975 resultados para Endometrial cytology
Endometrial cancer is the most common gynecological malignancy and the fourth most frequently diagnosed cancer among women. The molecular changes that distinguish normal endometrium from endometrial carcinoma are not thoroughly understood. Identification of these changes could potentially aid in identifying at-risk women who are especially prone to develop endometrial cancer, such as obese women and women with Lynch Syndrome. A microarray analysis was performed using normal endometrium from thin and obese women and cancerous endometrium from obese women. We validated the differential expression of ten genes whose expression was significantly up-regulated or down-regulated using qRT-PCR. All of the genes had distinct expression levels depending on the endometrial carcinoma histotype. As a result, they could serve as molecular markers to distinguish between normal endometrium and endometrial cancer, as well as between low grade endometrial carcinomas and high grade endometrial carcinomas. Two of the ten genes validated, HEYL and HES1, are down-stream targets of the Notch signaling pathway. HEYL and HES1 were identified by microarray and qRT-PCR to have a significant decrease in expression in endometrial carcinomas compared to normal endometrium. We further analyzed the differential expression of other components of the Notch signaling pathway, Notch4 and Jagged1. They were also identified by qRT-PCR to be significantly down-regulated in endometrial carcinomas compared to normal endometrium. Therefore, we believe the Notch signaling pathway to act as a tumor suppressor in endometrial carcinomas.
Endometrial stromal tumors are divided into three types: benign stromal nodules, endometrial stromal sarcomas, and undifferentiated endometrial sarcomas. A variety of cytogenetic abnormalities involving chromosome 7 have been reported in endometrial stromal sarcomas, including a recurrent t(7;17)(p15;q21). We have identified two zinc finger genes, which we have termed JAZF1 and JJAZ1, at the sites of the 7p15 and 17q21 breakpoints. Analyses of tumor RNA indicate that a JAZF1/JJAZ1 fusion is present in all types of endometrial stromal tumors; however, the fusion appears to be rarer among endometrial stromal sarcomas that would be considered high-grade according to certain classification schemes. These findings suggest that the less malignant endometrial stromal tumors may evolve toward more malignant types, but that some endometrial stromal sarcomas with relatively abundant mitotic activity may compose a biologically distinct group.
The composite transcription factor activating protein 1 (AP-1) integrates various mitogenic signals in a large number of cell types, and is therefore a major regulator of cell proliferation. In the normal human endometrium, proliferation and differentiation alternate in a cyclic fashion, with progesterone being largely implicated in the latter process. However, the effects of progesterone and the progesterone receptor (hPR) on AP-1 activity in the human endometrium are not known. To address this issue, HEC-1-B endometrial adenocarcinoma cells, which are devoid of hPR, were transfected with luciferase reporter constructs driven by two different AP-1-dependent promoters. Unexpectedly, cotransfection of hPR caused a marked induction of luciferase activity in the absence of ligand on both promoters. The magnitude of this induction was similar to that observed in response to the phorbol ester TPA. Addition of ligand reversed the stimulating effect of the unliganded hPR on AM activity in these cells. These effects were specific for hPR, and were not observed with either human estrogen receptor or human glucocorticoid receptor. Furthermore, they strictly depended on the presence of AP-1-responsive sequences within target promoters. Finally, the described effects of hPR on AP-1 activity were shown to be cell-type specific, because they could not be demonstrated in SKUT-1-B, JEG-3, and COS-7 cells. To our knowledge this is the first report of an unliganded steroid receptor stimulating AP-1 activity. This effect and its reversal in the presence of ligand suggest a novel mechanism, through which hPR can act as a key regulator of both proliferation and differentiation in the human endometrium.
Metriti ed endometriti sono le patologie maggiormente responsabili delle perdite economiche negli allevamenti bovini da latte, specialmente nel periodo successivo al parto. Mentre le metriti coinvolgono e si sviluppano in tutto l’utero e sono caratterizzate dalla presenza di sintomi sistemici, le endometriti consistono in una infiammazione che riguarda il solo endometrio, con la presenza di perdite purulente, distruzione della superficie epiteliale, congestione vascolare, edema stromale ed accumulo di linfociti e plasmacellule. Queste patologie, inoltre, possono causare, disfunzione ovarica, con conseguente infertilità e riduzione sia dell’efficienza riproduttiva della vacca sia della produzione stessa di latte. Nonostante queste malattie siano, nella maggior parte dei casi, correlate all’instaurarsi di infezioni batteriche, che possono subentrare nell’utero direttamente durante il parto, il ruolo di alcuni virus nello sviluppo di queste patologie è stato recentemente approfondito e la correlazione tra l’ Herpesvirus Bovino 4 e l’insorgere di metriti ed endometriti è stata dimostrata. L’ Herpesvirus Bovino 4 (BoHV-4) è un gamma-herpesvirus ed il suo genoma è costituito da una molecola lineare di DNA a doppio filamento con una struttura genomica di tipo B, caratterizzata dalla presenza di un’unica lunga sequenza centrale (LUR) fiancheggiata da multiple sequenze poli-ripetute (prDNA). BoHV-4 è stato isolato sia da animali sani sia da animali con differenti patologie, tra cui malattie oculari e respiratorie, ma soprattutto da casi di metriti, endometriti, vaginiti o aborti. Generalmente, il ruolo svolto dal virus in questo tipo di patologie è associato alla compresenza di altri tipi di patogeni, che possono essere virus, come nel caso del Virus Della Diarrea Virale Bovina (BVDV), o più frequentemente batteri. Usualmente, l’iniziale difesa dell’endometrio bovino nei confronti dei microbi si fonda sul sistema immunitario innato e l’attivazione di specifici recettori cellulari determina la sintesi e la produzione di citochine e chemochine pro infiammatorie, che possono essere in grado di modulare la replicazione di BoHV-4. Il genoma di BoHV-4 possiede due principali trascritti per i geni Immediate Early (IE), trai quali ORF50/IE2 è il più importante ed il suo prodotto, Rta/ORF50, è fortemente conservato tra tutti gli Herpesvirus. Esso è responsabile della diretta trans-attivazione di numerosi geni virali e cellulari e può essere modulato da differenti stimoli extracellulari. Precedentemente è stato dimostrato come il TNF-, prodotto dalle cellule stromali e dai macrofagi all’interno dell’endometrio, in conseguenza ad infezione batterica, sia in grado di aumentare la replicazione di BoHV-4 attraverso l’attivazione del pathway di NFkB e direttamente agendo sul promotore di IE2. Per queste ragioni, è risultato di forte interesse investigare quali potessero essere, invece, i fattori limitanti la replicazione di BoHV-4. In questo lavoro è stata studiata la relazione tra cellule endometriali stromali bovine infettate con l’Herpesvirus Bovino 4 e l’interferon gamma (IFN-) ed è stata dimostrata la capacità di questa molecola di restringere la replicazione di BoHV-4 in maniera IDO1 indipendente ed IE2 dipendente. Inoltre, la presenza di alcuni elementi in grado di interagire con l’ IFN-γ, all’interno del promotore di IE2 di BoHV-4, ha confermato questa ipotesi. Basandoci su questi dati, abbiamo potuto supporre l’esistenza di uno stretto vincolo tra l’attivazione dell’asse dell’interferon gamma e la ridotta replicazione di BoHV-4, andando a porre le basi per una nuova efficiente cura e prevenzione per le patologie uterine. Poiché il meccanismo corretto attraverso il quale BoHV-4 infetta l’endometrio bovino non è ancora ben compreso, è stato interessante approfondire in maniera più accurata l’interazione presente tra il virus ed il substrato endometriale, analizzando le differenze esistenti tra cellule infettate e non, in termini di espressione genica. Basandoci su dati preliminari ottenuti attraverso analisi con RNA sequencing (RNAseq), abbiamo visto come numerosi geni risultino over-espressi in seguito ad infezione con BoHV-4 e come, tra questi, la Metalloproteasi 1 sia uno dei più interessanti, a causa delle sue possibili implicazioni nello sviluppo delle patologie dell’endometrio uterino bovino. Successive analisi, effettuate tramite westernblotting e real time PCR, sono state in grado di confermare tale dato, sottolineando l’efficacia di un nuovo approccio sperimentale, basato sul RNAseq, per lo studio dell’insorgenza delle patologie.
Originally published in Research studies of the State College of Washington, vol. 2, no. 1.
Paged continuously.
Literature cited: p. 19-21.
Bibliography at end of most of the sections.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Aims The major aims of the study were to compare the safety of a continuous low-dose estradiol-releasing vaginal ring (ESTring) to that of a vaginal estradiol tablet (Vagifem®) on the endometrium and the relief of subjective symptoms and signs of urogenital estrogen deficiency. Quality of life and acceptability of treatment delivery were also assessed. Study design A prospective, randomized study in which women were assigned in a 2: 1 ratio to ESTring and Vagifem and followed for 12 months. The primary endpoint was endometrial safety, based on the results of ultrasound measurement of endometrial thickness and a progestogen challenge test at baseline and week 48. Efficacy was determined by subjective assessment of urogenital estrogen deficiency symptoms at baseline and weeks 3, 12, 24, 36 and 48 and assessment of signs of vaginal epithelial atrophy by the clinician at baseline, 12 and 48 weeks. In addition, pelvic floor strength, vaginal cytological evaluation and pH, bacteruria and patient acceptability were assessed. Quality of life was assessed using a menopause-specific quality-of-life questionnire and a 2-day bladder diary at baseline and 12 and 48 weeks. The comparability of the two groups was assessed using ANOVA, χ(2) or Fisher's exact tests. Results A total of 126 women were randomized to ESTring and 59 to Vagifem. There was no statistical difference between the groups in the alleviation of symptoms and signs of urogenital estrogen deficiency. Maturation indices increased in both groups, from generally atrophic at baseline to proliferative or highly proliferative at 48 weeks. After 48 weeks of treatment, there was no statistically significant difference in endometrial thickness between the two groups. A statistically smaller proportion of bleeding/spotting occurred in the ESTring group (n = 0) compared to the Vagifem users (n = 4). Estradiol and total estrone serum levels increased during treatment in both groups but remained within the normal postmenopausal range. General health status in both groups was unchanged but the urogenital component of health burden was significantly improved in both groups. Bladder diary variables showed no differences between treatment groups. Conclusion Equivalent endometrial safety and efficacy in the relief of the symptoms and signs of urogenital estrogen deficiency were demonstrated for the 12 months' use of a low-dose estradiol-releasing vaginal ring and a vaginal estradiol tablet.
The presence of the conceptus in uterine cavity necessitates an elaborate network of interactions between the implanting embryo and a receptive endometrial tissue. We believe that embryo-derived signals play an important role in the remodeling and the extension of endometrial receptivity period. Our previous studies provided original evidence that human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) modulates and potentiates endometrial epithelial as well as stromal cell responsiveness to interleukin 1 (IL1), one of the earliest embryonic signals, which may represent a novel pathway by which the embryo favors its own implantation and growth within the maternal endometrial host. The present study was designed to gain a broader understanding of hCG impact on the modulation of endometrial cell receptivity, and in particular, cell responsiveness to IL1 and the acquisition of growth-promoting phenotype capable of receiving, sustaining, and promoting early and crucial steps of embryonic development. Our results showed significant changes in the expression of genes involved in cell proliferation, immune modulation, tissue remodeling, apoptotic and angiogenic processes. This points to a relevant impact of these embryonic signals on the receptivity of the maternal endometrium, its adaptation to the implanting embryo and the creation of an environment that is favorable for the implantation and the growth of this latter within a new and likely hostile host tissue. Interestingly our data further identified a complex interaction between IL1 and hCG, which, despite a synergistic action on several significant endometrial target genes, may encompass a tight control of endogenous IL1 and extends to other IL1 family members.
Peer reviewed
We are grateful for the co-operation and assistance that we received from NHS staff in the co-ordinating centres and clinical sites. We thank the women who participated in TOMBOLA. The TOMBOLA trial was supported by the Medical Research Council (G9700808) and the NHS in England and Scotland. The TOMBOLA Group comprises the following: Grant-holders: University of Aberdeen and NHS Grampian, Aberdeen, Scotland: Maggie Cruickshank, Graeme Murray, David Parkin, Louise Smart, Eric Walker, Norman Waugh (Principal Investigator 2004–2008) University of Nottingham and Nottingham NHS, Nottingham, England: Mark Avis, Claire Chilvers, Katherine Fielding, Rob Hammond, David Jenkins, Jane Johnson, Keith Neal, Ian Russell, Rashmi Seth, Dave Whynes University of Dundee and NHS Tayside, Dundee, Tayside: Ian Duncan, Alistair Robertson (deceased) University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada: Julian Little (Principal Investigator 1999–2004) National Cancer Registry, Cork, Ireland: Linda Sharp Bangor University, Bangor, Wales: Ian Russell University of Hull, Hull, England: Leslie G Walker Staff in clinical sites and co-ordinating centres Grampian Breda Anthony, Sarah Bell, Adrienne Bowie, Katrina Brown (deceased), Joe Brown, Kheng Chew, Claire Cochran, Seonaidh Cotton, Jeannie Dean, Kate Dunn, Jane Edwards, David Evans, Julie Fenty, Al Finlayson, Marie Gallagher, Nicola Gray, Maureen Heddle, Alison Innes, Debbie Jobson, Mandy Keillor, Jayne MacGregor, Sheona Mackenzie, Amanda Mackie, Gladys McPherson, Ike Okorocha, Morag Reilly, Joan Rodgers, Alison Thornton, Rachel Yeats Tayside Lindyanne Alexander, Lindsey Buchanan, Susan Henderson, Tine Iterbeke, Susanneke Lucas, Gillian Manderson, Sheila Nicol, Gael Reid, Carol Robinson, Trish Sandilands Nottingham Marg Adrian, Ahmed Al-Sahab, Elaine Bentley, Hazel Brook, Claire Bushby, Rita Cannon, Brenda Cooper, Ruth Dowell, Mark Dunderdale, Dr Gabrawi, Li Guo, Lisa Heideman, Steve Jones, Salli Lawson, Zoë Philips, Christopher Platt, Shakuntala Prabhakaran, John Rippin, Rose Thompson, Elizabeth Williams, Claire Woolley Statistical analysis Seonaidh Cotton, Kirsten Harrild, John Norrie, Linda Sharp External Trial Steering Committee Nicholas Day (chair, 1999–2004), Theresa Marteau (chair 2004-), Mahesh Parmar, Julietta Patnick and Ciaran Woodman.