220 resultados para Exothermic


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An Ab Initio/RRKM study of the reaction mechanism and product branching ratios of neutral-radical ethynyl (C2H) and cyano (CN) radical species with unsaturated hydrocarbons is performed. The reactions studied apply to cold conditions such as planetary atmospheres including Titan, the Interstellar Medium (ISM), icy bodies and molecular clouds. The reactions of C2H and CN additions to gaseous unsaturated hydrocarbons are an active area of study. NASA's Cassini/Huygens mission found a high concentration of C2H and CN from photolysis of ethyne (C2H2) and hydrogen cyanide (HCN), respectively, in the organic haze layers of the atmosphere of Titan. The reactions involved in the atmospheric chemistry of Titan lead to a vast array of larger, more complex intermediates and products and may also serve as a chemical model of Earth's primordial atmospheric conditions. The C2H and CN additions are rapid and exothermic, and often occur barrierlessly to various carbon sites of unsaturated hydrocarbons. The reaction mechanism is proposed on the basis of the resulting potential energy surface (PES) that includes all the possible intermediates and transition states that can occur, and all the products that lie on the surface. The B3LYP/6-311g(d,p) level of theory is employed to determine optimized electronic structures, moments of inertia, vibrational frequencies, and zero-point energy. They are followed by single point higher-level CCSD(T)/cc-vtz calculations, including extrapolations to complete basis sets (CBS) of the reactants and products. A microcanonical RRKM study predicts single-collision (zero-pressure limit) rate constants of all reaction paths on the potential energy surface, which is then used to compute the branching ratios of the products that result. These theoretical calculations are conducted either jointly or in parallel to experimental work to elucidate the chemical composition of Titan's atmosphere, the ISM, and cold celestial bodies.<.


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Hydrogen has been considered as a potentially efficient and environmentally friendly alternative energy solution. However, one of the most important scientific and technical challenges that the "hydrogen economy" faces is the development of safe and economically viable on-board hydrogen storage for fuel cell applications, especially to the transportation sector. Ammonia borane (BH3NH 3), a solid state hydrogen storage material, possesses exceptionally high hydrogen content (19.6 wt%).However, a fairly high temperature is required to release all the hydrogen atoms, along with the emission of toxic borazine. Recently research interests are focusing on the improvement of H2 discharge from ammonia borane (AB) including lowering the dehydrogenation temperature and enhancing hydrogen release rate using different techniques. Till now the detailed information about the bonding characteristics of AB is not sufficient to understand details about its phases and structures. ^ Elemental substitution of ammonia borane produces metal amidoboranes. Introduction of metal atoms to the ammonia borane structure may alter the bonding characteristics. Lithium amidoborane is synthesized by ball milling of ammonia borane and lithium hydride. High pressure study of molecular crystal provides unique insight into the intermolecular bonding forces and phase stability. During this dissertation, Raman spectroscopic study of lithium amidoborane has been carried out at high pressure in a diamond anvil cell. It has been identified that there is no dihydrogen bond in the lithium amidoborane structure, whereas dihydrogen bond is the characteristic bond of the parent compound ammonia borane. It has also been identified that the B-H bond becomes weaker, whereas B-N and N-H bonds become stronger than those in the parent compound ammonia borane. At high pressure up to 15 GPa, Raman spectroscopic study indicates two phase transformations of lithium amidoborane, whereas synchrotron X-ray diffraction data indicates only one phase transformation of this material. ^ Pressure and temperature has a significant effect on the structural stability of ammonia borane. This dissertation explored the phase transformation behavior of ammonia borane at high pressure and low temperature using in situ Raman spectroscopy. The P-T phase boundary between the tetragonal (I4mm) and orthorhombic (Pmn21) phases of ammonia borane has been determined. The transition has a positive Clapeyron slope which indicates the transition is of exothermic in nature. Influence of nanoconfinemment on the I4mm to Pmn2 1 phase transition of ammonia borane was also investigated. Mesoporus silica scaffolds SBA-15 with pore size of ~8 nm and MCM-41 with pore size of 2.1-2.7 nm, were used to nanoconfine ammonia borane. During cooling down, the I4mm to Pmn21 phase transition was not observed in MCM-41 nanoconfined ammonia borane, whereas the SBA-15 nanocondfined ammonia borane shows the phase transition at ~195 K. Four new phases of ammonia borane were also identified at high pressure up to 15 GPa and low temperature down to 90 K.^


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Recently, ammonia borane has increasingly attracted researchers’ attention because of its merging applications, such as organic synthesis, boron nitride compounds synthesis, and hydrogen storage. This dissertation presents the results from several studies related to ammonia borane. The pressure-induced tetragonal to orthorhombic phase transition in ammonia borane was studied in a diamond anvil cell using in situ Raman spectroscopy. We found a positive Clapeyron-slope for this phase transformation in the experiment, which implies that the phase transition from tetragonal to orthorhombic is exothermic. The result of this study indicates that the rehydrogenation of the high pressure orthorhombic phase is expected to be easier than that of the ambient pressure tetragonal phase due to its lower enthalpy. The high pressure behavior of ammonia borane after thermal decomposition was studied by in situ Raman spectroscopy at high pressures up to 10 GPa. The sample of ammonia borane was first decomposed at ~140 degree Celcius and ~0.7 GPa and then compessed step wise in an isolated sample chamber of a diamond anvil cell for Raman spectroscopy measurement. We did not observe the characteristic shift of Raman mode under high pressure due to dihydrogen bonding, indicating that the dihydrogen bonding disappears in the decomposed ammonia borane. Although no chemical rehydrogenation was detected in this study, the decomposed ammonia borane could store extra hydrogen by physical absorption. The effect of nanoconfinement on ammonia borane at high pressures and different temperatures was studied. Ammonia borane was mixed with a type of mesoporous silica, SBA-15, and restricted within a small space of nanometer scale. The nano-scale ammonia borane was decomposed at ~125 degree Celcius in a diamond anvil cell and rehydrogenated after applying high pressures up to ~13 GPa at room temperature. The successful rehydrogenation of decomposed nano-scale ammonia borane gives guidance to further investigations on hydrogen storage. In addition, the high pressure behavior of lithium amidoborane, one derivative of ammonia borane, was studied at different temperatures. Lithium amidoborane (LAB) was decomposed and recompressed in a diamond anvil cell. After applying high pressures on the decomposed lithium amidoborane, its recovery peaks were discovered by Raman spectroscopy. This result suggests that the decomposition of LAB is reversible at high pressures.


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Industrial activities like mining, electroplating and the oil extraction process, are increasing the levels of heavy metals such as Cu, Fe, Mg and Cd in aquatic ecosystems. This increase is related to the discharge of effluents containing trace of this elements above the maximum allowed by law. Methods such as ion exchange, membrane filtration and chemical precipitation have been studied as a means of treatment of these metals contamination. The precipitation of metals using anionic surfactants derived from carboxylic acids emerged as an alternative for the removal of metals from industrial effluents. The reaction between bivalent ions and these types of surfactants in aqueous solution leads to the formation of metal carboxylates, which can precipitate in the form of flakes and are subsequently removed by a process of decantation or simple filtration. In this work the metals extraction is performed by using the surfactant sodium hexadecanoate as extracting agent. The main purpose was to study the effect of temperature, solution pH, and concentration of surfactant in the metal removal process. The statistical design of the process showed that the process is directly dependent to changes in pH and concentration of surfactant, but inversely proportional and somewhat dependent to temperature variation, with the latter effect being considered negligible in most cases. The individual study of the effect of temperature showed a strong dependence of the process with the Kraft point, both for the surfactant used as extracting agent, as for the surfactant obtained after the reaction of this surfactant with the metal. From data of temperatures and concentrations of the surfactant was possible to calculate the equilibrium constant for the reaction between sodium hexadecanoate and copper ions. Later, thermodynamic parameters were determined, showing that the process is exothermic and spontaneous.


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Searches using organoclays have been the subject of great interest due to its wide application in industry and removal of environmental pollutants. The organoclays were obtained using bentonite (BEN) and cationic surfactants: hexadecyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (HDTMA-Br) and trimethyloctadecyl ammonium bromide (TMOA-Br) in ratios of 50 and 100 % of its ion exchange capacity. The materials were characterized by the techniques of X-ray diffraction (DRX), infrared spectroscopy (IR), X-ray fluorescence (FRX), thermal analysis (TA) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The bentonite and organobentonite were used on the adsorption of dyes, Remazol Blue RR (AZ) and Remazol Red RR (VM) in aqueous solution. The adsorption models of Langmuir and Freundlich were used for mathematical description of sorption equilibrium data and obtain the constants of the isotherms. The Freundlich model fit to the data for adsorption equilibrium of bentonite, on the other hand both the model fit to the Langmuir adsorption test of organoclays. The adsorption processes using adsorbents with both dyes interspersed with HDTMA-Br show endothermic and exothermic nature, respectively.


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This thesis analyses the potential of wood biochar as an adsorbent in removal of sulphate from produced water. In worldwide offshore oil and gas industry, a large volume of waste water is generated as produced water. Sulphur compounds present in these produced water streams can cause environmental problems, regulatory problems and operational issues. Among the various sulphur removal technologies, the adsorption technique is considered as a suitable method since the design is simple, compact, economical and robust. Biochar has been studied as an adsorbent for removal of contaminants from water in a number of studies due to its low cost, potential availability, and adsorptive characteristics. In this study, biochar produced through fast pyrolysis of bark, hardwood sawdust, and softwood sawdust were characterized through a series of tests and were analysed for adsorbent properties. Treating produced water using biochar sourced from wood waste is a two-fold solution to environmental problems as it reduces the volume of these wastes. Batch adsorption tests were carried out to obtain adsorption capacities of each biochar sample using sodium sulphate solutions. The highest sulphur adsorption capacities obtained for hardwood char, softwood char and bark char were 11.81 mg/g, 9.44 mg/g, and 7.94 mg/g respectively at 10 °C and pH=4. The adsorption process followed the second order kinetic model and the Freundlich isotherm model. Adsorption reaction was thermodynamically favourable and exothermic. The overall analysis concludes that the wood biochar is a feasible, economical, and environmental adsorbent for removal of sulphate from produced water.


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Cette étude est destinée à la production et à la caractérisation des composites d’acide polylactique (PLA) et des fibres naturelles (lin, poudre de bois). Le moussage du PLA et ses composites ont également été étudiés afin d’évaluer les effets des conditions de moulage par injection et du renfort sur les propriétés finales de ces matériaux. Dans la première partie, les composites constitués de PLA et des fibres de lin ont été produits par extrusion suivit par un moulage en injection. L’effet de la variation du taux de charge (15, 25 et 40% en poids) sur les caractéristiques morphologique, mécanique, thermique et rhéologique des composites a été évalué. Dans la deuxième étape, la poudre de bois (WF) a été choisie pour renforcer le PLA. La préparation des composites de PLA et WF a été effectuée comme dans la première partie et une série complète de caractérisations morphologique, mécanique, thermique et l’analyse mécanique dynamique ont été effectués afin d’obtenir une évaluation complète de l’effet du taux de charge (15, 25 et 40% en poids) sur les propriétés du PLA. Finalement, la troisième partie de cette étude porte sur les composites de PLA et de renfort naturel afin de produire des composites moussés. Ces mousses ont été réalisées à l’aide d’un agent moussant exothermique (azodicarbonamide) via le moulage par injection, suite à un mélange du PLA et de fibres naturelles. Dans ce cas, la charge d’injection (quantité de matière injectée dans le moule: 31, 33, 36, 38 et 43% de la capacité de la presse à injection) et la concentration en poudre de bois (15, 25 et 40% en poids) ont été variées. La caractérisation des propriétés mécanique et thermique a été effectuée et les résultats ont démontré que les renforts naturels étudiés (lin et poudre de bois) permettaient d’améliorer les propriétés mécaniques des composites, notamment le module de flexion et la résistance au choc du polymère (PLA). En outre, la formation de la mousse était également efficace pour le PLA vierge et ses composites car les masses volumiques ont été significativement réduites.


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La carbonatation minérale dans les résidus miniers est un moyen sûr et permanent de séquestrer le CO2 atmosphérique. C’est un processus naturel et passif qui ne nécessite aucun traitement particulier et donc avantageux d’un point de vue économique. Bien que la quantité de CO2 qu’il soit possible de séquestrer selon ce processus est faible à l’échelle globale, dans le cadre d’un marché du carbone, les entreprises minières pourraient obtenir des crédits et ainsi revaloriser leurs résidus. À l’heure actuelle, il y a peu d’informations pour quantifier le potentiel de séquestration du CO2 de façon naturelle et passive dans les piles de résidus miniers. Il est donc nécessaire d’étudier le phénomène pour comprendre comment évolue la réaction à travers le temps et estimer la quantité de CO2 qui peut être séquestrée naturellement dans les piles de résidus. Plusieurs travaux de recherche se sont intéressés aux résidus miniers de Thetford Mines (Québec, Canada), avec une approche principalement expérimentale en laboratoire. Ces travaux ont permis d’améliorer la compréhension du processus de carbonatation, mais ils nécessitent une validation à plus grande échelle sous des conditions atmosphériques réelles. L’objectif général de cette étude est de quantifier le processus de carbonatation minérale des résidus miniers sous des conditions naturelles, afin d’estimer la quantité de CO2 pouvant être piégée par ce processus. La méthodologie utilisée repose sur la construction de deux parcelles expérimentales de résidus miniers situées dans l’enceinte de la mine Black Lake (Thetford Mines). Les résidus miniers sont principalement constitués de grains et de fibres de chrysotile et lizardite mal triés, avec de petites quantités d’antigorite, de brucite et de magnétite. Des observations spatiales et temporelles ont été effectuées dans les parcelles concernant la composition et la pression des gaz, la température des résidus, la teneur en eau volumique, la composition minérale des résidus ainsi que la chimie de l’eau des précipitations et des lixiviats provenant des parcelles. Ces travaux ont permis d’observer un appauvrissement notable du CO2 dans les gaz des parcelles (< 50 ppm) ainsi que la précipitation d’hydromagnésite dans les résidus, ce qui suggère que la carbonatation minérale naturelle et passive est un processus potentiellement important dans les résidus miniers. Après 4 ans d’observations, le taux de séquestration du CO2 dans les parcelles expérimentales a été estimé entre 3,5 et 4 kg/m3/an. Ces observations ont permis de développer un modèle conceptuel de la carbonatation minérale naturelle et passive dans les parcelles expérimentales. Dans ce modèle conceptuel, le CO2 atmosphérique (~ 400 ppm) se dissout dans l’eau hygroscopique contenue dans les parcelles, où l’altération des silicates de magnésium forme des carbonates de magnésium. La saturation en eau dans les cellules est relativement stable dans le temps et varie entre 0,4 et 0,65, ce qui est plus élevé que les valeurs de saturation optimales proposées dans la littérature, réduisant ainsi le transport de CO2 dans la zone non saturée. Les concentrations de CO2 en phase gazeuse, ainsi que des mesures de la vitesse d’écoulement du gaz dans les cellules suggèrent que la réaction est plus active près de la surface et que la diffusion du CO2 est le mécanisme de transport dominant dans les résidus. Un modèle numérique a été utilisé pour simuler ces processus couplés et valider le modèle conceptuel avec les observations de terrain. Le modèle de transport réactif multiphase et multicomposant MIN3P a été utilisé pour réaliser des simulations en 1D qui comprennent l’infiltration d’eau à travers le milieu partiellement saturé, la diffusion du gaz, et le transport de masse réactif par advection et dispersion. Même si les écoulements et le contenu du lixivat simulés sont assez proches des observations de terrain, le taux de séquestration simulé est 22 fois plus faible que celui mesuré. Dans les simulations, les carbonates précipitent principalement dans la partie supérieure de la parcelle, près de la surface, alors qu’ils ont été observés dans toute la parcelle. Cette différence importante pourrait être expliquée par un apport insuffisant de CO2 dans la parcelle, qui serait le facteur limitant la carbonatation. En effet, l’advection des gaz n’a pas été considérée dans les simulations et seule la diffusion moléculaire a été simulée. En effet, la mobilité des gaz engendrée par les fluctuations de pression barométrique et l’infiltration de l’eau, ainsi que l’effet du vent doivent jouer un rôle conséquent pour alimenter les parcelles en CO2.


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Hypothesis: The dye adsorption with chitosan is considered an eco-friendly alternative technology in relation to the existing water treatment technologies. However, the application of chitosan for dyes removal is limited, due to its low surface area and porosity. Then we prepared a chitosan scaffold with a megaporous structure as an alternative adsorbent to remove food dyes from solutions. Experiments: The chitosan scaffold was characterized by infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and structural characteristics. The potential of chitosan scaffold to remove five food dyes from solutions was investigated by equilibrium isotherms and thermodynamic study. The scaffold–dyes interactions were elucidated, and desorption studies were carried out. Findings: The chitosan scaffold presented pore sizes from 50 to 200 lm, porosity of 92.2 ± 1.2% and specific surface area of 1135 ± 2 m2 g 1. The two-step Langmuir model was suitable to represent the equilibrium data. The adsorption was spontaneous, favorable, exothermic and enthalpy-controlled process. Electrostatic interactions occurred between chitosan scaffold and dyes. Desorption was possible with NaOH solution (0.10 mol L 1). The chitosan megaporous scaffold showed good structural characteristics and high adsorption capacities (788–3316 mg g 1).


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Os estudos de adsorção de corantes alimentícios de soluções aquosas geralmente estão voltados para a remoção de um corante específico, porém, as misturas binárias são mais realistas para simular efluentes industriais. A adsorção de corantes com quitosana é considerada uma tecnologia alternativa eco amigável, e quando a estrutura da quitosana é modificada quimicamente, resulta em um adsorvente mais adequado. A reticulação da quitosana com cianoguanidina apresenta vantagens, como melhoria na estabilidade em soluções ácidas e diminuição do custo do adsorvente. Nesta pesquisa, o objetivo do trabalho foi modificar a quitosana com cianoguanidina para remoção de corantes alimentícios em sistema aquoso binário. A fim de verificar o comportamento dos adsorventes na operação de adsorção, foram preparadas amostras de quitosana com diferentes graus de desacetilação (75%, 85% e 95%), e após, foram realizadas modificações destas amostras com cianoguanidina. Os adsorventes foram caracterizados e aplicados para a adsorção de azul indigotina e amarelo tatrazina em sistema aquoso binário e em sistema simples. O efeito do pH e do grau de desacetilação foram verificados para a remoção dos corantes por quitosana com e sem modificação em sistema simples e binário. Curvas de equilíbrio foram obtidas em diferentes temperaturas e o modelo estendido de Langmuir foi ajustado aos dados experimentais. O comportamento cinético foi avaliado através dos modelos pseudo-primeira ordem, pseudo-segunda ordem e Avrami. Os parâmetros termodinâmicos foram determinados e estudos de dessorção do adsorvente foram realizados. O pH mais adequado foi 3, e o melhor grau de desacetilação foi 95% para ambos os sistemas aquosos e adsorbatos. As capacidades de adsorção da quitosana sem e com modificação não apresentaram diferença significativa. O modelo de Langmuir estendido apresentou ajuste adequado às curvas de equilíbrio e as máximas capacidades de adsorção foram 595,3 e 680,0 mg g-1, obtidas à 25ºC, para o os corantes azul indigotina e amarelo tatrazina, respectivamente. O modelo de Avrami foi o que melhor se ajustou aos dados cinéticos de adsorção. A dessorção do adsorvente foi possível por dois ciclos, mantendo sua capacidade de adsorção em 209,7 mg g-1 no primeiro ciclo e 200,2 mg g-1 no segundo ciclo. A quitosana modificada com cianoguanidina apresentou-se como um adsorvente promissor para a remoção de corantes alimentícios em sistema binário.


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Lasiodiplodan is an exocellular β-glucan with biological functionalities such as antioxidant, antiproliferative, hypocholesterolemic, protective activity against DNA damage induced by doxorubicin and hypoglycemic activity. Chemical derivatization of polysaccharide macromolecules has been considered as a potentiating mechanism for bioactivity. In this context, this work proposes the derivatization of lasiodiplodan by acetylation. Acetic anhydride was used as derivatizing agent and pyridine as catalyst and reaction medium. The derivatives obtained were evaluated by its water solubility, degree of substitution (DS), antioxidant potential, and characterized by infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), thermal analysis, differential scanning calorimetry, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. Acetylated derivatives with different degrees of substitution (1.26; 1.03; 0.66 and 0.48) were obtained, and there was correlation between the concentration of derivatizing agent and DS. FT-IR spectroscopy analysis confirmed the insertion of acetyl groups into derivatized macromolecules (LAS-AC) through of specific bands concerning to carbonyl group (C = O) and increase in C-O vibration. SEM analysis indicated that native lasiodiplodan presents morphological structure in the form of thin films with translucent appearance and folds along its length. Derivatization led to morphological changes in the polymer, including aspects thickness, translucency and agglomeration. Thermal analysis indicated the native sample and derivative with DS 0.48 presented three weight loss stages. The first stage occurred until 125 ° C (loss of water) and there were two consecutive events of weight loss (200 ° C - 400 ° C) attributed to molecule degradation. Samples with DS 1.26; 1.03 and 0.66 demonstrated four weight loss stages. The first stage occurred until 130 ° C (loss of water), following by two consecutive events of weight loss (200 ° C - 392 ° C) attributed to degradation of the biopolymer. The fourth stage was between 381 ° C and 532 ° C (final decomposition) with exothermic peaks between 472 ° C and 491 ° C. X-ray diffraction patterns showed that native and acetylated lasiodiplodan have amorphous structure with semicrystalline regions. Derivatization did not contribute to increased solubility of the macromolecule, but potentiated its antioxidant capacity. Acetylation of lasiodiplodan allowed to obtaining a new macromolecule with higher antioxidant potential than the native molecule and with technological properties applicable in various industrial sectors.


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This work reports the application of banana peel as a novel bioadsorbent for in vitro removal of five mycotoxins (aflatoxins (AFB1, AFB2, AFG1, AFG2) and ochratoxin A). The effect of operational parameters including initial pH, adsorbent dose, contact time and temperature were studied in batch adsorption experiments. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and point of zero charge (pHpzc) analysis were used to characterise the adsorbent material. Aflatoxins’ adsorption equilibrium was achieved in 15 min, with highest adsorption at alkaline pH (6–8), while ochratoxin has not shown any significant adsorption due to surface charge repulsion. The experimental equilibrium data were tested by Langmuir, Freundlich and Hill isotherms. The Langmuir isotherm was found to be the best fitted model for aflatoxins, and the maximum monolayer coverage (Q0) was determined to be 8.4, 9.5, 0.4 and 1.1 ng mg−1 for AFB1, AFB2, AFG1 and AFG2 respectively. Thermodynamic parameters including changes in free energy (ΔG), enthalpy (ΔH) and entropy (ΔS) were determined for the four aflatoxins. Free energy change and enthalpy change demonstrated that the adsorption process was exothermic and spontaneous. Adsorption and desorption study at different pH further demonstrated that the sorption of toxins was strong enough to sustain pH changes that would be experienced in the gastrointestinal tract. This study suggests that biosorption of aflatoxins by dried banana peel may be an effective low-cost decontamination method for incorporation in animal feed diets. © 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.


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Nesta pesquisa, diferentes amostras de quitosana foram produzidas por diferentes condições de hidrólise alcalina da quitina. A partir das amostras de quitosana foram produzidos filmes,sendo estes aplicados na adsorção do corante têxtil reativo preto 5 e os resultados foram comparados com os dos seus respectivos pós. Os valores das massas molares da quitosana aumentaram em função do aumento do diâmetro da quitina e diminuíram com o aumento da relação de solução NaOH:quitina, da concentração de NaOH e tempo de reação, e ficaram na faixa de 100 a 200 kDa. Um comportamento inverso foi observado para o grau de desacetilação da quitosana, e seus valores variaram de 65 a 95%. Quanto aos filmes biopoliméricos elaborados, os que apresentaram melhores valores quanto as suas propriedades mecânicas e de permeabilidade ao vapor de água foram os filmes produzidos com quitosana de mais elevada massa molar e menor grau de desacetilação. A fim de avaliar o comportamento dos filmes em processos de adsorção, estes foram aplicados na remoção do corante reativo preto 5 (RB5) em diferentes condições de pH (4, 6 e 8). Após, foram escolhidos quatro filmes de quitosana (FQ), com diferentes graus de desacetilação e massas molares, que foram comparados com as quitosanas na forma de pó (PQ) no estudo de adsorção. Este foi realizado sob diversas condições experimentais (pH, temperatura e taxa de agitação) através das isotermas de equilíbrio, da termodinâmica e da cinética. Análises de interação e ciclos de adsorção-dessorção também foram realizados. Verificou-se que PQ e FQ com grau de desacetilação de 95% e massa molar de 100 kDa foram os adsorvente mais adequados, apresentando mais de 99% de remoção do corante RB5 em pH 4,0. Para ambos, PQ e FQ, o modelo de Langmuir foi o mais adequado para representar os dados de equilíbrio. As capacidades máximas de adsorção foram 654,3 e 589,5 mg g-1 para PQ e FQ, respectivamente, obtidos a 298 K. O processo de adsorção foi espontâneo, favorável e exotérmico. A adsorção de RB5 para PQ e FQ seguiu o modelo cinético de Elovich,e ocorreram interações eletrostáticas do PQ-RB5 e do FQ-RB5. Os filmes de quitosana foram reutilizados três vezes, enquanto que a quitosana em pó não pode ser reutilizada.