279 resultados para Dramaturgia simbolista


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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Partindo da conceituação de termos caros à teoria e à crítica da poesia lírica, perfaço um breve estudo da poesia em prosa do simbolista brasileiro Cruz e Sousa (1861-1898), consubstanciada nos livros Missal (1893) e Evocações (1898). Procurei evidenciar o processo de composição das duas obras e as diferenças entre ambas, frisando inclusive o modo pelo qual o poeta configura suas imagens poéticas. Assim, articulando os conceitos de Imagem e Epifania – utilizados pelo poeta de maneira moderna e original –, busquei ressaltar sua importância no processo construtivo de Cruz e Sousa, salientando, por fim, o lugar de destaque que o poeta ocupa nos quadros da poesia brasileira.


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The aim of this paper is to show some aspects of the aesthetic of Jules Laforgue, French symbolistic poet, who used verbal creations such as neologisms, archaism, foreignism revealing how creative and modern he was in his period.


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We briefl y present here a dramatic work of the French Symbolist poet Jules Laforgue – Le Concile Féerique. During the analysis, we see collages of Fleurs de bonne volonté poems, conceived in a dialogued and original way, showing us, mostly, in the work of the French poet, the modernity and the persistence of poetry.


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Jules Laforgue is a French Symbolist poet, he wrote poetry works such as Les complaintes, L’imitation de Notre-Dame, la lune, Le sanglot de la terre. In spite of mostly of symbolist poets write only poetry, he also dedicated himself to prose works such as Moralités Légendaires, a particular work in prose and extreme today as in the nineteenth century, he devoted himself to parody and irony. The novels that make up this book are the work of writing and tone of nuance. They refer to literary genres, without, however, respect their definitions. There are demarcation of famous texts, but that refer more to modes, themes, and aesthetic conventions. Here, the poet makes variations on familiar themes, and explore his Moralités arguments that belong to a cultural background: the myth of Hamlet, approached the novel here mentioned belong to a cultural heritage that an author set for posterity. In other novels, the author makes use of myths Greco-Latin and Judeo-Christian myths rewriting so parodic, ironic, looking for originality, doing the work of Symbolist and modern poet.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Current paper discusses manifestations of the sublime in Pedro Kilkerry´s poetry as one of the distinguishing characteristics within the Parnassian orientations predominant in his cultural context. The particular way that Kilkerry employs the sublime´s expedients demonstrates the dialogue of his poetry with Romantic ideals, whose traits in his lyrical stance are directly linked to Symbolist influence, far from traditional Parnassian models. The sublime in Kilkerry develops through an elliptical and suggestive language that demonstrates the impossibility of the ideal being directly expressed and shows the affinity of his poetic work with the idealist crisis that marks post-Romantic poetry and provides the basis on which the poetics of Modernity is structured. The poetry of Pedro Kilkerry develops within a complex zone of convergence between the models provided by the Parnassian aesthetic, Romantic idealism with an atavic presence to Symbolism, and the search for new answers to old idealistic concerns. The meeting of these three conflictive currents, perceptible in the manifestations of the sublime in Pedro Kilkerry´s poetry, demonstrates his lyrical sensitivity to the trends of Modernity.


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To be or not to be (of candomblé)? – aspects of Afro-Brazilian religious field in the theater play Balbina de Iansã, by Plínio Marcos. In 1970, the playwright born in Santos-SP Plínio Marcos writes and directs the spectacle Balbina de Iansã, an adaptation (in form of a musical) from Romeo and Juliet, by Shakespeare. The action happens in a candomblé yard, managed authoritatively by a Mãe-de Santo, who tries to prevent the young protagonist couple’s love. This study analyzes the representation of some rites and principles of Afro-Brazilian religion in the play, especially concerning the critique of the relations of power that exist in the yards of São Paulo.


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA


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The repetition should be understood as the property of mass cultural products, originated from the need to minimize the dispersion of the audience in their enjoyment. Based on this assumption, this paper measures the rate of iteration manifested in the scripts of the following serial fictions: Duas Caras, A Grande Família and House of Cards. Established itself as a method of scene analysis proposed by McKee (2008), questioned whether the lack of classical education of the public and rescued the forms assumed by repeating the melodrama, romance-serial and dramaturgy: asides, monologues, confidences and planar scenes. The proposal was applied in two scripts for each of the aforementioned productions. Considering the data collected, it appears that there was reduction in repeat products offered on demand thanks to the possibility of handling the flow and the attention given receptor.


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Il lavoro di ricerca vuole analizzare, attraverso lo studio specifico della rivista artistico letteraria «L’Eroica» fondata a La Spezia nel 1911 da Ettore Cozzani e Franco Oliva, gli artisti e le situazioni in cui si sviluppa e si diffonde in Italia un linguaggio grafico di tipo fauve-espressionista, in perfetta sintonia con le coeve esperienze straniere. Nello specifico, si è focalizzata l’attenzione sui così detti ‘anni eroici de L’Eroica’ (1911-1917), periodo in cui risulta più evidente il passaggio che si ebbe nel panorama dell’illustrazione italiana da uno stile ancora riconducibile a un linguaggio simbolista a uno, per l’appunto espressionista. Questa rivista, infatti, nella fase conosciuta come “gli anni eroici dell’Eroica” (1911-17), s’interessa in modo quasi esclusivo alla xilografia contemporanea avvalendosi in un primo momento della collaborazione di artisti noti nell’ambito del gusto liberty come, ad esempio, Adolfo De Carolis e dei suoi allievi (Gino Barbieri, Ettore di Giorgio, Antonio Moroni). Tale collaborazione però termina con la cosiddetta “Secessione degli Xilografi”, ossia l’abbandono nel 1914 da parte di De Carolis e dei suoi della testata spezzina, circostanza questa che determinerà un nuovo indirizzo stilistico per la rivista in cui prenderanno sempre più spazio artisti di una generazione più giovane, peraltro già attivi su «L’Eroica» stessa, quali ad esempio Lorenzo Viani, Arturo Martini, Emilio Mantelli, Felice Casorati, Giuseppe Biasi, Roberto Melli e Gino Carlo Sensani, questi ultimi tutti rappresentanti di un espressionismo italiano di primo ordine