304 resultados para Explosions.
Se presenta en este trabajo una investigación sobre el comportamiento de losas de hormigón armado sometidas a explosiones y la simulación numérica de dicho fenómeno mediante el método de los elementos finitos. El trabajo aborda el estudio de la respuesta de dichos elementos estructurales por comparación entre los resultados obtenidos en ensayos reales a escala 1:1 y los cálculos realizados mediante modelos de ordenador. Este procedimiento permite verificar la idoneidad, o no, de estos últimos. Se expone en primer lugar el comportamiento mecánico de los modelos de material que son susceptibles de emplearse en la simulación de estructuras mediante el software empleado en la presente investigación, así como las diferentes formas de aplicar cargas explosivas en estructuras modeladas mediante el método de los Elementos Finitos, razonándose en ambos casos la elección llevada a cabo. Posteriormente, se describen los ensayos experimentales disponibles, que tuvieron lugar en las instalaciones del Laboratorio de Balística de Efectos, perteneciente al Instituto Tecnológico de la Marañosa (ITM), de Madrid, para estudiar el comportamiento de losas de hormigón armado a escala 1:1 sometidas a explosiones reales. Se ha propuesto un método de interpretación del nivel de daño en las losas mediante el martillo de Schmidt, que posteriormente permitirá comparar resultados con los modelos de ordenador realizados. Asimismo, se propone un método analítico para la determinación del tamaño óptimo de la malla en las simulaciones realizadas, basado en la distribución de la energía interna del sistema. Es conocido que el comportamiento de los modelos pueden verse fuertemente influenciados por el mallado empleado. Según el mallado sea “grosero” o “fino” el fallo puede no alcanzarse o hacerlo de forma prematura, o excesiva, respectivamente. Es más, algunos modelos de material contemplan una “regularización” del tamaño de la malla, pero en la presente investigación se evidencia que dicho procedimiento tiene un rango de validez limitado, incluso se determina un entorno óptimo de valores. Finalmente, se han elaborado los modelos numéricos con el software comercial LS-DYNA, contemplando todos los aspectos reseñados en los párrafos anteriores, procediendo a realizar una comparación de los resultados obtenidos en las simulaciones con los procedidos en los ensayos reales a escala 1:1, observando que existe una muy buena correlación entre ambas situaciones que evidencian que el procedimiento propuesto en la investigación es de todo punto adecuado para la simulación de losas de hormigón armado sometidas a explosiones. ABSTRACT This doctoral thesis presents an investigation on the behavior of reinforced concrete slabs subjected to explosions along with the numerical simulation of this phenomenon by the finite elements method. The work involves the study of the response of these structural elements by comparing the results of field tests at full scale and the calculations performed by the computer model. This procedure allows to verify the appropriateness or not of the latter. Firstly, the mechanical behavior of the material models that are likely to be used in the modelling of structures is explained. In addition, different ways of choosing explosive charges when conducting finite element methods are analyzed and discussed. Secondly, several experimental tests, which took place at the Laboratorio de Balística de Efectos at the Instituto Tecnológico de la Marañosa (ITM), in Madrid, are described in order to study the behavior of these reinforced concrete slabs. A method for the description of the slab damage level by the Schmidt hammer is proposed, which will make possible to compare the modelling results extracted from the computation experiments. Furthermore, an analytical method for determining the optimal mesh size to be used in the simulations is proposed. It is well known that the behavior of the models can be strongly influenced by the mesh size used. According to this, when modifiying the meshing density the damaged cannot be reached or do it prematurely, or excessive, respectively. Moreover, some material models include a regularization of the mesh size, but the present investigation evidenced that this procedure has a limited range of validity, even an optimal environment values are determined. The method proposed is based on the distribution of the internal energy of the system. Finally, several expecific numerical models have been performed by using LS-DYNA commercial software, considering all the aspects listed in the preceding paragraphs. Comparisons of the results extracted from the simulations and full scale experiments were carried out, noting that there exists a very good correlation between both of them. This fact demonstrates that the proposed research procedure is highly suitable for the modelling of reinforced concrete slabs subjected to blast loading.
An important issue related to future nuclear fusion reactors fueled with deuterium and tritium is the creation of large amounts of dust due to several mechanisms (disruptions, ELMs and VDEs). The dust size expected in nuclear fusion experiments (such as ITER) is in the order of microns (between 0.1 and 1000 μm). Almost the total amount of this dust remains in the vacuum vessel (VV). This radiological dust can re-suspend in case of LOVA (loss of vacuum accident) and these phenomena can cause explosions and serious damages to the health of the operators and to the integrity of the device. The authors have developed a facility, STARDUST, in order to reproduce the thermo fluid-dynamic conditions comparable to those expected inside the VV of the next generation of experiments such as ITER in case of LOVA. The dust used inside the STARDUST facility presents particle sizes and physical characteristics comparable with those that created inside the VV of nuclear fusion experiments. In this facility an experimental campaign has been conducted with the purpose of tracking the dust re-suspended at low pressurization rates (comparable to those expected in case of LOVA in ITER and suggested by the General Safety and Security Report ITER-GSSR) using a fast camera with a frame rate from 1000 to 10,000 images per second. The velocity fields of the mobilized dust are derived from the imaging of a two-dimensional slice of the flow illuminated by optically adapted laser beam. The aim of this work is to demonstrate the possibility of dust tracking by means of image processing with the objective of determining the velocity field values of dust re-suspended during a LOVA.
Civil buildings are not specifically designed to support blast loads, but it is important to take into account these potential scenarios because of their catastrophic effects, on persons and structures. A practical way to consider explosions on reinforced concrete structures is necessary. With this objective we propose a methodology to evaluate blast loads on large concrete buildings, using LS-DYNA code for calculation, with Lagrangian finite elements and explicit time integration. The methodology has three steps. First, individual structural elements of the building like columns and slabs are studied, using continuum 3D elements models subjected to blast loads. In these models reinforced concrete is represented with high precision, using advanced material models such as CSCM_CONCRETE model, and segregated rebars constrained within the continuum mesh. Regrettably this approach cannot be used for large structures because of its excessive computational cost. Second, models based on structural elements are developed, using shells and beam elements. In these models concrete is represented using CONCRETE_EC2 model and segregated rebars with offset formulation, being calibrated with continuum elements models from step one to obtain the same structural response: displacement, velocity, acceleration, damage and erosion. Third, models basedon structural elements are used to develop large models of complete buildings. They are used to study the global response of buildings subjected to blast loads and progressive collapse. This article carries out different techniques needed to calibrate properly the models based on structural elements, using shells and beam elements, in order to provide results of sufficient accuracy that can be used with moderate computational cost.
La frecuencia con la que se producen explosiones sobre edificios, ya sean accidentales o intencionadas, es reducida, pero sus efectos pueden ser catastróficos. Es deseable poder predecir de forma suficientemente precisa las consecuencias de estas acciones dinámicas sobre edificaciones civiles, entre las cuales las estructuras reticuladas de hormigón armado son una tipología habitual. En esta tesis doctoral se exploran distintas opciones prácticas para el modelado y cálculo numérico por ordenador de estructuras de hormigón armado sometidas a explosiones. Se emplean modelos numéricos de elementos finitos con integración explícita en el tiempo, que demuestran su capacidad efectiva para simular los fenómenos físicos y estructurales de dinámica rápida y altamente no lineales que suceden, pudiendo predecir los daños ocasionados tanto por la propia explosión como por el posible colapso progresivo de la estructura. El trabajo se ha llevado a cabo empleando el código comercial de elementos finitos LS-DYNA (Hallquist, 2006), desarrollando en el mismo distintos tipos de modelos de cálculo que se pueden clasificar en dos tipos principales: 1) modelos basados en elementos finitos de continuo, en los que se discretiza directamente el medio continuo mediante grados de libertad nodales de desplazamientos; 2) modelos basados en elementos finitos estructurales, mediante vigas y láminas, que incluyen hipótesis cinemáticas para elementos lineales o superficiales. Estos modelos se desarrollan y discuten a varios niveles distintos: 1) a nivel del comportamiento de los materiales, 2) a nivel de la respuesta de elementos estructurales tales como columnas, vigas o losas, y 3) a nivel de la respuesta de edificios completos o de partes significativas de los mismos. Se desarrollan modelos de elementos finitos de continuo 3D muy detallados que modelizan el hormigón en masa y el acero de armado de forma segregada. El hormigón se representa con un modelo constitutivo del hormigón CSCM (Murray et al., 2007), que tiene un comportamiento inelástico, con diferente respuesta a tracción y compresión, endurecimiento, daño por fisuración y compresión, y rotura. El acero se representa con un modelo constitutivo elastoplástico bilineal con rotura. Se modeliza la geometría precisa del hormigón mediante elementos finitos de continuo 3D y cada una de las barras de armado mediante elementos finitos tipo viga, con su posición exacta dentro de la masa de hormigón. La malla del modelo se construye mediante la superposición de los elementos de continuo de hormigón y los elementos tipo viga de las armaduras segregadas, que son obligadas a seguir la deformación del sólido en cada punto mediante un algoritmo de penalización, simulando así el comportamiento del hormigón armado. En este trabajo se denominarán a estos modelos simplificadamente como modelos de EF de continuo. Con estos modelos de EF de continuo se analiza la respuesta estructural de elementos constructivos (columnas, losas y pórticos) frente a acciones explosivas. Asimismo se han comparado con resultados experimentales, de ensayos sobre vigas y losas con distintas cargas de explosivo, verificándose una coincidencia aceptable y permitiendo una calibración de los parámetros de cálculo. Sin embargo estos modelos tan detallados no son recomendables para analizar edificios completos, ya que el elevado número de elementos finitos que serían necesarios eleva su coste computacional hasta hacerlos inviables para los recursos de cálculo actuales. Adicionalmente, se desarrollan modelos de elementos finitos estructurales (vigas y láminas) que, con un coste computacional reducido, son capaces de reproducir el comportamiento global de la estructura con una precisión similar. Se modelizan igualmente el hormigón en masa y el acero de armado de forma segregada. El hormigón se representa con el modelo constitutivo del hormigón EC2 (Hallquist et al., 2013), que también presenta un comportamiento inelástico, con diferente respuesta a tracción y compresión, endurecimiento, daño por fisuración y compresión, y rotura, y se usa en elementos finitos tipo lámina. El acero se representa de nuevo con un modelo constitutivo elastoplástico bilineal con rotura, usando elementos finitos tipo viga. Se modeliza una geometría equivalente del hormigón y del armado, y se tiene en cuenta la posición relativa del acero dentro de la masa de hormigón. Las mallas de ambos se unen mediante nodos comunes, produciendo una respuesta conjunta. En este trabajo se denominarán a estos modelos simplificadamente como modelos de EF estructurales. Con estos modelos de EF estructurales se simulan los mismos elementos constructivos que con los modelos de EF de continuo, y comparando sus respuestas estructurales frente a explosión se realiza la calibración de los primeros, de forma que se obtiene un comportamiento estructural similar con un coste computacional reducido. Se comprueba que estos mismos modelos, tanto los modelos de EF de continuo como los modelos de EF estructurales, son precisos también para el análisis del fenómeno de colapso progresivo en una estructura, y que se pueden utilizar para el estudio simultáneo de los daños de una explosión y el posterior colapso. Para ello se incluyen formulaciones que permiten considerar las fuerzas debidas al peso propio, sobrecargas y los contactos de unas partes de la estructura sobre otras. Se validan ambos modelos con un ensayo a escala real en el que un módulo con seis columnas y dos plantas colapsa al eliminar una de sus columnas. El coste computacional del modelo de EF de continuo para la simulación de este ensayo es mucho mayor que el del modelo de EF estructurales, lo cual hace inviable su aplicación en edificios completos, mientras que el modelo de EF estructurales presenta una respuesta global suficientemente precisa con un coste asumible. Por último se utilizan los modelos de EF estructurales para analizar explosiones sobre edificios de varias plantas, y se simulan dos escenarios con cargas explosivas para un edificio completo, con un coste computacional moderado. The frequency of explosions on buildings whether they are intended or accidental is small, but they can have catastrophic effects. Being able to predict in a accurate enough manner the consequences of these dynamic actions on civil buildings, among which frame-type reinforced concrete buildings are a frequent typology is desirable. In this doctoral thesis different practical options for the modeling and computer assisted numerical calculation of reinforced concrete structures submitted to explosions are explored. Numerical finite elements models with explicit time-based integration are employed, demonstrating their effective capacity in the simulation of the occurring fast dynamic and highly nonlinear physical and structural phenomena, allowing to predict the damage caused by the explosion itself as well as by the possible progressive collapse of the structure. The work has been carried out with the commercial finite elements code LS-DYNA (Hallquist, 2006), developing several types of calculation model classified in two main types: 1) Models based in continuum finite elements in which the continuous medium is discretized directly by means of nodal displacement degrees of freedom; 2) Models based on structural finite elements, with beams and shells, including kinematic hypothesis for linear and superficial elements. These models are developed and discussed at different levels: 1) material behaviour, 2) response of structural elements such as columns, beams and slabs, and 3) response of complete buildings or significative parts of them. Very detailed 3D continuum finite element models are developed, modeling mass concrete and reinforcement steel in a segregated manner. Concrete is represented with a constitutive concrete model CSCM (Murray et al., 2007), that has an inelastic behaviour, with different tension and compression response, hardening, cracking and compression damage and failure. The steel is represented with an elastic-plastic bilinear model with failure. The actual geometry of the concrete is modeled with 3D continuum finite elements and every and each of the reinforcing bars with beam-type finite elements, with their exact position in the concrete mass. The mesh of the model is generated by the superposition of the concrete continuum elements and the beam-type elements of the segregated reinforcement, which are made to follow the deformation of the solid in each point by means of a penalty algorithm, reproducing the behaviour of reinforced concrete. In this work these models will be called continuum FE models as a simplification. With these continuum FE models the response of construction elements (columns, slabs and frames) under explosive actions are analysed. They have also been compared with experimental results of tests on beams and slabs with various explosive charges, verifying an acceptable coincidence and allowing a calibration of the calculation parameters. These detailed models are however not advised for the analysis of complete buildings, as the high number of finite elements necessary raises its computational cost, making them unreliable for the current calculation resources. In addition to that, structural finite elements (beams and shells) models are developed, which, while having a reduced computational cost, are able to reproduce the global behaviour of the structure with a similar accuracy. Mass concrete and reinforcing steel are also modeled segregated. Concrete is represented with the concrete constitutive model EC2 (Hallquist et al., 2013), which also presents an inelastic behaviour, with a different tension and compression response, hardening, compression and cracking damage and failure, and is used in shell-type finite elements. Steel is represented once again with an elastic-plastic bilineal with failure constitutive model, using beam-type finite elements. An equivalent geometry of the concrete and the steel is modeled, considering the relative position of the steel inside the concrete mass. The meshes of both sets of elements are bound with common nodes, therefore producing a joint response. These models will be called structural FE models as a simplification. With these structural FE models the same construction elements as with the continuum FE models are simulated, and by comparing their response under explosive actions a calibration of the former is carried out, resulting in a similar response with a reduced computational cost. It is verified that both the continuum FE models and the structural FE models are also accurate for the analysis of the phenomenon of progressive collapse of a structure, and that they can be employed for the simultaneous study of an explosion damage and the resulting collapse. Both models are validated with an experimental full-scale test in which a six column, two floors module collapses after the removal of one of its columns. The computational cost of the continuum FE model for the simulation of this test is a lot higher than that of the structural FE model, making it non-viable for its application to full buildings, while the structural FE model presents a global response accurate enough with an admissible cost. Finally, structural FE models are used to analyze explosions on several story buildings, and two scenarios are simulated with explosive charges for a full building, with a moderate computational cost.
Un incendio en el interior de un almacén de pirotecnia puede provocar la iniciación más o menos simultánea de los artículos existentes en su interior, con su consecuente onda de choque potenciada por la presión de los propios gases generados en su interior. La finalidad de esta tesis doctoral consiste en analizar los fenómenos que se desarrollan como consecuencia de un incendio interior en los almacenes de pirotecnia y establecer posibles medidas eficaces de prevención y protección con objeto de reducir el riesgo de explosión.. Inicialmente se llevó a cabo un análisis del riesgo de explosión, evaluando las consecuencias en caso de producirse un fuego interior. Los resultados fueron catastróficos. Finalmente, y con objeto de minimizar la posibilidad de producirse un incendio en el interior de un almacén, se evaluaron diferentes sistemas de detección y extinción automática de incendios para almacenes pirotécnicos, realizándose pruebas a escala real. En particular, la presente tesis consta de los siguientes trabajos: 1) Evaluación de la sobrepresión generada por la explosión de artificios pirotécnicos en el interior de almacenes, mediante pruebas de explosión de artículos pirotécnicos, con el fin de evaluar las posibles consecuencias en caso de materializarse una explosión, y disponer de información que permita conocer el grado de resistencia de las estructuras de los almacenes, así como el diseño adecuado de las mismas para soportar los efectos de tales explosiones. 2) Evaluación del efecto de un incendio en el interior de un almacén de pirotecnia mediante pruebas a escala real, con el fin de evaluar la posibilidad de la iniciación simultánea de los artículos pirotécnicos almacenados en su interior, y su consecuente explosión, así como las consecuencias en caso de materializarse la explosión. 3) Análisis de sistemas de detección y extinción automática de incendios para almacenes de pirotecnia, mediante la realización de pruebas a escala real para verificar la eficiencia y eficacia de tales sistemas y agentes para sofocar un incendio pirotécnico de forma tal que se evite la posible explosión asociada. 4) Evaluación de nuevos agentes extintores utilizados en los sistemas de extinción automática de incendios, que actualmente se están utilizando en el sector pirotécnico nacional, mediante la realización de pruebas a escala real. Los resultados obtenidos han permitido al Ministerio de Industria, Energía y Turismo actualizar la reglamentación vigente aplicable (Instrucción Técnica Complementaria número 17 del Reglamento de artículos pirotécnicos y cartuchería, aprobado por el Real Decreto 563/2010, de 7 de mayo). ABSTRACT A fire inside a pyrotechnics magazine can cause the more or less simultaneous initiation of the stored articles, with the wave of shock that is produced promoted by the pressure of the gases generated in its interior. The purpose of this PhD thesis is to analyze the phenomena that develop as a result of a fire inside the pyrotechnics stores and establish possible effective prevention and protection measures to reduce the risk of explosionAn analysis of the risk of explosion and fire consequences in a pyrotechnic magazine, testing to real scale, was initially carried out. The results were catastrophic. Finally, and in order to minimize the possibility of a fire inside a pyrotechnic magazine, different systems of detection and automatic extinction of fires in pyrotechnic magazines were evaluated, testing to real scale. Particularly, this thesis has the following parts: 1) Evaluation of the pressure generated by the pyrotechnic explosion in a magazine, with explosión tests of pyrotechnic articles, in order to evaluate the possible consequences in case of materialize an explosion, and provide information to know the resistance grade of the magazine structures, as well as the right design of those to withstand the effects of such explosions. 2) Evaluation of the effect of a fire inside a pyrotechnic magazine by full-scale tests, in order to evaluate the possibility of simultaneous initiation of the pyrotechnic articles stored inside, and the resulting explosion, as well as the consequences in case of materialize an explosion. 3) Analysis and evaluation of detection and automatic fire extinguishing in pyrotechnic magazines, by full-scale tests in order to verify the efficiency and effectiveness of such systems and agents to quell a pyrotechnic fire and avoid the posible mass explosion. 4) Evaluation of new extinguishing agent used in automatic fire extinguishers, which are currently being used in the national fireworks industry, by full-scale tests. The results obtained have allowed the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism, update the current regulation (Complementary Technical Instruction 17 of the Regulation of Pyrotecnic Articles and Ammunition, approved by the Royal Decree 563/2010, of May 7).
A chemical monitoring program of the explosion products in underwater explosion tests / Ming G. Lai.
Coral reefs, with their millions of species, have changed profoundly because of the effects of people, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. Reefs are subject to many of the same processes that affect other human-dominated ecosystems, but some special features merit emphasis: (i) Many dominant reef builders spawn eggs and sperm into the water column, where fertilization occurs. They are thus particularly vulnerable to Allee effects, including potential extinction associated with chronic reproductive failure. (ii) The corals likely to be most resistant to the effects of habitat degradation are small, short-lived “weedy” corals that have limited dispersal capabilities at the larval stage. Habitat degradation, together with habitat fragmentation, will therefore lead to the establishment of genetically isolated clusters of inbreeding corals. (iii) Increases in average sea temperatures by as little as 1°C, a likely result of global climate change, can cause coral “bleaching” (the breakdown of coral–algal symbiosis), changes in symbiont communities, and coral death. (iv) The activities of people near reefs increase both fishing pressure and nutrient inputs. In general, these processes favor more rapidly growing competitors, often fleshy seaweeds, and may also result in explosions of predator populations. (v) Combinations of stress appear to be associated with threshold responses and ecological surprises, including devastating pathogen outbreaks. (vi) The fossil record suggests that corals as a group are more likely to suffer extinctions than some of the groups that associate with them, whose habitat requirements may be less stringent.
Observations of supernova explosions halfway back to the Big Bang give plausible evidence that the expansion of the universe has been accelerating since that epoch, approximately 8 billion years ago and suggest that energy associated with the vacuum itself may be responsible for the acceleration.
A long-standing goal of theorists has been to constrain cosmological parameters that define the structure formation theory from cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropy experiments and large-scale structure (LSS) observations. The status and future promise of this enterprise is described. Current band-powers in ℓ-space are consistent with a ΔT flat in frequency and broadly follow inflation-based expectations. That the levels are ∼(10−5)2 provides strong support for the gravitational instability theory, while the Far Infrared Absolute Spectrophotometer (FIRAS) constraints on energy injection rule out cosmic explosions as a dominant source of LSS. Band-powers at ℓ ≳ 100 suggest that the universe could not have re-ionized too early. To get the LSS of Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE)-normalized fluctuations right provides encouraging support that the initial fluctuation spectrum was not far off the scale invariant form that inflation models prefer: e.g., for tilted Λ cold dark matter sequences of fixed 13-Gyr age (with the Hubble constant H0 marginalized), ns = 1.17 ± 0.3 for Differential Microwave Radiometer (DMR) only; 1.15 ± 0.08 for DMR plus the SK95 experiment; 1.00 ± 0.04 for DMR plus all smaller angle experiments; 1.00 ± 0.05 when LSS constraints are included as well. The CMB alone currently gives weak constraints on Λ and moderate constraints on Ωtot, but theoretical forecasts of future long duration balloon and satellite experiments are shown which predict percent-level accuracy among a large fraction of the 10+ parameters characterizing the cosmic structure formation theory, at least if it is an inflation variant.
Eits is a work of fiction, a non-traditional novel whose structure is largely determined by an Oulipian-style constraint. The constraint in Eits is culled from the album names and song titles of the band Explosions in the Sky. Each album corresponds to a chapter in the novel, and the language of each album title must be used in some way as an introduction to each chapter. Within each chapter (album), song titles correspond to numbered sections where each title must appear as is in the first sentence of that section. This not only dictates, to some degree, the direction of the text that will follow, but, looking ahead, the title of the next section will dictate where this section must arrive. From this, a narrative naturally takes shape. Albums/chapters appear chronologically, according to each album's release date, and within each album/chapter, songs/sections appear in the order they do on the album. This is, perhaps, the most straightforward way of ordering the received language of the constraint, the possibilities beyond this exponential. Eits is a novel that shifts in form, providing a texture to the space and reading experience of the novel, all in hopes of creating a space in which content and form inform and push each other to new limits. Eits is never satisfied to settle on one form for too long, and it is in the movement between forms that the narrative develops in interesting ways. Eits demonstrates the combinatoric possibilities inherent in language, and this exploration of potential highlights the reciprocal relationship between writing and reading. As Eits builds upon a limited language set, it explores and exploits the combinatory possibilities that language allows for both writer and reader. It demonstrates that all combinatoric potentialities, visible or not, always co-exist in the same time and space, and in this infinite space, individuals are invited to be writers and readers in simultaneity.
A engenharia é a ciência que transforma os conhecimentos das disciplinas básicas aplicadas a fatos reais. Nosso mundo está rodeado por essas realizações da engenharia, e é necessário que as pessoas se sintam confortáveis e seguras nas mesmas. Assim, a segurança se torna um fator importante que deve ser considerado em qualquer projeto. Na engenharia naval, um apropriado nível de segurança e, em consequência, um correto desenho estrutural é baseado, atualmente, em estudos determinísticos com o objetivo de obter estruturas capazes de suportar o pior cenário possível de solicitações durante um período de tempo determinado. A maior parte das solicitações na estrutura de um navio se deve à ação da natureza (ventos, ondas, correnteza e tempestades), ou, ainda, aos erros cometidos por humanos (explosões internas, explosões externas e colisões). Devido à aleatoriedade destes eventos, a confiabilidade estrutural de um navio deveria ser considerada como um problema estocástico sob condições ambientais bem caracterizadas. A metodologia probabilística, baseada em estatística e incertezas, oferece uma melhor perspectiva dos fenômenos reais que acontecem na estrutura dos navios. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo apresentar resultados de confiabilidade estrutural em projetos e planejamento da manutenção para a chapa do fundo dos cascos dos navios, as quais são submetidas a esforços variáveis pela ação das ondas do mar e da corrosão. Foram estudados modelos estatísticos para a avaliação da estrutura da viga-navio e para o detalhe estrutural da chapa do fundo. Na avaliação da estrutura da viga-navio, o modelo desenvolvido consiste em determinar as probabilidades de ocorrência das solicitações na estrutura, considerando a deterioração por corrosão, com base numa investigação estatística da variação dos esforços em função das ondas e a deterioração em função de uma taxa de corrosão padrão recomendada pela DET NORSKE VERITAS (DNV). A abordagem para avaliação da confiabilidade dependente do tempo é desenvolvida com base nas curvas de resistências e solicitações (R-S) determinadas pela utilização do método de Monte Carlo. Uma variação estatística de longo prazo das adversidades é determinada pelo estudo estatístico de ondas em longo prazo e ajustada por uma distribuição com base numa vida de projeto conhecida. Constam no trabalho resultados da variação da confiabilidade ao longo do tempo de um navio petroleiro. O caso de estudo foi simplificado para facilitar a obtenção de dados, com o objetivo de corroborar a metodologia desenvolvida.
Includes indexes.
One hundred nine annotated and subject-arranged references are presented to reports and published literature concerning excavation, natural resources development and scientific applications. Author and report number availability indexes are included.
At head of title: TID-3522 (8th rev.); Nuclear explosions--Peaceful applications (TID-4500).
AEC Report No. TID-3578.