966 resultados para Eliot, Andrew, 1744-1805.


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O presente estudo teve o propósito de determinar as características reprodutivas básicas de pacas criadas em cativeiro, tais como: duração do ciclo estral, duração do período gestacional, intervalo do parto ao primeiro cio pós-parto, duração do intervalo entre partos, além do número de produtos por parto e da proporção sexual. Foram utilizados treze animais, todos criados em cativeiro no Biotério da Universidade Federal do Pará sendo que os dados foram obtidos através de técnicas colpocitológicas, exceto aqueles relacionados à determinação do produto por parto e à proporção sexual, os quais foram observados diretamente após o parto. O período médio encontrado para o ciclo estral foi de 32,5 ± 3,69 (n = 20) dias sendo classificado em quatro fases: proestro, estro, metaestro e diestro. Estes resultados indicam que esta espécie tem poliestxo com reprodução contínua. Quanto ao período gestacional, dois resultados foram obtidos: a) 147,5 ± 2,83 (n = 2) dias para fêmeas cujo último cio foi confirmado com a presença de espermatozóides na lâmina e b) 146,7 ± 6,43 (n = 3) dias para fêmeas que tiveram a confirmação do início da gestação apenas pelas características clínicas do último cio antes do parto, confirmado através da caracterização da lâmina. Os filhotes apresentaram, ao nascer, olhos abertos, corpo completamente coberto de pêlos, movimentos ativos e capacidade de comer alimentos sólidos dentro de dois dias. O peso médio foi de 605,9 ± 87,47 g (n = 12) para as fêmeas e de 736,7 ± 108,41 g (n = 14) para os machos. Dos 38 nascimentos ocorridos no Biotério, nenhum foi gemelar, embora a paca seja capaz de produzir gêmeos. O intervalo entre partos foi de 187,3 ± 8,48 (n = 15) dias e dentro de 35,6 ± 5,22 (n = 5) dias ocorreu o primeiro cio pós-parto. Estes resultados podem servir de base para futuros trabalhos que tenham como objetivo o estudo de parâmetros reprodutivos de animais silvestres através da biotecnologia. Além disso, criatórios bem manejados de pacas podem tornar-se, no futuro, fonte de alimentação com qualidade e fonte de renda acarretando, desta maneira, a garantia da preservação da espécie.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Considered by critics to be the highest point in T. S. Eliot’s poetic production, the Four Quartets carry out a poetical reflection on time under the direct influence of Henri Bergson’s philosophy. What we would like to show in this article is how Eliot’s poetical use of Bergson’s concept of durée makes it possible for the poet to articulate poetry and thought in a unique combination which is peculiar to Eliot’s poetry. The peculiarity of such combination poetry-thought in the Four Quartets, this is the second point we would like to show, fundamentally involves a religious-poetical-philosophical syncretism that can be seen already in Eliot’s first poems, but which gets full expression in the Four Quartets.


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Programa de doctorado: Nuevas perspectivas cognitivas en los estudios de lengua, literatura, y traducción. Tesis doctoral europea


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Questo progetto intende indagare il rapporto privilegiato che Derek Walcott intesse con gli scrittori che lo hanno preceduto, e in particolare con T.S.Eliot. Attraverso l ‘analisi di un percorso mitografico letterario emerge la rilevanza che per entrambi i poeti assumono sia il paesaggio che il mito. La ricerca svolta si focalizza prevalentemente su The Waste Land di T.S.Eliot e Mappa del Nuovo Mondo di Derek Walcott.


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Famille de pasteurs, politiciens et entrepreneurs de Zofingue, attestée pour la première fois en 1527, lorsque leur aïeul Jean, tonnelier originaire de Nîmes, obtint la bourgeoisie de Zofingue. Michael (1521-1605), avoyer, l'un de ses cinq fils, est l'ancêtre de la branche des imprimeurs et éditeurs. Après lui, de nombreux R. consolidèrent durablement l'influence de la famille. A partir du XVIIIe s., divers membres firent des carrières politiques, tels Samuel (1706-1786), avoyer, et Rudolf Friedrich (1805-1886), président de la ville. Les R. furent aussi très liés à l'Eglise. Le fils de Michael, Moritz (1557-1615), fut pasteur et doyen à Zofingue. Jusqu'au XIXe s., la famille compta une trentaine d'ecclésiastiques, essentiellement des pasteurs officiant sur le territoire bernois, tels Johann Heinrich ( -> 3) et Michael ( -> 8). Les conseillers Beat (1712-1778) et Niklaus (1734-1766) furent les premiers R. actifs dans la production protoindustrielle de drap. D'autres négociants suivirent jusqu'au milieu du XIXe s. L'architecte Niklaus Emanuel (1744-1815) construisit l'hôtel de ville de Zofingue (1792-1795) de style baroque tardif. Johann Rudolf ( -> 4) se distingua sous la République helvétique (1798-1803). Samuel (1767-1826), conseiller municipal de Zofingue, créa les armoiries du canton d'Argovie en 1803. Les R. s'affirmèrent sur le plan cantonal avec Karl Ludwig ( -> 6), chancelier, et Arnold ( -> 1), conseiller d'Etat et plusieurs fois landamman, et sur le plan fédéral avec Johann Rudolf ( -> 5), conseiller national, et Gottlieb ( -> 2), conseiller aux Etats et chancelier de la Confédération. Johann Rudolf (1803-1874) fonda, en 1833, l'imprimerie Ringier à Zofingue, reprise par son fils Franz Emil (1837-1898). A partir de 1898, Paul August ( -> 9), représentant de la troisième génération d'imprimeurs, agrandit l'entreprise dont il fit la principale imprimerie et maison d'édition de Suisse. Cette expansion se poursuivit après 1960 sous son fils Hans (1906-2003). Avec les fils de celui-ci, Christoph (naissance1941, dans la firme jusqu'en 1991) et Michael (naissance1949), Ringier devint, à partir de 1985, une entreprise multinationale et multimédia. Bibliographie – F. Schoder, Ortsbürger von Zofingen, 1962 – P. Meier, T. Häussler, Zwischen Masse, Markt und Macht, 2009


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This article contributes to the research on demographics and public health of urban populations of preindustrial Europe. The key source is a burial register that contains information on the deceased, such as age and sex, residence and cause of death. This register is one of the earliest compilations of data sets of individuals with this high degree of completeness and consistency. Critical assessment of the register's origin, formation and upkeep promises high validity and reliability. Between 1805 and 1815, 4,390 deceased inhabitants were registered. Information concerning these individuals provides the basis for this study. Life tables of Bern's population were created using different models. The causes of death were classified and their frequency calculated. Furthermore, the susceptibility of age groups to certain causes of death was established. Special attention was given to causes of death and mortality of newborns, infants and birth-giving women. In comparison to other cities and regions in Central Europe, Bern's mortality structure shows low rates for infants (q0=0.144) and children (q1-4=0.068). This could have simply indicated better living conditions. Life expectancy at birth was 43 years. Mortality was high in winter and spring, and decreased in summer to a low level with a short rise in August. The study of the causes of death was inhibited by difficulties in translating early 19th century nomenclature into the modern medical system. Nonetheless, death from metabolic disorders, illnesses of the respiratory system, and debilitation were the most prominent causes in Bern. Apparently, the worst killer of infants up to 12 months was the "gichteren", an obsolete German term for lethal spasmodic convulsions. The exact modern identification of this disease remains unclear. Possibilities such as infant tetanus or infant epilepsy are discussed. The maternal death rate of 0.72% is comparable with values calculated from contemporaneous sources. Relevance of childbed fever in the early 1800s was low. Bern's data indicate that the extent of deaths related to childbirth in this period is overrated. This research has an explicit interdisciplinary value for various fields including both the humanities and natural sciences, since information reported here represents the complete age and sex structure of a deceased population. Physical anthropologists can use these data as a true reference group for their palaeodemographic studies of preindustrial Central Europe of the late 18th and early 19th century. It is a call to both historians and anthropologists to use our resources to a better effect through combination of methods and exchange of knowledge.


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The purpose of this document is to make the output of the International Working Group for Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography (IWG-IVOCT) Standardization and Validation available to medical and scientific communities, through a peer-reviewed publication, in the interest of improving the diagnosis and treatment of patients with atherosclerosis, including coronary artery disease.