226 resultados para Cyprinus
In aquaculture, application of fish hybrids has increased. This technique permits improvement of the fish production by providing specimens showing better growth rate when compared to the parental species. Indeed, sterile individuals are highly demanded because quite frequently parental fish mature before they reach the market size, which impairs their growth and decrease their economic value. Throughout the last years, the commercial and scientific interest in salmonids has increased rapidly, among them, the brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis), Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) are species that can be crossed to produce hybrids that might by cultured in the fish farms. In the present thesis, we have assessed chromosome numbers and evaluate gonadal sex in the brook trout X Arctic charr hybrid progenies. In our populations, the karyotype of the brook trout comprises 84 chromosomes: 16 bi-armed chromosomes (meta-submetacentric) and 68 one-armed chromosomes (telo-acrocentrics) and the chromosome arm number, NF= 100. Arctic charr karyotype shows variation related to the chromosome number (2n= 81-82) and stable chromosome arm number (NF= 100). 2n= 81 chromosomes consisted of 19 bi-armed and 62 one-armed chromosomes, while 2n= 82 karyotype was organized into 18 meta-submetacentric and 64 acrocentrics. The cytogenetic and histological analysis of the brook trout X Arctic charr hybrids (sparctics) was carried out to asses chromosome and chromosome arm number and gonadal sex of the studied specimens. Diploid chromosome number in the hybrids varied from 81 to 84 and individuals with 83 and 84 chromosomes were predominant. Most of the fish had chromosome arm number equal to 100. Robertsonian fusion in the Arctic charr and chromosome behaviour in the hybrid fish cells might lead to the observed variation in chromosome numbers in the hybrids. Among studied fish, 12 were males, 3 were females and 9 had intersex gonads. No correlation between chromosome number and disturbances in the gonadal development was found. This might suggest that intersex gonads might have been developed as a consequence of disturbances in the genetic sex determination process. Genetic sex determination acts properly in the parental species but in the hybrids this may not be as efficient.
En el marc d'un projecte més ampli sobre la comunitat de peixos de la conca lacustre de Banyoles, s'ha estudiat la distribució espacial de les diferents espècies així com l'ús que aquestes fan de l'hàbitat. El poblament piscícola de l'estany de Banyoles és el resultat d'un llarg historial d'introducció d'espècies exòtiques i extinció de les poblacions autòctones locals. S'ha revisat la seva composició actual detectant un total de 18 espècies (4 autòctones i 14 introduïdes) de les quals només 13 presenten una població estable. L'estudi de l'hàbitat s'ha centrat a l'Estany, l'element principal del sistema lacustre, analitzant per separat la zona litoral i la zona limnètica. En el primer cas s'han realitzat les captures d'individus mitjançant pesca elèctrica des d'una embarcació adaptada per aquesta pràctica. La totalitat del litoral ha estat dividida en trams de característiques homogènies on s'han obtingut les captures per unitat d'esforç per cada espècie. El mostreig s'ha desenvolupat entre l'estiu de 1997 i la primavera del 2000 realitzant un total de 10 campanyes de pesca. Les espècies més abundants al litoral són la perca americana (Micropterus salmoides) i el peix sol (Lepomis gibbosus), essent també presents la perca (Perca fluviatilis), carpa (Cyprinus carpio) i el gardí (Scardinius erythrophthalmus). S'han capturat altres espècies com ara anguila (Anguilla anguilla), bagra (Squalius cephalus), sandra (Sander lucioperca), carpí (Carassius auratus) i madrilleta vera (Rutilus rutilus), però són molt menys abundants en nombre. S'ha examinat, per cadascuna de les espècies, si existeix selecció de l'hàbitat i en cas afirmatiu, quin és el preferent en base a la classificació del litoral en sis tipus de vegetació predominant. Les espècies més abundants, perca americana i peix sol, ocupen tots els hàbitats disponibles però amb una densitat diferent. La perca mostra també una clara selecció de l'hàbitat a favor de les zones molt estructurades amb abundant presència de jonca litoral. Carpa i gardí seleccionen els ambients més fondos amb major presència de matèria orgànica d'origen vegetal procedent del bogar. En general els individus ocupen les zones amb una densitat de vegetació intermèdia, majoritàriament zones de jonca a l'estiu i zones amb mansega a l'hivern, on troben refugi i els recursos tròfics necessaris. La perca americana, a més, presenta una elevada fidelitat a un mateix punt del litoral al llarg de la seva vida. La zona limnètica ha estat prospectada mensualment mitjançant ecosondació, realitzant transectes perpendiculars a l'eix principal de l'Estany, cobrint la seva totalitat. La composició d'espècies s'ha obtingut a partir de les captures fetes amb xarxes (tresmalls) amb periodicitat estacional. L'anàlisi geoestadística de la densitat de peixos ha permès descriure l'estructura espacial d'aquesta a partir dels variogrames, així com la seva variabilitat tant espacial com temporal, i obtenir els mapes de densitat. A l'hivern, la densitat de peixos a la zona limnètica assoleix els seus valors mínims i els individus es troben formant agregats dispersos, pels diferents estrats de fondària. A partir de la primavera la densitat augmenta, pel reclutament i la major freqüència d'individus que abandonen el litoral; la densitat esdevé més homogènia a les primer capes de fondària. A l'estiu la densitat és màxima i l'estrat més homogeni coincideix amb la posició de la termoclina. Aquest estructura varia en disminuir la temperatura i barrejar-se la columna d'aigua, tornant a la situació hivernal. La perca i la madrilleta vera són les espècies predominants en aquest ambient, juntament amb la carpa. La seva distribució no és homogènia i respon a les característiques limnològiques de les diferents cubetes de l'Estany. Una particularitat d'aquest, relacionada amb el seu origen càrstic, es la formació d'una ploma hidrotermal que afecta la distribució dels peixos, probablement en augmentar la terbolesa. S'ha integrat l'ús de l'hàbitat de les espècies que ocupen tant la zona limnètica com la litoral a partir del seguiment d'individus, concretament de perca i bagra. S'ha utilitzat un sistema automàtic de posicionament que estima la localització dels individus marcats amb transmissor de telemetria acústica. L'anàlisi dels desplaçaments mostra un rang superior per la bagra en comparació amb la perca. Ambdues espècies mostren una orientació en els seus desplaçaments. La perca ocupa el litoral a la nit i es desplaça a la zona limnètica de dia, amb un ritme d'activitat marcat per dos màxims coincidint amb la sortida i posta de sol; en canvi la bagra mostra una major activitat nocturna amb zones de repòs properes al litoral. S'ha estimat igualment els dominis vital de cada individu marcat.
Considering their commercial importance, as these are the species of freshwater fish more commercialized in Brazil, their occurence in different kinds of aquatic environments (lakes, rivers and dams) and for being tolerant to a wide range of variation of various physical parameters and chemical water, the fish species Oreochromis niloticus, Cyprinus carpio and Colossoma macropomum were chosen for this study, furthermore, to test the toxicity we used the herbicide Roundup. The fingerlings of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), commun carp (Cyprinus carpio) and tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) were submitted to the herbicide roundup in the following concentrations: 0.0 (control); 18,06; 19,10; 20,14; 21,18 and 22,22 mg.L-1, 0.0 (control); 13,89; 14,86; 15,83; 16,81 and 17,78 mg.L-1, and 0.0 (control); 18,06; 19,10; 20,14; 21,18 and 22,22 mg.L-1, respectively, three for 96 hours. The LC50 - 96h for O. niloticus, C. carpio and C. macropomum was 21,63, 15,33 and 20,06 mg.L-1 of the herbicide roundup, respectively. The results show that this herbicide is classified as slightly toxic to the three species. The values of dissolved oxygen, pH and temperature recorded in the aquarium control and aquarium experimental of the three fish species have remained without significant variations during the tests, which reduces the possibility of death caused by sudden variations of these parameters during the 96 hours the experiment. The values of LC50 between different species of fish were observed, noting that the species O.niloticus, C. carpio and C. macropomum showed no expressive differences. The values of environmental risk of Roundup were calculated to obtain more stringent parameters in assessing the dangerousness of those on nontargets. The risk of environmental contamination by Roundup for the Nile tilapia, common carp, and tambaqui are low for the lowest application rate (1 L.ha-1) and depths (1.5 and 2.0 m). The dilution of 100%, the highest recommended dose (5 L.ha-1) and depths (1.5 and 2.0 m) the risk is moderate for the three species. The values of the Risk Ratio (QR) were greater than 0,1, indicating that the values of the CAE and LC50 are above acceptable levels and there is a need, this study, a refinement in ecotoxicological tests
The present work studied protozoan parasites of cultivated fishes (N = 433) from two feefishing farm situated in Franca, São Paulo, Brazil, during a period of April 1997 through March 1999. Specimens of piauçú Leporinus macrocephalus Garavello & Britski, 1988 (Anostomidae), pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus Holmberg, 1887 (Characidae) carp Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758 (Cyprinidae), Tillapia rendalli Boulenger, 1896 (Cichlidae), nile-tilapia Oreochromis niloticus Linnaeus, 1758 (Cichlidae), matrinxã Brycon cephalus Günther, 1869 (Characidae) and tambacu hybrid (male of P. mesopotamicus x female of Colossoma macropomum Cuvier, 1818) were collected. The fishes were parasitized with protozoans Ichthyophthirius multifiliis Fouquet, 1876 (Protozoa), Trichodina sp. and Piscinoodinium pillulare (Schaperclaus, 1954), Lom, 1981 (Protozoa). In the cold season (autumn and/or winter) all species of fish were infected with I. multifiliis. Higher susceptibility to Trichodina sp. was observed in L. macrocephalus, C. carpio and P. mesopotamicus compared to tambacu, B. cephalus, T. rendalli and 0. niloticus. It was not observed significant difference (P > 0.05) in the seasonal variation of Trichodina sp. and P. pillulare infection of all species. A great number of P. pillulare without significant difference (P > 0.05) was reported to L. macrocephalus, P. mesopotamicus and tambacu.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a susceptibilidade de 4 importantes peixes cultivados a parasitos esporozoários. Os peixes foram coletados bimestralmente de um tanque de cultivo, durante 1 ano. Myxobolus colossomatis e Henneguya piaractus foram encontrados nos órgãos internos e brânquias, respectivamente. A incidência de ambos os parasitos foi de 97,3% em pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus), 33,3% no híbrido tambacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus x Colossoma macropomum), 5,6% em tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) e 0% em carpa (Cyprinus carpio). Pacu foi o peixe mais susceptível, encontrando-se parasitado 79,2% nas brânquias, 66,7% nos rins e 50% no baço. A análise histopatológica das brânquias mostrou hemorragias, reação inflamatória com células mononucleares, fibroblastos e hiperplasia das células basais e mucosas.
Metazoan fauna from cultivated fishes (N = 433) in two feefishing farm of Franca, State of São Paulo, Brazil, was studied during a period of April 1997 through March 1999. Specimens of piauçú Leporinus macrocephalus Garavello & Britski, 1988 (Anostomidae), pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus Holmberg, 1887 (Characidae), carp Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758 (Cyprinidae), Tillapia rendalli Boulenger, 1896 (Cichlidae), nile-tilapia Oreochromis niloticus Linnaeus, 1758 (Cichlidae), matrinxã Brycon cephalus Günther, 1869 (Characidae) and tambacu hybrid (male of P. mesopotamicus x female of Colossoma macropomum Cuvier, 1818) were collected. A total of 29.3% was parasitized by monogenean, 9.7% with crustacean (copepodits and adults of Lernaea cyprinacea Linnaeus, 1758 and Argulus sp.) and 1.6% with myxosporean (Henneguya piaractus Martins & Souza, 1997 and Myxobolus colossomatis Moinar & Békési, 1993).The most susceptible species to myxosporean infestation was P. mesopotamicus. L. macrocephalus and P. mesopotamicus that showed a higher susceptibility to Argulus sp infestation. It was not observed significant difference (P > 0.05) in the seasonal variation of L. cyprinacea infection of all species. L. macrocephalus, P. mesopotamicus and tambacu showed a great number of P. pillulare with no significant difference (P > 0.05) between them. Monogenean infections were observed in all examined species, without significant difference (P > 0.05) in the seasonal variation. Nevertheless, occurrence of monogenean was higher in P. mesopotamicus and lower in Nile-tilapia. By the other hand, parasites number collected from P. mesopotamicus was lower in the winter. Copepodits of L. cyprinacea were found in the gills of P. mesopotamicus, tambacu and L. macrocephalus. However, adults of L. cyprinacea were observed only in the P. mesopotamicus and tambacu.
Billings Reservoir is an urban reservoir located in the São Paulo Metropolitan Region. Tt supports 101 active artisanal fishermen. To describe this fishery, landings were recorded daily between February 1996 and January 1997 at Colonia (23 degrees 50' 57 S; 46 degrees 40' 02 W). In every landing, a data collector recorded catch, effort, fishing gears and fishing grounds. A total of 147 593 kg of fish were recorded in 3515 fishing trips. The exotic Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.), was the main species exploited (81.4% of the annual catches). Five other species were also targeted: the characid Astyanax eigenmaniorum (Cope) (13.0% of the annual catches); the erythrinid Hoplias aff malabaricus (Block) (2.1%); the exotic cyprinid Cyprinus carpio L. (Campos & Fernandez-Yepez) (2.4%); the curimatid Cyphocharax modestus L. (1.1%); and the pimelodid Rhamdia sp. (0.1%). Two main groups of fishermen were discriminated using Principal Components Analysis; these were associated with the type of fishing gear and fishing strategies, i.e. those who exploited Nile tilapia with cast nets and beating gill nets, and those who exploited other species with set gill nets. Management and maintenance of this fishery should consider the positive top-down effects that Nile tilapia could have in controlling eutrophication and also the social benefits.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Amostras de músculo de carpa comum (Cyprinus carpio) e de água de três viveiros fertilizados com dejetos de suínos e de um viveiro em que os peixes foram alimentados com ração comercial para peixes foram analisadas durante seis meses. O objetivo foi observar a presença de bactérias patogênicas, como Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus e coliformes totais e fecais, em peixes comercializados in natura no município de Chapecó, Santa Catarina. Foram aferidos quinzenalmente, na água dos quatro viveiros, oxigênio dissolvido, pH, turbidez, alcalinidade total, dureza total, amônia, nitrato e ortofosfato, bem como a quantidade de coliformes totais e fecais. A análise microbiológica músculo dos peixes demonstrou ausência de Salmonella em todas as amostras. A contagem dos demais microrganismos manteve-se inferior ao limite máximo permitido pela legislação vigente, em todas as amostras. Portanto, os peixes analisados estavam aptos ao consumo humano, pois atenderam aos padrões recomendados pela Divisão Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária de Alimentos (DINAL). A comparação entre os viveiros fertilizados com dejetos de suínos e o viveiro fertilizado com ração comercial para peixes não apresentou diferença significativa, porém apresentou efeito significativo sobre oxigênio dissolvido, turbidez, alcalinidade total e amônia. A matéria orgânica foi responsável pelos maiores valores, com exceção da turbidez, que foi menor no viveiro fertilizado com ração comercial para peixes. Entretanto, após análise de todos os parâmetros físico-químicos e microbiológicos da água dos viveiros, pode-se constatar que todos os viveiros se enquadraram nas classes II ou III da classificação de águas interiores estabelecida pelo CONAMA.
A survey was carried out on the fish species in the Sorocaba River basin, the main tributary of the left margin of the Tietê River, located in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. The species were collected with gill nets. After identification of the specimens, their relative abundance, weight and standard length were determined. Up to the present moment there are not any studies that focus this subject in this hydrographic basin. Fifty-three species, distributed in eighteen families and six orders were collected. Characiformes were represented by twenty-eight species, Siluriformes by seventeen species, the Gymnotiformes by three species, Perciformes and Cyprinodontiformes by two species, and the Synbranchiformes by one species. Among the collected species there were two exotic. The most abundant species were Astyanax fasciatus and Hypostomus ancistroides. In relation to total weight the most representative species were Hoplias malabaricus and Hypostomus ancistroides. Cyprinus carpio, Prochilodus lineatus, Schizodon nasutus and Hoplias malabaricus were the most representative species in relation to average weight. Largest standard length were recorded for Sternopygus macrurus, Steindachnerina insculpta, Eigenmannia off. virescens and Cyprinus carpio.
This study was accomplished with the objective of knowing the seasonal distribution of the main species of parasites causes of branchial damages to the fish from fee-fishing at Guariba, State of São Paulo. This city is situated at 21 degrees 15'22'' S, 48 degrees 18'58'' W, in altitude 595 meters. This research was conducted between April, 1997 to March, 1999. From 408 fishes examined, 29.1% of them were infested by the protozoans e metazoans. Leporinus macrocephalus showed the highest parasitism by Trichodina sp., although Piaractus mesopotamicus and Cyprinus carpio were also parasited. Piscinoodinium pillulare infestation were found in L. macrocephalus, P. mesopotamicus, C. carpio e Colossoma macropomum. Monogenetics metazoan have largely been observed in L. macrocephalus, P. mesopotamicus, C. carpio, C. macropomum e cross-bred tambacu. The incidence of this parasite was elevated in the summer for L. macrocephalus, spring for P. mesopotamicus and C. macropomum, and both seasons for cross-bred tambacu. Lernaea cyprinacea copepodes were observed in L. macrocephalus, P. mesopotamicus, C. carpio and cross- breeding tambacu, in spite of the fact that C. carpio has demonstrated high parasitism of adult form. The fish L. macrocephalus, P. mesopotamicus and C. carpio were sponged intensely by Dolops carvalhoi, in situation of high population density. Piaractus mesopotamicus was considered the species more parasited by myxosporídeos, that were also observed in L. macrocephalus and cross-breeding tambacu.
This study describes the occurrence and the seasonality of parasites of cultivated fish from a fee fishing farm located in Guariba, São Paulo State, Brazil (21°15'22'' S, 48°18'58'' W and 595 m of altitude), from August, 2001 to July, 2002. The presence of parasites was researched in pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus (Characidae), common carp Cyprinus carpio (Cyprinidae), nile-tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Cichlidae), tambacu hybrid (male of P. mesopotamicus x female of tambaqui-Colossoma macropomum) and piraputanga Brycon hillari (Characidae). Results demonstrate that out of 100 fish examined, 15% were sponged for at least one of the following parasites: Trichodina sp.; monogenean helminths; copepodits of Lemaea cyprinacea; adults of L. cyprinacea; or Dolops carvalhoi. In decreasing order, the susceptibility degree of the hosts was C. carpio, P. mesopotamicus, B. hillari, tambacu hybrid and O. niloticus. In decreasing order the reported parasites were monogenean helminths, Dolops carvalhoi, Trichodina sp., adults of Lernaea cyprinacea and their young shapes.
The best frequency of feeding for development of common carp fingerlings Cyprinus carpio was determined. Four hundred fish (4.88 ± 1.41 g and 6.72 ± 0.70 cm) were used, distributed in 20 tanks of 250 L each in completely randomized design with four treatments and five replicates. The four feeding strategies adopted were: providing feed once (T1), twice (T2), three (T3) and four times daily (T4) at the same amount being fractionated as described. At the end of 45 days of experiment were carried out measurements of the final weight (FW), final length (FL), weight gain (WG), feed conversion (FC), specific growth rate (SGR) and survivor (SR). It was evaluated the chemical composition of fish carcass: moisture (MT), crude protein (CP), lipids (LP) and ash (AS) and hematological analyzes performed such as erythrocyte (ER), hemoglobin (HG) and hematocrit (HT). There were significant statistical differences (P<0.01) for FW, FL, WG and SGR. For FC and SR there were no statistical differences (P>0.01). For the chemical composition the moisture, lipids and ash showed significant statistical differences (P>0.01), except only for protein (P>0.01) The hematological composition was not influenced by the feed frequency, it was not observed significant statistical difference (P>0.01) of erythrocytes, hemoglobin and hematocrit among dietary treatments. For common carp fingerlings, the provision of ration four times daily provided better final weight, final length, weight gain and specific growth rate without causing changes in the composition and hematological parameters of the fish.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Analisou–se o crescimento dos peixes, a composição das espécies e a produtividade de quatro policultivos (P75, P78, P87 e P207), visando melhorar o manejo e a produtividade pesqueira dos pequenos açudes (0,1–5,0ha) do Semi–Árido brasileiro. Simulou–se as condições desses açudes em viveiros com 120 e 5.000 m2 de área, sem renovação de água, utilizando moderada quantidade de adubo e fertilizante. A biomassa inicial variou de 75 a 207kg há–1, sendo formada por: tilápia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus), curimatã pacu (Prochilodus argenteus), carpa comum (Cyprinus carpio), tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) e tucunaré (Cichla ocellaris). Os peixes apresentaram baixo crescimento (< 0,01g g–1d–1) após 75 dias de criação (P78 e 87). O crescimento do tambaqui, da tilápia e da curimatã foi reduzido após 53 dias (P75). Em moderada biomassa, o crescimento do tambaqui foi inferior ao da carpa e da curimatã (P207). A produtividade da tilápia atingiu 720 kg ha–1ano–1 (P78), sendo reduzida para 220 kg ha–1ano–1 devido ao processo reprodutivo (P75 e P207). A produtividade da carpa de 1.600 kg ha–1ano–1 foi superior a dos outros peixes (P87). A biomassa inicial de 75 kg ha–1 (60:30:4:3:3% de tilápia, tambaqui, carpa, curimatã e tucunaré, respectivamente) otimizou o crescimento e a produtividade dos peixes. A utilização de tilápias monossexadas e o fornecimento da alimentação suplementar ao tambaqui tornam–se imprescindíveis ao policultivo.