988 resultados para Dental Arch. Face. Malocclusion.Orthodontics. Morphology
Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOAR
OBJETIVO: Avaliar in vitro a resistência ao cisalhamento de compósitos autopolimerizáveis (Concise e Alpha Plast) e fotopolimerizáveis (Transbond XT e Natural Ortho) utilizados na colagem de braquetes metálicos da marca Morelli, analisando o índice de adesivo remanescente (ARI) e da integridade da superfície do esmalte por meio de microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). MÉTODOS: foram utilizados 40 pré-molares humanos extraídos. As raízes dos dentes foram incluídas em gesso-pedra especial, no interior de tubos de PVC usados para a confecção dos corpos de prova. Esses corpos de prova foram divididos em quatro grupos: grupo G1, braquetes associados ao compósito Concise; grupo G2, braquetes associados ao compósito Alpha Plast; grupo G3, braquetes associados ao compósito Transbond XT; e grupo G4, braquetes associados ao compósito Natural Ortho. Os grupos foram submetidos ao teste de cisalhamento em máquina universal de ensaios, a uma velocidade de 0,5mm por minuto. RESULTADOS: houve diferença estatística entre os grupos G3 e G4, sendo os valores de G4 superiores; no entanto, não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os grupos G1, G2 e G3 e G1, G2 e G4. Na análise do ARI não foram encontradas diferenças estatísticas entre os grupos, predominando escores baixos. De acordo com a análise da MEV, constatou-se o rompimento dos compósitos e a integridade do esmalte entre os grupos. CONCLUSÃO: a resistência ao cisalhamento foi satisfatória e semelhante entre os compósitos utilizados, sendo que a resina Natural Ortho apresentou-se superior à Transbond XT.
OBJETIVO: avaliar, in vitro, a influência do clareamento dentário com gel contendo fosfato de cálcio amorfo (ACP) na resistência da união adesiva de braquetes metálicos. MÉTODOS: trinta e seis dentes incisivos bovinos foram seccionados no limite coronorradicular e tiveram suas coroas incluídas em cilindros de PVC. Os corpos de prova foram divididos em três grupos (n = 12), de acordo com a realização do tratamento clareador e tipo de gel utilizado, sendo: G1 (controle) - sem clareamento; G2 - clareamento com gel sem ACP (Whiteness Perfect, FGM); G3 - clareamento com gel contendo ACP (Nite White ACP, Discus Dental). Os grupos G2 e G3 foram submetidos a 14 ciclos de clareamento, seguidos de intervalo de espera de 15 dias para a fixação adesiva dos braquetes metálicos. O ensaio mecânico de cisalhamento foi realizado em máquina universal Kratos, com velocidade de 0,5mm/min. Após o teste mecânico, os corpos de prova foram avaliados quanto ao índice de remanescente adesivo (ARI). Os resultados foram submetidos à ANOVA, ao teste de Tukey e ao de Kruskall-Wallis (α = 5%). RESULTADOS: diferenças significativas foram observadas entre os grupos testados. O grupo controle G1 (11,1MPa) mostrou uma resistência ao cisalhamento estatisticamente superior aos grupos submetidos ao clareamento (G2 = 5,40MPa; G3 = 3,73MPa), os quais não diferiram entre si. Não se observou diferença significativa para o ARI entre os grupos estudados. CONCLUSÃO: o clareamento dentário reduz a resistência da união adesiva de braquetes metálicos, enquanto a presença de ACP no gel clareador não influencia os resultados encontrados.
OBJETIVO: avaliar in vitro a degradação iônica e corrosão do fundo do slot de braquetes metálicos submetidos à escovação com dentifrícios, realizando análises da composição química por Espectroscopia de Energia Dispersiva (EDS) e qualitativa por Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV). MÉTODOS: foram selecionados 38 braquetes divididos aleatoriamente em quatro grupos experimentais (n = 7). Dois grupos (n = 5) funcionaram como controles positivo e negativo. Aparelhos ortodônticos simulados foram confeccionados com fios de aço inoxidável 0,019" x 0,025" e anéis elastoméricos. Os grupos foram divididos de acordo com o tratamento de superfície: G1 (Máxima Proteção Anticáries®); G2 (Total 12®); G3 (Sensitive®); G4 (Branqueador®); Controle Positivo (saliva artificial) e Controle Negativo (sem tratamento). Foram realizados 28 ciclos de escovação e avaliações antes (T0) e após (T1) o experimento. RESULTADOS: o teste de Wilcoxon indicou não existir diferença nas concentrações iônicas de titânio (Ti), cromo (Cr), ferro (Fe) e níquel (Ni) entre os grupos. O grupo G2 apresentou redução significativa (p < 0,05) na concentração do íon alumínio (Al) e os grupos G3 e G4 apresentaram aumento significativo (p < 0,05) nas concentrações do íon alumínio. A análise em MEV mostrou aumento nas características indicativas de corrosão dos grupos G2, G3 e G4. CONCLUSÃO: a análise por EDS revelou que os grupos controle e G1 não sofreram alterações na composição química. O grupo G2 apresentou degradação na quantidade de íons Al, e G3 e G4 sofreram aumento na concentração de Al. A imersão em saliva artificial e o dentifrício Máxima Proteção Anticáries® não alteraram o polimento de superfície. Os dentifrícios Total 12®, Sensitive® e Branqueador® alteraram o polimento de superfície.
INTRODUÇÃO: o ortodontista clínico deve esperar alguma perda do alinhamento dentário obtido durante o tratamento ortodôntico nos casos em que a contenção ortodôntica foi suspensa pelo profissional ou perdida pelo paciente. Nessa situação, os pacientes são, frequentemente, relutantes em novamente usar braquetes para retratar o alinhamento dentário perdido após o tratamento. OBJETIVO: esse artigo descreve o uso de uma técnica simples e eficiente para corrigir pequenas alterações do alinhamento dentário. Esse procedimento, inovador e de baixo custo, produz a resolução da recidiva em poucas semanas. A força usada para realinhar os dentes é obtida através de um fio elastomérico transparente amarrado a uma contenção fixa, de vários filamentos, colada às arcadas superior e inferior.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to identify the procedures adopted by Brazilian orthodontists in the following situations: extraction space closure, anchorage control in case of necessary anchorage for group A and frequency of skeletal anchorage use, especially in the upper jaw. METHOD: A questionnaire was sent to the e-mail address of all dentists registered in the Brazilian Federal Council of Dentistry. RESULTS: The results showed that most Brazilian orthodontists usually perform extraction space closure by means of sliding mechanics. The use of palatal bar, inclusion of second molars in the archwire and space closure performed in two phases are the most used techniques for anchorage control in the upper jaw. The skeletal anchorage is referenced by 36.5% of specialists as a routine practice for the upper jaw anchorage. CONCLUSIONS: There is a wide variety of procedures adopted by Brazilian orthodontists for orthodontic space closure and anchorage control.
OBJECTIVE: To verify if the reference values of Sleep Apnea cephalometric analysis of North American individuals are similar to the ones of Brazilian individuals presenting no craniofacial anomalies. The study also aimed to identify craniofacial alterations in Obstructive Sleep Apnea-Hypopnea Syndrome (OSAHS) patients in relation to individuals without clinical characteristics of the disease through this cephalometric analysis. METHOD: It were used 55 lateral cephalograms consisting of 29 for the control group of adult individuals without clinical characteristics of OSAHS and 26 apneic adults. All radiographs were submitted to Sleep Apnea cephalometric analysis through Radiocef Studio 2.0. The standard values of this analysis were compared, by means of z test, to the ones obtained from the control group and these were compared to values from apneic group through Student's t test. RESULTS: There were no significant differences between values obtained from control group and standard values. On the group of OSAHS patients it was observed a decrease on the dimensions of upper airways and an increase on the soft palate length. CONCLUSIONS: The standard values of Sleep Apnea analysis can be used as reference in Brazilian individuals. Besides, through lateral cephalograms it was possible to identify craniofacial alterations in OSAHS patients.
INTRODUCTION: Biological age is an important parameter for growth and development assessment. It can be evaluated through the observation of radiographic changes in skeletal maturation of cervical vertebrae. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to: a) verify if there is correlation between growth curve and the stages of bone age of animals used in laboratories, by evaluating radiographs of the cervical vertebrae; b) correlate these stages with their correspondents in humans. METHODS: 35 Wistar rats were evaluated for a period of 160 days, starting at day 22nd (weaning), with cross sections for periodic weighing, length measurement and digital radiography. Radiographs of the cervical vertebrae (C2 and C3) were measured by means of a computer program (Radio IMP). Data were submitted to statistical analysis (ANOVA) and Pearson correlation. RESULTS: Growth spurt was characterized by fast increasing in weight and length. Through ANOVA, differences were observed in the cervical measurements between days 22, 97, 127, 157, 187 and 217 (p <0.001). A high correlation was found between increasing in body length and weight, as well as in cervical vertebrae height (r = 0.86). Increments in concavities of vertebrae were also observed, similar to humans. CONCLUSIONS: There is correlation between body growth and maturation of cervical vertebrae in rats. Despite the continuous development of concavities, it was not possible to clearly identify the 5/6 stages as in studies of cervical vertebrae maturation in humans.
Nowadays, the correction of skeletal vertical dysplasia is considered a great challenge in Orthodontics. The skeletal open bite treatment presents limitations related to vertical growth pattern, the extension of open bite and especially the stability, which is very questioned. The treatment of skeletal open bite is mostly realized by the inhibition of vertical alveolar posterior development (relative intrusion) or absolute intrusion of posterior teeth, through vertical forces, generated by the action of masticatory muscles. The purpose of this article is to present a new appliance for the treatment of skeletal open bite, the VABB (Vertically Activated Bite Block) or modified Bite Block, whose action mechanism is to limit the vertical development of the molars, by the action of facial muscles and two bilateral expansion screws that provide a counterclockwise rotation of the mandible. It will also be presented a clinical case and the technical steps for the construction of this appliance.
Introduction: Ertty System® is an intraoral system of biomechanical forces to move teeth anteroposteriorly. The application of forces on this system results in the distalization of the molar and all lateral segment in the side to be distalized, including premolars and canine, resulting in alveolar bone remodeling. This system is indicated to correct uni- or bilateral maxillary dental Class II malocclusion in permanent dentition both in children and adults. It is contraindicated in case of skeletal asymmetries, protrusion of maxillary and mandibular teeth, skeletal Class II and Class II subdivision malocclusions with mandibular midline deviation. This study describes Ertty System® and presents two clinical cases treated using this system. The two female patients presented with Class II malocclusion subdivision and maxillary midline deviation. Results: It was achieved correct alignment and leveling, Class I dental relation and correction of upper midline. Conclusion: The success and stability of results confirmed diagnosis and treatment adequacy.
The mandibular and maxillary canines when well positioned in the arch, are important functionally and aesthetically. Although these teeth are frequently malpositioned in the dental arch, their absence of eruption are not common, occuring more frequently with the maxillary canine than the mandibular canine. The canine transmigration is a well-known pre eruptive phenomenon in which the tooth goes thru the facial midline, occurring more frequently in the mandible than in maxila. Females are more susceptible than males and the right side more than the left one. Normally the patients do not show any symptoms, and this condition is observed during radiographic exams to diagnose the late exfoliation of the deciduous canine or for any other purpose. Due to the relationship between impacted canines and pathologic lesions, infection, trauma to the adjacent teeth, pain, ectopic eruption and interference with prosthesis, it´s indicated the surgical extraction of these teeth. The goal of this article is to describe and discuss the surgical treatment of an impacted canine (43) in the chin.
Introduction: Despite tooth avulsion following trauma being relatively common in children, the available studies show that adults have limited knowledge about it. Aim: The purpose of this study was to assess, by a questionnaire, the mothers’ general knowledge about the immediate management of tooth avulsion. Material and method: This descriptive study was carried out on a convenient sample of mothers (n= 65) who participated of the “Pastoral da Criança”, from Araraquara, SP, Brazil. The questionnaire comprised 15 questions about personal data and knowledge on tooth avulsion management. Results: Participants were, on average, 35 years old. A total of 30.8% of the mothers reported that their children suffered dental trauma. The majority had never received advice on this subject (76.9%); and did not know how teeth are kept in the dental arch (69.2%). Almost a half of the sample believed that an avulsed tooth can be replanted (49.2%). In relation to the management of tooth avulsion, 40% of them would clean the avulsed tooth with water, even if it was not dirty (38.5%). Most of them (69.2%) would take the tooth by hand for cleaning purposes, regardless the tooth region; and believed that brushing the tooth was important to take the dirty out (67.7%). Conclusion: The general knowledge of mothers about the immediate management of tooth avulsion was considered inadequate endangering the successful treatment of tooth avulsion.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to assess the time spent for direct (DBB - direct bracket bonding) and indirect (IBB - indirect bracket bonding) bracket bonding techniques. The time length of laboratorial (IBB) and clinical steps (DBB and IBB) as well as the prevalence of loose bracket after a 24-week follow-up were evaluated. METHODS: Seventeen patients (7 men and 10 women) with a mean age of 21 years, requiring orthodontic treatment were selected for this study. A total of 304 brackets were used (151 DBB and 153 IBB). The same bracket type and bonding material were used in both groups. Data were submitted to statistical analysis by Wilcoxon non-parametric test at 5% level of significance. RESULTS: Considering the total time length, the IBB technique was more time-consuming than the DBB (p < 0.001). However, considering only the clinical phase, the IBB took less time than the DBB (p < 0.001). There was no significant difference (p = 0.910) for the time spent during laboratorial positioning of the brackets and clinical session for IBB in comparison to the clinical procedure for DBB. Additionally, no difference was found as for the prevalence of loose bracket between both groups. CONCLUSION: the IBB can be suggested as a valid clinical procedure since the clinical session was faster and the total time spent for laboratorial positioning of the brackets and clinical procedure was similar to that of DBB. In addition, both approaches resulted in similar frequency of loose bracket.