980 resultados para Deep sequencing


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Maintaining population diversity throughout generations of Genetic Algorithms (GAs) is key to avoid premature convergence. Redundant solutions is one cause for the decreasing population diversity. To prevent the negative effect of redundant solutions, we propose a framework that is based on the multi-parents crossover (MPX) operator embedded in GAs. Because MPX generates diversified chromosomes with good solution quality, when a pair of redundant solutions is found, we would generate a new offspring by using the MPX to replace the redundant chromosome. Three schemes of MPX will be examined and will be compared against some algorithms in literature when we solve the permutation flowshop scheduling problems, which is a strong NP-Hard sequencing problem. The results indicate that our approach significantly improves the solution quality. This study is useful for researchers who are trying to avoid premature convergence of evolutionary algorithms by solving the sequencing problems.


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Staphylococcus aureus is a major human pathogen, first recognized as a leading cause of hospital-acquired infections. Community-associated S. aureus (CA-SA) pose a greater threat due to increase in severity of infection and disease among children and healthy adults. CA-SA strains in India are genetically diverse, among which is the sequence type (ST) 772, which has now spread to Australia, Europe and Japan. Towards understanding the genetic characteristics of ST772, we obtained draft genome sequences of five relevant clinical isolates and studied the properties of their PVL-carrying prophages, whose presence is a defining hallmark of CA-SA. We show that this is a novel prophage, which carries the structural genes of the hlb-carrying prophage and includes the sea enterotoxin. This architecture probably emerged early within the ST772 lineage, at least in India. The sea gene, unique to ST772 PVL, despite having promoter sequence characteristics typical of low expression, appears to be highly expressed during early phase of growth in laboratory conditions. We speculate that this might be a consequence of its novel sequence context. The crippled nature of the hlb-converting prophage in ST772. suggests that widespread mobility of the sea enterotoxin might be a selective force behind its `transfer' to the PVL prophage. Wild type ST772 strains induced strong proliferative responses as well as high cytotoxic activity against neutrophils, likely mediated by superantigen SEA and the PVL toxin respectively. Both proliferation and cytotoxicity were markedly reduced in a cured ST772 strain indicating the impact of the phage on virulence. The presence of SEA alongside he genes for the immune system-modulating PVL toxin may contribute to the success and virulence of ST772.


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Various leg exercises have been recommended to prevent deep vein thrombosis (DVT), a condition where a blood clot forms in the deep veins, especially during long-haul flights. Accessing the benefit of each of these exercises in avoiding the DVT, which can be fatal, is important in the context of suggesting the correct and the most beneficial exercises. Present work aims at demonstrating the fiber Bragg grating (FBG)-based sensing methodology for measuring surface strains generated on the skin of the calf muscle to evaluate the suggested airline exercises to avoid DVT. As the dataset in the experiment involves multiple subjects performing these exercises, an inertial measurement unit has been used to validate the repetitiveness of each of the exercises. The surface strain on the calf muscle obtained using the FBG sensor, which is a measure of the calf muscle deformation, has been compared against the variation of blood velocity in the femoral vein of the thigh measured using a commercial electronic-phased array color Doppler ultrasound system. Apart from analyzing the effectiveness of suggested exercises, a new exercise which is more effective in terms of strain generated to avoid DVT is proposed and evaluated. (C) 2013 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)


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The solar activity cycle is successfully modeled by the flux transport dynamo, in which the meridional circulation of the Sun plays an important role. Most of the kinematic dynamo simulations assume a one-cell structure of the meridional circulation within the convection zone, with the equatorward return flow at its bottom. In view of the recent claims that the return flow occurs at a much shallower depth, we explore whether a meridional circulation with such a shallow return flow can still retain the attractive features of the flux transport dynamo (such as a proper butterfly diagram, the proper phase relation between the toroidal and poloidal fields). We consider additional cells of the meridional circulation below the shallow return flow-both the case of multiple cells radially stacked above one another and the case of more complicated cell patterns. As long as there is an equatorward flow in low latitudes at the bottom of the convection zone, we find that the solar behavior is approximately reproduced. However, if there is either no flow or a poleward flow at the bottom of the convection zone, then we cannot reproduce solar behavior. On making the turbulent diffusivity low, we still find periodic behavior, although the period of the cycle becomes unrealistically large. In addition, with a low diffusivity, we do not get the observed correlation between the polar field at the sunspot minimum and the strength of the next cycle, which is reproduced when diffusivity is high. On introducing radially downward pumping, we get a more reasonable period and more solar-like behavior even with low diffusivity.


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Purpose: Weill-Marchesani syndrome (WMS) is a rare connective tissue disorder, characterized by short stature, micro-spherophakic lens, and stubby hands and feet (brachydactyly). WMS is caused by mutations in the FBN1, ADAMTS10, and LTBP2 genes. Mutations in the LTBP2 and ADAMTS17 genes cause a WMS-like syndrome, in which the affected individuals show major features of WMS but do not display brachydactyly and joint stiffness. The main purpose of our study was to determine the genetic cause of WMS in an Indian family. Methods: Whole exome sequencing (WES) was used to identify the genetic cause of WMS in the family. The cosegregation of the mutation was determined with Sanger sequencing. Reverse transcription (RT)-PCR analysis was used to assess the effect of a splice-site mutation on splicing of the ADAMTS17 transcript. Results: The WES analysis identified a homozygous novel splice-site mutation c.873+1G>T in a known WMS-like syndrome gene, ADAMTS17, in the family. RT-PCR analysis in the patient showed that exon 5 was skipped, which resulted in the deletion of 28 amino acids in the ADAMTS17 protein. Conclusions: The mutation in the WMS-like syndrome gene ADAMTS17 also causes WMS in an Indian family. The present study will be helpful in genetic diagnosis of this family and increases the number of mutations of this gene to six.


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We report the results of extensive follow-up observations of the gamma-ray pulsar J1732-3131, which has recently been detected at decametre wavelengths, and the results of deep searches for the counterparts of nine other radio-quiet gamma-ray pulsars at 34 MHz, using the Gauribidanur radio telescope. No periodic signal from J1732-3131 could be detected above a detection threshold of 8 sigma, even with an effective integration time of more than 40 h. However, the average profile obtained by combining data from several epochs, at a dispersion measure of 15.44 pc cm(-3), is found to be consistent with that from the earlier detection of this pulsar at a confidence level of 99.2 per cent. We present this consistency between the two profiles as evidence that J1732-3131 is a faint radio pulsar with an average flux density of 200-400 mJy at 34 MHz. Despite the extremely bright sky background at such low frequencies, the detection sensitivity of our deep searches is generally comparable to that of higher frequency searches for these pulsars, when scaled using reasonable assumptions about the underlying pulsar spectrum. We provide details of our deep searches, and put stringent upper limits on the decametre-wavelength flux densities of several radio-quiet gamma-ray pulsars.


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Background: Coats plus syndrome is an autosomal recessive, pleiotropic, multisystem disorder characterized by retinal telangiectasia and exudates, intracranial calcification with leukoencephalopathy and brain cysts, osteopenia with predisposition to fractures, bone marrow suppression, gastrointestinal bleeding and portal hypertension. It is caused by compound heterozygous mutations in the CTC1 gene. Case presentation: We encountered a case of an eight-year old boy from an Indian family with manifestations of Coats plus syndrome along with an unusual occurrence of dextrocardia and situs inversus. Targeted resequencing of the CTC1 gene as well as whole exome sequencing (WES) were conducted in this family to identify the causal variations. The identified candidate variations were screened in ethnicity matched healthy controls. The effect of CTC1 variation on telomere length was assessed using Southern blot. A novel homozygous missense mutation c.1451A > C (p.H484P) in exon 9 of the CTC1 gene and a rare 3'UTR known dbSNP variation (c.*556 T > C) in HES7 were identified as the plausible candidates associated with this complex phenotype of Coats plus and dextrocardia. This CTC1 variation was absent in the controls and we also observed a reduced telomere length in the affected individual's DNA, suggesting its likely pathogenic nature. The reported p.H484P mutation is located in the N-terminal 700 amino acid regionthat is important for the binding of CTC1 to ssDNA through its two OB domains. WES data also showed a rare homozygous missense variation in the TEK gene in the affected individual. Both HES7 and TEK are targets of the Notch signaling pathway. Conclusions: This is the first report of a genetically confirmed case of Coats plus syndrome from India. By means of WES, the genetic variations in this family with unique and rare complex phenotype could be traced effectively. We speculate the important role of Notch signaling in this complex phenotypic presentation of Coats plus syndrome and dextrocardia. The present finding will be useful for genetic diagnosis and carrier detection in the family and for other patients with similar disease manifestations.


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We present deep Washington photometry of 45 poorly populated star cluster candidates in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). We have performed a systematic study to estimate the parameters of the cluster candidates by matching theoretical isochrones to the cleaned and dereddened cluster color-magnitude diagrams. We were able to estimate the basic parameters for 33 clusters, out of which 23 are identified as single clusters and 10 are found to be members of double clusters. The other 12 cluster candidates have been classified as possible clusters/asterisms. About 50% of the true clusters are in the 100-300 Myr age range, whereas some are older or younger. We have discussed the distribution of age, location, and reddening with respect to field, as well as the size of true clusters. The sizes and masses of the studied sample are found to be similar to that of open clusters in the Milky Way. Our study adds to the lower end of cluster mass distribution in the LMC, suggesting that the LMC, apart from hosting rich clusters, also has formed small, less massive open clusters in the 100-300 Myr age range.


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The link between atmospheric CO2 level and ventilation state of the deep ocean is poorly understood due to the lack of coherent observations on the partitioning of carbon between atmosphere and ocean. In this Southern Ocean study, we have classified the Southern Ocean into different zones based on its hydrological features and have binned the variability in latitudinal air-CO2 concentration and its isotopic ratios. Together with air-CO2, we analysed the surface water for the isotopic ratios in dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). Using the binary mixing approach on the isotopic ratio of atmospheric CO2 and its concentration, we identified the delta C-13 value of source CO2. The isotopic composition of source CO2 was around -9.22 +/- 0.26 parts per thousand for the year 2011 and 2012, while a composition of -13.49 +/- 4.07 parts per thousand was registered for the year 2013. We used the delta C-13 of DIC to predict the CO2 composition in air under equilibrium and compared our estimates with actual observations. We suggest that the degeneration of the DIC in presence of warm water in the region was the factor responsible for adding the CO2 to the atmosphere above. The place of observation coincides with the zone of high wind speed which promotes the process of CO2 exsolution from sea water. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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MicroRNAs are short non-coding RNAs which play an important role in regulating gene expression by mRNA cleavage or by translational repression. The majority of identified miRNAs were evolutionarily conserved; however, others expressed in a species-specific manner. Finger millet is an important cereal crop; nonetheless, no practical information is available on microRNAs to date. In this study, we have identified 95 conserved microRNAs belonging to 39 families and 3 novel microRNAs by high throughput sequencing. For the identified conserved and novel miRNAs a total of 507 targets were predicted. 11 miRNAs were validated and tissue specificity was determined by stem loop RT-qPCR, Northern blot. GO analyses revealed targets of miRNA were involved in wide range of regulatory functions. This study implies large number of known and novel miRNAs found in Finger millet which may play important role in growth and development. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Cell lines derived from tumor tissues have been used as a valuable system to study gene regulation and cancer development. Comprehensive characterization of the genetic background of cell lines could provide clues on novel genes responsible for carcinogenesis and help in choosing cell lines for particular studies. Here, we have carried out whole exome and RNA sequencing of commonly used glioblastoma (GBM) cell lines (U87, T98G, LN229, U343, U373 and LN18) to unearth single nucleotide variations (SNVs), indels, differential gene expression, gene fusions and RNA editing events. We obtained an average of 41,071 SNVs out of which 1,594 (3.88%) were potentially cancer-specific. The cell lines showed frequent SNVs and indels in some of the genes that are known to be altered in GBM-EGFR, TP53, PTEN, SPTA1 and NF1. Chromatin modifying genes-ATRX, MLL3, MLL4, SETD2 and SRCAP also showed alterations. While no cell line carried IDH1 mutations, five cell lines showed hTERT promoter activating mutations with a concomitant increase in hTERT transcript levels. Five significant gene fusions were found of which NUP93-CYB5B was validated. An average of 18,949 RNA editing events was also obtained. Thus we have generated a comprehensive catalogue of genetic alterations for six GBM cell lines.


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Cell lines derived from tumor tissues have been used as a valuable system to study gene regulation and cancer development. Comprehensive characterization of the genetic background of cell lines could provide clues on novel genes responsible for carcinogenesis and help in choosing cell lines for particular studies. Here, we have carried out whole exome and RNA sequencing of commonly used glioblastoma (GBM) cell lines (U87, T98G, LN229, U343, U373 and LN18) to unearth single nucleotide variations (SNVs), indels, differential gene expression, gene fusions and RNA editing events. We obtained an average of 41,071 SNVs out of which 1,594 (3.88%) were potentially cancer-specific. The cell lines showed frequent SNVs and indels in some of the genes that are known to be altered in GBM-EGFR, TP53, PTEN, SPTA1 and NF1. Chromatin modifying genes-ATRX, MLL3, MLL4, SETD2 and SRCAP also showed alterations. While no cell line carried IDH1 mutations, five cell lines showed hTERT promoter activating mutations with a concomitant increase in hTERT transcript levels. Five significant gene fusions were found of which NUP93-CYB5B was validated. An average of 18,949 RNA editing events was also obtained. Thus we have generated a comprehensive catalogue of genetic alterations for six GBM cell lines.


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The design and synthesis is reported of 7-(9H-carbazol-9-yl)-4-methylcoumarin (Cz-Cm), comprising a carbazole donor moiety and a 4-methylcoumarin acceptor unit, for use in a blue organic light-emitting diode. A detailed solid state, theoretical and spectroscopic study was performed to understand the structure-property relationships. The material exhibits deep-blue emission and high photoluminescence quantum yield both in solution and in a doped matrix. A deep-blue electroluminescence emission at 430nm, a maximum brightness of 292cdm(-2) and an external quantum efficiency of 0.4% was achieved with a device configured as follows: ITO/NPD (30nm)/TCTA (20nm)/CzSi(10nm)/10wt% Cz-Cm:DPEPO (10nm)/TPBI (30nm)/LiF (1nm)/Al ITO=indium tin oxide, NPD=N,N-di(1-naphthyl)-N,N-diphenyl-(1,1-biphenyl)-4,4-diamine, TCTA=tris(4-carbazoyl-9-ylphenyl)amine, CzSi=9-(4-tert-butylphenyl)-3,6-bis(triphenylsilyl)-9H-carbazole, DPEPO=bis2-(diphenylphosphino)phenyl]ether oxide, TPBI=1,3,5-tris(N-phenylbenzimidazol-2-yl)benzene].


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DNA cytosine methylation is a conserved epigenetic modification frequently correlating with transcriptional silencing in a wide variety of eukaryotic organisms. Sodium bisulfite treatment of DNA converts unmethylated cytosine to uracil, while 5-methylated cytosine is protected. We describe techniques that ensure reliable sequencing data following sodium bisulfite conversion and to avoid common pitfalls such as amplification of unconverted DNA and inclusion of sibling clones.