832 resultados para Deep Belief Network, Deep Learning, Gaze, Head Pose, Surveillance, Unsupervised Learning


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Introduction: Difficult tracheal intubation remains a constant and significant source of morbidity and mortality in anaesthetic practice. Insufficient airway assessment in the preoperative period continues to be a major cause of unanticipated difficult intubation. Although many risk factors have already been identified, preoperative airway evaluation is not always regarded as a standard procedure and the respective weight of each risk factor remains unclear. Moreover the predictive scores available are not sensitive, moderately specific and often operator-dependant. In order to improve the preoperative detection of patients at risk for difficult intubation, we developed a system for automated and objective evaluation of morphologic criteria of the face and neck using video recordings and advanced techniques borrowed from face recognition. Method and results: Frontal video sequences were recorded in 5 healthy volunteers. During the video recording, subjects were requested to perform maximal flexion-extension of the neck and to open wide the mouth with tongue pulled out. A robust and real-time face tracking system was then applied, allowing to automatically identify and map a grid of 55 control points on the face, which were tracked during head motion. These points located important features of the face, such as the eyebrows, the nose, the contours of the eyes and mouth, and the external contours, including the chin. Moreover, based on this face tracking, the orientation of the head could also be estimated at each frame of the video sequence. Thus, we could infer for each frame the pitch angle of the head pose (related to the vertical rotation of the head) and obtain the degree of head extension. Morphological criteria used in the most frequent cited predictive scores were also extracted, such as mouth opening, degree of visibility of the uvula or thyreo-mental distance. Discussion and conclusion: Preliminary results suggest the high feasibility of the technique. The next step will be the application of the same automated and objective evaluation to patients who will undergo tracheal intubation. The difficulties related to intubation will be then correlated to the biometric characteristics of the patients. The objective in mind is to analyze the biometrics data with artificial intelligence algorithms to build a highly sensitive and specific predictive test.


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INTRODUCTION: Inhibitory control refers to our ability to suppress ongoing motor, affective or cognitive processes and mostly depends on a fronto-basal brain network. Inhibitory control deficits participate in the emergence of several prominent psychiatric conditions, including attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder or addiction. The rehabilitation of these pathologies might therefore benefit from training-based behavioral interventions aiming at improving inhibitory control proficiency and normalizing the underlying neurophysiological mechanisms. The development of an efficient inhibitory control training regimen first requires determining the effects of practicing inhibition tasks. METHODS: We addressed this question by contrasting behavioral performance and electrical neuroimaging analyses of event-related potentials (ERPs) recorded from humans at the beginning versus the end of 1 h of practice on a stop-signal task (SST) involving the withholding of responses when a stop signal was presented during a speeded auditory discrimination task. RESULTS: Practicing a short SST improved behavioral performance. Electrophysiologically, ERPs differed topographically at 200 msec post-stimulus onset, indicative of the engagement of distinct brain network with learning. Source estimations localized this effect within the inferior frontal gyrus, the pre-supplementary motor area and the basal ganglia. CONCLUSION: Our collective results indicate that behavioral and brain responses during an inhibitory control task are subject to fast plastic changes and provide evidence that high-order fronto-basal executive networks can be modified by practicing a SST.


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Summary: Identifying contextuality in learning - contexts linked to adult learners in network-based learning


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Le but de cette étude était de déterminer la contribution de plusieurs facteurs (le design de la tâche, l’orientation d’angle, la position de la tête et du regard) sur la capacité des sujets à percevoir les différences de formes bidimensionnelles (2-D) en utilisant le toucher haptique. Deux séries d'expériences (n = 12 chacune) ont été effectuées. Dans tous les cas, les angles ont été explorés avec l'index du bras tendu. La première expérience a démontré que le seuil de discrimination des angles 2-D a été nettement plus élevé, 7,4°, que le seuil de catégorisation des angles 2-D, 3,9°. Ce résultat étend les travaux précédents, en montrant que la différence est présente dans les mêmes sujets testés dans des conditions identiques (connaissance des résultats, conditions d'essai visuel, l’orientation d’angle). Les résultats ont également montré que l'angle de catégorisation ne varie pas en fonction de l'orientation des angles dans l'espace (oblique, verticale). Étant donné que les angles présentés étaient tous distribués autour de 90°, ce qui peut être un cas particulier comme dans la vision, cette constatation doit être étendue à différentes gammes d'angles. Le seuil plus élevé dans la tâche de discrimination reflète probablement une exigence cognitive accrue de cette tâche en demandant aux sujets de mémoriser temporairement une représentation mentale du premier angle exploré et de la comparer avec le deuxième angle exploré. La deuxième expérience représente la suite logique d’une expérience antérieure dans laquelle on a constaté que le seuil de catégorisation est modifié avec la direction du regard, mais pas avec la position de la tête quand les angles (non visibles) sont explorés en position excentrique, 60° à la droite de la ligne médiane. Cette expérience a testé l'hypothèse que l'augmentation du seuil, quand le regard est dirigé vers l'extrême droite, pourrait refléter une action de l'attention spatiale. Les sujets ont exploré les angles situés à droite de la ligne médiane, variant systématiquement la direction du regard (loin ou vers l’angle) de même que l'emplacement d'angle (30° et 60° vers la droite). Les seuils de catégorisation n’ont démontré aucun changement parmi les conditions testées, bien que le biais (point d'égalité subjective) ait été modifié (décalage aux valeurs inférieurs à 90°). Puisque notre test avec le regard fixé à l’extrême droite (loin) n'a eu aucun effet sur le seuil, nous proposons que le facteur clé contribuant à l'augmentation du seuil vu précédemment (tête tout droit/regard à droite) doit être cette combinaison particulière de la tête/regard/angles et non l’attention spatiale.


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When triangulating a belief network we aim to obtain a junction tree of minimum state space. Searching for the optimal triangulation can be cast as a search over all the permutations of the network's vaeriables. Our approach is to embed the discrete set of permutations in a convex continuous domain D. By suitably extending the cost function over D and solving the continous nonlinear optimization task we hope to obtain a good triangulation with respect to the aformentioned cost. In this paper we introduce an upper bound to the total junction tree weight as the cost function. The appropriatedness of this choice is discussed and explored by simulations. Then we present two ways of embedding the new objective function into continuous domains and show that they perform well compared to the best known heuristic.


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Climate change is one of the major challenges facing economic systems at the start of the 21st century. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions will require both restructuring the energy supply system (production) and addressing the efficiency and sufficiency of the social uses of energy (consumption). The energy production system is a complicated supply network of interlinked sectors with 'knock-on' effects throughout the economy. End use energy consumption is governed by complex sets of interdependent cultural, social, psychological and economic variables driven by shifts in consumer preference and technological development trajectories. To date, few models have been developed for exploring alternative joint energy production-consumption systems. The aim of this work is to propose one such model. This is achieved in a methodologically coherent manner through integration of qualitative input-output models of production, with Bayesian belief network models of consumption, at point of final demand. The resulting integrated framework can be applied either (relatively) quickly and qualitatively to explore alternative energy scenarios, or as a fully developed quantitative model to derive or assess specific energy policy options. The qualitative applications are explored here.


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Little is known about why people differ in their levels of academic motivation. This study explored the etiology of individual differences in enjoyment and self-perceived ability for several school subjects in nearly 13,000 twins aged 9 to 16 from 6 countries. The results showed a striking consistency across ages, school subjects, and cultures. Contrary to common belief, enjoyment of learning and children’s perceptions of their competence were no less heritable than cognitive ability. Genetic factors explained approximately 40% of the variance and all of the observed twins’ similarity in academic motivation. Shared environmental factors, such as home or classroom, did not contribute to the twin’s similarity in academic motivation. Environmental influences stemmed entirely from individual specific experiences.


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This work consists in the use of techniques of signals processing and artificial neural networks to identify leaks in pipes with multiphase flow. In the traditional methods of leak detection exists a great difficulty to mount a profile, that is adjusted to the found in real conditions of the oil transport. These difficult conditions go since the unevenly soil that cause columns or vacuum throughout pipelines until the presence of multiphases like water, gas and oil; plus other components as sand, which use to produce discontinuous flow off and diverse variations. To attenuate these difficulties, the transform wavelet was used to map the signal pressure in different resolution plan allowing the extraction of descriptors that identify leaks patterns and with then to provide training for the neural network to learning of how to classify this pattern and report whenever this characterize leaks. During the tests were used transient and regime signals and pipelines with punctures with size variations from ½' to 1' of diameter to simulate leaks and between Upanema and Estreito B, of the UN-RNCE of the Petrobras, where it was possible to detect leaks. The results show that the proposed descriptors considered, based in statistical methods applied in domain transform, are sufficient to identify leaks patterns and make it possible to train the neural classifier to indicate the occurrence of pipeline leaks


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A automação na gestão e análise de dados tem sido um fator crucial para as empresas que necessitam de soluções eficientes em um mundo corporativo cada vez mais competitivo. A explosão do volume de informações, que vem se mantendo crescente nos últimos anos, tem exigido cada vez mais empenho em buscar estratégias para gerenciar e, principalmente, extrair informações estratégicas valiosas a partir do uso de algoritmos de Mineração de Dados, que comumente necessitam realizar buscas exaustivas na base de dados a fim de obter estatísticas que solucionem ou otimizem os parâmetros do modelo de extração do conhecimento utilizado; processo que requer computação intensiva para a execução de cálculos e acesso frequente à base de dados. Dada a eficiência no tratamento de incerteza, Redes Bayesianas têm sido amplamente utilizadas neste processo, entretanto, à medida que o volume de dados (registros e/ou atributos) aumenta, torna-se ainda mais custoso e demorado extrair informações relevantes em uma base de conhecimento. O foco deste trabalho é propor uma nova abordagem para otimização do aprendizado da estrutura da Rede Bayesiana no contexto de BigData, por meio do uso do processo de MapReduce, com vista na melhora do tempo de processamento. Para tanto, foi gerada uma nova metodologia que inclui a criação de uma Base de Dados Intermediária contendo todas as probabilidades necessárias para a realização dos cálculos da estrutura da rede. Por meio das análises apresentadas neste estudo, mostra-se que a combinação da metodologia proposta com o processo de MapReduce é uma boa alternativa para resolver o problema de escalabilidade nas etapas de busca em frequência do algoritmo K2 e, consequentemente, reduzir o tempo de resposta na geração da rede.


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[EN]OpenCV includes di erent object detectors based on the Viola-Jones framework. Most of them are specialized to deal with the frontal face pattern and its inner elements: eyes, nose, and mouth. In this paper, we focus on the ear pattern detection, particularly when a head pro le or almost pro le view is present in the image. We aim at creating real-time ear detectors based on the general object detection framework provided with OpenCV. After training classi ers to detect left ears, right ears, and ears in general, the performance achieved is valid to be used to feed not only a head pose estimation system but also other applications such as those based on ear biometrics.


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El objetivo general de este trabajo es el correcto funcionamiento de un sistema de reconocimiento facial compuesto de varios módulos, implementados en distintos lenguajes. Uno de dichos módulos está escrito en Python y se encargarí de determinar el género del rostro o rostros que aparecen en una imagen o en un fotograma de una secuencia de vídeo. El otro módulo, escrito en C++, llevará a cabo el reconocimiento de cada una de las partes de la cara (ojos, nariz, boca) y la orientación hacia la que está posicionada (derecha, izquierda). La primera parte de esta memoria corresponde a la reimplementación de todas las partes de un analizador facial, que constituyen el primer módulo antes mencionado. Estas partes son un analizador, compuesto a su vez por un reconocedor (Tracker) y un procesador (Processor), y una clase visor para poder visualizar los resultados. Por un lado, el reconocedor o "Tracker.es el encargado de encontrar la cara y sus partes, que serán pasadas al procesador o Processor, que analizará la cara obtenida por el reconocedor y determinará su género. Este módulo estaba dise~nado completamente en C y OpenCV 1.0, y ha sido reescrito en Python y OpenCV 2.4. Y en la segunda parte, se explica cómo realizar la comunicación entre el primer módulo escrito en Python y el segundo escrito en C++. Además, se analizarán diferentes herramientas para poder ejecutar código C++ desde programas Python. Dichas herramientas son PyBindGen, Cython y Boost. Dependiendo de las necesidades del programador se contará cuál de ellas es más conveniente utilizar en cada caso. Por último, en el apartado de resultados se puede observar el funcionamiento del sistema con la integración de los dos módulos, y cómo se muestran por pantalla los puntos de interés, el género y la orientación del rostro utilizando imágenes tomadas con una cámara web.---ABSTRACT---The main objective of this document is the proper functioning of a facial recognition system composed of two modules, implemented in diferent languages. One of these modules is written in Python, and his purpose is determining the gender of the face or faces in an image or a frame of a video sequence. The other module is written in C ++ and it will perform the recognition of each of the parts of the face (eyes, nose , mouth), and the head pose (right, left).The first part of this document corresponds to the reimplementacion of all components of a facial analyzer , which constitute the first module that I mentioned before. These parts are an analyzer , composed by a tracke) and a processor, and a viewer to display the results. The tracker function is to find and its parts, which will be passed to the processor, which will analyze the face obtained by the tracker. The processor will determine the face's gender. This module was completely written in C and OpenCV 1.0, and it has been rewritten in Python and OpenCV 2.4. And in the second part, it explains how to comunicate two modules, one of them written in Python and the other one written in C++. Furthermore, it talks about some tools to execute C++ code from Python scripts. The tools are PyBindGen, Cython and Boost. It will tell which one of those tools is better to use depend on the situation. Finally, in the results section it is possible to see how the system works with the integration of the two modules, and how the points of interest, the gender an the head pose are displayed on the screen using images taken from a webcam.


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This thesis is a study of the generation of topographic mappings - dimension reducing transformations of data that preserve some element of geometric structure - with feed-forward neural networks. As an alternative to established methods, a transformational variant of Sammon's method is proposed, where the projection is effected by a radial basis function neural network. This approach is related to the statistical field of multidimensional scaling, and from that the concept of a 'subjective metric' is defined, which permits the exploitation of additional prior knowledge concerning the data in the mapping process. This then enables the generation of more appropriate feature spaces for the purposes of enhanced visualisation or subsequent classification. A comparison with established methods for feature extraction is given for data taken from the 1992 Research Assessment Exercise for higher educational institutions in the United Kingdom. This is a difficult high-dimensional dataset, and illustrates well the benefit of the new topographic technique. A generalisation of the proposed model is considered for implementation of the classical multidimensional scaling (¸mds}) routine. This is related to Oja's principal subspace neural network, whose learning rule is shown to descend the error surface of the proposed ¸mds model. Some of the technical issues concerning the design and training of topographic neural networks are investigated. It is shown that neural network models can be less sensitive to entrapment in the sub-optimal global minima that badly affect the standard Sammon algorithm, and tend to exhibit good generalisation as a result of implicit weight decay in the training process. It is further argued that for ideal structure retention, the network transformation should be perfectly smooth for all inter-data directions in input space. Finally, there is a critique of optimisation techniques for topographic mappings, and a new training algorithm is proposed. A convergence proof is given, and the method is shown to produce lower-error mappings more rapidly than previous algorithms.


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Protein structure prediction is a cornerstone of bioinformatics research. Membrane proteins require their own prediction methods due to their intrinsically different composition. A variety of tools exist for topology prediction of membrane proteins, many of them available on the Internet. The server described in this paper, BPROMPT (Bayesian PRediction Of Membrane Protein Topology), uses a Bayesian Belief Network to combine the results of other prediction methods, providing a more accurate consensus prediction. Topology predictions with accuracies of 70% for prokaryotes and 53% for eukaryotes were achieved. BPROMPT can be accessed at http://www.jenner.ac.uk/BPROMPT.


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti para a obtenção de grau de Mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico