935 resultados para Erythroleukemia Cell-differentiation


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During retinogenesis, the Xenopus basic helix–loop–helix transcription factor Xath5 has been shown to promote a ganglion cell fate. In the developing mouse and chicken retinas, gene targeting and overexpression studies have demonstrated critical roles for the Brn3 POU domain transcription factor genes in the promotion of ganglion cell differentiation. However, the genetic relationship between Ath5 and Brn3 genes is unknown. To understand the genetic regulatory network(s) that controls retinal ganglion cell development, we analyzed the relationship between Ath5 and Brn3 genes by using a gain-of-function approach in the chicken embryo. We found that during retinogenesis, the chicken Ath5 gene (Cath5) is expressed in retinal progenitors and in differentiating ganglion cells but is absent in terminally differentiated ganglion cells. Forced expression of both Cath5 and the mouse Ath5 gene (Math5) in retinal progenitors activates the expression of cBrn3c following central-to-peripheral and temporal-to-nasal gradients. As a result, similar to the Xath5 protein, both Cath5 and Math5 proteins have the ability to promote the development of ganglion cells. Moreover, we found that forced expression of all three Brn3 genes also can stimulate the expression of cBrn3c. We further found that Ath5 and Brn3 proteins are capable of transactivating a Brn3b promoter. Thus, these data suggest that the expression of cBrn3c in the chicken and Brn3b in the mouse is initially activated by Ath5 factors in newly generated ganglion cells and later maintained by a feedback loop of Brn3 factors in the differentiated ganglion cells.


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The Jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs) recently have been shown to be required for thymocyte apoptosis and T cell differentiation and/or proliferation. To investigate the molecular targets of JNK signaling in lymphoid cells, we used mice in which the serines phosphorylated by JNK in c-Jun were replaced by homologous recombination with alanines (junAA mice). Lymphocytes from these mice showed no phosphorylation of c-Jun in response to activation stimuli, whereas c-Jun was rapidly phosphorylated in wild-type cells. Despite the fact that c-jun is essential for early development, junAA mice develop normally; however, c-Jun N-terminal phosphorylation was required for efficient T cell receptor-induced and tumor necrosis factor-α-induced thymocyte apoptosis. In contrast, c-Jun phosphorylation by JNK is not required for T cell proliferation or differentiation. Because jnk2−/− T cells display a proliferation defect, we concluded that JNK2 must have other substrates required for lymphocyte function. Surprisingly, jnk2−/− T cells showed reduced NF-AT DNA-binding activity after activation. Furthermore, overexpression of JNK2 in Jurkat T cells strongly enhanced NF-AT-dependent transcription. These results demonstrate that JNK signaling differentially uses c-Jun and NF-AT as molecular effectors during thymocyte apoptosis and T cell proliferation.


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Although the zebrafish possesses many characteristics that make it a valuable model for genetic studies of vertebrate development, one deficiency of this model system is the absence of methods for cell-mediated gene transfer and targeted gene inactivation. In mice, embryonic stem cell cultures are routinely used for gene transfer and provide the advantage of in vitro selection for rare events such as homologous recombination and targeted mutation. Transgenic animals possessing a mutated copy of the targeted gene are generated when the selected cells contribute to the germ line of a chimeric embryo. Although zebrafish embryo cell cultures that exhibit characteristics of embryonic stem cells have been described, successful contribution of the cells to the germ-cell lineage of a host embryo has not been reported. In this study, we demonstrate that short-term zebrafish embryo cell cultures maintained in the presence of cells from a rainbow trout spleen cell line (RTS34st) are able to produce germ-line chimeras when introduced into a host embryo. Messenger RNA encoding the primordial germ-cell marker, vasa, was present for more than 30 days in embryo cells cocultured with RTS34st cells or their conditioned medium and disappeared by 5 days in the absence of the spleen cells. The RTS34st cells also inhibited melanocyte and neuronal cell differentiation in the embryo cell cultures. These results suggest that the RTS34st splenic–stromal cell line will be a valuable tool in the development of a cell-based gene transfer approach to targeted gene inactivation in zebrafish.


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Recent evidence suggests that the Myc and Mad1 proteins are implicated in the regulation of the gene encoding the human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT), the catalytic subunit of telomerase. We have analyzed the in vivo interaction between endogenous c-Myc and Mad1 proteins and the hTERT promoter in HL60 cells with the use of the chromatin immunoprecipitation assay. The E-boxes at the hTERT proximal promoter were occupied in vivo by c-Myc in exponentially proliferating HL60 cells but not in cells induced to differentiate by DMSO. In contrast, Mad1 protein was induced and bound to the hTERT promoter in differentiated HL60 cells. Concomitantly, the acetylation of the histones at the promoter was significantly reduced. These data suggest that the reciprocal E-box occupancy by c-Myc and Mad1 is responsible for activation and repression of the hTERT gene in proliferating and differentiated HL60 cells, respectively. Furthermore, the histone deacetylase inhibitor trichostatin A inhibited deacetylation of histones at the hTERT promoter and attenuated the repression of hTERT transcription during HL60 cell differentiation. In addition, trichostatin A treatment activated hTERT transcription in resting human lymphocytes and fibroblasts. Taken together, these results indicate that acetylation/deacetylation of histones is operative in the regulation of hTERT expression.


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A position-dependent pattern of epidermal cell types is produced during root development in Arabidopsis thaliana. This pattern is reflected in the expression pattern of GLABRA2 (GL2), a homeobox gene that regulates cell differentiation in the root epidermis. GL2 promoter::GUS fusions were used to show that the TTG gene, a regulator of root epidermis development, is necessary for maximal GL2 activity but is not required for the pattern of GL2 expression. Furthermore, GL2-promoter activity is influenced by expression of the myc-like maize R gene (35S::R) in Arabidopsis but is not affected by gl2 mutations. A position-dependent pattern of cell differentiation and GL2-promoter activity was also discovered in the hypocotyl epidermis that was analogous to the pattern in the root. Non-GL2-expressing cell files in the hypocotyl epidermis located outside anticlinal cortical cell walls exhibit reduced cell length and form stomata. Like the root, the hypocotyl GL2 activity was shown to be influenced by ttg and 35S::R but not by gl2. The parallel pattern of cell differentiation in the root and hypocotyl indicates that TTG and GL2 participate in a common position-dependent mechanism to control cell-type patterning throughout the apical-basal axis of the Arabidopsis seedling.


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By using RAR type (alpha, beta, or gamma)-specific synthetic retinoids and a pan-retinoic X receptor (RXR)-specific ligand, we have investigated the contribution of RARs and RXRs in the activation of RA target genes and the differentiation of embryonal carcinoma cells. We demonstrate cell-type- and promoter context-dependent functional redundancies that differ between the three RAR types for mediating the induction of RARbeta2 and Hoxa-1 in wild-type, RARgamma-/- and RARalpha-/- F9 cells and in P19 cells. The extent of redundancy between RARs is further modulated by the synergistic activation of RXRs with a pan-RXR agonist. We also demonstrate that the expression of RARbeta2 is auto-inducible in RARgamma-/- but not in wild-type F9 cells, indicating that the functional redundancies observed between RARs in gene disruption studies can be artefactually generated. Thus, even though all three RARs can functionally substitute each other for inducing the expression of RA target genes and cell differentiation, one RAR can cell-specifically override the activity of the other RARs. Interestingly, only RARgamma can mediate the retinoic acid-induced differentiation of wild-type F9 cells, whereas the differentiation of P19 cells can be mediated by either RARalpha or RARgamma.


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Bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a potent stimulator of B-cell activation, proliferation, and differentiation. We examined the genetic response of B-lineage cells to LPS via trapping of expressed genes with a gene-trap retrovirus. This analysis showed that expression of only a small fraction of genes is altered during LPS stimulation of B-lineage cells. Isolation of the cellular portion of the trapped LPS-response genes via 5' RACE (rapid amplification of cDNA ends) cloning identified novel genes for all the cloned loci. These novel LPS-response genes were also found to have differentiation stage-restricted expression within the B-lymphoid lineage. That LPS-response genes in B cells also have differentiation stage-restricted expression suggests that these genes may be involved in the control of B-cell function and differentiation, since the known members of this class of genes have frequently been found to play a role in the function and differentiation of B-lineage cells. The isolation of novel members of this class of genes, including a gene that contains a putative SH2 domain, will further increase our understanding of the molecular events involved in the control of B-cell differentiation and function.


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ERK6, a mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase-related serine/threonine kinase, is highly expressed in human skeletal muscle and appears to function as a signal transducer during differentiation of myoblasts to myotubes. In transfected 293 cells, activation of the 45-kDa enzyme results in tyrosine-phosphorylated 46- and 56-kDa forms, which phosphorylate myelin basic protein. Overexpression of wild-type ERK6 or the inactive mutant Y185F has no effect on fibroblast and myoblast proliferation, but it enhances or inhibits C2C12 cell differentiation to myotubes, respectively. Our findings suggest ERK6 to be a tissue-specific, differentiation signal-transducing factor that is connected to phosphotyrosine-mediated signaling pathways distinct from those activating other members of the MAP kinase family such as LRK1 and ERK2.


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A main function attributed to the BCL2 protein is its ability to confer resistance against apoptosis. In addition to the constitutively high expression of BCL2, caused by gene rearrangement in follicular lymphomas, elevated expression of the BCL2 gene has been found in differentiating hematopoietic, neural, and epithelial tissues. To address the question of whether the expression of BCL2 is a cause or consequence of cell differentiation, we used a human neural-crest-derived tumor cell line, Paju, that undergoes spontaneous neural differentiation in vitro. The Paju cell line displays moderate expression of BCL2, the level of which increases in parallel with further neural differentiation induced by treatment with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate. Transfection of normal human BCL2 cDNA in sense and antisense orientations had a dramatic impact on the differentiation of the Paju cells. Overexpression of BCL2 cDNA induced extensive neurite outgrowth, even in low serum concentrations, together with an increased expression of neuron-specific enolase. Paju cells expressing the anti-sense BCL2 cDNA construct, which reduced the endogenous levels of BCL2, did not undergo spontaneous neural differentiation. These cells acquired an epithelioid morphology and up-regulated the intermediate filament protein nestin, typically present in primitive neuroectodermal cells. The manipulated levels of BCL2 did not have appreciable impact on cell survival in normal culture. Our findings demonstrate that the BCL2 gene product participates in the regulation of neural differentiation.


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The pre-T-cell receptor, composed of the T-cell receptor (TCR) beta chain (TCRbeta), pre-Talpha (pTalpha) chain, and CD3 molecules, has been postulated to be a transducer of signals during the early stages of T-cell development. To examine the function of the transmembrane pTalpha chain during tbymocyte development, we generated pTalpha-/- embryonic stem cells and assayed their ability to differentiate into lymphoid cells in vivo after injection into recombination-activating gene (RAG)-2-deficient blastocysts. Thymocytes representing all stages of T-cell differentiation were detected in the thymus of pTalpha-/- chimeric mice, indicating that thymocyte development can occur without pTalpha. However, greatly reduced thymocyte numbers and substantially increased percentages of both CD4-CD8- thymocytes and TCRgammadelta+ thymocytes suggest that pTalpha plays a critical role in thymocyte expansion. To investigate the role of the pTalpha chain in allelic exclusion at the TCRbeta locus, a functionally rearranged TCRbeta minigene was introduced into pTalpha-/- and pTalpha+/- embryonic stem cells, which were subsequently assayed by RAG-2-deficient blastocyst complementation. In the absence of pTalpha, expression of the transgenic TCRbeta inhibited rearrangement of the endogenous TCRbeta locus to an extent similar to that seen in normal TCRbeta transgenic mice, suggesting that pTalpha may not be required for signaling allelic exclusion at the TCRbeta locus.


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The phenotypes of CD19-deficient (CD19-/-) mice, and human CD19-transgenic (hCD19TG) mice that overexpress CD19 indicate that CD19 is a response regulator of B-lymphocyte surface receptor signaling. To further characterize the function of CD19 during B-cell differentiation, humoral immune responses to a T-cell-independent type 1 [trinitrophenyl-lipopolysaccharide (TNP-LPS)], a T-cell-independent type 2 [dinitrophenyl (DNP)-Ficoll], and a T-cell-dependent [DNP-keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH)] antigen were assessed in CD19-/- and hCD19TG mice. B cells from CD19-/- mice differentiated and underwent immunoglobulin isotype switching in vitro in response to mitogens and cytokines. In vivo, CD19-/- mice generated humoral responses to TNP-LPS and DNP-KLH that were dramatically lower than those of wild-type littermates. Surprisingly, the humoral response to DNP-Ficoll was significantly greater in CD19-/- mice. In contrast, hCD19TG mice were hyperresponsive to TNP-LPS and DNP-KLH immunization but were hyporesponsive to DNP-Ficoll. These results demonstrate that CD19 is not required for B-cell differentiation and isotype switching but serves as a response regulator which modulates B-cell differentiation. Since humoral responses to both T-cell-dependent and T-cell-independent antigens were similarly affected by alterations in CD19 expression, these differences are most likely to result from intrinsic changes in B-cell function rather than from the selective disruption of B-cell interactions with T cells.


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Hemopoietic stem cells are a distinct population of cells that can differentiate into multilineages of hemopoietic cells and have long-term repopulation capability. A few membrane-bound molecules have been found to be preferentially, but not uniquely, present on the surface of these primitive cells. We report here the identification of a unique 105-kDa glycoprotein on the surface of hemopoietic stem cell line BL3. This molecule, recognized by the absorbed antiserum, is not present on the surface of myeloid progenitors 32D and FDC-P1 cells, EL4 T cells, and NIH 3T3 fibroblasts. This antiserum can also be used to block the proliferation of BL3 cells even in the presence of mitogen-stimulated spleen cell conditioned medium, which is known to have a stimulating activity on BL3 cells. It can also inhibit development of in vitro, fetal liver cell-derived multilineage colonies, but not other types of colonies, and of in vivo bone marrow cell-derived colony-forming unit spleen foci. These data suggest that gp105 plays an important role in hemopoietic stem cell differentiation.


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Differentiating 3T3-L1 cells express an immunophilin early during the adipocyte conversion program as described in this issue [Yeh, W.-C., Li, T.-K., Bierer, B. E. & McKnight, S. L. (1995) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92, 11081-11085]. The temporal expression profile of this protein, designated FK506-binding protein (FKBP) 51, is concordant with the clonal-expansion period undertaken by 3T3-L1 cells after exposure to adipogenic hormones. Having observed FKBP51 synthesis early during adipogenesis, we tested the effects of three immunosuppressive drugs--cyclosporin A, FK506, and rapamycin--on the terminal-differentiation process. Adipocyte conversion was not affected by either cyclosporin A or FK506 and yet was significantly reduced by rapamycin at drug concentrations as low as 10 nM. Clonal expansion was impeded in drug-treated cultures, as was the accumulation of cytoplasmic lipid droplets normally seen late during differentiation. Rapamycin treatment likewise inhibited the expression of CCAAT/enhancer binding protein alpha, a transcription factor required for 3T3-L1 cell differentiation. All three of these effects were reversed by high FK506 concentrations, indicating that the operative inhibitory event was mediated by an immunophilin-rapamycin complex.


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Erythroid progenitor growth in vitro is stimulated by exogenous platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF). We now report that both normal and transformed erythroid progenitor cells produce authentic PDGF in vitro and in vivo. Importantly, this production is highly regulated during erythropoiesis. Addition of soluble lysates from Rauscher murine erythroleukemia cells--an erythropoietin-responsive model progenitor cell line--to quiescent BALB/c 3T3 fibroblasts resulted in a mitogenic response identical to that observed with the addition of authentic recombinant PDGF. Polyclonal and monoclonal anti-PDGF antibodies immunoabsorbed 50-100% of this activity. Induction of Rauscher cell differentiation in vitro with dimethyl sulfoxide or erythropoietin for 48-72 hr markedly upregulated PDGF production by 17- to 18-fold and 14- to 38-fold, respectively. Importantly, stimulation of normal erythropoiesis in vivo in mice treated either with phenylhydrazine or with erythropoietin increased PDGF levels in the spleen by 11- to 48-fold and 20- to 34-fold, respectively. These results strongly suggest a role for erythroid cell-derived PDGF in normal erythropoiesis and provide documentation of the regulated production of a pleiotropic cytokine by erythroid cells.


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We have studied the effect of inactivated microbial stimuli (Candida albicans, Candida glabrata, Saccharomyces boulardii, and Staphylococcus aureus) on the in vitro differentiation of lineage negative (Lin−) hematopoietic progenitor mouse cells. Purified Lin− progenitors were co-cultured for 7 days with the stimuli, and cell differentiation was determined by flow cytometry analysis. All the stimuli assayed caused differentiation toward the myeloid lineage. S. boulardii and particularly C. glabrata were the stimuli that induced in a minor extent differentiation of Lin− cells, as the major population of differentiated cells corresponded to monocytes, whereas C. albicans and S. aureus induced differentiation beyond monocytes: to monocyte-derived dendritic cells and macrophages, respectively. Interestingly, signaling through TLR2 by its pure ligand Pam3CSK4 directed differentiation of Lin− cells almost exclusively to macrophages. These data support the notion that hematopoiesis can be modulated in response to microbial stimuli in a pathogen-dependent manner, being determined by the pathogen-associated molecular patterns and the pattern-recognition receptors involved, in order to generate the populations of mature cells required to deal with the pathogen.