996 resultados para Empreses -- Direcció i administració -- Aspectes ambientals


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The article analyzes the legal regime of Euskara in the education system of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country (capv). In the capv, the legislation recognizes the right to choose the language of study during the educational cycle. The students are separated into different classrooms based on their language preference. This system of separation (of language models) has made it possible to make great strides, although its implementation also suggests aspects which, from the perspective of a pluralistic Basque society on its way towards greater social, political and language integration, call for further reflection The general model for language planning in the capv was fashioned in the eighties as a model characterized by the guarantee of spaces of language freedom, and the educational system was charged with making the learning of the region’s autochthonous language more widespread. At this point, we already have a fair degree of evidence on which to base an analysis of the system of language models and we are in a position to conclude that perhaps the educational system was given too heavy a burden. Official studies on language performance of Basque schoolchildren show (in a way that is now fully verified) that not all the students who finish their mandatory period of schooling achieve the level of knowledge of Euskara required by the regulations. When faced with this reality, it becomes necessary for us to articulate some alternative to the current configuration of the system of language models, one that will make it possible in the future to have a Basque society that is linguistically more integrated, thereby avoiding having the knowledge or lack of knowledge of one of the official languages become a language barrier between two communities. Many sides have urged a reconsideration of the system of language models. The Basque Parliament itself has requested the Department of Education to design a new system. This article analyzes the legal foundations on which the current system is built and explores the potential avenues for legal cooperation that would make it possible to move towards a new system aimed at guaranteeing higher rates of bilingualism. The system would be sufficiently flexible so as to be able to respond to and accommodate the different sociolinguistic realities of the region.


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This paper is a study of place-names and signs in the Basque Country from the point of view of language law. These are matters that relate to both the status and corpus of language and contribute to the formation of the language landscape,» After a brief historical introduction, the author focuses on the factors that bear on signs and the language 1andscape: the cornpetence factor and the language factor. The description of the latter leads the author to a discussion of the existing language system, in which the Spanish and Basque sharing official status does not necessarily entail the obligation to use both languages at the same time. Using this discussion as a frame of reference, the au- thor analyses place-names, traffic signals and signs. As for place-names, the existing rules are deemed rigid and lacking in ambition, in that they do not pursue the dissemination of official Basque forms. In traffic signaIs, Basque has to appear alongside Spanish, which is required by Spanish legislation, although this bilingualism excludes place-names that have an official Basque form only. With regard to signs, the author analyses public premises, companies licensed to provide public services and the private sector. For public premises there is no specific regulation, but the status of Basque as an autochthonous language, together with the identification and informatíon purposes of signs, could support the exclusive use of this language, According to the author , companies licensed to provide public services should observe the same language system as the goverment and therefore promote the use of Basque. Finally, in the private sector, the author upholds the legitimacy of measures to promote Basque language use such as tax allowances and exemptions in advertising and commercial signs.


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Ponent: Nirmal Puwar / Presenta: Alessandra Caporale


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Materials didàctics del grup d'investigació Observatori sobre la Didàctica de les Arts (ODAS)


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Materials didàctics del grup d'investigació Observatori sobre la Didàctica de les Arts (ODAS)


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Materials didàctics del grup d'investigació Observatori sobre la Didàctica de les Arts (ODAS).


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Materials didàctics del grup d'investigació Observatori sobre la Didàctica de les Arts (ODAS)


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Las actas recogen lasponencias y comunicaciones as?? como las conclusiones de los grupos de trabajo


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El Congresos fue organizado por el CPR Murcia II y patrocinado por Edelvives


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Encuentro regional de profesionales que atienden a las necesidades educativas de los ni??os con deficiencia auditiva, organizado por la Consejer??a de Educaci??n del Gobierno aut??nomo de la Regi??n de Murcia con participaci??n de federaciones y asociaciones relacionadas con esta problem??tica. En las actas se recogen las conferencias y los talleres que abordaron los siguientes temas: la lectura en alumnos sordos; el acceso biling??e a la lectoescritura; el lenguaje escrito; integraci??n en secundaria de alumnos con deficiencia auditiva.


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La Consejer??a de Educaci??n y Cultura, El Centro de Animaci??n y Documentaci??n Intercultural (CADI) y el CPR Murcia II organizan estas Jornadas con el objetivo de dar a conocer la alta cualificaci??n del profesorado de educaci??n compensatoria e interculturalidad y las ??ltimas tendencias de la educaci??n intercultural, entre ??stas, una propuesta de organizaci??n escolar de compensatoria en EI y EP, el espa??ol como lengua extranjera en primaria, la intervenci??n compensatoria de acuerdo al modelo de programas, etc..


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Aquest projecte tracta del disseny de diferents itineraris ambientals per a ús públic a Fornells de la selva, amb l'objectiu de recuperar i revaloritzar l'espai del meandre de l'Onyar per a ús públic i per a desenvolupar activitats d' educcació ambiental


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Estudi sobre la situació actual de les nàiades dels recs de l’estany de Banyoles, concretament de les espècies unio elongatulus penchinatianus, potomida littoralis subreniformis i anodonta cygnea. Amb les dades recollides es fa una proposta de pla de gestió per a la conservació, protecció i repoblació d’aquestes espècies a la zona


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L'autora analitza l'impacte de les noves tecnologies en la nostra societat i se centra sobretot en l'influència que reben infants i joves


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L'article proposa una reflexió sobre els resultats d'un qüestionari sobre els nous mitjans audiovisuals administrat a estudiants d'ESO de Catalunya durant els anys 1999,2001 i 2003. Les dades mostren l'evolució de la disponibilitat a casa d'ordinador, Internet i telèfon mòbil per part dels adolescents