964 resultados para FRS-ESR FACILITY


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Objective: To identify risk factors for falls and injuries among seniors living in a long-term care facility. Method: Case-control study of 335 residents living at St. Joseph's Villa, Dundas, Ontario. Cases were defined as residents who fell between July 1, 1996 and June 30, 1997; controls were those who did not fall. To identify risk factors for injury, cases were defined as those with completed incident injury forms and controls as those without. Results: The most important risk factors for falls included: having fallen in the past three months; residing in a secured unit; living in the facility for two or more years; having the potential to cause injury to others; and having an illness, disease or behaviour that may cause a fall. The most important risk factor for injury among those who fell was altered mental state. Conclusion: The risk factors identified may be helpful to those planning falls prevention initiatives within long-term care settings.


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The present work presents an investigation regarding the feasibility analysis of a cogeneration plant for a food processing facility with the aim to decrease the cost of energy supply. The monthly electricity and heat consumption profiles are analyzed, in order to understand the consumption profiles, as well as the costs of the current furniture of electricity and gas. Then, a detailed thermodynamic model of the cogeneration cycle is implemented and the investment costs are linked to the thermodynamic variables by means of cost functions. The optimal electricity power of the co-generator is determined with reference to various investment indexes. The analysis highlights that the optimal dimension varies according to the chosen indicator, therefore it is not possible to establish it univocally, but it depends on the financial/economic strategy of the company through the considered investment index.


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O desenvolvimento das redes de estradas rurais, especialmente em áreas montanhosas, é a intervenção chave para melhorar a acessibilidade às localidades e aos serviços públicos, cobrindo o maior número de localidades e de serviços públicos, otimizando os escassos recursos disponíveis em países em desenvolvimento. Este estudo explora diferentes modelos de organização de redes de estradas rurais considerando a construção de novas ligações ou o melhoramento de estradas existentes. Um método, baseado na cobertura da rede de estradas rurais, é utilizado para identificar os pontos nodais que formam a rede rural base numa específica região, a qual cobrirá um conjunto dos serviços públicos e de localidades. O modelo assenta numa rede rural de estradas típica ("backbone" e "branch") das regiões montanhosas do Nepal. Os modelos propostos fornecem um conjunto de possibilidades de ligações a estabelecer ou a melhorar e oferece soluções para diferentes níveis de orçamento, que otimizam os custos de transporte na rede, considerando diferentes tipos de pavimento (em solo, granular ou asfáltico). Foi realizado separadamente um modelo dedicado a análises multi-objetivo para resolver problemas de melhoramento de ligações dentro da rede considerando dois objectivos, minimizar os custos de operação para o utilizador e maximizar a população coberta pela rede de estradas, considerando ligações pavimentadas e não pavimentadas (em solo, granular ou asfáltico) dentro de um determinado limite orçamental. O modelo dá ao decisor (DM) diferentes alternativas eficientes para que este possa tomar uma decisão final. Estes modelos, desenvolvidos para redes de estradas rurais, são também aplicáveis a outras redes de infraestruturas rurais, tais como, de fornecimento de água, de eletricidade e de telecomunicações. A implementação dos modelos nas redes de estradas rurais dos distritos de Gorkha e Lamjung do Nepal permitiu confirmara sua aplicabilidade. Verifica-se que os modelos propostos são mais práticos e realísticos no estudo de soluções de melhoramento e de desenvolvimento de redes de estradas rurais em regiões montanhosas de países em desenvolvimento.


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This document shows the operations per year for airports in South Carolina broken down by air taxi, local, itin, military and totals.


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Les personnes atteintes de démence sévère, résidant dans un centre d’hébergement et de soins de longue durée (CHSLD) et approchant la fin de leur vie, ne reçoivent pas systématiquement des soins palliatifs, malgré que ce niveau de soins soit le plus approprié. La plupart de ces personnes reçoivent également un grand nombre de médicaments dont les effets indésirables peuvent contribuer à des souffrances évitables. Une approche axée sur les soins palliatifs serait possiblement associée à une réduction de la charge médicamenteuse et, du même coup, à une prescription plus appropriée. Les objectifs de ce projet de recherche étaient de décrire l’usage des médicaments chez les résidents atteints de démence sévère en CHSLD, de comparer leur usage de médicaments à des critères de pertinence et d’évaluer si la mise en œuvre d’une approche axée sur les soins palliatifs était associée aux médicaments prescrits. Cette étude décrit l’usage des médicaments chez 215 sujets atteints de démence sévère et en fin de vie qui ont participé à une étude d’intervention quasi expérimentale menée dans quatre CHSLD du Québec sur la mise en œuvre d’une approche axée sur les soins palliatifs. L’utilisation des médicaments a été comparée à trois listes de critères pertinents publiés, soit ceux de Holmes, Rancourt et Kröger, en utilisant des statistiques descriptives. Les analyses sur l’usage de 412 médicaments différents chez 120 sujets du groupe expérimental et 95 sujets du groupe témoin ont montré que cette approche axée sur les soins palliatifs n’est pas associée à une prescription plus appropriée des médicaments chez ces personnes particulièrement vulnérables.


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This paper examines road freight transport activity and its relationship with facility location, logistics management and urban form through an analysis of 14 selected urban areas in the UK. Improved understanding of this relationship will assist planners when making transport and land use decisions. The findings suggest that several geographical, spatial and land use factors have important influences on freight activity in urban areas. Commercial and industrial land use patterns affect the types and quantities of goods produced, consumed, and hence the total quantity of freight transport handled. This also influences the distances over which goods are moved and by what specific mode. There has been relatively low growth in warehousing in many of the selected areas over the last decade compared to the national average as well suburbanisation of warehousing in some locations. This affects the origin and destination of journeys visiting these facilities and typically increases the distance of such journeys. A greater proportion of road freight has been shown to be lifted on internal journeys in large urban areas than in smaller ones. Journeys within urban areas have been shown to be less efficient than journeys to and from the urban area in the 14 locations studied due to the much smaller average vehicle carrying capacities and lower lading factors for journeys within urban areas. The length of haul on journeys to and from urban areas studied was found to be greatest for those areas with a major seaport and/or which were geographically remote. This affects the road freight transport intensity of goods transport journeys.


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The subject of this book is the new scientific research in the field of modelling the interaction between land use and transport (LUTI modelling). Transport and the location of activities in space have been important themes of study in engineering, social sciences and urban and regional planning


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The Railroad Avenue groundwater contamination site (the site) is in West Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa. Located on approximately 120 acres. The site comprises mixed residential, industrial and commercial properties. Underneath the site, chlorinated volatile organic compounds (VOCs) have contaminatcd the shallow (i.e., 30-50 feet deep) groundwater. These compounds have compromised several shallow wells within the West Des Moines water works system. A contamination source, however, has not yet been identified. In 1993, routine water analysis by the City of West Des Moines identified 1, 2 cis-dichlorocthylcne (1, 2 cis-DCE) at a concentration of 1.2 μg/L (micrograms) per liter of water) in the water supply. Subsequently. several shallow municipal wells were found to be contaminated by VOCs, including 1. 2 cis-DCE, trichloroethylene (TCE), tetrachloroethylene (PCE) and benzene. Five of these wells have been taken out of service. Because of the impact on the West Des Moines water supply, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) has assigned the site to the National Priorities List. Surface water und sediment at the site have not been impacted by the VOCs. Testing for VOCs in surface soils has not revealed any significant VOC contamination. Subsurface soils -- generally 8 feet or greater in depth -- are contaminated with VOCs, but at levels which should not present a health hazard. The past, present, and future health hazard category chosen for this site is no apparent public health hazard. This category is used when exposure to toxins might be occurring or might have occurrcd in the past, but at levels below any known health hazard. Analysis of available environmental data has not revealed that residental or commercial water customers are or have been exposed to VOCs at concentrations that might cause any adverse health effects.