983 resultados para Experimental results


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El presente trabajo trata de elementos reforzados con barras de armadura y Fibras Metálicas Recicladas (FMR). El objetivo principal es mejorar el comportamiento a fisuración de elementos sometidos a flexión pura y a flexión compuesta, aumentando en consecuencia las prestaciones en servicio de aquellas estructuras con requerimientos estrictos con respecto al control de fisuración. Entre éstas últimas se encuentran las estructuras integrales, es decir aquellas estructuras sin juntas (puentes o edificios), sometidas a cargas gravitatorias y deformaciones impuestas en los elementos horizontales debidas a retracción, fluencia y temperatura. Las FMR son obtenidas a partir de los neumáticos fuera de uso, y puesto que el procedimiento de reciclado se centra en el caucho en vez que en el acero, su forma es aleatoria y con longitud variable. A pesar de que la eficacia del fibrorefuerzo mediante FMR ha sido demostrada en investigaciones anteriores, la innovación que representa este trabajo consiste en proponer la acción combinada de barras convencionales y FMR en la mejora del comportamiento a fisuración. El objetivo es por tanto mejorar la sostenibilidad del proyecto de la estructura en HA al utilizar materiales reciclados por un lado, y aumentando por el otro la durabilidad. En primer lugar, se presenta el estado del arte con respecto a la fisuración en elementos de HA, que sucesivamente se amplía a elementos reforzados con barras y fibras. Asimismo, se resume el método simplificado para el análisis de columnas de estructuras sin juntas ya propuesto por Pérez et al., con particular énfasis en aquellos aspectos que son incompatibles con la acción de las fibras a nivel seccional. A continuación, se presenta un modelo para describir la deformabilidad seccional y la fisuración en elementos en HA, que luego se amplía a aquellos elementos reforzados con barras y fibras, teniendo en cuenta también los efectos debidos a la retracción (tension stiffening negativo). El modelo es luego empleado para ampliar el método simplificado para el análisis de columnas. La aportación consiste por tanto en contar con una metodología amplia de análisis para este tipo de elementos. Seguidamente, se presenta la campaña experimental preliminar que ha involucrado vigas a escala reducida sometidas a flexión simple, con el objetivo de validar la eficiencia y la usabilidad en el hormigón de las FMR de dos diferentes tipos, y su comportamiento con respecto a fibras de acero comerciales. Se describe a continuación la campaña principal, consistente en ensayos sobre ocho vigas en flexión simple a escala 1:1 (variando contenido en FRM, Ø/s,eff y recubrimiento) y doce columnas a flexión compuesta (variando contenido en FMR, Ø/s,eff y nivel de fuerza axil). Los resultados obtenidos en la campaña principal son presentados y comentados, resaltando las mejoras obtenidas en el comportamiento a fisuración de las vigas y columnas, y la rigidez estructural de las columnas. Estos resultados se comparan con las predicciones del modelo propuesto. Los principales parámetros estudiados para describir la fisuración y el comportamiento seccional de las vigas son: la separación entre fisuras, el alargamiento medio de las armaduras y la abertura de fisura, mientras que en los ensayos de las columnas se ha contrastado las leyes momento/curvatura, la tensión en las barras de armadura y la abertura de fisura en el empotramiento en la base. La comparación muestra un buen acuerdo entre las predicciones y los resultados experimentales. Asimismo, se nota la mejora en el comportamiento a fisuración debido a la incorporación de FMR en aquellos elementos con cuantías de armadura bajas en flexión simple, en elementos con axiles bajos y para el control de la fisuración en elementos con grandes recubrimientos, siendo por tanto resultados de inmediato impacto en la práctica ingenieril (diseño de losas, tanques, estructuras integrales, etc.). VIIIComo punto final, se presentan aplicaciones de las FMR en estructuras reales. Se discuten dos casos de elementos sometidos a flexión pura, en particular una viga simplemente apoyada y un tanque para el tratamiento de agua. En ambos casos la adicción de FMR al hormigón lleva a mejoras en el comportamiento a fisuración. Luego, utilizando el método simplificado para el análisis en servicio de columnas de estructuras sin juntas, se calcula la máxima longitud admisible en casos típicos de puentes y edificación. En particular, se demuestra que las limitaciones de la práctica ingenieril actual (sobre todo en edificación) pueden ser aumentadas considerando el comportamiento real de las columnas en HA. Finalmente, los mismos casos son modificados para considerar el uso de MFR, y se presentan las mejoras tanto en la máxima longitud admisible como en la abertura de fisura para una longitud y deformación impuesta. This work deals with elements reinforced with both rebars and Recycled Steel Fibres (RSFs). Its main objective is to improve cracking behaviour of elements subjected to pure bending and bending and axial force, resulting in better serviceability conditions for these structures demanding keen crack width control. Among these structures a particularly interesting type are the so-called integral structures, i.e. long jointless structures (bridges and buildings) subjected to gravitational loads and imposed deformations due to shrinkage, creep and temperature. RSFs are obtained from End of Life Tyres, and due to the recycling process that is focused on the rubber rather than on the steel they come out crooked and with variable length. Although the effectiveness of RSFs had already been proven by previous research, the innovation of this work consists in the proposing the combined action of conventional rebars and RSFs to improve cracking behaviour. Therefore, the objective is to improve the sustainability of RC structures by, on the one hand, using recycled materials, and on the other improving their durability. A state of the art on cracking in RC elements is firstly drawn. It is then expanded to elements reinforced with both rebars and fibres (R/FRC elements). Finally, the simplified method for analysis of columns of long jointless structures already proposed by Pérez et al. is resumed, with a special focus on the points that conflict when taking into account the action of fibres. Afterwards, a model to describe sectional deformability and cracking of R/FRC elements is presented, taking also into account the effect of shrinkage (negative tension stiffening). The model is then used to implement the simplified method for columns. The novelty represented by this is that a comprehensive methodology to analyse this type of elements is presented. A preliminary experimental campaign consisting in small beams subjected to pure bending is described, with the objective of validating the effectiveness and usability in concrete of RSFs of two different types, and their behaviour when compared with commercial steel fibres. With the results and lessons learnt from this campaign in mind, the main experimental campaign is then described, consisting in cracking tests of eight unscaled beams in pure bending (varying RSF content, Ø/s,eff and concrete cover) and twelve columns subjected to imposed displacement and axial force (varying RSF content, Ø/s,eff and squashing load ratio). The results obtained from the main campaign are presented and discussed, with particular focus on the improvement in cracking behaviour for the beams and columns, and structural stiffness for the columns. They are then compared with the proposed model. The main parameters studied to describe cracking and sectional behaviours of the beam tests are crack spacing, mean steel strain and crack width, while for the column tests these were moment/curvature, stress in rebars and crack with at column embedment. The comparison showed satisfactory agreement between experimental results and model predictions. Moreover, it is pointed out the improvement in cracking behaviour due to the addition of RSF for elements with low reinforcement ratios, elements with low squashing load ratios and for crack width control of elements with large concrete covers, thus representing results with a immediate impact in engineering practice (slab design, tanks, integral structures, etc.). Applications of RSF to actual structures are finally presented. Two cases of elements in pure bending are presented, namely a simple supported beam and a water treatment tank. In both cases the addition of RSF to concrete leads to improvements in cracking behaviour. Then, using the simplified model for the serviceability analysis of columns of jointless structures, the maximum achievable jointless length of typical cases of a bridge and building is obtained. In XIIparticular, it is shown how the limitations of current engineering practice (this is especially the case of buildings) can be increased by considering the actual behaviour of RC supports. Then, the same cases are modified considering the use of RSF, and the improvements both in maximum achievable length and in crack width for a given length and imposed strain at the deck/first floor are shown.


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The previous publications (Miñano et al, 2011 and Gonzalez et al, 2012) have shown that using a Spherical Geodesic Waveguide (SGW) it can be achieved the super-resolution up to λ/3000, which is far below the classic Abbe diffraction limit, close to a set of discrete microwave frequencies. The SGW was designed and simulated in COMSOL as a thin geodesic waveguide bounded by an ideal and lossless metal. Herein we present the experimental results for a manufactured SGW, slightly modified due to fabrication requirements, showing the super-resolution up to λ/105.


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The gust wind tunnel at IDR, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), has been enhanced and the impact of the modification has been characterized. Several flow quality configurations have been tested. The problems in measuring gusty winds with Pitot tubes have been considered. Experimental results have been obtained and compared with theoretically calculated results (based on potential flow theory). A theoretical correction term has been proposed for unsteady flow measurements obtained with Pitot tubes. The effect of unsteady flow on structures and laying bodies on the ground has been also considered. A theoretical model has been proposed for a semi-circular cylinder and experimental tests have been performed to study the unsteady flow effects, which can help in clarifying the phenomenon.


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The dynamic behaviour of a fishing vessel in waves is studied in order to reveal its parametric rolling characteristics. This paper presents experimental and numerical results in longitudinal regular waves. The experimental results are compared against the results of a time-domain non-linear strip theory model of ship motions in six degrees-of-freedom. These results contribute to the validation of the parametric rolling prediction method, so that it can be used as an assessment tool to evaluate both the susceptibility and severity of occurrence of parametric rolling at the early design stage of these types of vessels.


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This paper aims to present and validate a numerical technique for the simulation of the overtopping and onset of failure in rockfill dams due to mass sliding. This goal is achieved by coupling a fluid dynamic model for the simulation of the free surface and through-flow problems, with a numerical technique for the calculation of the rockfill response and deformation. Both the flow within the dam body and in its surroundings are taken into account. An extensive validation of the resulting computational method is performed by solving several failure problems on physical models of rockfill dams for which experimental results have been obtained by the authors.


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This work addresses heat losses in a CVD reactor for polysilicon production. Contributions to the energy consumption of the so-called Siemens process are evaluated, and a comprehensive model for heat loss is presented. A previously-developed model for radiative heat loss is combined with conductive heat loss theory and a new model for convective heat loss. Theoretical calculations are developed and theoretical energy consumption of the polysilicon deposition process is obtained. The model is validated by comparison with experimental results obtained using a laboratory-scale CVD reactor. Finally, the model is used to calculate heat consumption in a 36-rod industrial reactor; the energy consumption due to convective heat loss per kilogram of polysilicon produced is calculated to be 22-30 kWh/kg along a deposition process.


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Corrosion can affect the bond between reinforcing bars and concrete and hence the transfer of longitudinal stresses. Although a number of experimental studies on bond failure have been conducted in recent years, the findings have diverged rather widely, due primarily to differing test conditions. The present paper reports on an experimental programme consisting of eccentric pull-out tests run on corroded steel bars in specimens subjected to accelerated or natural corrosion. An axisymmetric bi-dimensional FE model with finite deformations initially developed to study bond mechanics with sound steel bars, has been enhanced to consider bond effects in corroded steel bars. The model simulation is compared to some of the experimental results for corroded and sound bars and the findings are analysed.


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La corrosión del acero es una de las patologías más importantes que afectan a las estructuras de hormigón armado que están expuestas a ambientes marinos o al ataque de sales fundentes. Cuando se produce corrosión, se genera una capa de óxido alrededor de la superficie de las armaduras, que ocupa un volumen mayor que el acero inicial; como consecuencia, el óxido ejerce presiones internas en el hormigón circundante, que lleva a la fisuración y, ocasionalmente, al desprendimiento del recubrimiento de hormigón. Durante los últimos años, numerosos estudios han contribuido a ampliar el conocimiento sobre el proceso de fisuración; sin embargo, aún existen muchas incertidumbres respecto al comportamiento mecánico de la capa de óxido, que es fundamental para predecir la fisuración. Por ello, en esta tesis se ha desarrollado y aplicado una metodología, para mejorar el conocimiento respecto al comportamiento del sistema acero-óxido-hormigón, combinando experimentos y simulaciones numéricas. Se han realizado ensayos de corrosión acelerada en condiciones de laboratorio, utilizando la técnica de corriente impresa. Con el objetivo de obtener información cercana a la capa de acero, como muestras se seleccionaron prismas de hormigón con un tubo de acero liso como armadura, que se diseñaron para conseguir la formación de una única fisura principal en el recubrimiento. Durante los ensayos, las muestras se equiparon con instrumentos especialmente diseñados para medir la variación de diámetro y volumen interior de los tubos, y se midió la apertura de la fisura principal utilizando un extensómetro comercial, adaptado a la geometría de las muestras. Las condiciones de contorno se diseñaron cuidadosamente para que los campos de corriente y deformación fuesen planos durante los ensayos, resultando en corrosión uniforme a lo largo del tubo, para poder reproducir los ensayos en simulaciones numéricas. Se ensayaron series con varias densidades de corriente y varias profundidades de corrosión. De manera complementaria, el comportamiento en fractura del hormigón se caracterizó en ensayos independientes, y se midió la pérdida gravimétrica de los tubos siguiendo procedimientos estándar. En todos los ensayos, la fisura principal creció muy despacio durante las primeras micras de profundidad de corrosión, pero después de una cierta profundidad crítica, la fisura se desarrolló completamente, con un aumento rápido de su apertura; la densidad de corriente influye en la profundidad de corrosión crítica. Las variaciones de diámetro interior y de volumen interior de los tubos mostraron tendencias diferentes entre sí, lo que indica que la deformación del tubo no fue uniforme. Después de la corrosión acelerada, las muestras se cortaron en rebanadas, que se utilizaron en ensayos post-corrosión. El patrón de fisuración se estudió a lo largo del tubo, en rebanadas que se impregnaron en vacío con resina y fluoresceína para mejorar la visibilidad de las fisuras bajo luz ultravioleta, y se estudió la presencia de óxido dentro de las grietas. En todas las muestras, se formó una fisura principal en el recubrimiento, infiltrada con óxido, y varias fisuras secundarias finas alrededor del tubo; el número de fisuras varió con la profundidad de corrosión de las muestras. Para muestras con la misma corrosión, el número de fisuras y su posición fue diferente entre muestras y entre secciones de una misma muestra, debido a la heterogeneidad del hormigón. Finalmente, se investigó la adherencia entre el acero y el hormigón, utilizando un dispositivo diseñado para empujar el tubo en el hormigón. Las curvas de tensión frente a desplazamiento del tubo presentaron un pico marcado, seguido de un descenso constante; la profundidad de corrosión y la apertura de fisura de las muestras influyeron notablemente en la tensión residual del ensayo. Para simular la fisuración del hormigón causada por la corrosión de las armaduras, se programó un modelo numérico. Éste combina elementos finitos con fisura embebida adaptable que reproducen la fractura del hormigón conforme al modelo de fisura cohesiva estándar, y elementos de interfaz llamados elementos junta expansiva, que se programaron específicamente para reproducir la expansión volumétrica del óxido y que incorporan su comportamiento mecánico. En el elemento junta expansiva se implementó un fenómeno de despegue, concretamente de deslizamiento y separación, que resultó fundamental para obtener localización de fisuras adecuada, y que se consiguió con una fuerte reducción de la rigidez tangencial y la rigidez en tracción del óxido. Con este modelo, se realizaron simulaciones de los ensayos, utilizando modelos bidimensionales de las muestras con elementos finitos. Como datos para el comportamiento en fractura del hormigón, se utilizaron las propiedades determinadas en experimentos. Para el óxido, inicialmente se supuso un comportamiento fluido, con deslizamiento y separación casi perfectos. Después, se realizó un ajuste de los parámetros del elemento junta expansiva para reproducir los resultados experimentales. Se observó que variaciones en la rigidez normal del óxido apenas afectaban a los resultados, y que los demás parámetros apenas afectaban a la apertura de fisura; sin embargo, la deformación del tubo resultó ser muy sensible a variaciones en los parámetros del óxido, debido a la flexibilidad de la pared de los tubos, lo que resultó fundamental para determinar indirectamente los valores de los parámetros constitutivos del óxido. Finalmente, se realizaron simulaciones definitivas de los ensayos. El modelo reprodujo la profundidad de corrosión crítica y el comportamiento final de las curvas experimentales; se comprobó que la variación de diámetro interior de los tubos está fuertemente influenciada por su posición relativa respecto a la fisura principal, en concordancia con los resultados experimentales. De la comparación de los resultados experimentales y numéricos, se pudo extraer información sobre las propiedades del óxido que de otra manera no habría podido obtenerse. Corrosion of steel is one of the main pathologies affecting reinforced concrete structures exposed to marine environments or to molten salt. When corrosion occurs, an oxide layer develops around the reinforcement surface, which occupies a greater volume than the initial steel; thus, it induces internal pressure on the surrounding concrete that leads to cracking and, eventually, to full-spalling of the concrete cover. During the last years much effort has been devoted to understand the process of cracking; however, there is still a lack of knowledge regarding the mechanical behavior of the oxide layer, which is essential in the prediction of cracking. Thus, a methodology has been developed and applied in this thesis to gain further understanding of the behavior of the steel-oxide-concrete system, combining experiments and numerical simulations. Accelerated corrosion tests were carried out in laboratory conditions, using the impressed current technique. To get experimental information close to the oxide layer, concrete prisms with a smooth steel tube as reinforcement were selected as specimens, which were designed to get a single main crack across the cover. During the tests, the specimens were equipped with instruments that were specially designed to measure the variation of inner diameter and volume of the tubes, and the width of the main crack was recorded using a commercial extensometer that was adapted to the geometry of the specimens. The boundary conditions were carefully designed so that plane current and strain fields were expected during the tests, resulting in nearly uniform corrosion along the length of the tube, so that the tests could be reproduced in numerical simulations. Series of tests were carried out with various current densities and corrosion depths. Complementarily, the fracture behavior of concrete was characterized in independent tests, and the gravimetric loss of the steel tubes was determined by standard means. In all the tests, the main crack grew very slowly during the first microns of corrosion depth, but after a critical corrosion depth it fully developed and opened faster; the current density influenced the critical corrosion depth. The variation of inner diameter and inner volume of the tubes had different trends, which indicates that the deformation of the tube was not uniform. After accelerated corrosion, the specimens were cut into slices, which were used in post-corrosion tests. The pattern of cracking along the reinforcement was investigated in slices that were impregnated under vacuum with resin containing fluorescein to enhance the visibility of cracks under ultraviolet lightening and a study was carried out to assess the presence of oxide into the cracks. In all the specimens, a main crack developed through the concrete cover, which was infiltrated with oxide, and several thin secondary cracks around the reinforcement; the number of cracks diminished with the corrosion depth of the specimen. For specimens with the same corrosion, the number of cracks and their position varied from one specimen to another and between cross-sections of a given specimen, due to the heterogeneity of concrete. Finally, the bond between the steel and the concrete was investigated, using a device designed to push the tubes of steel in the concrete. The curves of stress versus displacement of the tube presented a marked peak, followed by a steady descent, with notably influence of the corrosion depth and the crack width on the residual stress. To simulate cracking of concrete due to corrosion of the reinforcement, a numerical model was implemented. It combines finite elements with an embedded adaptable crack that reproduces cracking of concrete according to the basic cohesive model, and interface elements so-called expansive joint elements, which were specially designed to reproduce the volumetric expansion of oxide and incorporate its mechanical behavior. In the expansive joint element, a debonding effect was implemented consisting of sliding and separation, which was proved to be essential to achieve proper localization of cracks, and was achieved by strongly reducing the shear and the tensile stiffnesses of the oxide. With that model, simulations of the accelerated corrosion tests were carried out on 2- dimensional finite element models of the specimens. For the fracture behavior of concrete, the properties experimentally determined were used as input. For the oxide, initially a fluidlike behavior was assumed with nearly perfect sliding and separation; then the parameters of the expansive joint element were modified to fit the experimental results. Changes in the bulk modulus of the oxide barely affected the results and changes in the remaining parameters had a moderate effect on the predicted crack width; however, the deformation of the tube was very sensitive to variations in the parameters of oxide, due to the flexibility of the tube wall, which was crucial for indirect determination of the constitutive parameters of oxide. Finally, definitive simulations of the tests were carried out. The model reproduced the critical corrosion depth and the final behavior of the experimental curves; it was assessed that the variation of inner diameter of the tubes is highly influenced by its relative position with respect to the main crack, in accordance with the experimental observations. From the comparison of the experimental and numerical results, some properties of the mechanical behavior of the oxide were disclosed that otherwise could not have been measured.


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This article reviews all the experimental tests carried out to analyze the performance of a FluidReflex photovoltaic concentrator. This novel concentrator concept consists of a single reflective stage immersed in an optical fluid. The presence of the fluid entails significant advantages. It not only allows a high system optical efficiency and increases the attainable concentration but also enhances the heat dissipation from the cell. In addition, the electrical insulation is improved, and the problem of water vapor condensation inside the module is avoided. A complete characterization is addressed in this paper. Among the experimental results, a measured optical efficiency of 83.5% for a concentration of 1035× stands out


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El presente Proyecto Fin de Grado tiene como objetivo el estudio y caracterización del centelleo troposférico en ausencia de lluvia en la banda Ka de un enlace Tierra-satélite. Para ello se dispondrá de un equipo receptor situado en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación. Los datos son emitidos desde el satélite EutelSat Hot Bird 13A a una frecuencia de 19,7 GHz. La primera parte del proyecto comienza con las bases teóricas de los distintos fenómenos que afectan a la propagación de un enlace satélite, mencionando los modelos de predicción más importantes. Se ha dado más importancia al apartado perteneciente al centelleo troposférico por ser el tema tratado en este proyecto. El estudio cuenta con datos del satélite durante 7 años comprendidos entre julio de 2006 a junio de 2013. Después del filtrado y el resto del tratamiento adecuado de los datos se han obtenido distintas distribuciones estadísticas que están relacionadas con el centelleo como la varianza. Más tarde se ha comparado la varianza experimental con parámetros meteorológicos obtenidos desde distintas bases de datos. El objetivo de esto ha sido discernir cuál de estos factores afecta en mayor medida a la intensidad de centelleo. Para ello se ha realizado la correlación entre la varianza y varios parámetros meteorológicos: temperatura, humedad relativa, humedad absoluta, índice de refracción húmedo, presión… Además se han realizado medidas de nubosidad en los que se ha clasificado las muestras dependiendo del tipo de nube presente en el cielo. A continuación se ha calculado la varianza mensual media y distribuciones acumuladas de ciertos modelos de predicción de centelleo, comparándolos gráficamente con las curvas experimentales. Estos modelos usan parámetros medidos en superficie por lo que se utilizarán algunos de los parámetros analizados en el capítulo anterior. Por último se expondrán las conclusiones sacadas a lo largo de la realización del proyecto y las posibles líneas de investigación futuras. ABSTRACT. The present Project has as the principal aim the study and characterization of tropospheric scintillation in lack of rain in the band Ka of an Earth-satellite link. It is provided for a receptor equipment located in the ETSIT. The data are broadcasted form the Eutelsat Hot Bird 13A satellite at the frecuency of 19,7 GHz. The beginning of the project starts with the theorical basis of the different phenomenons that affects to the propagation of a satellite link, naming the most important predictions models. The chapter referred to the scintillation has had more importance due to be the main topic in this project. The study deals with satellite data during 7 years between July 2006 to June 2013. After the filter and others treatments of the data, it has been getting different statistics distributions related to scintillation like variance. Later, the experimental variance has been compared with meteorological parameters obtained from different datasets. The purpose has been to decide which factor affects in a greater way to the scintillation intensity. For that it has been doing the correlation between variance and meteorological parameters: temperature, relative humidity, absolute humidity, air refractivity due to water vapour, pressure… Moreover, it has been doing cloudiness measurements in which the samples have been classified in order to the kind of cloud shown in the sky at that moment. Then it has been calculated the monthly averaged variance and the prediction model for cumulative distributions which has been compared with the experimental results. That models uses surface data that they will be uses some meteorological parameters analyzed in previous chapters. Finally it will be shown the conclusions obtained along the realization of the project and the possible ways of future research.


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In this article an experimental campaign aimed at validating a previously published simplified serviceability design method of the columns of long jointless structures is presented. The proposed method is also extended to include tension stiffening effects which proved to be significant in structures with small amount of reinforcement subjected to small axial loading. This extension allows significant improvement of predictions for this type of element. The campaign involved columns with different reinforcement and squashing load ratios, given that these parameters had been identified as crucial when designing columns subjected to imposed displacements. Experimental results are presented and discussed, with particular regard to cracking behaviour and structural stiffness. Considerations on tension stiffening effects are also made. Finally, the application of the method to typical bridge and building cases is presented, showing the feasibility of jointless construction, and the limits which should be respected.


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Super-resolution (SR) systems surpassing the Abbe diffraction limit have been theoretically and experimentally demonstrated using a number of different approaches and technologies: using materials with a negative refractive index, utilizing optical super-oscillation, using a resonant metalens, etc. However, recently it has been proved theoretically that in the Maxwell fish-eye lens (MFE), a device made of positive refractive index materials, the same phenomenon takes place. Moreover, using a simpler device equivalent to the MFE called the spherical geodesic waveguide (SGW), an SR of up to λ/3000 was simulated in COMSOL. Until now, only one piece of experimental evidence of SR with positive refraction has been reported (up to λ/5) for an MFE prototype working at microwave frequencies. Here, experimental results are presented for an SGW prototype showing an SR of up to λ/105. The SGW prototype consists of two concentric metallic spheres with an air space in between and two coaxial ports acting as an emitter and a receiver. The prototype has been analyzed in the range 1 GHz to 1.3 GHz.


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In order to reduce costs and time while improving quality, durability and sustainability in structural concrete constructions, a widely used material nowadays, special care must be taken in some crucial phases of the project and execution, including the structure design and calculation, the dosage, dumping and curing of concrete: another important aspect is the proper design and execution of assembly plans and construction details. The framework, a name designating the whole reinforcement bars cage already assembled as shown in the drawings, can be made up of several components and implies higher or lower industrialization degree. The framework costs constitute about one third of the price per cubic meter placed in concrete works. The best solutions from all points of view are clearly those involving an easier processing to achieve the same goal, and consequently carrying a high degree of industrialization, meaning quality and safety in the work. This thesis aims to provide an indepth analysis of a relatively new type of anchoring by plate known as headed reinforcement bars, which can potentially replace standard or L-shaped hooks, improving the cleaning of construction details and enabling a faster, more flexible, and therefore a more economical assembly. A literature review on the topic and an overview of typical applications is provided, followed by some examples of specific applications in real projects. Since a strict theoretical formulation used to provide the design plate dimensions has not yet been put forward, an equation is proposed for the side-face blowout strength of the anchorage, based on the capacity of concrete to carry concentrated loads in cases in which no transverse reinforcement is provided. The correlation of the calculated ultimate load with experimental results available in the literature is given. Besides, the proposed formulation can be expanded to cases in which a certain development length is available: using a software for nonlinear finite element analysis oriented to the study of reinforced concrete, numerical tests on the bond-bearing interaction are performed. The thesis ends with a testing of eight corner joints subjected to a closing moment, held in the Structures Laboratory of the Polytechnic University of Madrid, aiming to check whether the design of such plates as stated is adequate for these elements and whether an element with plate-anchored reinforcement is equivalent to one with a traditional construction detail.


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Empirical Software Engineering (ESE) replication researchers need to store and manipulate experimental data for several purposes, in particular analysis and reporting. Current research needs call for sharing and preservation of experimental data as well. In a previous work, we analyzed Replication Data Management (RDM) needs. A novel concept, called Experimental Ecosystem, was proposed to solve current deficiencies in RDMapproaches. The empirical ecosystem provides replication researchers with a common framework that integrates transparently local heterogeneous data sources. A typical situation where the Empirical Ecosystem is applicable, is when several members of a research group, or several research groups collaborating together, need to share and access each other experimental results. However, to be able to apply the Empirical Ecosystem concept and deliver all promised benefits, it is necessary to analyze the software architectures and tools that can properly support it.


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In this paper experimental results related to both stability an the dynamic of a asiximmetric liquid bridge between unequal disk are presented. Experiments have been performed by using a drop tower facility and the response of the liquid bridge to a sudden change of the acceleration level acting on it has bee obtained.