963 resultados para Cyclin-dependent Kinase-5


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We constructed a dual regulated expression vector cassette (pDuoRex) whereby two heterologous genes can be independently regulated via streptogramin- and tetracycline-responsive promoters. Two different constructs containing growth-promoting and growth-inhibiting genes were stably transfected in recombinant Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells that express the streptogramin- and tetracycline-dependent transactivators in a dicistronic configuration. An optimally balanced heterologous growth control scenario was achieved by reciprocal expression of the growth-inhibiting human cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27Kip1 in sense (p27Kip1S) and antisense (p27Kip1AS) orientation. Exclusive expression of p27Kip1S resulted in complete G1-phase-specific growth arrest, while expression of only p27Kip1AS showed significantly increased proliferation compared to control cultures (both antibiotics present), presumably by decreasing host cell p27Kip1 expression. In a second system, a derivative of pDuoRex encoding streptogramin-responsive expression of the growth-promoting SV40 small T antigen (sT) and tetracycline-regulated expression of p27Kip1 was stably transfected into CHO cells. Expression of sT alone resulted in an increase in cell proliferation, but the expression of p27Kip1 failed to provide the expected G1-specific growth arrest despite having demonstrated expression of the protein. This illustrates the difficulty in balancing the complex pathways underlying cell proliferation control through the expression of two functionally distinct genes involved in those pathways, and how a single-gene sense/antisense approach using pDuoRex can overcome this barrier to complete metabolic engineering control.


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The cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21(WAF1/CIP1) inhibits proliferation both in vitro and in vivo, and overexpression of p21 in normal and tumor cell lines results in cell cycle arrest. In contrast, ectopic expression of Myc alleviates G1 cell cycle arrest. Recent studies showed that Myc can repress p21 transcription, thereby overriding a p21-mediated cell cycle checkpoint. We found that activation of a Myc-estrogen receptor fusion protein by 4-hydroxytamoxifen in mouse cells resulted in suppression of endogenous p21 transcription. This effect was observed in the absence of de novo protein synthesis and was independent of histone deacetylase activity. In transient transfection studies, Myc effectively repressed p21 promoter constructs containing only 119 bp of sequence upstream of the transcription start site. This region contains multiple Sp1-binding sites and a potential initiator element, but no canonical Myc DNA-binding sites. Deletion of the potential initiator element does not affect repression of the p21 promoter by c-Myc. Coimmunoprecipitation and glutathione S-transferase pull-down experiments demonstrate that c-Myc may form complexes with Sp1/Sp3. We found that the central region of c-Myc interacts with the zinc finger domain of Sp1. Because Sp1 is required for p21 transcription, it is possible that Myc may down-regulate p21 transcription, at least in part, by sequestering Sp1. Repression of the p21 promoter may contribute to the ability of c-Myc to promote cell proliferation.


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Skp2 is a member of the F-box family of substrate-recognition subunits of SCF ubiquitin–protein ligase complexes that has been implicated in the ubiquitin-mediated degradation of several key regulators of mammalian G1 progression, including the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27, a dosage-dependent tumor suppressor protein. In this study, we examined Skp2 and p27 protein expression by immunohistochemistry in normal oral epithelium and in different stages of malignant oral cancer progression, including dysplasia and oral squamous cell carcinoma. We found that increased levels of Skp2 protein are associated with reduced p27 in a subset of oral epithelial dysplasias and carcinomas compared with normal epithelial controls. Tumors with high Skp2 (>20% positive cells) expression invariably showed reduced or absent p27 and tumors with high p27 (>20% positive cells) expression rarely showed Skp2 positivity. Increased Skp2 protein levels were not always correlated with increased cell proliferation (assayed by Ki-67 staining), suggesting that alterations of Skp2 may contribute to the malignant phenotype without affecting proliferation. Skp2 protein overexpression may lead to accelerated p27 proteolysis and contribute to malignant progression from dysplasia to oral epithelial carcinoma. Moreover, we also demonstrate that Skp2 has oncogenic potential by showing that Skp2 cooperates with H-RasG12V to malignantly transform primary rodent fibroblasts as scored by colony formation in soft agar and tumor formation in nude mice. The observations that Skp2 can mediate transformation and is up-regulated during oral epithelial carcinogenesis support a role for Skp2 as a protooncogene in human tumors.


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The Id family of helix–loop–helix (HLH) transcriptional regulatory proteins does not possess a basic DNA-binding domain and functions as a negative regulator of basic HLH transcription factors. Id proteins coordinate cell growth and differentiation pathways within mammalian cells and have been shown to regulate G1-S cell-cycle transitions. Although much recent data has implicated Id1 in playing a critical role in modulating cellular senescence, no direct genetic evidence has been reported to substantiate such work. Here we show that Id1-null primary mouse embryo fibroblasts undergo premature senescence despite normal growth profiles at early passage. These cells possess increased expression of the tumor-suppressor protein p16/Ink4a but not p19/ARF, and have decreased cyclin-dependent kinase (cdk) 2 and cdk4 kinase activity. We also show that Id1 is able to directly inhibit p16/Ink4a but not p19/ARF promoter activity via its HLH domain, and that Id1inhibits transcriptional activation at E-boxes within the p16/Ink4a promoter. Our data provide, to our knowledge, the first genetic evidence for a role for Id1 as an inhibitor of cellular senescence and suggest that Id1 functions to delay cellular senescence through repression of p16/Ink4a. Because epigenetic and genetic abrogation of p16/Ink4a function has been implicated in the evolution of several human malignancies, we propose that transcriptional regulation of p16/Ink4a may also provide a mechanism for the dysregulation of normal cellular growth controls during the evolution of human malignancies.


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In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, entry into mitosis requires activation of the cyclin-dependent kinase Cdc28 in its cyclin B (Clb)-associated form. Clb-bound Cdc28 is susceptible to inhibitory tyrosine phosphorylation by Swe1 protein kinase. Swe1 is itself negatively regulated by Hsl1, a Nim1-related protein kinase, and by Hsl7, a presumptive protein-arginine methyltransferase. In vivo all three proteins localize to the bud neck in a septin-dependent manner, consistent with our previous proposal that formation of Hsl1-Hsl7-Swe1 complexes constitutes a checkpoint that monitors septin assembly. We show here that Hsl7 is phosphorylated by Hsl1 in immune-complex kinase assays and can physically associate in vitro with either Hsl1 or Swe1 in the absence of any other yeast proteins. With the use of both the two-hybrid method and in vitro binding assays, we found that Hsl7 contains distinct binding sites for Hsl1 and Swe1. A differential interaction trap approach was used to isolate four single-site substitution mutations in Hsl7, which cluster within a discrete region of its N-terminal domain, that are specifically defective in binding Hsl1. When expressed in hsl7Δ cells, each of these Hsl7 point mutants is unable to localize at the bud neck and cannot mediate down-regulation of Swe1, but retains other functions of Hsl7, including oligomerization and association with Swe1. GFP-fusions of these Hsl1-binding defective Hsl7 proteins localize as a bright perinuclear dot, but never localize to the bud neck; likewise, in hsl1Δ cells, a GFP-fusion to wild-type Hsl7 or native Hsl7 localizes to this dot. Cell synchronization studies showed that, normally, Hsl7 localizes to the dot, but only in cells in the G1 phase of the cell cycle. Immunofluorescence analysis and immunoelectron microscopy established that the dot corresponds to the outer plaque of the spindle pole body (SPB). These data demonstrate that association between Hsl1 and Hsl7 at the bud neck is required to alleviate Swe1-imposed G2-M delay. Hsl7 localization at the SPB during G1 may play some additional role in fine-tuning the coordination between nuclear and cortical events before mitosis.


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The cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) inhibitor p21Waf1/Cip1/Sdi1, important for p53-dependent cell cycle control, mediates G1/S arrest through inhibition of Cdks and possibly through inhibition of DNA replication. Cdk inhibition requires a sequence of approximately 60 amino acids within the p21 NH2 terminus. We show, using proteolytic mapping, circular dichroism spectropolarimetry, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, that p21 and NH2-terminal fragments that are active as Cdk inhibitors lack stable secondary or tertiary structure in the free solution state. In sharp contrast to the disordered free state, however, the p21 NH2 terminus adopts an ordered stable conformation when bound to Cdk2, as shown directly by NMR spectroscopy. We have, thus, identified a striking disorder-order transition for p21 upon binding to one of its biological targets, Cdk2. This structural transition has profound implications in light of the ability of p21 to bind and inhibit a diverse family of cyclin-Cdk complexes, including cyclin A-Cdk2, cyclin E-Cdk2, and cyclin D-Cdk4. Our findings suggest that the flexibility, or disorder, of free p21 is associated with binding diversity and offer insights into the role for structural disorder in mediating binding specificity in biological systems. Further, these observations challenge the generally accepted view of proteins that stable secondary and tertiary structure are prerequisites for biological activity and suggest that a broader view of protein structure should be considered in the context of structure-activity relationships.


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Fibroblasts derived from embryos homozygous for a disruption of the retinoblastoma gene (Rb) exhibit a shorter G1 than their wild-type counterparts, apparently due to highly elevated levels of cyclin E protein and deregulated cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (CDK2) activity. Here we demonstrate that the Rb-/- fibroblasts display higher levels of phosphorylated H1 throughout G1 with the maximum being 10-fold higher than that of the Rb+/+ fibroblasts. This profile of intracellular H1 phosphorylation corresponds with deregulated CDK2 activity observed in in vitro assays, suggesting that CDK2 may be directly responsible for the in vivo phosphorylation of H1. H1 phosphorylation has been proposed to lead to a relaxation of chromatin structure due to a decreased affinity of this protein for chromatin after phosphorylation. In accord with this, chromatin from the Rb-/- cells is more susceptible to micrococcal nuclease digestion than that from Rb+/+ fibroblasts. Increased H1 phosphorylation and relaxed chromatin structure have also been observed in cells expressing several oncogenes, suggesting a common mechanism in oncogene and tumor suppressor gene function.


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Transcription of the genes for the human histone proteins H4, H3, H2A, H2B, and H1 is activated at the G1/S phase transition of the cell cycle. We have previously shown that the promoter complex HiNF-D, which interacts with cell cycle control elements in multiple histone genes, contains the key cell cycle factors cyclin A, CDC2, and a retinoblastoma (pRB) protein-related protein. However, an intrinsic DNA-binding subunit for HiNF-D was not identified. Many genes that are up-regulated at the G1/S phase boundary are controlled by E2F, a transcription factor that associates with cyclin-, cyclin-dependent kinase-, and pRB-related proteins. Using gel-shift immunoassays, DNase I protection, and oligonucleotide competition analyses, we show that the homeodomain protein CDP/cut, not E2F, is the DNA-binding subunit of the HiNF-D complex. The HiNF-D (CDP/cut) complex with the H4 promoter is immunoreactive with antibodies against CDP/cut and pRB but not p107, whereas the CDP/cut complex with a nonhistone promoter (gp91-phox) reacts only with CDP and p107 antibodies. Thus, CDP/cut complexes at different gene promoters can associate with distinct pRB-related proteins. Transient coexpression assays show that CDP/cut modulates H4 promoter activity via the HiNF-D-binding site. Hence, DNA replication-dependent histone H4 genes are regulated by an E2F-independent mechanism involving a complex of CDP/cut with cyclin A/CDC2/ RB-related proteins.


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BCL-2-deficient T cells demonstrate accelerated cell cycle progression and increased apoptosis following activation. Increasing the levels of BCL-2 retarded the G0-->S transition, sustained the levels of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27Kip1, and repressed postactivation death. Proximal signal transduction events and immediate early gene transcription were unaffected. However, the transcription and synthesis of interleukin 2 and other delayed early cytokines were markedly attenuated by BCL-2. In contrast, a cysteine protease inhibitor that also blocks apoptosis had no substantial affect upon cytokine production. InterleUkin 2 expression requires several transcription factors of which nuclear translocation of NFAT (nuclear factor of activated T cells) and NFAT-mediated transactivation were impaired by BCL-2. Thus, select genetic aberrations in the apoptotic pathway reveal a cell autonomous coregulation of activation.


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Five to ten percent of individuals with melanoma have another affected family member, suggesting familial predisposition. Germ-line mutations in the cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitor p16 have been reported in a subset of melanoma pedigrees, but their prevalence is unknown in more common cases of familial melanoma that do not involve large families with multiple affected members. We screened for germ-line mutations in p16 and in two other candidate melanoma genes, p19ARF and CDK4, in 33 consecutive patients treated for melanoma; these patients had at least one affected first or second degree relative (28 independent families). Five independent, definitive p16 mutations were detected (18%, 95% confidence interval: 6%, 37%), including one nonsense, one disease-associated missense, and three small deletions. No mutations were detected in CDK4. Disease-associated mutations in p19ARF, whose transcript is derived in part from an alternative codon reading frame of p16, were only detected in patients who also had mutations inactivating p16. We conclude that germ-line p16 mutations are present in a significant fraction of individuals who have melanoma and a positive family history.


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Transcription factor IIH (TFIIH) is a multisubunit protein complex essential for both the initiation of RNA polymerase class II (pol II)-catalyzed transcription and nucleotide excision repair of DNA. Recent studies have shown that TFIIH copurifies with the cyclin-dependent kinase (cdk)-activating kinase complex (CAK) that includes cdk7, cyclin H, and p36/MAT1. Here we report the isolation of two TFIIH-related complexes: TFIIH* and ERCC2/CAK. TFIIH* consists of a subset of the TFIIH complex proteins including ERCC3 (XPB), p62, p44, p41, and p34 but is devoid of detectable levels of ERCC2 (XPD) and CAK. ERCC2/CAK was isolated as a complex that exhibits CAK activity that cosediments with the three CAK components (cdk7, cyclin H, and p36/MAT1) as well as the ERCC2 (XPD) protein. TFIIH* can support pol II-catalyzed transcription in vitro with lower efficiency compared with TFIIH. This TFIIH*-dependent transcription reaction was stimulated by ERCC2/CAK. The ERCC2/CAK and TFIIH* complexes are each active in DNA repair as shown by their ability to complement extracts prepared from ERCC2 (XPD)- and ERCC3 (XPB)-deficient cells, respectively, in supporting the excision of DNA containing a cholesterol lesion. These data suggest that TFIIH* and ERCC2/CAK interact to form the TFIIH holoenzyme capable of efficiently assembling the pol II transcription initiation complex and directly participating in excision repair reactions.


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Cell cycle withdrawal in postmitotic cells involves cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) inhibitors that repress cell cycle Cdk activity. During mouse neurogenesis, cortical postmitotic neurons are shown here to accumulate high levels of the p27 Cdk inhibitor compared with their progenitor neuroblasts. Elevated p27 levels in staged embryo brain extracts correlate with p27 binding to Cdk2, and Cdk inactivation. Yet, Cdk5, which is associated with the noncyclin activator p35 in neurons, remains active in the presence of high p27 levels. Both in vitro and in vivo, p27 and related inhibitors can recognize a cyclin D-Cdk5 complex but not a p35-Cdk5 complex. The results indicate that the choice of activator determines the susceptibility of Cdk5 to p27 and related Cdk inhibitors, and thus its ability to act in postmitotic cells.


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The Schizosaccharomyces pombe cell cycle-regulatory protein suc1, named as the suppressor of cdc2 temperature-sensitive mutations, is essential for cell cycle progression. To understand suc1 structure-function relationships and to help resolve conflicting interpretations of suc1 function based on genetic studies of suc1 and its functional homologs in both lower and higher eukaryotes, we have determined the crystal structure of the beta-interchanged suc1 dimer. Each domain consists of three alpha-helices and a four-stranded beta-sheet, completed by the interchange of terminal beta-strands between the two subunits. This beta-interchanged suc1 dimer, when compared with the beta-hairpin single-domain folds of suc1, reveals a beta-hinge motif formed by the conserved amino acid sequence HVPEPH. This beta-hinge mediates the subunit conformation and assembly of suc1: closing produces the intrasubunit beta-hairpin and single-domain fold, whereas opening leads to the intersubunit beta-strand interchange and interlocked dimer assembly reported here. This conformational switch markedly changes the surface accessibility of sequence-conserved residues available for recognition of cyclin-dependent kinase, suggesting a structural mechanism for beta-hinge-mediated regulation of suc1 biological function. Thus, suc1 belongs to the family of domain-swapping proteins, consisting of intertwined and dimeric protein structures in which the dual assembly modes regulate their function.


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The mechanisms by which insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) can be both mitogenic and differentiation-promoting in skeletal myoblasts are unclear because these two processes are believed to be mutually exclusive in this tissue. The phosphorylation state of the ubiquitous nuclear retinoblastoma protein (Rb) plays an important role in determining whether myoblasts proliferate or differentiate: Phosphorylated Rb promotes mitogenesis, whereas un- (or hypo-) phosphorylated Rb promotes cell cycle exit and differentiation. We hypothesized that IGFs might affect the fate of myoblasts by regulating the phosphorylation of Rb. Although long-term IGF treatment is known to stimulate differentiation, we find that IGFs act initially to inhibit differentiation and are exclusively mitogenic. These early effects of IGFs are associated with maintenance of Rb phosphorylation typical of proliferating cells; upregulation of the gene expression of cyclin-dependent kinase 4 and cyclin D1, components of a holoenzyme that plays a principal role in mediating Rb phosphorylation; and marked inhibition of the gene expression of myogenin, a member of the MyoD family of skeletal muscle-specific transcription factors that is essential in muscle differentiation. We also find that IGF-induced inhibition of differentiation occurs through a process that is independent of its mitogenic effects. We demonstrate, thus, that IGFs regulate Rb phosphorylation and cyclin D1 and cyclin-dependent kinase 4 gene expression; together with their biphasic effects on myogenin expression, these results suggest a mechanism by which IGFs are initially mitogenic and subsequently differentiation-promoting in skeletal muscle.


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Three gene products, including Myc and the D- and E-type G1 cyclins, are rate limiting for G1 progression in mammalian fibroblasts. Quiescent mouse NIH 3T3 fibroblasts engineered to express a mutant colony-stimulating factor (CSF-1) receptor (CSF-1R 809F) fail to synthesize c-myc and cyclin D1 mRNAs upon CSF-1 stimulation and remain arrested in early G1 phase. Ectopic expression of c-myc or either of three D-type cyclin genes, but not cyclin E, resensitized these cells to the mitogenic effects of CSF-1, enabling them to proliferate continuously in liquid culture and to form colonies in agar in response to the growth factor. Rescue by cyclin D1 was enhanced by c-myc but not by cyclin E and was reversed by infecting cyclin D1-reconstituted cells with a retroviral vector encoding catalytically inactive cyclin-dependent kinase 4. Induction of cyclin D1 mRNA by CSF-1 was restored in cells forced to express c-myc, and vice versa, suggesting that expression of the two genes is interdependent. Cells reconstituted with c-myc were prevented from entering S phase when microinjected with a monoclonal antibody to cyclin D1, and conversely, those rescued by cyclin D1 were inhibited from forming CSF-1-dependent colonies when challenged with a dominant-negative c-myc mutant. Cyclin D mutants defective in binding to the retinoblastoma protein were impaired in rescuing mitogenic signaling. Therefore, Myc and D-type cyclins collaborate during the mitogenic response to CSF-1, whereas cyclin E functions in a separate pathway.