998 resultados para DNA -- biosynthesis


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The development of a protein-mediated dual functional affinity adsorption of plasmid DNA is described in this work. The affinity ligand for the plasmid DNA comprises a fusion protein with glutathione-S-transferase (GST) as the fusion partner with a zinc finger protein. The protein ligand is first bound to the adsorbent by affinity interaction between the GST moeity and gluthathione that is covalently immobilized to the base matrix. The plasmid binding is then enabled via the zinc finger protein and a specific nucleotide sequence inserted into the DNA. At lower loadings, the binding of the DNA onto the Fractogel, Sepharose, and Streamline matrices was 0.0078 ± 0.0013, 0.0095 ± 0.0016, and 0.0080 ± 0.0006 mg, respectively, to 50 μL of adsorbent. At a higher DNA challenge, the corresponding amounts were 0.0179 ± 0.0043, 0.0219 ± 0.0035, and 0.0190 ± 0.0041 mg, respectively. The relatively constant amounts bound to the three adsorbents indicated that the large DNA molecule was unable to utilize the available zinc finger sites that were located in the internal pores and binding was largely a surface adsorption phenomenon. Utilization of the zinc finger binding sites was shown to be highest for the Fractogel adsorbent. The adsorbed material was eluted with reduced glutathione, and the eluted efficiency for the DNA was between 23% and 27%. The protein elution profile appeared to match the adsorption profiles with significantly higher recoveries of bound GST-zinc finger protein.


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Methods are presented for the production, affinity purification and analysis of plasmid DNA (pDNA). Batch fermentation is used for the production of the pDNA, and expanded bed chromatography, via the use of a dual affinity glutathione S-transferase (GST) fusion protein, is used for the capture and purification of the pDNA. The protein is composed of GST, which displays affinity for glutathione immobilized to a solid-phase adsorbent, fused to a zinc finger transcription factor, which displays affinity for a target 9-base pair sequence contained within the target pDNA. A Picogreen™ fluorescence assay and/or anx ethidium bromide agarose gel electrophoresis assay can be used to analyze the eluted pDNA.


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The maturing of the biotechnology industry and a focus on productivity has seen a shift from discovery science to small-scale bench-top research to higher productivity, large scale production. Health companies are aggressively expanding their biopharmaceutical interests, an expansion which is facilitated by biochemical and bioprocess engineering. An area of continuous growth is vaccines. Vaccination will be a key intervention in the case of an influenza pandemic. The global manufacturing capacity for fast turn around vaccines is currently woefully inadequate at around 300 million shots. As the prevention of epidemics requires > 80 % vaccination, in theory the world should currently be aiming for the ability to produce around 5.3 billion vaccines. Presented is a production method for the creation of a fast turn around DNA vaccine. A DNA vaccine could have a production time scale of as little as two weeks. This process has been harnessed into a pilot scale production system for the creation of a pre-clinical grade malaria vaccine in a collaborative project with the Coppel Lab, Department of Microbiology, Monash University. In particular, improvements to the fermentation, chromatography and delivery stages will be discussed. Consideration will then be given as to how the fermentation stage affects the mid and downstream processing stages.


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Epigenetic changes correspond to heritable modifications of the chromatin structure, which do not involve any alteration of the DNA sequence but nonetheless affect gene expression. These mechanisms play an important role in cell differentiation, but aberrant occurrences are also associated with a number of diseases, including cancer and neural development disorders. In particular, aberrant DNA methylation induced by H. Pylori has been found to be a significant risk factor in gastric cancer. To investigate the sensitivity of different genes and cell types to this infection, a computational model of methylation in gastric crypts is developed. In this article, we review existing results from physical experiments and outline their limitations, before presenting the computational model and investigating the influence of its parameters.


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Over the last few years, investigations of human epigenetic profiles have identified key elements of change to be Histone Modifications, stable and heritable DNA methylation and Chromatin remodeling. These factors determine gene expression levels and characterise conditions leading to disease. In order to extract information embedded in long DNA sequences, data mining and pattern recognition tools are widely used, but efforts have been limited to date with respect to analyzing epigenetic changes, and their role as catalysts in disease onset. Useful insight, however, can be gained by investigation of associated dinucleotide distributions. The focus of this paper is to explore specific dinucleotides frequencies across defined regions within the human genome, and to identify new patterns between epigenetic mechanisms and DNA content. Signal processing methods, including Fourier and Wavelet Transformations, are employed and principal results are reported.


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This thesis investigated the basis for massive differences in provitamin A carotenoid content in banana fruits. Rather than gene expression levels, carotenoid storage capacity and product degradation explained much of the differences. Such information should provide important insights for future developments in the biofortification of banana. A high carotenoid-containing cultivar, 'Asupina' and a popular commercial but low carotenoid-containing cultivar, 'Cavendish' were used in the investigations.


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Deoxyribonucleic acid molecules are heralding a new generation of reverse - engineered biopharmaceuticals. In terms of potential application in gene medicine, plasmid DNA (pDNA) vectors have exceptional therapeutic and immunological profiles as they are free from safety concerns associated with viral vectors, display non-toxicity and are simpler to develop. This presentation will discuss the potential applications of pDNA molecules in vaccine development and gene therapy, pilot-scale production of pDNA-based biopharmaceuticals and the controlled delivery of therapeutic sequences in biodegradable polymers to different target cells via the nasal route.


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Extracellular polysaccharides are major immunogenic components of the bacterial cell envelope. However, little is known about their biosynthesis in the genus Acinetobacter, which includes A. baumannii, an important nosocomial pathogen. Whether Acinetobacter sp. produce a capsule or a lipopolysaccharide carrying an O antigen or both is not resolved. To explore these issues, genes involved in the synthesis of complex polysaccharides were located in 10 complete A. baumannii genome sequences, and the function of each of their products was predicted via comparison to enzymes with a known function. The absence of a gene encoding a WaaL ligase, required to link the carbohydrate polymer to the lipid A-core oligosaccharide (lipooligosaccharide) forming lipopolysaccharide, suggests that only a capsule is produced. Nine distinct arrangements of a large capsule biosynthesis locus, designated KL1 to KL9, were found in the genomes. Three forms of a second, smaller variable locus, likely to be required for synthesis of the outer core of the lipid A-core moiety, were designated OCL1 to OCL3 and also annotated. Each K locus includes genes for capsule export as well as genes for synthesis of activated sugar precursors, and for glycosyltransfer, glycan modification and oligosaccharide repeat-unit processing. The K loci all include the export genes at one end and genes for synthesis of common sugar precursors at the other, with a highly variable region that includes the remaining genes in between. Five different capsule loci, KL2, KL6, KL7, KL8 and KL9 were detected in multiply antibiotic resistant isolates belonging to global clone 2, and two other loci, KL1 and KL4, in global clone 1. This indicates that this region is being substituted repeatedly in multiply antibiotic resistant isolates from these clones.


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A major virulence factor for Yersinia pseudotuberculosis is lipopolysaccharide, including O-polysaccharide (OPS). Currently, the OPS based serotyping scheme for Y. pseudotuberculosis includes 21 known O-serotypes, with genetic and structural data available for 17 of them. The completion of the OPS structures and genetics of this species will enable the visualization of relationships between O-serotypes and allow for analysis of the evolutionary processes within the species that give rise to new serotypes. Here we present the OPS structure and gene cluster of serotype O:12, thus adding one more to the set of completed serotypes, and show that this serotype is present in both Y. pseudotuberculosis and the newly identified Y. similis species. The O:12 structure is shown to include two rare sugars: 4-C[(R)-1-hydroxyethyl]-3,6-dideoxy-d-xylo-hexose (d-yersiniose) and 6-deoxy-l-glucopyranose (l-quinovose). We have identified a novel putative guanine diphosphate (GDP)-l-fucose 4-epimerase gene and propose a pathway for the synthesis of GDP-l-quinovose, which extends the known GDP-l-fucose pathway.


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Ascorbate (vitamin C) is an essential antioxidant and enzyme cofactor in both plants and animals. Ascorbate concentration is tightly regulated in plants, partly to respond to stress. Here, we demonstrate that ascorbate concentrations are determined via the posttranscriptional repression of GDP-l-galactose phosphorylase (GGP), a major control enzyme in the ascorbate biosynthesis pathway. This regulation requires a cis-acting upstream open reading frame (uORF) that represses the translation of the downstream GGP open reading frame under high ascorbate concentration. Disruption of this uORF stops the ascorbate feedback regulation of translation and results in increased ascorbate concentrations in leaves. The uORF is predicted to initiate at a noncanonical codon (ACG rather than AUG) and encode a 60- to 65-residue peptide. Analysis of ribosome protection data from Arabidopsis thaliana showed colocation of high levels of ribosomes with both the uORF and the main coding sequence of GGP. Together, our data indicate that the noncanonical uORF is translated and encodes a peptide that functions in the ascorbate inhibition of translation. This posttranslational regulation of ascorbate is likely an ancient mechanism of control as the uORF is conserved in GGP genes from mosses to angiosperms.


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Cisplatin (cis-diamminedichloroplatinum (II)), is a platinum based chemotherapeutic employed in the clinic to treat patients with lung, ovarian, colorectal or head and neck cancers. Cisplatin acts to induce tumor cell death via multiple mechanisms. The best characterized mode of action is through irreversible DNA cross-links which activate DNA damage signals leading to cell death via the intrinsic mitochondrial apoptosis pathway. However, the primary issue with cisplatin is that while patients initially respond favorably, sustained cisplatin therapy often yields chemoresistance resulting in therapeutic failure. In this chapter, we review the DNA damage and repair pathways that contribute to cisplatin resistance. We also examine the cellular implications of cisplatin resistance that may lead to selection of subpopulations of cells within a tumor. In better understanding the mechanisms conferring cisplatin resistance, novel targets may be identified to restore drug sensitivity.


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Germline mutations in BRCA1 predispose carriers to a high incidence of breast and ovarian cancers. BRCA1 functions to maintain genomic stability through critical roles in DNA repair, cell cycle arrest and transcriptional control. A major question has been why BRCA1 loss or mutation leads to tumors mainly in estrogen-regulated tissues, given that BRCA1 has essential functions in all cell types. Here we report that estrogen and estrogen metabolites can cause DNA double strand breaks (DSB) in estrogen receptor-α negative breast cells and that BRCA1 is required to repair these DSBs to prevent metabolite-induced genomic instability. We found that BRCA1 also regulates estrogen metabolism and metabolite-mediated DNA damage by repressing the transcription of estrogen-metabolising enzymes, such as CYP1A1, in breast cells. Lastly, we used a knock-in human cell model with a heterozygous BRCA1 pathogenic mutation to show how BRCA1 haploinsufficiency affects these processes. Our findings provide pivotal new insights into why BRCA1 mutation drives the formation of tumours in estrogen-regulated tissues, despite the general role of BRCA1 in DNA repair in all cell types.