216 resultados para Depressions.


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A detailed study of the self-assembly and coverage by 1-nonanethiol of sputtered Au surfaces using molecular resolution atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) is presented. The monolayer self-assembles on a smooth Au surface composed predominantly of {111} oriented grains. The domains of the alkanethiol monolayer are observed with sizes typically of 5-25 nm, and multiple molecular domains can exist within one Au grain. STM imaging shows that the (4 × 2) superlattice structure is observed as a (3 × 2√3) structure when imaged under noncontact AFM conditions. The 1-nonanethiol molecules reside in the threefold hollow sites of the Au{111} lattice and aligned along its lattice vectors. The self-assembled monolayer (SAM) contains many nonuniformities such as pinholes, domain boundaries, and monatomic depressions which are present in the Au surface prior to SAM adsorption. The detailed observations demonstrate limitations to the application of 1-nonanethiol as a resist in atomic nanolithography experiments to feature sizes of ∼20 nm.


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Les polygones à coin de glace sont très répandus dans la zone du pergélisol continu. Lorsque le ruissellement d’eau de fonte nivale s’infiltre de façon concentrée dans une cavité, il peut initier le processus de thermo-érosion du pergélisol (notamment des coins de glace) pouvant mener à la formation de ravins. Dans la vallée de Qalikturvik sur l’Ile Bylot (NU, Canada), le développement de ravins de thermo-érosion dans un milieu de polygones à coins de glace entraîne comme impact : i. la réorganisation des réseaux de drainage impliquant un assèchement des milieux humides en marge des chenaux d’érosion, ii. des variations dans le régime thermique et de l’humidité de proche-surface et iii. la prise en charge et le déplacement des sédiments vers l’extérieur du bassin-versant. L’objectif de cette thèse vise à approfondir les connaissances géomorphologiques propres au ravinement par thermo-érosion, d’examiner, caractériser et quantifier les impacts du ravinement (tel que sus-mentionné en i. ii. iii.) et le rôle de celui-ci dans une optique d’évolution du paysage périglaciaire à l’échelle temporelle de l’année à la décennie. Les ravins sont dynamiques : un ravin en particulier déclenché en 1999 et étudié depuis s’érodait à une vitesse de 38 à 50 m/a durant sa première décennie d’existence, pour atteindre une longueur totale de ~750 m et une surface érodée de ~25 000 m² en 2009. Des puits sont localisés près des zones de ravinement actives ; des levées alluviale, mares et polygones effondrés dans les zones stabilisées post-perturbation. Sur la terrasse de polygones recouvrant le plancher de la vallée au site à l’étude, 35 ravins furent identifiés et 1401 polygones furent perturbés avec 200 000 m³ de sols transportés. Une amélioration du drainage, une dégradation de la capacité de rétention de l’humidité, une transition d’un écoulement de ruissellement vers un écoulement canalisé caractérise les aires ravinées et leurs environs. Les polygones intacts sont homogènes d’un à l’autre et dans leurs centres ; les polygones perturbés ont une réponse hétérogène (flore, humidité et régime thermique). Les milieux érodés hétérogènes succèdent aux milieux homogènes et deviennent le nouvel état d’équilibre pour plusieurs décennies.


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Le site routier expérimental de Beaver Creek (62º 20’ 20’’ N – 140º 50’ 10’’ O) est sis sur la moraine de Beaver Creek pré datant le Dernier Maximum Glaciaire. Dans un périmètre d’un kilomètre carré, son relief, sa végétation, son sol et sa cryostratigraphie ont été étudiés avec une perspective géosystémique, afin d’en détailler la catena et sa structure. Ensuite, la cryostratigraphie a été interprétée pour suggérer un modèle d’évolution du paysage. Enfin, les changements récents y ont été intégrés en vue d’actualiser la tendance évolutive du géosystème. Il ressort de cet ouvrage que la durabilité du pergélisol est fortement appuyée par la présence des milieux humides dans les replats. Quelques affleurements de la moraine sont toujours visibles, quoique faiblement exprimés. Ils contiennent peu de glace et leur teneur en matière organique est mince. Quant aux dépressions, elles sont peu profondes et étendues. Non seulement elles ont hérité des sédiments érodés des crêtes, mais elles ont aussi fixé une quantité importante de glace et de matière organique par le truchement d’un pergélisol syngénétique (>15 m) généré par le climat et protégé par l’écosystème. Au moins un évènement de thermo-érosion est survenu avant le dernier stade d’aggradation syngénétique (Holocène), mais il n’a été que partiel. L’actuel réchauffement climatique menace d’engager un autre épisode de dégradation à l’échelle du bassin versant. Contrairement au changement climatique, l’utilisation du territoire provoque déjà la dégradation du pergélisol, mais de manière localisée seulement.


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HURDAT is the main historical archive of all tropical storms and hurricanes in the North Atlantic Basin, which includes the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico, from 1851 to the present. HURDAT is maintained and updated annually by the National Hurricane Center at Miami, Florida. Today, HURDAT is widely used by research scientists, operational hurricane forecasters, insurance companies, emergency managers and others. HURDAT contains both systematic biases and random errors. Thus, the reanalysis of HURDAT is vital. For this thesis, HURDAT is reanalyzed for the period of 1954-1963. The track and intensity of each existing tropical cyclone in HURDAT is assessed in the light of 21st century understanding and previously unrecognized tropical cyclones are detected and analyzed. The resulting changes will be recommended to the National Hurricane Center Best Track Change Committee for inclusion in HURDAT.


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Mud accumulates on continental shelves under a variety of environmental conditions and results in a diverse formation of mud depocenters (MDCs). Their three-dimensional architectures have been in the focus of several recent studies. Due to some terminological confusion concerning MDCs, the present study sets out to define eight individual MDC types in terms of surface sediment distribution and internal geometry. Under conditions of substantial sediment supply, prodeltas (distal zones off river deltas; triangular sheets), subaqueous deltas (disconnected from deltas by strong normal-to-shore currents; wedge-like clinoforms), and mud patches (scattered distribution) and mud blankets (widespread covers) are formed. Forced by hydrodynamic conditions, mud belts in the strict sense (detached from source; elongated bodies), and shallow-water contourite drifts (detached from source; growing normal to prevailing current direction; triangular clinoforms) develop. Controlled by local morphology, mud entrapments (in depressions, behind morphological steps) and mud wedges (triangular clinoforms growing in flow direction) are deposited. Shelf mud deposition took place (1) during early outer-shelf drowning (~14 ka), (2) after inner-shelf inundation to maximum flooding (9.5-6.5 ka), and (3) in sub-recent times (<2 ka). Subsequent expansion may be (1) concentric, in cases where the depocenter formed near the fluvial source, (2) uni-directional, extending along advective current transport paths, and (3) progradational, forming clinoforms that grow either parallel or normal to the bottom current direction. Classical mud belts may be initiated around defined nuclei, the remote sites of which are determined by seafloor morphology rather than the location of the source. From a stratigraphic perspective, mud depocenters coincide with sea-level highstand-related, shelf-wide condensed sections. They often show a conformable succession from transgressive to highstand systems tract stages.


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The Southern Ocean ecosystem at the Antarctic Peninsula has steep natural environmental gradients, e.g. in terms of water masses and ice cover, and experiences regional above global average climate change. An ecological macroepibenthic survey was conducted in three ecoregions in the north-western Weddell Sea, on the continental shelf of the Antarctic Peninsula in the Bransfield Strait and on the shelf of the South Shetland Islands in the Drake Passage, defined by their environmental envelop. The aim was to improve the so far poor knowledge of the structure of this component of the Southern Ocean ecosystem and its ecological driving forces. It can also provide a baseline to assess the impact of ongoing climate change to the benthic diversity, functioning and ecosystem services. Different intermediate-scaled topographic features such as canyon systems including the corresponding topographically defined habitats 'bank', 'upper slope', 'slope' and 'canyon/deep' were sampled. In addition, the physical and biological environmental factors such as sea-ice cover, chlorophyll-a concentration, small-scale bottom topography and water masses were analysed. Catches by Agassiz trawl showed high among-station variability in biomass of 96 higher systematic groups including ecological key taxa. Large-scale patterns separating the three ecoregions from each other could be correlated with the two environmental factors, sea-ice and depth. Attribution to habitats only poorly explained benthic composition, and small-scale bottom topography did not explain such patterns at all. The large-scale factors, sea-ice and depth, might have caused large-scale differences in pelagic benthic coupling, whilst small-scale variability, also affecting larger scales, seemed to be predominantly driven by unknown physical drivers or biological interactions.


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The ratio between the clay minerals kaolinite and chlorite has been investigated in high resolution in a late Quaternary sediment core from the central Aegean Sea. The record spans the last ca. 105 ka. The kaolinite/chlorite ratio was used to reconstruct the fine-grained aeolian dust influx from the North African deserts, mainly derived from desiccated lake depressions. It therewith can be used as a proxy for wind activity, aridity and vegetation cover in the source area. The data document three major humid phases in North Africa bracketing the formation of sapropel layers S4, S3 and S1. They occur at >105-95 ka, 83.5-72 ka and 14-2 ka. The first two phases are characterised by relatively abrupt lower and upper boundaries suggesting a non-linear response of vegetation to precipitation, with critical hydrological thresholds. In contrast, the onset and termination of the last humid period were more gradual. Highest kaolinite/chlorite ratios indicating strongest aeolian transport and aridity occur during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5b, at ca. 95-84 ka. The long-term decrease in kaolinite/chlorite ratios during the last glacial period indicates a gradual decline of deflatable lake sediments in the source areas.


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A simplified classification of the Holocene sediments based on textures and grain type results in fourteen major units, twelve of which are essentially carbonate in composition. A brief description and photographic illustration of these units, together with the sedimentary and diagenetic processes which have contributed to their formation, is designed to give the reader a broad but valid impression of Persian Gulf sediments. The distribution of the fourteen sediment units throughout the Arabian parts of the basin, although complicated by numerous local bathymetric highs and depressions, is relatively simple. Because the Arabian sea floor slopes progressively from a windward shoreline to the basin center there is increasing protection from wave action towards the center of the basin. As a result sediments grade from skeletal, oolitic and pelletoidal sands (and muds in coastal lagoons) and fringing reefs, through an irregular zone of compound grain sands,into widespread skeletal muddy sands, and finally into basin center muds. These simple relationships vary laterally around the Arabian side of the gulf. Lateral variation is dependant upon orientation of the regional slope with respect to the prevailing NW wind-driven waves, angle of slope, and presence or absence of regional, structurally based barriers.


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En este trabajo se calcula la tasa media de incisión fluvial del río Darro (Granada, España) durante el periodo 1890-2010 en su tramo urbano (sector Alhambra-Valparaíso). Para ello se han utilizado fotografías históricas en las que aparece dicho río, a partir de las cuales se ha podido determinar la posición del cauce en el momento en el que se realizaron las fotografías. La comparación con los escenarios actuales de tales imágenes ha permitido determinar la diferencia de altura del cauce a través de medidas de cotas absolutas realizadas mediante teodolito. Esta metodología ha permitido estimar de modo cuantitativo un índice de encajamiento vertical medio del río de 1,05 cm/año para el periodo histórico considerado.


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Este artículo analiza una dinámica de intervenciones de Estados Unidos en América Latina que no ha atraído suficientemente la atención de los historiadores. En los años treinta y cuarenta, cuando Europa se hundía en una nueva confrontación bélica, ciertos sectores del gobierno y del mundo empresarial norteamericano intentaron articular una nueva relación con los países del continente basada en una propuesta de multilateralismo que se había configurado dentro de la Sociedad de Naciones (SN). Estos estadounidenses intentaron establecer una dinámica de relaciones triangulares con los gobiernos latinoamericanos y los organismos técnicos de la SN. Gracias a ello, como se mostrará en este artículo para el caso del funcionamiento del Comité Fiscal de la Sociedad de Naciones, los latinoamericanos fueron capaces de influir en el tipo de políticas que debían emanar de esta relación triangular. La importancia de esta historia no es menor. La relación triangular entre Estados Unidos, América Latina y la SN sirvió de base para la reconstrucción de la gobernanza global liderada por los Estados Unidos tras la guerra.


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Near-surface air temperature is an important determinant of the surface energy balance of glaciers and is often represented by a constant linear temperature gradients (TGs) in models. Spatiotemporal variability in 2 m air temperature was measured across the debris-covered Miage Glacier, Italy, over an 89 d period during the 2014 ablation season using a network of 19 stations. Air temperature was found to be strongly dependent upon elevation for most stations, even under varying meteorological conditions and at different times of day, and its spatial variability was well explained by a locally derived mean linear TG (MG–TG) of −0.0088°C m−1. However, local temperature depressions occurred over areas of very thin or patchy debris cover. The MG–TG, together with other air TGs, extrapolated from both on- and off-glacier sites, were applied in a distributed energy-balance model. Compared with piecewise air temperature extrapolation from all on-glacier stations, modelled ablation, using the MG–TG, increased by <1%, increasing to >4% using the environmental ‘lapse rate’. Ice melt under thick debris was relatively insensitive to air temperature, while the effects of different temperature extrapolation methods were strongest at high elevation sites of thin and patchy debris cover.


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The Demerara plateau, located offshore French Guiana and Suriname, is part of a passive transform continental margin particularly prone to develop slope instabilities, probably in relation to the presence of a free distal border along its steep continental slope. Slope failure occurred at different periods (Cretaceous to Neogene) and shows an overall retrogressive evolution through time. Upslope these failure headscarp, an enigmatic regional MioPliocene unconformity has been discovered through the interpretation of new academic and industrial datasets. The aim of this work is to describe and understand the origin of this surface. Our analysis shows that this unconformity is made of a series of valleys that cross-cut sedimentary strata. Each one of these valleys has a short lateral extent and is closed along two perpendicular directions, which suggests that it could correspond to a highly meandering system, or to some sub-circular depressions. The infill of these features is equivalent to the regional stratigraphic strata found outside the structures, but in a subdued position. This seems to imply that the structures have originated by a local loss of sediments at their base or by sliding processes. Furthermore, these depressions intersect each other through time, while migrating progressively downslope. We discuss a series of hypotheses that try to explain the onset and evolution of these depressions forming the Mio-Pliocene unconformity (Canyons? Slope failures? Contourite moats? Hydrate pockmarks?). Having established that these structures are depressions formed by collapse, and have many similarities with structures recently described in the literature as pockmarks associated with gas hydrate dissolution, we favor this hypothesis. We propose that these hydrate pockmarks form with a mass failure that was triggered by fluid-overpressure development at the base of the hydrate stability zone.


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The Alcantarilha lowland, partly barred by a well developed barrier, including foredunes covering Pleistocene-Holocene beachrock and aeolianite, develops across the Alcantarilha infilled estuary, the beach-dune extending further SE until the Salgados lagoon. A topographic and coring survey revealed a peculiar feature at the leeward toe of the dune ridge close to the inlet area: a sandy fan with location, shape and morphology suggesting emplacement by single or multiple overwash of the barrier tip rather than tidal forcing. Its storm or tsunami origin and age are under investigation, and the only time-constrain available at present is that it should post-date ca. 6600 cal BP, the most recent in situ aeolianite (Moura et al., 2007) dated so far. METHODS, DATA SET AND RESULTS The fan boundaries are distinctive in aerial photos and satellite images: it is roughly ellipsoidal, ~200 m wide and ~300 m elongated paralleling the shoreline, rising ~ 0.9-1.2 m above the surrounding floodplain surface. Detailed topography shows that its short axis aligns with SW-NE elongated (though irregular) depressions in the dune crest, which link the beach with the fan. This could have favoured funnelling of, or erosion by, water overtopping the barrier but, in either case, the fan should correspond to extreme and abrupt event(s) of coastal flooding. 18 trenches and cores were performed in the exposed area of the fan and nearby flood plain to obtain samples and data on its sedimentology, lithostratigraphy and geometry. The fan consists of well sorted and rounded sand (Fig. 2). It thins away and wedges out landwards of the apex (located near Alc29T) where it is partly covered by dune sand. Its lower boundary is undulating and marked by textural contrast between sand (fan) and underlying mud (alluvial/lagoonal); an accumulation of marine-sourced perforated pebbles showing limited lateral continuity may pinpoint this boundary near the foredune (core Alc 25, ca. 80 m westward of profile in Fig.1); mud-balls were also observed immediately above this surface in cores and trenches. As the washover was probably emplaced in a barred lagoonal/estuarine floodplain setting, the fan’s northern outer belt is enclosed by low-energy sediments (not shown in Fig. 2).


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Decapods that live in colonies, associated at various Anthozoa (especially corals) are numerous. Some species find shelter in the crevices, cracks or depressions of the coral surface. Among these, the author gives a detailed description of Caphyra alcyoniophila.