996 resultados para DSpace


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An Nd:glass laser pulse (18 ns, 1.38 J) is focused in a tiny area of about 100-mum diam under ambient conditions to produce micro-shock waves. The laser is focused above a planar surface with a typical standoff distance of about 4 mm, The laser energy is focused inside a supersonic circular jet of carbon dioxide gas produced by a nozzle with internal diameter of 2.9 mm and external diameter of 8 mm, Nominal value of the Mach number of the jet is around 2 with the corresponding pressure ratio of 7.5 (stagnation pressure/static pressure at the exit of the nozzle), The interaction process of the micro-shock wave generated inside the supersonic jet with the plane wall is investigated using double-pulse holographic interferometry. A strong surface vortex field with subsequent generation of a side jet propagating outward along the plane wail is observed. The interaction of the micro-shock wave with the cellular structure of the supersonic jet does not seem to influence the near surface features of the flowfield. The development of the coherent structures near the nozzle exit due to the upstream propagation of pressure waves seems to be affected by the outward propagating micro-shock wave. Mach reflection is observed when the micro-shock wave interacts with the plane wall at a standoff distance of 4 mm, The Mach stem is slightly deflected, indicating strong boundary-layer and viscous effects near the wall. The interaction process is also simulated numerically using an axisymmetric transient laminar Navier-Stokes solver. Qualitative agreement between experimental and numerical results is good.


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Aimed at brittle composites reinforced by randomly distributed short-fibers with a relatively large aspect ratio, stiffness modulus and strength, a mesoscopic material model was proposed. Based on the statistical description, damage mechanisms, damage-induced anisotropy, damage rate effect and stress redistribution, the constitutive relation were derived. By taking glass fiber reinforced polypropylene polymers as an example, the effect of initial orientation distribution of fibers, damage-induced anisotropy, and damage-rate effect on macro-behaviors of composites were quantitatively analyzed. The theoretical predictions compared favorably with the experimental results.


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A three-phase piezoelectric cylinder model is proposed and an exact solution is obtained for the model under a farfield antiplane mechanical load and a far-field inplane electrical load. The three-phase model can serve as a fiber/interphase layer/matrix model, in terms of which a lot of interesting mechanical and electrical coupling phenomena induced by the interphase layer are revealed. It is found that much more serious stress and electrical field concentrations occur in the model with the interphase layer than those without any interphase layer. The three-phase model can also serve as a fiber/matrix/composite model, in terms of which a generalized self-consistent approach is developed for predicting the effective electroelastic moduli of piezoelectric composites. Numerical examples are given and discussed in detail.


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The Monte- Carlo method is used to simulate the surface fatigue crack growth rate for offshore structural steel E36-Z35, and to determine the distributions and relevance of the parameters in the Paris equation. By this method, the time and cost of fatigue crack propagation testing can be reduced. The application of the method is demonstrated by use of four sets of fatigue crack propagation data for offshore structural steel E36-Z35. A comparison of the test data with the theoretical prediction for surface crack growth rate shows the application of the simulation method to the fatigue crack propagation tests is successful.


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In order to investigate the characteristics of water wave induced liquefaction in highly saturated sand in vertical direction, a one-dimensional model of highly saturated sand to water pressure oscillation is presented based oil the two-phase continuous media theory. The development of the effective stresses and the liquefaction thickness are analyzed. It is shown that water pressure oscillating loading affects liquefaction severely and the developing rate of liquefaction increases with the decreasing of the sand strength or the increasing of the loading strength. It is shown also that there is obvious phase lag in the sand Column. If the sand permeability is non-uniform, the pore pressure and the strain rise sharply at which the smallest permeability occurs. This solution may explain Why the fracture occurs in the sand column in some conditions.


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The multi-layers feedforward neural network is used for inversion of material constants of fluid-saturated porous media. The direct analysis of fluid-saturated porous media is carried out with the boundary element method. The dynamic displacement responses obtained from direct analysis for prescribed material parameters constitute the sample sets training neural network. By virtue of the effective L-M training algorithm and the Tikhonov regularization method as well as the GCV method for an appropriate selection of regularization parameter, the inverse mapping from dynamic displacement responses to material constants is performed. Numerical examples demonstrate the validity of the neural network method.


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Using a refined two-dimensional hybrid-model with self-consistent microwave absorption, we have investigated the change of plasma parameters such as plasma density and ionization rate with the operating conditions. The dependence of the ion current density and ion energy and angle distribution function at the substrate surface vs. the radial position, pressure and microwave power were discussed. Results of our simulation can be compared qualitatively with many experimental measurements.


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Covering the solid lattice with a finite-element mesh produces a coarse-grained system of mesh nodes as pseudoatoms interacting through an effective potential energy that depends implicitly on the thermodynamic state. Use of the pseudoatomic Hamiltonian in a Monte Carlo simulation of the two-dimensional Lennard-Jones crystal yields equilibrium thermomechanical properties (e.g., isotropic stress) in excellent agreement with ``exact'' fully atomistic results.


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The material response and failure mechanism of unidirectional metal matrix composite under impulsive shear loading are investigated in this paper. Both experimental and analytical studies were performed. The shear strength of unidirectional C-f/A356.0 composite and A356.0 aluminum alloy at high strain rate were measured with a modified split Hopkinson torsional bar technique. The results indicated that the carbon fibers did not improve the shear strength of aluminum matrix if the fiber orientation aligned with the shear loading axis. The microscopic inspection of the fractured surface showed a multi-scale zigzag feature which implied a complicated shear failure mechanism in the composite. In addition to testing, the micromechanical stress field in the composite was analyzed by the generalized Eshelby equivalent method (GEEM). The influence of cracking in matrix on the micromechanical stress field was investigated as well. The results showed that the stress distribution in the composite is quite nonhomogeneous and very high shear stress concentrations are found in some regions in the matrix. The high shear stress concentration in the matrix induces tensile cracking at 45 degrees to the shear direction. This in turn aggravates the stress concentration at the fiber/matrix interface and finally leads to a catastrophic failure in the composite. From the correlation between the analysis and experimental results, the shear failure mechanism of unidirectional C-f/A356.0 composite can be elucidated qualitatively.


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