990 resultados para F359I POINT MUTATION


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Cerebrovascular amyloid beta-protein (Abeta) deposition is a pathological feature of several related disorders including Alzheimer disease and hereditary cerebral hemorrhage with amyloidosis Dutch-type (HCHWA-D). HCHWA-D is caused by a point mutation in the gene that encodes the Abeta precursor and results in a Glu --> Gln substitution at position 22 of Abeta. In comparison to Alzheimer disease, the cerebrovascular Abeta deposition in HCHWA-D is generally more severe, often resulting in intracerebral hemorrhage when patients reach 50 years of age. We recently reported that Abeta(1-42), but not the shorter Abeta(1-40) induces pathologic responses in cultured human leptomeningeal smooth muscle cells including cellular degeneration that is accompanied by a marked increase in the levels of cellular Abeta precursor and soluble Abeta peptide. In the present study, we show that the HCHWA-D mutation converts the normally nonpathologic Abeta(1-40) into a highly pathologic form of the peptide for cultured human leptomeningeal smooth muscle cells. These findings suggest that these altered functional properties of HCHWA-D mutated Abeta may contribute to the early and often severe cerebrovascular pathology that is the hallmark of this disorder.


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An experimental strategy to facilitate correction of single-base mutations of episomal targets in mammalian cells has been developed. The method utilizes a chimeric oligonucleotide composed of a contiguous stretch of RNA and DNA residues in a duplex conformation with double hairpin caps on the ends. The RNA/DNA sequence is designed to align with the sequence of the mutant locus and to contain the desired nucleotide change. Activity of the chimeric molecule in targeted correction was tested in a model system in which the aim was to correct a point mutation in the gene encoding the human liver/bone/kidney alkaline phosphatase. When the chimeric molecule was introduced into cells containing the mutant gene on an extrachromosomal plasmid, correction of the point mutation was accomplished with a frequency approaching 30%. These results extend the usefulness of the oligonucleotide-based gene targeting approaches by increasing specific targeting frequency. This strategy should enable the design of antiviral agents.


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Phagocytosis is a phylogenetically primitive mechanism adapted by specialized cells of the immune system to ingest particulate pathogens. Recent evidence suggests that the program of specific cytoskeletal rearrangements that underlies phagocytosis may share elements with the antigen receptor signaling pathway in lymphocytes. Tyrosine phosphorylation, necessary for both lymphocyte effector function and phagocytosis, is thought to allow cytoskeletal elements to couple to the intracellular domains of antigen and Fc receptor subunits. We show here that the intracellular domains of the receptors are not inherently required for cytoskeletal coupling. Chimeric transmembrane proteins bearing syk but not src family tyrosine kinase domains are capable of autonomously triggering phagocytosis and redistribution of filamentous actin in COS cells. These responses cannot be initiated by a receptor chimera bearing a point mutation in the syk catalytic domain, and the kinase domain alone is sufficient for initiating cytoskeletal coupling.


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Band 3 HT (Pro-868-->Leu) is a mutant anion exchange protein which has several phenotypic characteristics, including a 2- to 3-fold larger Vmax, and reduced covalent binding of the anion transport inhibitor 4,4'-diisothiocyanodihydrostilbene-2,2'-disulfonate (H2DIDS). We have used fluorescence kinetic methods to study inhibitor binding to band 3 to determine if the point mutation in band 3 HT produces localized or wide-spread conformational changes within the membrane-bound domain of this transporter. Our results show that covalent binding of H2DIDS by band 3 HT is slower by a factor of 10 to 20 compared with the wild-type protein. In contrast, no such difference in the kinetics was observed for covalent binding of 4,4'-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonate (DIDS). In addition, the kinetics of H2DIDS release from band 3 HT was abnormal, while the kinetics of 4,4'-dibenzamidostilbene-2,2'-disulfonate (DBDS) release showed no difference when compared with the wild-type protein. We conclude that substitution of leucine for proline at position 868 does not perturb the structure of "lysine A" in the membrane-bound domain of band 3 but rather produces an apparently localized conformational change in the C-terminal subdomain of the protein which alters H2DIDS affinity. When combined with the observation of an increased Vmax, these results suggest that protein structural changes at position 868 influence a turnover step in the transport cycle.


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Fas, a member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor family, can induce apoptosis when activated by Fas ligand binding or anti-Fas antibody crosslinking. Genetic studies have shown that a defect in Fas-mediated apoptosis resulted in abnormal development and function of the immune system in mice. A point mutation in the cytoplasmic domain of Fas (a single base change from T to A at base 786), replacing isoleucine with asparagine, abolishes the signal transducing property of Fas. Mice homozygous for this mutant allele (lprcg/lprcg mice) develop lymphadenopathy and a lupus-like autoimmune disease. Little is known about the mechanism of signal transduction in Fas-mediated apoptosis. In this study, we used the two-hybrid screen in yeast to isolate a Fas-associated protein factor, FAF1, which specifically interacts with the cytoplasmic domain of wild-type Fas but not the lprcg-mutated Fas protein. This interaction occurs not only in yeast but also in mammalian cells. When transiently expressed in L cells, FAF1 potentiated Fas-induced apoptosis. A search of available DNA and protein sequence data banks did not reveal significant homology between FAF1 and known proteins. Therefore, FAF1 is an unusual protein that binds to the wild type but not the inactive point mutant of Fas. FAF1 potentiates Fas-induced cell killing and is a candidate signal transducing molecule in the regulation of apoptosis.


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The coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei, is the most important insect pest of coffee worldwide and has an unusual life history that ensures a high degree of inbreeding. Individual females lay a predominantly female brood within individual coffee berries and because males are flightless there is almost entirely full sib mating. We investigated the genetics associated with this interesting life history after the important discovery of resistance to the cyclodiene type insecticide endosulfan. Both the inheritance of the resistance phenotype and the resistance-associated point mutation in the gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor gene Rdl were examined. Consistent with haplodiploidy, males failed to express and transmit paternally derived resistance alleles. Furthermore, while cytological examination revealed that males are diploid, one set of chromosomes was condensed, and probably nonfunctional, in the somatic cells of all males examined. Moreover, although two sets of chromosomes were present in primary spermatocytes, the chromosomes failed to pair before the single meiotic division, and only one set was packaged in sperm. Thus, the coffee berry borer is "functionally" haplodiploid. Its genetics and life history may therefore represent an interesting intermediate step in the evolution of true haplodiploidy. The influence of this breeding system on the spread of insecticide resistance is discussed.


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Pokeweed antiviral protein (PAP), a 29-kDa protein isolated from Phytolacca americana inhibits translation by catalytically removing a specific adenine residue from the 28S rRNA of eukaryotic ribosomes. PAP has potent antiviral activity against many plant and animal viruses, including human immunodeficiency virus. We describe here development of a positive selection system to isolate PAP mutants with reduced toxicity. In vitro translation in the presence or absence of microsomal membranes shows that PAP is synthesized as a precursor and undergoes at least two different proteolytic processing steps to generate mature PAP. The PAP cDNA was placed under control of the galactose-inducible GAL1 promoter and transformed into Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Induction of PAP expression was lethal to yeast. The PAP expression plasmid was mutagenized and plasmids encoding mutant PAP genes were identified by their failure to kill S. cerevisiae. A number of mutant alleles were sequenced. In one mutant, a point mutation at Glu-177 inactivated enzymatic function in vitro, suggesting that this glutamic acid residue is located at or near the catalytic site. Mutants with either point mutations near the N terminus or a nonsense mutation at residue 237 produced protein that was enzymatically active in vitro, suggesting that the toxicity of PAP is not due solely to enzymatic activity. Toxicity of PAP appears to be a multistep process that involves possibly different domains of the protein.


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We have identified an antigen recognized on a human melanoma by autologous cytolytic T lymphocytes. It is encoded by a gene that is expressed in many normal tissues. Remarkably, the sequence coding for the antigenic peptide is located across an exon-intron junction. A point mutation is present in the intron that generates an amino acid change that is essential for the recognition of the peptide by the anti-tumor cytotoxic T lymphocytes. This observation suggests that the T-cell-mediated surveillance of the integrity of the genome may extend to some intronic regions.


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The biosynthesis of gibberellins (GAs) after GA12-aldehyde involves a series of oxidative steps that lead to the formation of bioactive GAs. Previously, a cDNA clone encoding a GA 20-oxidase [gibberellin, 2-oxoglutarate:oxygen oxidoreductase (20-hydroxylating, oxidizing), EC 1.14.11.-] was isolated by immunoscreening a cDNA library from liquid endosperm of pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima L.) with antibodies against partially purified GA 20-oxidase. Here, we report isolation of a genomic clone for GA 20-oxidase from a genomic library of the long-day species Arabidopsis thaliana Heynh., strain Columbia, by using the pumpkin cDNA clone as a heterologous probe. This genomic clone contains a GA 20-oxidase gene that consists of three exons and two introns. The three exons are 1131-bp long and encode 377 amino acid residues. A cDNA clone corresponding to the putative GA 20-oxidase genomic sequence was constructed with the reverse transcription-PCR method, and the identity of the cDNA clone was confirmed by analyzing the capability of the fusion protein expressed in Escherichia coli to convert GA53 to GA44 and GA19 to GA20. The Arabidopsis GA 20-oxidase shares 55% identity and > 80% similarity with the pumpkin GA 20-oxidase at the derived amino acid level. Both GA 20-oxidases share high homology with other 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenases (2-ODDs), but the highest homology was found between the two GA 20-oxidases. Mapping results indicated tight linkage between the cloned GA 20-oxidase and the GA5 locus of Arabidopsis. The ga5 semidwarf mutant contains a G-->A point mutation that inserts a translational stop codon in the protein-coding sequence, thus confirming that the GA5 locus encodes GA 20-oxidase. Expression of the GA5 gene in Ara-bidopsis leaves was enhanced after plants were transferred from short to long days; it was reduced by GA4 treatment, suggesting end-product repression in the GA biosynthetic pathway.


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As Neoplasias Mieloproliferativas (NMPs) se caracterizam por apresentarem acúmulo de eritrócitos, leucócitos e plaquetas morfologicamente normais e seus precursores. Nos últimos anos vários estudos buscaram conhecer os mecanismos celulares e moleculares envolvidos na fisiopatologia e evolução dessas desordens, com o intuito de encontrar marcadores de diagnóstico, prognóstico e terapias eficazes. A mutação pontual no gene que codifica a enzima Janus Kinase 2 (JAK2 V617F), presente em aproximadamente 90% dos pacientes com PV e em 50% dos pacientes com TE e MF, foi o principal achado genético anormal associado a essas doenças. Essa mutação resulta na ativação constitutiva da enzima JAK2 e na desregulação da proliferação celular e resistência à apoptose. Nosso grupo de pesquisa descreveu em PV, TE e MF a expressão alterada de genes reguladores da apoptose e dados da literatura indicam que a desregulação do ciclo celular contribui para a fisiopatologia das NMPs. Nesse projeto o intuito foi investigar a associação da via de sinalização m-TOR com as alterações do ciclo celular e via JAK/STAT nas NMPs. A via de sinalização m-TOR participa dos processos celulares de sobrevivência e proliferação. A estratégia experimental foi avaliar a expressão de genes e proteínas, reguladores da via m-TOR, em leucócitos de pacientes com NPMC e linhagens celulares JAK2+ tratadas com inibidores de JAK2 e AKT. Para determinar a relação da via m-TOR nas NMPs foi escolhido o gene eIF4E, alterado nessas doenças, para observar sua modulação diante da inibição farmacológica nas linhagens celulares JAK2 positivas. Os resultados desse estudo contribuem para a descrição de novos alvos terapêuticos dependentes e indepentendes da atividade quinase JAK2 e para o melhor conhecimento da participação da via de sinalização m-TOR na fisiopatologia das NMPs.


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Background Lethal chondrodysplasia (bulldog syndrome) is a well-known congenital syndrome in cattle and occurs sporadically in many breeds. In 2015, it was noticed that about 12 % of the offspring of the phenotypically normal Danish Holstein sire VH Cadiz Captivo showed chondrodysplasia resembling previously reported bulldog calves. Pedigree analysis of affected calves did not display obvious inbreeding to a common ancestor, suggesting the causative allele was not a rare recessive. The normal phenotype of the sire suggested a dominant inheritance with incomplete penetrance or a mosaic mutation. Results Three malformed calves were examined by necropsy, histopathology, radiology, and computed tomography scanning. These calves were morphologically similar and displayed severe disproportionate dwarfism and reduced body weight. The syndrome was characterized by shortening and compression of the body due to reduced length of the spine and the long bones of the limbs. The vicerocranium had severe dysplasia and palatoschisis. The bones had small irregular diaphyses and enlarged epiphyses consisting only of chondroid tissue. The sire and a total of four affected half-sib offspring and their dams were genotyped with the BovineHD SNP array to map the defect in the genome. Significant genetic linkage was obtained for several regions of the bovine genome including chromosome 5 where whole genome sequencing of an affected calf revealed a COL2A1 point mutation (g.32473300 G > A). This private sequence variant was predicted to affect splicing as it altered the conserved splice donor sequence GT at the 5’-end of COL2A1 intron 36, which was changed to AT. All five available cases carried the mutant allele in heterozygous state and all five dams were homozygous wild type. The sire VH Cadiz Captivo was shown to be a gonadal and somatic mosaic as assessed by the presence of the mutant allele at levels of about 5 % in peripheral blood and 15 % in semen. Conclusions The phenotypic and genetic findings are comparable to a previously reported COL2A1 missense mutation underlying lethal chondrodysplasia in the offspring of a mosaic French Holstein sire (Igale Masc). The identified independent spontaneous splice site variant in COL2A1 most likely caused chondrodysplasia and must have occurred during the early foetal development of the sire. This study provides a first example of a dominant COL2A1 splice site variant as candidate causal mutation of a severe lethal chondrodysplasia phenotype. Germline mosaicism is a relatively frequent mechanism in the origin of genetic disorders and explains the prevalence of a certain fraction of affected offspring. Paternal dominant de novo mutations are a risk in cattle breeding, especially because the ratio of defective offspring may be very high and be associated with significant animal welfare problems.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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The external loop linking the M2 and M3 transmembrane domains is crucial for coupling agonist binding to channel gating in the glycine receptor chloride channel (GlyR). A substituted cysteine accessibility scan previously showed that glycine activation increased the surface accessibility of 6 contiguous residues (Arg(271) Lys(276)) toward the N-terminal end of the homomeric alpha 1 GlyR M2 - M3 loop. In the present study we used a similar approach to determine whether the allosteric antagonist, picrotoxin, could impose conformational changes to this domain that cannot be induced by varying agonist concentrations alone. Picrotoxin slowed the reaction rate of a sulfhydryl-containing compound ( MTSET) with A272C, S273C, and L274C. Before interpreting this as a picrotoxin-specific conformational change, it was necessary to eliminate the possibility of steric competition between picrotoxin and MTSET. Accordingly, we showed that picrotoxin and the structurally unrelated blocker, bilobalide, were both trapped in the R271C GlyR in the closed state and that a point mutation to the pore-lining Thr(6') residue abolished inhibition by both compounds. We also demonstrated that the picrotoxin dissociation rate was linearly related to the channel open probability. These observations constitute a strong case for picrotoxin binding in the pore. We thus conclude that the picrotoxin-specific effects on the M2 - M3 loop are mediated allosterically. This suggests that the M2 - M3 loop responds differently to the occupation of different binding sites.


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Detection of point mutations or single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) is important in relation to disease susceptibility or detection in pathogens of mutations determining drug resistance or host range. There is an emergent need for rapid detection methods amenable to point-of-care applications. The purpose of this study was to reduce to practice a novel method for SNP detection and to demonstrate that this technology can be used downstream of nucleic acid amplification. The authors used a model system to develop an oligonucleotide-based SNP detection system on nitrocellulose lateral flow strips. To optimize the assay they used cloned sequences of the herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1) DNA polymerase gene into which they introduced a point mutation. The assay system uses chimeric polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers that incorporate hexameric repeat tags ("hexapet tags"). The chimeric sequences allow capture of amplified products to predefined positions on a lateral flow strip. These "hexapet" sequences have minimal cross-reactivity and allow specific hybridization-based capture of the PCR products at room temperature onto lateral flow strips that have been striped with complementary hexapet tags. The allele-specific amplification was carried out with both mutant and wild-type primer sets present in the PCR mix ("competitive" format). The resulting PCR products carried a hexapet tag that corresponded with either a wild-type or mutant sequence. The lateral flow strips are dropped into the PCR reaction tube, and mutant sequence and wild-type sequences diffuse along the strip and are captured at the corresponding position on the strip. A red line indicative of a positive reaction is visible after 1 minute. Unlike other systems that require separate reactions and strips for each target sequence, this system allows multiplex PCR reactions and multiplex detection on a single strip or other suitable substrates. Unambiguous visual discrimination of a point mutation under room temperature hybridization conditions was achieved with this model system in 10 minutes after PCR. The authors have developed a capture-based hybridization method for the detection and discrimination of HSV-1 DNA polymerase genes that contain a single nucleotide change. It has been demonstrated that the hexapet oligonucleotides can be adapted for hybridization on the lateral flow strip platform for discrimination of SNPs. This is the first step in demonstrating SNP detection on lateral flow using the hexapet oligonucleotide capture system. It is anticipated that this novel system can be widely used in point-of-care settings.


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Cyclotides are mini-proteins of 28-37 amino acid residues that have the unusual feature of a head-to-tail cyclic backbone surrounding a cystine knot. This molecular architecture gives the cyclotides heightened resistance to thermal, chemical and enzymatic degradation and has prompted investigations into their use as scaffolds in peptide therapeutics. There are now more than 80 reported cyclotide sequences from plants in the families Rubiaceae, Violaceae and Cucurbitaceae, with a wide variety of biological activities observed. However, potentially limiting the development of cyclotide-based therapeutics is a lack of understanding of the mechanism by which these peptides are cyclized in vivo. Until now, no linear versions of cyclotides have been reported, limiting our understanding of the cyclization mechanism. This study reports the discovery of a naturally occurring linear cyclotide, violacin A, from the plant Viola odorata and discusses the implications for in vivo cyclization of peptides. The elucidation of the cDNA clone of violacin A revealed a point mutation that introduces a stop codon, which inhibits the translation of a key Asn residue that is thought to be required for cyclization. The three-dimensional solution structure of violacin A was determined and found to adopt the cystine knot fold of native cyclotides. Enzymatic stability assays on violacin A indicate that despite an increase in the flexibility of the structure relative to cyclic counterparts, the cystine knot preserves the overall stability of the molecule. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.