227 resultados para EAE


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In addition to antigen processing, immunoproteasomes were recently shown to exert functions influencing cytokine production by monocytes and T cells, T-helper cell differentiation, and T-cell survival. Moreover, selective inhibition of the immunoproteasome subunit LMP7 ameliorated symptoms of autoimmune diseases including CD4(+) T-cell mediated EAE. In this study, we show that LMP7 also plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV)-induced meningitis mediated by CTLs. Mice lacking functional LMP7 display delayed and reduced clinical signs of disease accompanied by a strongly decreased inflammatory infiltration into the brain. Interestingly, we found that selective inhibition and genetic deficiency of LMP7 affect the pathogenesis of LCMV-induced meningitis in a distinct manner. Our findings support the important role of LMP7 in inflammatory disorders and suggest immunoproteasome inhibition as a novel strategy against inflammation-induced neuropathology in the CNS.


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The immunomodulatory drug FTY720 is presently approved for the treatment of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. It is a prodrug that requires activation by sphingosine kinase 2 (SK-2) to induce T cell homing to secondary lymphoid tissue. In this study, we have investigated the role of SK-2 in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in C57BL/6 mice. We show that SK-2 deficiency reduced clinical symptoms of EAE. Furthermore, in SK-2-deficient mice, the protective effect of FTY720 on EAE was abolished, while the non-prodrug FTY720-derivative ST-968 was still fully active. Protection was paralleled by reduced numbers of T-lymphocytes in blood and a reduced blood-brain-barrier leakage. This correlated with reduced mRNA expression of ICAM-1, VCAM-1, but enhanced expression of PECAM-1. A similar regulation of permeability and of PECAM-1 was seen in primary cultures of isolated mouse brain vascular endothelial cells and in a human immortalized cell line upon SK-2 knockdown. In summary, these data demonstrated that deletion of SK-2 exerts a protective effect on the pathogenesis of EAE in C57BL/6 mice and that SK-2 is essential for the protective effect of FTY720 but not of ST-968. Thus, ST-968 is a promising novel immunomodulatory compound that may be a valuable alternative to FTY720 under conditions where SK-2 activity is limited.


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Un acúfeno (tinnitus) es la percepción de un sonido en ausencia de estimulación acústica externa, es decir, la experiencia consciente de un sonido que se origina en la propia cabeza del paciente. En colaboración con el departamento de acústica (CAEND) del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), se pretende revertir (de forma paliativa) las molestias, con ayuda de terapias sonoras que estimulan el sistema auditivo. Primero, se analizan los tratamientos existentes que se utilizan para atender a los pacientes diagnosticados. Por último, se diseñan dos aplicaciones informáticas referentes a las terapias: Auditory Discrimination Training (ADT) y Enriched Acoustic Environment (EAE). Abstract Tinnitus is the perception of sound in the absence of external acoustic stimulation, in addition, the conscious experience a sound originating from the patient’s own head. In collaboration with the department of acoustic (CAEND) of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), is to reverse (for palliation) discomfort, using sound therapies that stimulate the auditory system. First, we analyze the existing treatments are used to treat patients diagnosed. Finally, two applications are designed regarding therapies: Auditory Discrimination Training (ADT) and Enriched Acoustic Environment (EAE).


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El fenómeno de fatiga es uno de los condicionantes más importantes en el diseño de puentes metálicos y mixtos bajo la acción cíclica de fuertes sobrecargas reales. Hoy en día, ha tomado mayor relevancia en el ámbito de puentes de carretera debido al aumento sustancial de la intensidad de tráfico y el peso de los vehículos. La evolución de las normativas actuales, que recogen su cálculo a partir del ELU de seguridad a fatiga, debe ir dirigida, hacia una mayor simplicidad de aplicación y un mayor rigor técnico. A partir del análisis de seis puentes mixtos de carretera proyectados recientemente (2007-2011) se pretende establecer una comparación, tanto cualitativa como cuantitativa, entre los métodos simplificados de la normativa española (antigua RPM/RPX 95 y actual EAE) y el Eurocódigo frente al Método del Daño Acumulado, caracterizado por ser más complicado de aplicar pero más riguroso. A través del análisis efectuado, se obtienen reglas prácticas sencillas y fiables para el dimensionamiento o verificación de elementos estructurales a fatiga según características principales como la tipología de la sección o la longitud de vano, entre otros. En conclusión, el trabajo que se propone desarrollar combina el análisis crítico de la base teórica con el estudio aplicado de casos reales y pretende sentar las bases para profundizar en esta área de gran interés para proyectistas. Fatigue is one of the most determining factors in the design of steel and composite bridges with dynamic loads subject to cyclic live loads. Nowadays, it has taken relevance in the field of roadway bridges due to considerable increase in the intensity of traffic and the weight of vehicles. The evolution of the current design codes, which include an analysis of the ultimate limit state of fatigue, should aim for greater ease of application and technical rigour. Based on the analysis of six composite road bridges designed recently (2007-2011), a comparison has been made, both qualitative and quantitative, between the simplified methods of the Spanish codes (current EAE and old RPM/RPX95) and Eurocode with regard to the Cumulative Damage Method, characterised for being more difficult to apply but more rigorous. Through an exhaustive analysis, a set of practical and reliable rules have been obtained for the sizing or verification of structural elements according to main characteristics such as the tipology of the cross section or the length of span, among others. In conclusion, the work developed combines the critical analysis of the theory with the applied study of real cases and sets out to lay the foundations for deepening into this area of great interest to designers.


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Esta Tesis Doctoral aborda el estudio de la resistencia a carga concentrada transversal del alma de vigas metálicas cuando se dispone un nervio inferior de rigidez, que puede materializarse mediante una célula triangular soldada al ala inferior de la viga y sobre el que se aplica directamente la carga. En primer lugar se presenta, de una forma cualitativa, las mejoras resistentes que aporta este diseño frente a la resistencia de una viga doble T (o alma equivalente de una sección cajón) con el ala inferior exenta. Se concluye que esta solución tiene gran interés de cara al diseño de puentes empujados, ya que, con una ejecución muy simple, puede mejorarse de forma sustancial la resistencia a carga concentrada transversal del alma sin recurrir a soluciones mucho más costosas como disponer rigidización longitudinal o, en última instancia, aumentar el espesor de alma por motivos resistentes en una fase constructiva. Se analizan en detalle todas las investigaciones realizadas, a lo largo de más de 80 años, sobre la resistencia de vigas metálicas a carga concentrada transversal, llevadas a cabo únicamente sobre vigas doble T con o sin rigidización longitudinal. Se centra el análisis en investigar los mecanismos resistentes identificados, con objeto de determinar si las distintas formulaciones planteadas contemplan mecanismos de resistencia aplicables al caso de vigas con nervio de rigidez. Se profundiza posteriormente en el análisis de la contribución de un nervio de rigidez a la resistencia a carga concentrada transversal. A través de modelos numéricos de elementos finitos no lineales, se simula la resistencia última de secciones reales de puentes metálicos de tipo doble T a las que se añade un nervio de rigidez y se constata el incremento notable en la resistencia que aporta el nervio. Se identifican los mecanismos resistentes involucrados, mediante un modelo híbrido de elementos finitos con el nervio modelizado con elementos viga, de forma que se obtienen resultados de esfuerzos y movimientos en el propio nervio, como viga en flexión, que resultan de gran claridad para la interpretación estructural del fenómeno. Con ello, se compara la resistencia calculada con la vigente formulación de EAE y EN1993 con la obtenida en vigas doble T y vigas con nervio de rigidez y se concluye que tal formulación es insuficiente para evaluar la resistencia de estas últimas, ya que no reproduce el mecanismo de resistencia conjunta del nervio y rigidizadores, adicional a la simple contribución del alma a la resistencia. A la vista de ello se plantea una formulación alternativa, que contempla de forma explícita los mecanismos resistentes complementarios identificados: flexión longitudinal del nervio, cuando los rigidizadores están más separados que la longitud de alma resistente, y contribución directa de los rigidizadores a la resistencia plástica cuando se aproximan a menor separación que la longitud de alma resistente. Las conclusiones derivadas de todo el análisis anterior se aplican al diseño de un caso real de puente empujado, en el que se suprime toda la rigidización longitudinal y, sobre unas almas exentas de espesor suficiente por resistencia a cortante, se dispone un nervio de rigidez. Los mecanismos resistentes identificados en la Tesis Doctoral, apoyados en la formulación planteada al efecto, permiten al ingeniero alternativas de diseño frente a las posibilidades que le otorga la vigente formulación de resistencia a carga concentrada en vigas doble T. Así, en efecto, una viga doble T que requiera una mayor resistencia a carga concentrada transversal sólo puede reforzarse incrementando el espesor del alma. Por el contrario, con el nervio de rigidez, el ingeniero puede actuar sobre otras variables de diseño: incrementar la rigidez del nervio manteniendo el espesor del alma, para potenciar el mecanismo de flexión longitudinal del nervio; o bien aproximar rigidizadores, más incluso que la longitud de alma resistente, en cuyo caso limitarán ésta a su separación pero contribuirán a incrementar el valor total de la resistencia, superando una insuficiencia de la vigente formulación ya detectada en diversas investigaciones recientes.


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The activity of copolymer 1 (Cop 1, Copaxone, glatiramer acetate) in suppressing experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) and in the treatment of multiple sclerosis patients when injected parenterally has been extensively demonstrated. In the present study we addressed the question of whether Cop 1 can induce oral tolerance to EAE similar to myelin basic protein (MBP). We now have demonstrated that oral Cop 1 inhibited EAE induction in both rats and mice. Furthermore, oral Cop 1 was more effective than oral MBP in suppressing EAE in rats. The beneficial effect of oral Cop 1 was found to be associated with specific inhibition of the proliferative and Th1 cytokine secretion responses to MBP of spleen cells from Cop 1-fed mice and rats. In all of these assays, oral Cop 1 was more effective than oral MBP. The tolerance induced by Cop 1 could be adoptively transferred with spleen cells from Cop 1-fed animals. Furthermore, Cop 1-specific T cell lines, which inhibit EAE induction in vivo, could be isolated from the above spleen cells. These T cell lines secrete the anti-inflammatory cytokines IL-10 and transforming growth factor type β, but not IL-4, in response to both Cop 1 and MBP. In conclusion, oral Cop 1 has a beneficial effect on the development of EAE that is associated with down-regulation of T cell immune responses to MBP and is mediated by Th2/3 type regulatory cells. These results suggest that oral administration of Cop 1 may modulate multiple sclerosis as well.


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Vaccination of mice with activated autoantigen-reactive CD4+ T cells (T cell vaccination, TCV) has been shown to induce protection from the subsequent induction of a variety of experimental autoimmune diseases, including experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE). Although the mechanisms involved in TCV-mediated protection are not completely known, there is some evidence that TCV induces CD8+ regulatory T cells that are specific for pathogenic CD4+ T cells. Previously, we demonstrated that, after superantigen administration in vivo, CD8+ T cells emerge that preferentially lyse and regulate activated autologous CD4+ T cells in a T cell receptor (TCR) Vβ-specific manner. This TCR Vβ-specific regulation is not observed in β2-microglobulin-deficient mice and is inhibited, in vitro, by antibody to Qa-1. We now show that similar Vβ8-specific Qa-1-restricted CD8+ T cells are also induced by TCV with activated CD4+ Vβ8+ T cells. These CD8+ T cells specifically lyse murine or human transfectants coexpressing Qa-1 and murine TCR Vβ8. Further, CD8+ T cell hybridoma clones generated from B10.PL mice vaccinated with a myelin basic protein-specific CD4+Vβ8+ T cell clone specifically recognize other CD4+ T cells and T cell tumors that express Vβ8 and the syngeneic Qa-1a but not the allogeneic Qa-1b molecule. Thus, Vβ-specific Qa-1-restricted CD8+ T cells are induced by activated CD4+ T cells. We suggest that these CD8+ T cells may function to specifically regulate activated CD4+ T cells during immune responses.


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A myelin basic protein (MBP)-specific BALB/c T helper 1 (Th1) clone was transduced with cDNA for murine latent transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) by coculture with fibroblasts producing a genetically engineered retrovirus. When SJL x BALB/c F1 mice, immunized 12–15 days earlier with proteolipid protein in complete Freund’s adjuvant, were injected with 3 × 106 cells from MBP-activated untransduced cloned Th1 cells, the severity of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) was slightly increased. In contrast, MBP-activated (but not resting) latent TGF-β1-transduced T cells significantly delayed and ameliorated EAE development. This protective effect was negated by simultaneously injected anti-TGF-β1. The transduced cells secreted 2–4 ng/ml of latent TGF-β1 into their culture medium, whereas control cells secreted barely detectable amounts. mRNA profiles for tumor necrosis factor, lymphotoxin, and interferon-γ were similar before and after transduction; interleukin-4 and -10 were absent. TGF-β1-transduced and antigen-activated BALB/c Th1 clones, specific for hemocyanin or ovalbumin, did not ameliorate EAE. Spinal cords from mice, taken 12 days after receiving TGF-β1-transduced, antigen-activated cells, contained detectable amounts of TGF-β1 cDNA. We conclude that latent TGF-β1-transduced, self-reactive T cell clones may be useful in the therapy of autoimmune diseases.


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Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) is a T cell autoimmune disorder that is a widely used animal model for multiple sclerosis (MS) and, as in MS, clinical signs of EAE are associated with blood–brain barrier (BBB) disruption. SR 57746A, a nonpeptide drug without classical immunosuppressive properties, efficiently protected the BBB and impaired intrathecal IgG synthesis (two conventional markers of MS exacerbation) and consequently suppressed EAE clinical signs. This compound inhibited EAE-induced spinal cord mononuclear cell invasion and normalized tumor necrosis factor α and IFN-γ mRNA expression within the spinal cord. These data suggested that pharmacological intervention aimed at inhibiting proinflammatory cytokine expression within the central nervous system provided protection against BBB disruption, the first clinical sign of EAE and probably the key point of acute MS attacks. This finding could lead to the development of a new class of compounds for oral therapy of MS, as a supplement to immunosuppressive agents.


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Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) induced with myelin proteolipid protein (PLP) residues 139–151 (HSLGKWLGHPDKF) can be prevented by treatment with a T cell receptor (TCR) antagonist peptide (L144/R147) generated by substituting at the two principal TCR contact residues in the encephalitogenic peptide. The TCR antagonist peptide blocks activation of encephalitogenic Th1 helper cells in vitro, but the mechanisms by which the antagonist peptide blocks EAE in vivo are not clear. Immunization with L144/R147 did not inhibit generation of PLP-(139–151)-specific T cells in vivo. Furthermore, preimmunization with L144/R147 protected mice from EAE induced with the encephalitogenic peptides PLP-(178–191) and myelin oligodendrocyte protein (MOG) residues 92–106 and with mouse myelin basic protein (MBP). These data suggest that the L144/R147 peptide does not act as an antagonist in vivo but mediates bystander suppression, probably by the generation of regulatory T cells. To confirm this we generated T cell lines and clones from animals immunized with PLP-(139–151) plus L144/R147. T cells specific for L144/R147 peptide were crossreactive with the native PLP-(139–151) peptide, produced Th2/Th0 cytokines, and suppressed EAE upon adoptive transfer. These studies demonstrate that TCR antagonist peptides may have multiple biological effects in vivo. One of the principal mechanisms by which these peptides inhibit autoimmunity is by the induction of regulatory T cells, leading to bystander suppression of EAE. These results have important implications for the treatment of autoimmune diseases where there are autopathogenic responses to multiple antigens in the target organ.


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The synthetic amino acid copolymer copolymer 1 (Cop 1) suppresses experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) and is beneficial in multiple sclerosis. To further understand Cop 1 suppressive activity, we studied the cytokine secretion profile of various Cop 1-induced T cell lines and clones. Unlike T cell lines induced by myelin basic protein (MBP), which secreted either T cell helper type 1 (Th1) or both Th1 and Th2 cytokines, the T cell lines/clones induced by Cop 1 showed a progressively polarized development toward the Th2 pathway, until they completely lost the ability to secrete Th1 cytokines. Our findings indicate that the polarization of the Cop 1-induced lines did not result from the immunization vehicle or the in vitro growing conditions, but rather from the tendency of Cop 1 to preferentially induce a Th2 response. The response of all of the Cop 1 specific lines/clones, which were originated in the (SJL/J×BALB/c)F1 hybrids, was restricted to the BALB/c parental haplotype. Even though the Cop 1-induced T cells had not been exposed to the autoantigen MBP, they crossreacted with MBP by secretion of interleukin (IL)-4, IL-6, and IL-10. Administration of these T cells in vivo resulted in suppression of EAE induced by whole mouse spinal cord homogenate, in which several autoantigens may be involved. Secretion of anti-inflammatory cytokines by Cop 1-induced suppressor cells, in response to either Cop 1 or MBP, may explain the therapeutic effect of Cop 1 in EAE and in multiple sclerosis.


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Suppression of oxidative injury by viral-mediated transfer of the human catalase gene was tested in the optic nerves of animals with experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE). EAE is an inflammatory autoimmune disorder of primary central nervous system demyelination that has been frequently used as an animal model for the human disease multiple sclerosis (MS). The optic nerve is a frequent site of involvement common to both EAE and MS. Recombinant adeno-associated virus containing the human gene for catalase was injected over the right optic nerve heads of SJL/J mice that were simultaneously sensitized for EAE. After 1 month, cell-specific catalase activity, evaluated by quantitation of catalase immunogold, was increased approximately 2-fold each in endothelia, oligodendroglia, astrocytes, and axons of the optic nerve. Effects of catalase on the histologic lesions of EAE were measured by computerized analysis of the myelin sheath area (for demyelination), optic disc area (for optic nerve head swelling), extent of the cellular infiltrate, extravasated serum albumin labeled by immunogold (for blood–brain barrier disruption), and in vivo H2O2 reaction product. Relative to control, contralateral optic nerves injected with the recombinant virus without a therapeutic gene, catalase gene inoculation reduced demyelination by 38%, optic nerve head swelling by 29%, cellular infiltration by 34%, disruption of the blood–brain barrier by 64%, and in vivo levels of H2O2 by 61%. Because the efficacy of potential treatments for MS are usually initially tested in the EAE animal model, this study suggests that catalase gene delivery by using viral vectors may be a therapeutic strategy for suppression of MS.


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Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) is an autoimmune disease believed to be a model for the human disease multiple sclerosis (MS). Induced by immunizing B10.PL mice with myelin basic protein (MBP), EAE was completely prevented by the administration of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1,25-(OH)2D3]. 1,25-(OH)2D3 could also prevent the progression of EAE when administered at the appearance of the first disability symptoms. Withdrawal of 1,25-(OH)2D3 resulted in a resumption of the progression of EAE. Thus, the block by 1,25-(OH)2D3 is reversible. A deficiency of vitamin D resulted in an increased susceptibility to EAE. Thus, 1,25-(OH)2D3 or its analogs are potentially important for treatment of MS.


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We investigated the role of CD40-CD40 ligand (CD40L) interactions in multiple sclerosis (MS) and experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE). Activated helper T cells expressing CD40L (gp39) surface protein were found in MS patient brain sections, but not in brain tissue sections of normal controls or patients with other neurological disease. CD40L-positive cells were co-localized with CD40-bearing cells in active lesions (perivascular infiltrates). Most of these CD40-bearing cells proved to be of the monocytic lineage (macrophages or microglial cells), and relatively few were B cells. To functionally evaluate CD40-CD40L interactions, EAE was elicited in mice by means of proteolipid-peptide immunization. Treatment with anti-CD40L monoclonal antibody completely prevented the development of disease. Furthermore, administration of anti-CD40L monoclonal antibody, even after disease onset, shortly before maximum disability score was reached led to dramatic disease reduction. The presence of helper T cells expressing CD40L in brain tissue of MS patients and EAE animals, together with the functional evidence provided by successful experimental prevention and therapy in an animal model, indicates that blockade of CD40-CD40L-mediated cellular interactions may be a method for interference in active MS.


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Orally administered antigens induce a state of immunologic hyporesponsiveness termed oral tolerance. Different mechanisms are involved in mediating oral tolerance depending on the dose fed. Low doses of antigen generate cytokine-secreting regulatory cells, whereas high doses induce anergy or deletion. We used mice transgenic for a T-cell receptor (TCR) derived from an encephalitogenic T-cell clone specific for the acetylated N-terminal peptide of myelin basic protein (MBP) Ac-1-11 plus I-Au to test whether a regulatory T cell could be generated from the same precursor cell as that of an encephalitogenic Th1 cell and whether the induction was dose dependent. The MBP TCR transgenic mice primarily have T cells of a precursor phenotype that produce interleukin 2 (IL-2) with little interferon gamma (IFN-gamma), IL-4, or transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta). We fed transgenic animals a low-dose (1 mg x 5) or high-dose (25 mg x 1) regimen of mouse MBP and without further immunization spleen cells were tested for cytokine production. Low-dose feeding induced prominent secretion of IL-4, IL-10, and TGF-beta, whereas minimal secretion of these cytokines was observed with high-dose feeding. Little or no change was seen in proliferation or IL-2/IFN-gamma secretion in fed animals irrespective of the dose. To demonstrate in vivo functional activity of the cytokine-secreting cells generated by oral antigen, spleen cells from low-dose-fed animals were adoptively transferred into naive (PLJ x SJL)F1 mice that were then immunized for the development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). Marked suppression of EAE was observed when T cells were transferred from MBP-fed transgenic animals but not from animals that were not fed. In contrast to oral tolerization, s.c. immunization of transgenic animals with MBP in complete Freund's adjuvant induced IFN-gamma-secreting Th1 cells in vitro and experimental encephalomyelitis in vivo. Despite the large number of cells reactive to MBP in the transgenic animals, EAE was also suppressed by low-dose feeding of MBP prior to immunization. These results demonstrate that MBP-specific T cells can differentiate in vivo into encephalitogenic or regulatory T cells depending upon the context by which they are exposed to antigen.