985 resultados para Dental Pulp Necrosis


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Aim: Based on the hypothesis the application of a low-viscosity hydrophobic resin coating improves the bond of all-in-one adhesive, the purpose of the study was to evaluate the bond strength of four adhesive systems to bovine root dentin using the push-out test method. Methods and Materials: The root canals of 32 bovine roots (16 mm) were prepared to a length of 12 mm using a FRC Postec Plus preparation drill. The specimens were allocated into four groups according to the adhesive system used: (Group 1) All-in-one Xeno III; (Group 2) All-in-one Xeno III+ScotchBond Multi-Purpose Plus Adhesive; (Group 3) Simplified Etch & Rinse One Step Plus; and (Group 4) Multi-Bottle Etch & Rinse All-Bond 2. A fiber-reinforced composite retention post was reproduced using an additional silicon impression and fabricated with DuoLink resin cement. The root specimens were treated with the selected adhesive systems, and the resin posts were luted in the canals with DuoLink resin cement. Each root specimen was cross sectioned into four samples (±1.8 mm in thickness), and the post sections were pushed-out to determine the bond strength to dentin. Results: Group 2 (2.9±1.2) was statistically higher than Group 1 (1.1±0.5) and Group 3 (1.1±0.5). Groups 1 and 3 showed no statistically significant difference while Group 4 (2.0±0.7) presented similar values (p>0.05) to Groups 1, 2, and 3 [(one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)] and Tukey test, α=0.05). Conclusion: The hypothesis was accepted since the application of the additional layer of a low-viscosity bonding resin improved the bond of the all-in-one adhesive. Further studies must be conducted to evaluate the long-term bond.


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The patient's diet has been considered an important etiological factor of dentin hypersensitivity. The frequent ingestion of acidic substances can promote the loss of dental structure or remove the smear layer. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the degree of smear layer removal and dentinal tubules exposure by different natural orange juices. Extracted human teeth were submitted to manual scaling in order to develop the smear layer. Seventy dentin samples were obtained and distributed into the following groups: Control, lime orange, lime, valência orange, navel orange, mandarin, and tangerine. Each group included 2 methods of application: Topical and topical + friction. After preparation for SEM analysis, photomicrographs were assessed by a blind calibrated examiner using an index system. The Kruskal-Wallis test indicated a significant influence of the orange juices on smear layer removal. Significant difference was observed between navel orange, valência orange, mandarin and the control group (p < 0.05). These orange juices resulted in greater removal of the smear layer and greater opening of dentinal tubules. The comparison between the application methods for each group using the Mann-Whitney test showed that friction increased smear layer removal significantly only for lime orange and lime. The data suggest that certain natural orange juices are more effective in terms of smear layer removal and dentinal tubules exposure than others.


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Regional odontodysplasia (RO) is a rare disorder of dental development. The affected teeth are clinically hypoplastic and hypocalcified, presenting a ghost-like appearance radiographically. The aim of this work was to report a clinical case of a child with both primary and permanent dentition affected by RO. The conducted therapy was based on a conservative approach, which consisted of follow-up clinical evaluations of the anomalous teeth. However, the endodontic treatment of the primary incisors failed. Then, the chosen option for patient rehabilitation became extraction followed by removable of prosthesis confection. The extracted teeth were processed for histological analysis. In spite of the uncertain prognosis, but taking into account the psychological aspects of the patient, a conservative approach in an attempt to maintain those viable teeth in the oral cavity should be established.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the trans-enamel and trans-dentinal effects of a 35% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) bleaching gel on odontoblast-like cells. Enamel/dentin discs obtained from bovine incisors were mounted in artificial pulp chambers (APCs). Three groups were formed: G1- 35% H2O2; G2- 35% H2O2 + halogen light application; G3- control. The treatments were repeated 5 times and the APCs were incubated for 12 h. Then, the extract was collected and applied for 24 h on the cells. Cell metabolism, total protein dosage and cell morphology were evaluated. Cell metabolism decreased by 62.09% and 61.83% in G1 and G2, respectively. The depression of cell metabolism was statistically significant when G1 and G2 were compared to G3. Total protein dosage decreased by 93.13% and 91.80% in G1 and G2, respectively. The cells in G1 and G2 exhibited significant morphological alterations after contact with the extracts. Regardless of halogen light application, the extracts caused significantly more intense cytopathic effects compared to the control group. After 5 consecutive applications of a 35% H2O2 bleaching agent, either catalyzed or not by halogen light, products of gel degradation were capable to diffuse through enamel and dentin causing toxic effects to the cells.


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The present study evaluated by cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) the apical canal transportation and centralizing ability of different automated systems after root canal preparation. The mesiobuccal canals of maxillary first molars (n=10 per group) were prepared with: GI - reciprocating system with K-Flexofile; GII - reciprocating system with NiTiFlex files; GIII - rotary system with K3 instruments; GIV - rotary system with RaCe instruments. CBCT scans were taken before and after biomechanical preparation up to a #40.02 diameter. Canal transportation was determined by measuring the smallest distance between the inner canal walls and the mesial and distal sides of the root. The centralization ability corresponded to the difference between the measurements from transportation evaluation, using the linear voxel to voxel method of analysis. The mean transportation was 0.06 ± 0.14 mm, with a tendency to deviate to the mesial side of the root (n=22), with no statistically significant difference among the groups (p=0.4153). The mean centralization index was 0.15 ± 0.65 also without statistically significant difference among the groups (p=0.0881). It may be concluded that apical canal transportation and centralization ability were not influenced by the type of mechanical movement and instruments used.


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The aim of this paper was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of 2% chlorhexidine gel (CLX) associated with various intracanal medicaments against Candida albicans and Enterococcus faecalis inoculated in root canals. Thirty six human single-rooted teeth were contaminated with C.albicans and E.faecalis. The canals were instrumented using 2% CLX gel and were divided into three groups according to the intracanal medicaments (ICM) used. Group 1: calcium hydroxide paste [Ca(OH)], Group 2: 2% chlorhexidine gel (CLX) and Group 3: 2% CLX gel + Ca(OH). The root canal collections were performed after 21 days of contamination (control collection), after instrumentation (1st collection), after 14 days of intracanal medicament (2nd collection) and 7 days after medicament removal (3rd collection). The microbiological samples were plated in culture media and incubated for 48 hours. The results were submitted to Kruskal-Wallis test (P ≤ 0.05). It was verified that the instrumentation with CLX reduced the number of CFU/ml significantly when compared with the confirmation collection (control). However, the use of the ICM was only capable to eliminate completely the microorganisms in the root canals without difference statistics between them. Although the use of 2% chlorherixidine gel reduces the number of microorganisms significantly, only the ICM calcium hydroxide and calcium hydroxide associated with chlorhexidine are able to eliminate these microorganisms completely.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of manual and rotary instrumentation techniques for removing root fillings after different storage times. Twenty-four canals from palatal roots of human maxillary molars were instrumented and filled with gutta-percha and zinc-oxide eugenol-based sealer (Endofill), and were stored in saline for 6 years. Non-aged control specimens were treated in the same manner and stored for 1 week. All canals were retreated using hand files or ProTaper Universal NiTi rotary system. Radiographs were taken to determine the amount of remaining material in the canals. The roots were vertically split, the halves were examined with a clinical microscope and the obtained images were digitized. The images were evaluated with AutoCAD software and the percentage of residual material was calculated. Data were analyzed with two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test at 5% significance level. There was no statistically significant differences (p>0.05) between the manual and rotary techniques for filling material removal regardless the ageing effect on endodontic sealers. When only the age of the filling material was analyzed microscopically, non-aged fillings that remained on the middle third of the canals presented a higher percentage of material remaining (p<0.05) compared to the aged sealers and to the other thirds of the roots. The apical third showed a higher percentage of residual filling material in both radiographic and microscopic analysis when compared to the other root thirds. In conclusion, all canals presented residual filling material after endodontic retreatment procedures. Microscopic analysis was more effective than radiographs for detection of residual filling material.


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A new device for irrigation, which presents hydrodynamic activation based on the pressure-suction technology, has recently been introduced to the market: the Rinsendo system. This study compared the efficacy of the Rinsendo system and conventional (manualdynamic) irrigation in the removal of debris from the root canal walls, using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Twenty mandibular premolars with completely formed roots were selected and randomly divided into group 1 (irrigation with the Rinsendo system) and group 2 (conventional irrigation). The canals were irrigated with 1 ml of saline at each change of instrument. instrumentation started with a #15 K file and continued up to a #40 K file, which was standardized as the working length instrument. Then, the teeth were sectioned in buccolingual direction and the halves were sputter-coated with gold and examined by SEM. The apical, middle and cervical root canal thirds were evaluated, and the results were analyzed statistically by the Mann-Whitney test for comparison between methods, Kruskal-Wallis test for comparison among thirds, and Miller test for individual comparisons. A significance level of 5% was set for all analyses. The results did not show significant differences (p>0.05) between methods at each third and among thirds for each technique analyzed individually. in conclusion, there was no difference in the cleaning ability of the Rinsendo system and conventional irrigation.


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This study evaluated the efficacy of 2 types of rotary instruments employed in association with sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) or EDTA in removing calcium hydroxide (CH) residues from root canals dentin walls. Forty-two mandibular human incisors were instrumented with the ProTaper System up to F2 instrument, irrigated with 2.5% NaOCl followed by 17% EDTA and filled with a CH intracanal dressing. After 7 days, the CH dressing was removed using 4 techniques: NiTi rotary instrument size 25, 0.06 taper (K3 Endo) and irrigation with 17% EDTA (Group 1), NiTi rotary F1 instrument (ProTaper) and irrigation with 17% EDTA (Group 2), NiTi rotary instrument size 25, 0.06 taper and irrigation with 2.5% NaOCl (Group 3) and NiTi rotary F1 instrument and irrigation with 2.5% NaOCl (Group 4). Two roots without intracanal dressing were used as negative controls. Teeth were evaluated by scanning electron microscopy, in the cervical and apical canal thirds. None of the techniques removed the CH dressing completely. In the apical and cervical thirds, F1 instrument was better than instrument size 25, 0.06 taper in removing CH residues (p<0.05), regardless of the final irrigating solution. No difference was found between the irrigating solutions in the groups of F1 instrument and of instrument size 25, 0.06 taper (p>0.05). The negative controls had no CH residues on the dentin walls. In conclusion, the ProTaper F1 instrument was better than K3 Endo instrument size 25, 0.06 taper in the removal of CH intracanal medication, regardless of irrigating solution used.


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Optical microscopy and morphometric analysis were used in this study to evaluate, in vitro, the cleaning of the apical region in root canals with mild or moderate curvatures subjected to biomechanical preparation with a rotary system, as well as to assess the amount of extruded material to the periapical area. Lateral incisors (n = 32), 16 with curvature angles smaller or equal to 10° (GI) and 16 between 11° and 25° angles (GII) were submitted to Hero 642 rotary instrumentation with different surgical diameters: (A) 30.02 and (B) 45.02. Irrigation was performed at each change of instrument with 5 mL of ultrapure Milli-Q water and the extruded material through the apical foramen was collected. Root cross-sections were subjected to histological analysis by optical microscopy (×40) and the images were evaluated morphometrically using the Image Tool software. Quantification of the extruded material was performed by weighing after liquid evaporation. ANOVA showed no statistically significant differences (p>0.05) among the groups with respect to the procedures used to clean the apical region. Considering the amount of extruded material, the Tukey's HSD showed that canals with mild curvature prepared with the 45.02 surgical diameter showed significantly higher values (p<0.05) that those of the other groups, which were similar between themselves (p>0.05). In conclusion, the effect of cleaning the apical region did not differ in the groups, considering root curvature and the surgical diameter of instruments used for apical preparation. The amount of extruded material was greater in canals with mild curvature that were prepared with the 45.02 surgical instrument diameter.


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The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effect of neodymium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Nd:YAG) laser irradiation on intracanal dentin surface by SEM analysis and its interference in the apical seal of filled canals. After endodontic treatment procedures, 34 maxillary human incisors were randomly assigned to 2 groups. In the negative control group (n=17), no additional treatment was performed and teeth were filled with vertically condensed gutta-percha; in the laser-treated group (n=17), the root canals were irradiated with Nd:YAG laser (1.5 W, 100 mJ, 15 Hz) before filling as described for the control group. Two specimens of each group were prepared for SEM analysis to evaluate the presence and extent of morphological changes and removal of debris; the other specimens were immersed in 0.5% methylene blue dye (pH 7.2) for 24 h for evaluation of the linear dye leakage at the apical third. SEM analysis of the laser-treated group showed dentin fusion and resolidification without smear layer or debris. The Student's t-test showed that the laser-treated group had significantly less leakage in apical third than the control group. Within the limitations of this study, it may be concluded that the morphological changes on the apical intraradicular dentin surface caused by Nd:YAG laser resulted in less linear dye apical leakage.


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The results of the present study showed a significant decrease in the number of E. coli in root canals (first collection) after irrigation with castor oil extract during biomechanical preparation. All medications tested in this study were able to eliminate E. coli in root canals; however, they could not neutralize endotoxins completely.


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The aim of this study was to compare two endodontic preparation systems using micro-CT analysis. Twenty-four one-rooted mandibular premolars were selected and randomly assigned to two groups. The samples (n = 12) of Group 1 were prepared using the ProTaper Universal rotary system, while Group 2 (n = 12) was prepared using the EndoEZE AET system complemented by manual apical preparation with K-type hand files up to #30. A 2.5% sodium hypochlorite solution was used in both groups for irrigating. Both groups were scanned by highresolution microcomputed tomography before and after preparation (SkyScan 1172, SkyScan, Kontich, Belgium). The root canal volume and surface area was measured before and after preparation, and the differences were calculated and analyzed for statistically significant differences using ANOVA complemented by the Tukey test (p < 0.05). The results showed no statistically significant differences between the mean volumes of dentin removal by the two systems. However, the EndoEZE AET system presented a significantly greater mean surface area compared to the ProTaper system (p < 0.05). The EndoEZE AET system enabled preparation of a greater root canal surface area when compared to the ProTaper Universal system. There seemed to be no difference in dentin volume loss between the two systems used.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of glycolic propolis (PRO) and ginger (GIN) extracts, calcium hydroxide (CH), chlorhexidine (CLX) gel and their combinations as ICMs (ICMs) against Candida albicans, Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli and endotoxins in root canals. Material and Methods: After 28 days of contamination with microorganisms, the canals were instrumented and then divided according to the ICM: CH+saline; CLX, CH+CLX, PRO, PRO+CH; GIN; GIN+CH; saline. The antimicrobial activity and quantification of endotoxins by the chromogenic test of Limulus amebocyte lysate were evaluated after contamination and instrumentation at 14 days of ICM application and 7 days after ICM removal. Results and Conclusion: After analysis of results and application ofthe Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn statistical tests at 5% significance level, it was concluded that all ICMs were able to eliminate the microorganisms in the root canals and reduce their amount of endotoxins; however, CH was more effective in neutralizing endotoxins and less effective against C. albicans and E. faecalis, requiring the use of medication combinations to obtain higher success.