236 resultados para Dacus
First Amendment issues heat up with the advent of the digital age and its ability to bring pornography to every library, free of charge.
While the book has been with us for two millennia, digital artifact threaten its permanence. Now we being to wonder if it has a future at all.
Is it possible to say something positive about Internet filtering in libraries and not have everyone, including your mother, call you a wild-eyed, hidebound, neo-Nazi bashi-bazouk? No, of course not, but I'm going to try to anyway.
The declaration that print books are dead may have been premature.
Now before hundreds rush in with that inane, “One man’s Mede is another man’s Persian” argument, permit me to define Internet pornography. It isn't difficult at all.
Indulge me for a few moments, will you? I write this column just as we approach the Thanksgiving. You will read it having spent the last few weeks recovering from the Christmas Holidays. It seems appropriate at this time, even conventional, to spend a few moments looking at what we all have to be thankful for, even joyous about. All too often the quotidian cares of life weigh us down unceremoniously, and we forget that we have much to be thankful for.
A recent discussion apropos of nothing set me to a thought-experiment: what is it deans of library services (or, as it often the case when I’m introduced, deans of library sciences) do? If one were to write up a short list of some of the most important general attributes of an effective dean, what would they be?
While PASCAL meet all the requirements of a collaborative funding source, the Palmetto state still starved it of funds.
“Libraries are a lot like sex.” There just had to be a way, I kept telling myself as I watched somnambulant freshperson after somnambulant freshperson (is that what we’re calling them now?) drag his or her soporific self into our library research classes.
In the olden days, we Baby-Boomers would walk into our university or college libraries and pause just long enough to take in that wonderful smells of high grade cowhide leather and aging papyrus before rushing off to study. There was something about opening any leather bound edition of anything and being transported by the smell to some distant land, not unlike Charles Swann in Marcel Proust’s famous French novel, A La Recherché du Temps Perdu, Remembrance of Things Past.
Why the Internet is no substitute for a library.
Is the book dead? Are libraries obsolete? Did the Internet murder both?
Borders, the bookstore, provides us with an instructive case study regarding our collective futures. While Amazon and Barnes & Noble made changes that both streamlined and changed their services, Borders followed the “business as usual” model. That led to Chapter 11, the closing of nearly a third of their stores, and a complete restructuring of all that’s left. Not many industry analysts think even this will be enough to keep the company afloat.
If you’ve made it this far—and I’m sure many of you have—then you know what this article is about: QR codes, or Quick Response codes (also referred to, though less frequently, as mobile codes 2d barcodes, or 2d codes). QRs are not new by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, they’ve been around for about a decade and a half.