953 resultados para DOPA-RESPONSIVE DYSTONIA
Despite that a wealth of evidence links striatal dopamine to individualś reward learning performance in non-social environments, the neurochemical underpinnings of such learning during social interaction are unknown. Here, we show that the administration of 300 mg of the dopamine precursor L-DOPA to 200 healthy male subjects influences learning about a partners' prosocial preferences in a novel social interaction task, which is akin to a repeated trust game. We found learning to be modulated by a well-established genetic marker of striatal dopamine levels, the 40-bp variable number tandem repeats polymorphism of the dopamine transporter (DAT1 polymorphism). In particular, we found that L-DOPA improves learning in 10/10R genoype subjects, who are assumed to have lower endogenous striatal dopamine levels and impairs learning in 9/10R genotype subjects, who are assumed to have higher endogenous dopamine levels. These findings provide first evidence for a critical role of dopamine in learning whether an interaction partner has a prosocial or a selfish personality. The applied pharmacogenetic approach may open doors to new ways of studying psychiatric disorders such as psychosis, which is characterized by distorted perceptions of others' prosocial attitudes.
Fucosidosis is a rare lysosomal storage disease. A 14-year-old girl is presented, with recurrent infections, progressive dystonic movement disorder and mental retardation with onset in early childhood. The clinical picture was also marked by mild morphologic features, but absent dysostosis multiplex and organomegaly. MRI images at 6.5 years of age were reminiscent of pallidal iron deposition ("eye-of-the-tiger" sign) seen in neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation (NBIA) disorders. Progressively spreading angiokeratoma corporis diffusum led to the correct diagnosis. This case extends the scope of clinical and neuroradiological manifestations of fucosidosis.
INTRODUCTION Neurogenic bladder dysfunction is well described in Parkinson's disease and has a major impact on quality of live. In contrast, little is known about the extent of urinary symptoms in other movement disorders such as dystonia and about the role of the basal ganglia in bladder control.. PATIENTS AND METHODS A consecutive series of 11 patients with severe dystonia undergoing deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the globus pallidus internus was prospectively enrolled. Bladder function was assessed by the International Prostate Symptom Score and urodynamic investigation (UDI) before DBS surgery and afterwards in the conditions with and without DBS. RESULTS In UDI before DBS surgery, detrusor overactivity was found in 36% (4/11) of dystonia patients. With pallidal DBS ON, maximum flow rate significantly decreased, post-void residual significantly increased and detrusor overactivity disappeared.. CONCLUSIONS Pathological urodynamic changes can be found in a relevant percentage of dystonia patients. Pallidal DBS has a relaxing effect on detrusor function indicating a role of the basal ganglia in lower urinary tract control. Thus, a better understanding on how subcortical networks influence lower urinary tract function might open new therapeutic perspectives..
BACKGROUND Some patients with a phenotypic appearance of eosinophilic oesophagitis (EoE) respond histologically to PPI, and are described as having PPI-responsive oesophageal eosinophilia (PPI-REE). It is unclear if PPI-REE is a GERD-related phenomenon, a subtype of EoE, or a completely unique entity. AIM To compare demographic, clinical and histological features of EoE and PPI-REE. METHODS Two databases were reviewed from the Walter Reed and Swiss EoE databases. Patients were stratified into two groups, EoE and PPI-REE, based on recent EoE consensus guidelines. Response to PPI was defined as achieving less than 15 eos/hpf and a 50% decrease from baseline following at least a 6-week course of treatment. RESULTS One hundred and three patients were identified (63 EoE and 40 PPI-REE; mean age 40.2 years, 75% male and 89% Caucasian). The two cohorts had similar dysphagia (97% vs. 100%, P = 0.520), food impaction (43% vs. 35%, P = 0.536), and heartburn (33% vs. 32%, P = 1.000) and a similar duration of symptoms (6.0 years vs. 5.8 years, P = 0.850). Endoscopic features were also similar between EoE and PPI-REE; rings (68% vs. 68%, P = 1.000), furrows (70% vs. 70%, P = 1.000), plaques (19% vs. 10%, P = 0.272), strictures (49% vs. 30%, P = 0.066). EoE and PPI-REE were similar in the number of proximal (39 eos/hpf vs. 38 eos/hpf, P = 0.919) and distal eosinophils (50 vs. 43 eos/hpf, P = 0.285). CONCLUSIONS EoE and PPI-responsive oesophageal eosinophilia are similar in clinical, histological and endoscopic features and therefore are indistinguishable without a PPI trial. Further studies are needed to determine why a subset of patients with oesophageal eosinophilia respond to PPI.
AUTOFLY-Aid Project aims to develop and demonstrate novel automation support algorithms and tools to the flight crew for flight critical collision avoidance using “dynamic 4D trajectory management”. The automation support system is envisioned to improve the primary shortcomings of TCAS, and to aid the pilot through add-on avionics/head-up displays and reality augmentation devices in dynamically evolving collision avoidance scenarios. The main theoretical innovative and novel concepts to be developed by AUTOFLY-Aid project are a) design and development of the mathematical models of the full composite airspace picture from the flight deck’s perspective, as seen/measured/informed by the aircraft flying in SESAR 2020, b) design and development of a dynamic trajectory planning algorithm that can generate at real-time (on the order of seconds) flyable (i.e. dynamically and performance-wise feasible) alternative trajectories across the evolving stochastic composite airspace picture (which includes new conflicts, blunder risks, terrain and weather limitations) and c) development and testing of the Collision Avoidance Automation Support System on a Boeing 737 NG FNPT II Flight Simulator with synthetic vision and reality augmentation while providing the flight crew with quantified and visual understanding of collision risks in terms of time and directions and countermeasures.
Thyroid hormone is a critical mediator of central nervous system (CNS) development, acting through nuclear receptors to modulate the expression of specific genes. Transcription of the rat hairless (hr) gene is highly up-regulated by thyroid hormone in the developing CNS; we show here that hr is directly induced by thyroid hormone. By identifying proteins that interact with the hr gene product (Hr), we find that Hr interacts directly and specifically with thyroid hormone receptor (TR)—the same protein that regulates its expression. Unlike previously described receptor-interacting factors, Hr associates with TR and not with retinoic acid receptors (RAR, RXR). Hr can act as a transcriptional repressor, suggesting that its interaction with TR is part of a novel autoregulatory mechanism.
Calbindin D28 encodes a calcium binding protein that is expressed in the cerebellum exclusively in Purkinje cells. We have used biolistic transfection of organotypic slices of P12 cerebellum to identify a 40-bp element from the calbindin promoter that is necessary and sufficient for Purkinje cell specific expression in this transient in situ assay. This element (PCE1) is also present in the calmodulin II promoter, which regulates expression of a second Purkinje cell Ca2+ binding protein. Expression of high levels of exogenous calbindin or calretinin decreased transcription mediated by PCE1 in Purkinje cells 2.5- to 3-fold, whereas the presence of 1 μM ionomycin in the extracellular medium increased expression. These results demonstrate that PCE1 is a component of a cell-specific and Ca2+-sensitive transcriptional regulatory mechanism that may play a key role in setting the Ca2+ buffering capacity of Purkinje cells.
NADPH:protochlorophyllide (Pchlide) oxidoreductase (POR) is the key enzyme of chlorophyll biosynthesis in angiosperms. In barley, two POR enzymes, termed PORA and PORB, exist. Both are nucleus-encoded plastid proteins that must be imported posttranslationally from the cytosol. Whereas the import of the precursor of PORA, pPORA, previously has been shown to depend on Pchlide, the import of pPORB occurred constitutively. To study this striking difference, chimeric precursor proteins were constructed in which the transit sequences of the pPORA and pPORB were exchanged and fused to either their cognate polypeptides or to a cytosolic dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) reporter protein of mouse. As shown here, the transit peptide of the pPORA (transA) conferred the Pchlide requirement of import onto both the mature PORB and the DHFR. By contrast, the transit peptide of the pPORB directed the reporter protein into both chloroplasts that contained or lacked translocation-active Pchlide. In vitro binding studies further demonstrated that the transit peptide of the pPORA, but not of the pPORB, is able to bind Pchlide. We conclude that the import of the authentic pPORA and that of the transA-PORB and transA-DHFR fusion proteins is regulated by a direct transit peptide-Pchlide interaction, which is likely to occur in the plastid envelope, a major site of porphyrin biosynthesis.
Exposure of human and rodent cells to a wide variety of chemoprotective compounds confers resistance against a broad set of carcinogens. For a subset of the chemoprotective compounds, protection is generated by an increase in the abundance of protective enzymes like glutathione S-transferases (GST). Antioxidant responsive elements (AREs) mediate the transcriptional induction of a battery of genes which comprise much of this chemoprotective response system. Past studies identified a necessary ARE “core” sequence of RTGACnnnGC, but this sequence alone is insufficient to mediate induction. In this study, the additional sequences necessary to define a sufficient, functional ARE are identified through systematic mutational analysis of the murine GST Ya ARE. Introduction of the newly identified necessary nucleotides into the regions flanking a nonresponsive, ARE-like, GST-Mu promoter sequence produced an inducible element. A screen of the GenBank database with the newly identified ARE consensus identified 16 genes which contained the functional ARE consensus sequence in their promoters. Included within this group was an ARE sequence from the murine ferritin-L promoter that mediated induction when tested. In an electrophoretic mobility-shift assay, the ferritin-L ARE was bound by ARE–binding protein 1, a protein previously identified as the likely mediator of the chemoprotective response. A three-level ARE classification system is presented to account for the distinct induction strengths observed in our mutagenesis studies. A model of the ARE as a composite regulatory site, where multiple transcription factors interact, is presented to account for the complex characteristics of ARE-mediated chemoprotective gene expression.
Differentiating 3T3-L1 cells exhibit a dramatic increase in the rate of insulin-stimulated glucose transport during their conversion from proliferating fibroblasts to nonproliferating adipocytes. On day 3 of 3T3-L1 cell differentiation, basal glucose transport and cell surface transferrin binding are markedly diminished. This occurs concomitant with the formation of a distinct insulin-responsive vesicular pool of intracellular glucose transporter 1 (GLUT1) and transferrin receptors as assessed by sucrose velocity gradients. The intracellular distribution of the insulin-responsive aminopeptidase is first readily detectable on day 3, and its gradient profile and response to insulin at this time are identical to that of GLUT1. With further time of differentiation, GLUT4 is expressed and targeted to the same insulin-responsive vesicles as the other three proteins. Our data are consistent with the notion that a distinct insulin-sensitive vesicular cargo compartment forms early during fat call differentiation and its formation precedes GLUT4 expression. The development of this compartment may result from the differentiation-dependent inhibition of constitutive GLUT1 and transferrin receptor trafficking such that there is a large increase in, or the new formation of, a population of postendosomal, insulin-responsive vesicles.
Insulin and guanosine-5′-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) (GTPγS) both stimulate glucose transport and translocation of the insulin-responsive glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) to the plasma membrane in adipocytes. Previous studies suggest that these effects may be mediated by different mechanisms. In this study we have tested the hypothesis that these agonists recruit GLUT4 by distinct trafficking mechanisms, possibly involving mobilization of distinct intracellular compartments. We show that ablation of the endosomal system using transferrin-HRP causes a modest inhibition (∼30%) of insulin-stimulated GLUT4 translocation. In contrast, the GTPγS response was significantly attenuated (∼85%) under the same conditions. Introduction of a GST fusion protein encompassing the cytosolic tail of the v-SNARE cellubrevin inhibited GTPγS-stimulated GLUT4 translocation by ∼40% but had no effect on the insulin response. Conversely, a fusion protein encompassing the cytosolic tail of vesicle-associated membrane protein-2 had no significant effect on GTPγS-stimulated GLUT4 translocation but inhibited the insulin response by ∼40%. GTPγS- and insulin-stimulated GLUT1 translocation were both partially inhibited by GST-cellubrevin (∼50%) but not by GST-vesicle-associated membrane protein-2. Incubation of streptolysin O-permeabilized 3T3-L1 adipocytes with GTPγS caused a marked accumulation of Rab4 and Rab5 at the cell surface, whereas other Rab proteins (Rab7 and Rab11) were unaffected. These data are consistent with the localization of GLUT4 to two distinct intracellular compartments from which it can move to the cell surface independently using distinct sets of trafficking molecules.
Hematopoiesis depends on a pool of quiescent hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells. When exposed to specific cytokines, a portion of these cells enters the cell cycle to generate an amplified progeny. Myeloblastin (MBN) initially was described as involved in proliferation of human leukemia cells. The granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), which stimulates the proliferation of granulocytic precursors, up-regulates MBN expression. Here we show that constitutive overexpression of MBN confers factor-independent growth to murine bone marrow-derived Ba/F3/G-CSFR cells. Our results point to MBN as a G-CSF responsive gene critical to factor-independent growth and indicate that expression of the G-CSF receptor is a prerequisite to this process. A 91-bp MBN promoter region containing PU.1, C/EBP, and c-Myb binding sites is responsive to G-CSF treatment. Although PU.1, C/EBP, and c-Myb transcription factors all were critical for expression of MBN, its up-regulation by G-CSF was associated mainly with PU.1. These findings suggest that MBN is an important target of PU.1 and a key protease for factor-independent growth of hematopoietic cells.
IFNγ, once called the macrophage-activating factor, stimulates many genes in macrophages, ultimately leading to the elicitation of innate immunity. IFNγ's functions depend on the activation of STAT1, which stimulates transcription of IFNγ-inducible genes through the GAS element. The IFN consensus sequence binding protein (icsbγ or IFN regulatory factor 8), encoding a transcription factor of the IFN regulatory factor family, is one of such IFNγ-inducible genes in macrophages. We found that macrophages from ICSBP−/− mice were defective in inducing some IFNγ-responsive genes, even though they were capable of activating STAT1 in response to IFNγ. Accordingly, IFNγ activation of luciferase reporters fused to the GAS element was severely impaired in ICSBP−/− macrophages, but transfection of ICSBP resulted in marked stimulation of these reporters. Consistent with its role in activating IFNγ-responsive promoters, ICSBP stimulated reporter activity in a GAS-specific manner, even in the absence of IFNγ treatment, and in STAT1 negative cells. Indicative of a mechanism for this stimulation, DNA affinity binding assays revealed that endogenous ICSBP was recruited to a multiprotein complex that bound to GAS. These results suggest that ICSBP, when induced by IFNγ through STAT1, in turn generates a second wave of transcription from GAS-containing promoters, thereby contributing to the elicitation of IFNγ's unique activities in immune cells.