713 resultados para Epididymal Spermatozoa
A leptina tem um papel importante na regulação do sistema reprodutivo além de seu papel principal na regulação do peso corporal e ingestão alimentar. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da administração de leptina durante o período neonatal na função testicular da prole adulta. Vinte e quatro filhotes de 12 mães foram divididos em 2 grupos: Grupo leptina: injetados com 50 L de leptina (80ng/gPC, subcutânea) nos primeiros 10 dias de vida e Grupo Controle: injetados com o mesmo volume de solução salina. Todos os animais foram sacrificados aos 90 dias de vida. Parâmetros analisados: consumo alimentar, massa corporal, crescimento linear, data de início da puberdade, perfil lipídico, níveis séricos de estradiol e testosterona, expressão gênica (PCR em tempo real) e expressão proteica (Western blot) de ObRa, OBRb, aromatase, AR, ER, morfometria testicular, número, morfologia e viabilidade de espermatozoides. Os dados foram expressos como média erro padrão. A significância estatística foi determinada pelo teste t de Student. A Injeção de leptina levou a uma redução (p≤0,008) no consumo alimentar a partir do dia 26 ao 40 e do dia 70 em diante, enquanto que a massa corporal (p≤0,03) e o crescimento linear (p≤0,05) foram reduzidos do dia 26 até o dia 45. O peso da hipófise (p≤0,0006), hipotálamo (p≤0,01), próstata (p≤0,003), testículo (p≤0,008) e epidídimo (p≤0,004) e bexiga (p≤0,009) foram significativamente reduzidos pela injeção de leptina. A Injeção de leptina adiantou o início da puberdade (C=45,0 0,3; L=41,6 0,3; dias, P≤0,0001). Em relação ao perfil lipídico, a administração de leptina gerou um aumento nos níveis séricos de TG (C= 116,5 15,9; L=172,6 19,7; ng/dL, P≤0,05) e uma redução nos níveis de HDL (C=33 1,5; L = 24 3,5; ng/dL, P≤0,02). Os níveis séricos de testosterona também foram reduzidos pela leptina (C=5,2 1,0; L=1,1 0,3; ng/mL, P≤0,003). Todos os genes avaliados por PCR em tempo real mostraram um aumento na sua expressão: Obra (C=0,32 0,04; L=0,69 0,16; P≤0,04), OBRb (C=0,37 0,06; L=0,71 0,16; P≤0,03), AR (C=0,28 0,02; L=0,71 0,16; P≤0,02), Aromatase (C=0,31 0,04; L=0,53 0,09; P≤0,04), ER-α (C=0,79 0,03; L=0,93 0,03; P≤0,01), ER-β (C=0,29 0,03; L=0,73 0,16; P≤ 0,02). Por outro lado, a expressão proteica de OBR (C=4,4 0,29; L=6,6 0,84; P≤0,05), ER-α (C=0,4 0,02; L=0,6 0,05; P≤0,03) e aromatase (C=0,4 0,03; L=0,5 0,02; P≤0,04) aumentaram, enquanto que a expressão proteica de AR (C=0,16 0,01; L=0,09 0,01; P≤0,009) foi reduzida pela administração de leptina. A análise morfométrica mostrou que a leptina levou a um aumento da área total do túbulo seminífero (C=64,6 3,1; L=56,1 2,1;μm, P≤0,01), aumento da área luminal (C=40,6 2,3; L= 48,7 0,9; μm P≤ 0,004) e na altura do epitélio (C=21,5 1,2; L=24,6 1,1; μm, P≤0,03), enquanto que o comprimento do túbulo seminífero foi reduzido no grupo tratado (C=2200 350; L= 1100 110;cm, P≤0,006). A administração de leptina levou a um aumento no número total de espermatozoides (C=20x107 2x107; L=30x107 5x107;Cls/mL, P≤0,009) e no número de anormalidades (C=40,6 1,9; L=45,8 1,2, P≤0,049). Podemos concluir que a leptina tem um papel importante na morfologia e função testicular. A leptina parece ter efeito direto neste tecido uma vez que a expressão gênica e proteica de OBR, AR, ER e aromatase foram alterados pela administração da leptina.
Bioenergética mitocondrial do coração na obesidade induzida por dieta ocidental em camundongos Swiss
A obesidade, doença resultante do acúmulo excessivo de gordura corporal, é importante fator de risco para diabetes mellitus tipo 2, dislipidemias e doenças cardiovasculares, doenças de alta prevalência em todo o mundo. O processo de transição nutricional decorrente da globalização contribuiu para o crescente número de indivíduos com obesidade, principalmente pela modificação nos hábitos alimentares da população, com ampla inclusão de produtos industrializados ricos em gordura saturada, sal e açúcar, denominada dieta ocidental. Os mecanismos pelos quais a obesidade induzida por dieta leva ao desenvolvimento de doenças cardiovasculares ainda não estão completamente esclarecidos na literatura, porém sabe-se que a obesidade leva ao comprometimento da função cardíaca e do metabolismo energético, aumentando a morbidade e mortalidade. Em grande parte dos estudos relacionados à obesidade, o metabolismo energético celular comprometido associa-se à disfunção mitocondrial. Neste contexto, torna-se importante avaliar a função mitocondrial na obesidade, visto que as mitocôndrias são organelas com funções-chave no metabolismo energético. No presente estudo, avaliamos inicialmente o efeito obesogênico da dieta ocidental em camundongos Swiss por 16 semanas a partir do desmame. Para tal, analisamos a ingestão alimentar, evolução da massa corporal, Índice de Lee, peso das gorduras epididimal e retroperitoneal, peso e morfologia do fígado, relação entre o peso do fígado/massa corporal, peso do ventrículo esquerdo (VE)/massa corporal, glicemia de jejum e teste intraperitoneal de tolerância à glicose. Avaliamos também o consumo de oxigênio das fibras cardíacas através da respirometria de alta resolução. Além disso, o conteúdo das proteínas envolvidas no metabolismo energético: Carnitina Palmitoil Transferase 1 (CPT1), proteína desacopladora 2 (UCP2), Transportadores de glicose 1 e 4 (GLUT1 e GLUT4), proteína quinase ativada por AMP (AMPK), proteína quinase ativada por AMP fosforilada (pAMPK), receptor de insulina β (IRβ) e substrato do receptor de insulina 1 (IRS-1) foi determinado por western blotting. Nossos resultados confirmaram o caráter obesogênico da dieta ocidental, visto que os camundongos submetidos a esta dieta (GO), apresentaram-se hiperfágicos (P<0,001) e obesos (72,031,82, P<0,001), com aumento progressivo no ganho de massa corporal. Além do aumento significativo dos parâmetros: Índice de Lee (362,902,44, P<0,001), gorduras epididimal e retroperitonial (3,310,15 e 1,610,11, P<0,001), relação entre o peso do fígado/massa corporal (0,060,003, P<0,001) e peso de ventrículo esquerdo (VE)/massa corporal (0,080,002, P<0,01), hiperglicemia de jejum (192,1014,75, P<0,01), intolerância à glicose (P<0,05, P<0,01) e deposição ectópica de gordura no fígado. A respirometria de alta resolução evidenciou disfunção mitocondrial cardíaca no grupo GO, com reduzida capacidade de oxidação de carboidratos e ácidos graxos (P<0,001) e aumento do desacoplamento entre a fosforilação oxidativa e a síntese de ATP (P<0,001). Os resultados de western blotting evidenciaram aumento nos conteúdos de CPT1 (1,160,08, P<0,05) e UCP2 (1,080,06, P<0,05) e redução no conteúdo de IRS-1 (0,600,08, P<0,05). Não houve diferença significativa nos conteúdos de GLUT1, GLUT4, AMPK, pAMPK, pAMPK/AMPK e IRβ. Em conclusão, o consumo da dieta ocidental resultou no desenvolvimento de obesidade com disfunção mitocondrial associada a alterações no metabolismo energético.
A modulação do tecido adiposo marrom (TAM) e do tecido adiposo branco (TAB) está associada à prevenção ou redução do ganho de massa corporal. O óleo de peixe possui diversos efeitos benéficos que podem estar relacionados a esses tecidos. Dessa forma, objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos antiobesogênicos de diferentes dietas hiperlipídicas com óleo de peixe na termogênese do TAM e na lipogênese e beta-oxidação do TAB. Para isso, foram utilizados camundongos machos C57BL/6, com três meses de idade, que foram divididos em quatro grupos experimentais: um que recebeu dieta standard-chow (SC, 10% kcal de lipídios) e outros três que receberam dieta hiperlipídica (HL, 50% kcal de lipídios). Obtivemos os grupos HL com banha de porco (HL-B), HL com banha de porco mais óleo de peixe (HL-B+Px) e HL com óleo de peixe (HL-Px). As dietas foram administradas por um período de oito semanas, sendo que a ingestão alimentar foi avaliada diariamente e a massa corporal, semanalmente. Na última semana de experimento, realizou-se a calorimetria indireta e o teste oral de tolerância à glicose. No sacrifício, a glicemia foi aferida, o sangue foi puncionado para obtenção do plasma e o TAM interescapular e o TAB epididimário foram dissecados e armazenados. A leptina, os triglicerídeos e a insulina foram mensurados no plasma. O índice de adiposidade e o HOMA-IR foram calculados. O TAM e o TAB foram avaliados por microscopia confocal e de luz. Realizou-se RT-qPCR e Western blot para avaliação de marcadores termogênicos, da captação e oxidação de ácidos graxos e glicose e de PPAR no TAM, e para a avaliação da lipogênese e beta-oxidação e de PPAR no TAB. Com relação aos resultados, o grupo HL-B apresentou ganho de massa corporal e elevação da adiposidade, associado com hipertrofia dos adipócitos, hiperleptinemia, hipertrigliceridemia, intolerância à glicose e resistência à insulina, reproduzindo um quadro de obesidade e síndrome metabólica. Por outro lado, a ingestão de óleo de peixe nos dois grupos (HL-B+Px e HL-Px) foi capaz de reduzir o ganho de massa corporal e a adiposidade, sem alterar a ingestão alimentar. Essa ingestão também aumentou o gasto energético dos animais, regularizou a leptina e os triglicerídeos plasmáticos, bem como a tolerância à glicose e a resistência à insulina. Esses efeitos foram associados ao aumento de marcadores termogênicos no TAM, bem como da captação e oxidação de ácidos graxos e glicose e da expressão de PPAR nesse tecido. No TAB, houve redução de marcadores da lipogênese e aumento de marcadores da beta-oxidação, juntamente com elevação na expressão de PPAR. Em conclusão, nossos resultados mostram que a ingestão de óleo de peixe tem efeitos antiobesogênicos em camundongos através da modulação benéfica do TAM e do TAB e pode, portanto, representar uma terapia auxiliar alternativa contra a obesidade e suas comorbidades.
Estudos demostram que a hiperalimentação no período pós-natal causa obesidade, alterações cardiometabólicas e resistência à insulina em longo prazo. O objetivo do estudo foi investigar as consequências da hiperalimentação na lactação nos corações de camundongos filhotes e adultos ao longo do desenvolvimento. Para induzir a hiperalimentação na lactação, o tamanho da ninhada foi reduzida a 3 filhotes machos no terceiro dia, grupo hiperalimentado (GH). O grupo controle (GC) permaneceu com 9 filhotes da lactação ao desmame. Avaliamos a massa corporal, gordura epididimária e retroperitoneal, morfologia hepática e cardíaca, ultraestrutura dos cardiomiócitos, peso do PVE/CT, glicemia de jejum, triglicerídeos, colesterol total, insulina plasmática e HOMA-IR. Analisamos o consumo de oxigênio das fibras cardíacas através da respirometria de alta resolução, atividade enzimática da PDH, CS e LDH no coração e glicogênio hepático. Biologia molecular, através das proteínas: IRβ, IRS1, pIRS1, PTP1B, PI3K, Akt, pAkt, GLUT1, GLUT4, AMPKα, pAMPKα, HKII, CPT1, UCP2, FABPm, CD36, PGC-1α, PPARα, 4HNE, complexos da CTE (I, II, III, IV e V), α-tubulina, GP91 e VADC. Diferenças entre os grupos analisadas por Two-Way ANOVA, com significância p<0,05. O GH apresentou aumento da massa corporal, gordura epididimária, retroperitoneal e colesterol total em todas as idades; glicemia de jejum, insulina, índice de HOMA-IR e triglicerídeos aos 21 e 90 dias. Aumento do índice de Lee aos 60 e 90 dias. GH apresentou diminuição: do IRβ e GLUT4 aos 21 e 60 dias; aumento do IRβ aos 90 dias; aumento do IRS1, PTP1B, aos 21 e 90 dias e da AKT, pAMPK/AMPK e GLUT1 aos 21 dias; diminuição da pIRS1/IRS1, PI3K, pAKT/AKT aos 21 e 90 dias; diminuição da HKII aos 21 dias e aumento aos 60 e 90 dias; aumento da PDH aos 90 dias; aumento da LDH aos 21 dias e redução aos 60 dias; aumento da CS aos 21 dias e diminuição aos 60 e 90 dias; aumento da oxidação de carboidratos aos 21 dias e redução aos 90 dias; diminuição na oxidação de ácidos graxos aos 60 e 90 dias. Adicionalmente, aumento do desacoplamento mitocondrial entre a fosforilação oxidativa e a síntese de ATP aos 60 e 90 dias. Diminuição da CPT1 e aumento da UCP2 aos 21 e 90 dias. Diminuição da PGC-1α aos 60 e 90 dias; da FABPm e CD36 em todas idades. Aumento da 4HNE aos 21 e diminuição aos 90 dias. Diminuição na expressão do mRNA para CPT1 aos 21, 60 dias. Diminuição na expressão do mRNA para PPARα e aumento na expressão do mRNA para UCP2 aos 21 dias; diminuição na expressão do mRNA para UCP2 ao 60 dias. Alterações morfológicas cardíacas e hepáticas, assim como na ultraestrutura dos cardiomiócitos, em todas as idades, maior conteúdo de glicogênio hepático aos 21 e 90 dias. Concluímos que a hiperalimentação na lactação levou à obesidade, com aumento da oxidação de glicose, alterações no metabolismo energético associadas à diminuição da sensibilidade à insulina, redução da capacidade oxidativa mitocondrial, levando ao desacoplamento e alteração da morfologia e ultraestrutura dos cardiomiócitos do desmame até a idade adulta.
The genus Sebastes consists of over 100 fish species, all of which are viviparous and long-lived. Previous studies have presented schemes on the reproductive biology of a single targeted species of the genus Sebastes, but all appear to possess a similar reproductive biology as evidenced by this and other studies. This atlas stages major events during spermatogenesis, oogenesis, and embryogenesis, including atresia, in six species of Sebastes (S. alutus, S. elongatus, S. helvomaculatus, S. polyspinis, S. proriger, and S. zacentrus). Our study suggests that the male reproductive cycle of Sebastes is characterized by 11 phases of testicular development, with 10 stages of sperm development and 1 stage of spermatozoa atresia. Ovarian development was divided into 12 phases, with 10 stages of oocyte development, 1 stage of embryonic development, and 1 stage of oocyte atresia. Embryonic development up to parturition was divided into 33 stages following the research of Yamada and Kusakari (1991). Reproductive development of all six species examined followed the developmental classifications listed above which may apply to all species of Sebastes regardless of the number of broods produced annually. Multiple brooders vary in that not all ova are fertilized and progress to embryos; a proportion of ova are arrested at the pre-vitellogenic stage. Reproductive stage examples shown in this atlas use S. elongates for spermatic development, S. proriger for oocyte development, and S. alutus for embryological development, because opportunistic sampling only permitted complete analysis of each respective developmental phase for those species. The results of this study and the proposed reproductive phases complement the recommended scheme submitted by Brown-Peterson et al. (2011), who call for a standardization of terminology for describing reproductive development of fishes.
Testis histological structure was studied in bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) from the eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean during the reproductive season (from late April to early June). Testicular maturation was investigated by comparing samples from bluefin tuna caught on their eastward reproductive migration off Barbate (Strait of Gibraltar area) with samples of bluefin tuna fished in spawning grounds around the Balearic Islands. Histological evaluations of cross sections showed that the testis consists of two structurally different regions, an outer proliferative region where germ cells develop synchronously in cysts, and a central region made up of a well-developed system of ducts that convey the spermatozoa produced in the proliferative region to the main sperm duct. Ultrastructural features of the different stages of the male germ cell line are very similar to those described in other teleost species. The bluefin tuna testis is of the unrestricted spermatogonial testicular type, where primary spermatogonia are present all along the germinative portion of the lobules. All stages of spermatogenesis were present in the gonad tissue of migrant and spawning bluefin tuna, although spermatids were more abundant in spawning fish. The testis size was found to increase by a factor of four (on average) during migration to the Mediterranean spawning grounds, whereas the fat bodies (mesenteric lipid stores associated with the gonads) became reduced to half their weight, and the liver mass did not change significantly with sexual maturation. Linear regression analysis of the pooled data of migrant and spawning bluefin tuna revealed a significant negative correlation between the gonad index (IG) and the fat tissue index (IF), and a weaker positive correlation between the gonad index (IG) and the liver index (IL). Our analyses indicate that the liver does not play a significant role in the storage of lipids and that mesenteric lipid reserves constitute an important energy source for gametogenesis in bluefin tuna.
The present study deals with the histological analysis of testicular development in Ompok pabda. For the study, male gonads were collected month wise from January to September at Freshwater Station, BFRI, Mymensingh. From the analysis, 4 stages of sperm formation, namely, spermatogonia, spermatocytes, spermatids and spermatozoa, were distinguished. The percent distribution of spermatozoa was highest in July (about 92%). Maximum GSI value was 1.129±0.271 found in July. By analyzing the histology of spermatogenesis it was established that this species breeds once in a year.
Spermiogenesis is a unique process in mammals during which haploid round spermatids mature into spermatozoa in the testis. Its successful completion is necessary for fertilization and its malfunction is an important cause of male infertility. Here, we report the high-confidence identification of 2116 proteins in mouse haploid germ cells undergoing spermiogenesis: 299 of these were testis-specific and 155 were novel. Analysis of these proteins showed many proteins possibly functioning in unique processes of spermiogenesis. Of the 84 proteins annotated to be involved in vesicle-related events, VAMP4 was shown to be important for acrosome biogenesis by in vivo knockdown experiments. Knockdown of VAMP4 caused defects of acrosomal vesicle fusion and significantly increased head abnormalities in spermatids from testis and sperm from the cauda epididymis. Analysis of chromosomal distribution of the haploid genes showed underrepresentation on the X chromosome and overrepresentation on chromosome 11, which were due to meiotic sex chromosome inactivation and expansion of testis-expressed gene families, respectively. Comparison with transcriptional data showed translational regulation during spermiogenesis. This characterization of proteins involved in spermiogenesis provides an inventory of proteins useful for understanding the mechanisms of male infertility and may provide candidates for drug targets for male contraception and male infertility.
An experiment was conducted to optimize the procedure of gynogenesis in African catfish, Clarias gariepinus by suppressing meiotic and mitotic cell divisions in fertilized eggs. Gynogensis was conducted by fertilizing normal eggs with UV-irradiated sperm followed by either heat or cold shocking Irradiation of spermatozoa was given for a duration of 1 min and the eggs were fertilized in vitro. Cold shock at a temperature of 3± 1°C for a duration of 30 and 60 min and heat shock at a temperature of 39± 1°C for a duration of 1 and 2 min was applied to induce diploidy. Higher percentage of hatching (68.66) was observed for meiotic gynogens at a shock temperature of 39± 1°C for a duration of 1 min, 5 min after fertilization (af). Higher percentage of mitotic gynogenetic induction (15.33) was observed at a temperature shock of 39± 1°C for a duration of 1 min, 30 min af.
Cryogenic preservation trials of spermatozoa of Labeo rohita were carried out. Twenty four cryodiluents (extender + cryoprotectant), with the combination of six extenders such as egg-yolk citrate, urea-egg-yolk, 0.9% NaCl, Kurokura-2, Ma and Mb and four cryoprotectants viz. DMSO, glycerol, methanol and ethanol, were used to screen out the suitable cryodiluents. Sperm was preserved in 0.25ml plastic straw in programmable freezer. Two step freezing method was followed. Sperm preserved with egg-yolk citrate and urea-egg-yolk containing 10% DMSO showed best post-thaw motility (80%) followed by 0.9% NaCl (60%) and Kurokura-2(30%) solutions. Sperm with the extenders M" and Mb clotted at the time of equilibration and also after few days of preservation. Egg-yolk citrate mixed with ethanol and methanol also showed good percentage of motility (80%) but egg-yolk citrate with glycerol showed less sperm motility (>60%). To determine suitable dilution ratio of milt and cryodiluent two best extender eggyolk citrate and urea-egg-yolk with four cryoprotectants such as DMSO, glycerol, methanol and ethanol at different ratio viz 1:2,1:4,1:7,1:10,1:15 and 1:20 were used. Highest post-thaw motility (>80%) was observed when milt was preserved with egg-yolk citrate containing 10% DMSO at 1:2, 1:4, 1:7 and 1:10 dilutions. Meanwhile using glycerol as cryoprotectants provided less post thaw motility at lower dilution ratio but with the increase of its dilution showed good sperm motility compared with other cryoprotectants. Finally, evaluation on the effect of cryoprotectant concentration on post-thaw sperm motility was conducted. Egg-yolk citrate and four cryoprotectant i.e. DMSO, glycerol, methanol and ethanol with six different concentrations namely 5%,7%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 30%.were evaluated. Among the cryoprotectants DMSO, methanol and ethanol showed highest post-thaw motility (about 80%) at 7% and 10% concentrations. Although glycerol was not suitable at low concentration but its 20% and 30% concentration levels provided best post-thaw motility. No post-thaw motility was obtained with DMSO at 30% concentration. The overall analysis on cryoprotectant concentration indicated that below 5% and above 20% cryoprotectant concentrations could not be suitable for effective cryopreservation of spermatozoa.
Glycerol and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) are widely used as penetrating cryoprotectants in the freezing of sperm, and various concentrations are applied in different species and laboratories. The present study aimed to examine the effect of these two cryoprotectants at different concentrations (2%, 5%, 10%, and 15% glycerol or DMSO) on rhesus monkey sperm cryopreservation. The results showed that the highest recovery of post-thaw sperm motility, and plasma membrane and acrosome integrity was achieved when the sperm was frozen with 5% glycerol. Spermatozoa cryopreserved with 15% DMSO showed the lowest post-thaw sperm motility, and spermatozoa cryopreserved with 15% glycerol and 15% DMSO showed the lowest plasma membrane integrity among the eight groups. The results achieved with 5% glycerol were significantly better for all parameters than those obtained with 5% DMSO. The functional cryosurvival of sperm frozen with 5% glycerol was further assessed by in vitro fertilization (IVF). Overall, 85.7% of the oocytes were successfully fertilized, and 51.4% and 5.7% of the resulting zygotes developed into morulae and blastocysts, respectively. The results indicate that the type and concentration of the penetrating cryoprotectant used can greatly affect the survival of rhesus monkey sperm after it is frozen and thawed. The suitable glycerol level for rhesus monkey sperm freezing is 5%, and DMSO is not suitable for rhesus monkey sperm cryopreservation. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
A novel disintegrin, jerdonatin, was purified to homogeneity from Trimeresurus jerdonii venom by gel filtration and reversed-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography. We isolated the cDNA encoding jerdonatin from the snake venom gland. Jerdonatin cDNA precursor,;encoded pre-peptide, metalloprotease and disintegrin domain. Jerdonatin is composed of 72 amino acid residues including 12 cysteines and the tripeptide sequence Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD), a well-known characteristic of the disintegrin family. Molecular mass of jerdonatin was determined to be 8011 Da by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS). Jerdonatin inhibited ADP- and collagen-induced human platelet aggregation with IC50 of 123 and 135 nM, respectively. We also investigated the effect of jerdonatin on the binding of B6D2F1 hybrid mice spermatozoa to mice zona-free eggs and their subsequent fusion. Jerdonatin significantly inhibited sperm-egg binding in a concentration-dependent manner, but had no effect on the fusion of sperm-egg. These results indicate that integrins on the egg play a role in mammalian fertilization. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A nerve growth factor (NGF) was isolated from the venom of Chinese cobra (Naja naja ntr a) by ion exchange chromatography, gel filtration and fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC). The N-terminal sequence of 22 amino acid residues was identical with other NGFs previously purified from the venom of the same genus. The NGF monomer molecular weight was estimated to be 13 500 by reducing SDS-PAGE and the isoelectric point was determined to be 7.2 by isoelectric focusing electrophoresis. NGF improved the epididymal sperm motility of male rats and increased the pregnancy rate and fetus number of mated female rats. The serum levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) of male rats administrated NGF + gossypol was lower than that of male rats administrated gossypol. Histological sections of testes and epididymides showed that NGF reduced the destructive effects of gossypol on rat testes. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
Fourteen species of penaeid shrimps with commercial value in Batan Bay and Tigbauan-Guimbal waters were identified as follows: Penaeus monodon, P.semisulcatus, P.japonicus, Metapenaeus ensis, M.burkenroadi, M.endeavouri, Metapenaeopsis palmensis, M.stridulans, Trachypenaeus fulvus, and Parapenaeus longipes. Among the 14 penaeids, P.semisulcatus, M.ensis and M.palmensis were found to be the dominant species within each genus. There are seven existing fishing gears for shrimping in the Batan Bay and Tigbauan-Guimbal waters: fish corrals, lift net, filter net, gill net, skimming net, baby trawler and commercial trawler. In general, female penaeids are larger than males. The largest P.monodon female measured was 81 mm in carapace length with 23 g in body weight. The largest male measuring 59 mm in carapace length with 119 g of body weight was caught in Batan Bay. Judging from spermatozoa occurrence on both sexes of P.monodon, the biological minimum size for male is 37 mm in carapace length and 49 mm for female. A total of 133 Penaeus postlarvae obtained from the offshore were identified by comparison with those reared in the laboratory. The postlarvae of P.japonicus-latisulcatus complex were quite dominant (60 . 2%), followed by P.semisulcatus (18 . 0%), and P.merguiensis-indicus complex (17 . 3%). The number of P.monodon postlarvae was relatively small (4 . 5%). The modal carapace length of P.monodon postlarvae from the offshore was 1 . 3 mm with three or four dorsal and no ventral spines on the rostrum, while P.monodon fry from the shoreline had 2 . 3 mm with five or six dorsal and one or two ventral spines.
This study was carried out to seasonal determination of some morphological characteristics, Seasonal fecundity, Seasonal fluctuations of vertebrate-type steroids and seasonal analysis of gonadal histology in both female and male sexes of freshwater crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus Eschscholtz 1823) in the area of Aras dam Lake. Crayfish were collected respectively in June, August, November (2011) and January (2012). The average length and weight of male crayfish was higher than that of females. %GSI of females fluctuated within an extended range (between 0.6 and 13.5% from June to January). Both of synchronous and asynchronous ovaries were seen in August sampled ovaries; however asynchronous form was higher than another. The annual reproductive cycle of male A. leptodactylus was surveyed by study on the seasonal changes of the external appearance of the testes and vasa deferentia, fluctuations in the gonadosomatic index (GSI%) and the histological analysis of the male reproductive system. Based on the histological differentiation of testis, spermatogenisis devided to 5 separated stages. The findings suggested asynchronous testis in the species A.leptodactylus. The presence of primary spermatophore layer may help keeping spermatozoa alive while the secondary spermatophore layer may produces spermatophore or synthesize of acellular material which forms spermatophre. Pleopodal fecundity was 37.3%lower than ovarian fecundity observed. The significantly higher number of eggs attached to 3rd and 4th pairs of pleopods. The egg number and gonadosomatic index increased with female size while egg weight and egg diameter didn’t increase with female size. Hemolymph levels of 17β-estradiol and progesterone followed a similar fluctuation pattern with % GSI in females, while testosterone didn’t follow the mentioned pattern. The testis of November sampled crayfish presented significantly higher gonadosomatic (%GSI) index (P < 0.05).The most observed gonadosomaticindices were 13.5%(forfemales) and 1.21% (for males, in autumn. Althogh the lowest GSI was (0.50%) formales in spring and (0.26%0 for spent females in January. Testosterone which followed a similar pattern with %GSI in males increased remarkably in November. 17β-estradiol increased strictly in January. The strictly enhancement of the three estroid hormones in January in both male and female sexes could bedue totheir stimulating role in in spermatophre and egg lying in the mating season (In January). Most of the ovaries followed the asynchoronous growth pattern. Also the testes presented asynchoronous growth pattern in autumn.