantum bundle, suggested by the structure of the underlying reduced symplectic manifold. This in turn induces a factorization of the space of polarized sections that agrees with its usual decomposition by irreducible representations, and so proves that quantization and reduction do indeed commute in this context.

A significant omission from the proof is the construction of an inner product on the space of polarized sections, and a discussion of its behavior under reduction. In the concluding chapter of the thesis, we suggest some ideas for future work in this direction.


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We propose an asymmetric double AlGaAs/GaAs quantum well structure with a common continuum to generate a large cross-phase modulation (XPM). It is found, owing to resonant tunneling, that a large XPM can be achieved with vanishing linear and two-photon absorptions. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.


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This thesis introduces new tools for geometric discretization in computer graphics and computational physics. Our work builds upon the duality between weighted triangulations and power diagrams to provide concise, yet expressive discretization of manifolds and differential operators. Our exposition begins with a review of the construction of power diagrams, followed by novel optimization procedures to fully control the local volume and spatial distribution of power cells. Based on this power diagram framework, we develop a new family of discrete differential operators, an effective stippling algorithm, as well as a new fluid solver for Lagrangian particles. We then turn our attention to applications in geometry processing. We show that orthogonal primal-dual meshes augment the notion of local metric in non-flat discrete surfaces. In particular, we introduce a reduced set of coordinates for the construction of orthogonal primal-dual structures of arbitrary topology, and provide alternative metric characterizations through convex optimizations. We finally leverage these novel theoretical contributions to generate well-centered primal-dual meshes, sphere packing on surfaces, and self-supporting triangulations.


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n-heptane/air premixed turbulent flames in the high-Karlovitz portion of the thin reaction zone regime are characterized and modeled in this thesis using Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) with detailed chemistry. In order to perform these simulations, a time-integration scheme that can efficiently handle the stiffness of the equations solved is developed first. A first simulation with unity Lewis number is considered in order to assess the effect of turbulence on the flame in the absence of differential diffusion. A second simulation with non-unity Lewis numbers is considered to study how turbulence affects differential diffusion. In the absence of differential diffusion, minimal departure from the 1D unstretched flame structure (species vs. temperature profiles) is observed. In the non-unity Lewis number case, the flame structure lies between that of 1D unstretched flames with "laminar" non-unity Lewis numbers and unity Lewis number. This is attributed to effective Lewis numbers resulting from intense turbulent mixing and a first model is proposed. The reaction zone is shown to be thin for both flames, yet large chemical source term fluctuations are observed. The fuel consumption rate is found to be only weakly correlated with stretch, although local extinctions in the non-unity Lewis number case are well correlated with high curvature. These results explain the apparent turbulent flame speeds. Other variables that better correlate with this fuel burning rate are identified through a coordinate transformation. It is shown that the unity Lewis number turbulent flames can be accurately described by a set of 1D (in progress variable space) flamelet equations parameterized by the dissipation rate of the progress variable. In the non-unity Lewis number flames, the flamelet equations suggest a dependence on a second parameter, the diffusion of the progress variable. A new tabulation approach is proposed for the simulation of such flames with these dimensionally-reduced manifolds.


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Phosphorescence has been observed in a highly purified fluid solution of naphthalene in 3-methylpentane (3-MP). The phosphorescence lifetime of C10H8 in 3-MP at -45 °C was found to be 0.49 ± 0.07 sec, while that of C10D8 under identical conditions is 0.64 ± 0.07 sec. At this temperature 3-MP has the same viscosity (0.65 centipoise) as that of benzene at room temperature. It is believed that even these long lifetimes are dominated by impurity quenching mechanisms. Therefore it seems that the radiationless decay times of the lowest triplet states of simple aromatic hydrocarbons in liquid solutions are sensibly the same as those in the solid phase. A slight dependence of the phosphorescence lifetime on solvent viscosity was observed in the temperature region, -60° to -18°C. This has been attributed to the diffusion-controlled quenching of the triplet state by residual impurity, perhaps oxygen. Bimolecular depopulation of the triplet state was found to be of major importance over a large part of the triplet decay.

The lifetime of triplet C10H8 at room temperature was also measured in highly purified benzene by means of both phosphorescence and triplet-triplet absorption. The lifetime was estimated to be at least ten times shorter than that in 3-MP. This is believed to be due not only to residual impurities in the solvent but also to small amounts of impurities produced through unavoidable irradiation by the excitation source. In agreement with this idea, lifetime shortening caused by intense flashes of light is readily observed. This latter result suggests that experiments employing flash lamp techniques are not suitable for these kinds of studies.

The theory of radiationless transitions, based on Robinson's theory, is briefly outlined. A simple theoretical model which is derived from Fano's autoionization gives identical result.


The blue color of oxygen is mostly derived from double transitions. This paper presents a theoretical calculation of the intensity of the double transition (a 1Δg) (a 1Δg)←(X 3Σg-) (X 3Σg-), using a model based on a pair of oxygen molecules at a fixed separation of 3.81 Å. The intensity enhancement is assumed to be derived from the mixing (a 1Δg) (a 1Δg) ~~~ (X 3Σg-) (X 3Σu-) and (a 1Δg) (1Δu) ~~~ (X 3Σg-) (X 3Σg-). Matrix elements for these interactions are calculated using a π-electron approximation for the pair system. Good molecular wavefunctions are used for all but the perturbing (B 3Σu-) state, which is approximated in terms of ground state orbitals. The largest contribution to the matrix elements arises from large intramolecular terms multiplied by intermolecular overlap integrals. The strength of interaction depends not only on the intermolecular separation of the two oxygen molecules, but also as expected on the relative orientation. Matrix elements are calculated for different orientations, and the angular dependence is fit to an analytical expression. The theory therefore not only predicts an intensity dependence on density but also one on phase at constant density. Agreement between theory and available experimental results is satisfactory considering the nature of the approximation, and indicates the essential validity of the overall approach to this interesting intensity enhancement problem.


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Density modeling is notoriously difficult for high dimensional data. One approach to the problem is to search for a lower dimensional manifold which captures the main characteristics of the data. Recently, the Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model (GPLVM) has successfully been used to find low dimensional manifolds in a variety of complex data. The GPLVM consists of a set of points in a low dimensional latent space, and a stochastic map to the observed space. We show how it can be interpreted as a density model in the observed space. However, the GPLVM is not trained as a density model and therefore yields bad density estimates. We propose a new training strategy and obtain improved generalisation performance and better density estimates in comparative evaluations on several benchmark data sets. © 2010 Springer-Verlag.


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Common-rail fuel injection systems on modern light duty diesel engines are effectively able to respond instantaneously to changes in the demanded injection quantity. In contrast, the air-system is subject to significantly slower dynamics, primarily due to filling/emptying effects in the manifolds and turbocharger inertia. The behaviour of the air-path in a diesel engine is therefore the main limiting factor in terms of engine-out emissions during transient operation. This paper presents a simple mean-value model for the air-path during throttled operation, which is used to design a feed-forward controller that delivers very rapid changes in the in-cylinder charge properties. The feed-forward control action is validated using a state-of-the-art sampling system that allows true cycle-by-cycle measurement of the in-cylinder CO2 concentration. © 2011 SAE International.