939 resultados para Cyber Physical System, Semantic Web, SPARQL, CHIRON, Android, RDF, Ontologia, Sensori, Telemedicina
The automatic disambiguation of word senses (i.e., the identification of which of the meanings is used in a given context for a word that has multiple meanings) is essential for such applications as machine translation and information retrieval, and represents a key step for developing the so-called Semantic Web. Humans disambiguate words in a straightforward fashion, but this does not apply to computers. In this paper we address the problem of Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) by treating texts as complex networks, and show that word senses can be distinguished upon characterizing the local structure around ambiguous words. Our goal was not to obtain the best possible disambiguation system, but we nevertheless found that in half of the cases our approach outperforms traditional shallow methods. We show that the hierarchical connectivity and clustering of words are usually the most relevant features for WSD. The results reported here shed light on the relationship between semantic and structural parameters of complex networks. They also indicate that when combined with traditional techniques the complex network approach may be useful to enhance the discrimination of senses in large texts. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2012
[ES] SPARQL Interpreter es uno de los cinco componentes de la Arquitectura Triskel, una arquitectura de software para una base de datos NoSQL que intenta aportar una solución al problema de Big Data en la web semántica. Este componente da solución al problema de la comunicación entre el lenguaje y el motor, interpretando las consultas que se realicen contra el almacenamiento en lenguaje SPARQL y generando una estructura de datos que los componentes inferiores puedan leer y ejecutar.
Two of the main features of today complex software systems like pervasive computing systems and Internet-based applications are distribution and openness. Distribution revolves around three orthogonal dimensions: (i) distribution of control|systems are characterised by several independent computational entities and devices, each representing an autonomous and proactive locus of control; (ii) spatial distribution|entities and devices are physically distributed and connected in a global (such as the Internet) or local network; and (iii) temporal distribution|interacting system components come and go over time, and are not required to be available for interaction at the same time. Openness deals with the heterogeneity and dynamism of system components: complex computational systems are open to the integration of diverse components, heterogeneous in terms of architecture and technology, and are dynamic since they allow components to be updated, added, or removed while the system is running. The engineering of open and distributed computational systems mandates for the adoption of a software infrastructure whose underlying model and technology could provide the required level of uncoupling among system components. This is the main motivation behind current research trends in the area of coordination middleware to exploit tuple-based coordination models in the engineering of complex software systems, since they intrinsically provide coordinated components with communication uncoupling and further details in the references therein. An additional daunting challenge for tuple-based models comes from knowledge-intensive application scenarios, namely, scenarios where most of the activities are based on knowledge in some form|and where knowledge becomes the prominent means by which systems get coordinated. Handling knowledge in tuple-based systems induces problems in terms of syntax - e.g., two tuples containing the same data may not match due to differences in the tuple structure - and (mostly) of semantics|e.g., two tuples representing the same information may not match based on a dierent syntax adopted. Till now, the problem has been faced by exploiting tuple-based coordination within a middleware for knowledge intensive environments: e.g., experiments with tuple-based coordination within a Semantic Web middleware (surveys analogous approaches). However, they appear to be designed to tackle the design of coordination for specic application contexts like Semantic Web and Semantic Web Services, and they result in a rather involved extension of the tuple space model. The main goal of this thesis was to conceive a more general approach to semantic coordination. In particular, it was developed the model and technology of semantic tuple centres. It is adopted the tuple centre model as main coordination abstraction to manage system interactions. A tuple centre can be seen as a programmable tuple space, i.e. an extension of a Linda tuple space, where the behaviour of the tuple space can be programmed so as to react to interaction events. By encapsulating coordination laws within coordination media, tuple centres promote coordination uncoupling among coordinated components. Then, the tuple centre model was semantically enriched: a main design choice in this work was to try not to completely redesign the existing syntactic tuple space model, but rather provide a smooth extension that { although supporting semantic reasoning { keep the simplicity of tuple and tuple matching as easier as possible. By encapsulating the semantic representation of the domain of discourse within coordination media, semantic tuple centres promote semantic uncoupling among coordinated components. The main contributions of the thesis are: (i) the design of the semantic tuple centre model; (ii) the implementation and evaluation of the model based on an existent coordination infrastructure; (iii) a view of the application scenarios in which semantic tuple centres seem to be suitable as coordination media.
Interfaccia web per un sistema di condivisione semantica dell'informazione: studio e implementazione
Questa tesi progettuale nasce per integrare gli sforzi attuali sullo sviluppo del web semantico. La piattaforma di riferimento sulla quale è stato svolto il presente lavoro è SMART-M3. Questa piattaforma mette a disposizione uno spazio condiviso di informazioni, rappresentate e accessibili secondo le tecnologie del web semantico. In questo scenario, nasce la necessità di disporre di un'interfaccia web capace di interagire con la piattaforma - in grado di risolvere la complessità intrinseca dei dati semantici - allo scopo di averne un completo controllo; ricerche precedenti a questo proposito hanno dato come frutto una libreria PHP che mi è stata consegnata come strumento per lo sviluppo dell'interfaccia. La tesi si è articolata in 3 fasi principali: una fase iniziale di documentazione sull'argomento, eseguita principalmente sul libro “A developer's guide to the semantic web” di Liyang Yu e sulla tesi “Ontologie per il web semantico: un'analisi comparativa.” di Indrit Beqiri; una seconda fase, quella principale, di sviluppo del progetto informatico; una terza fase, infine, di sviluppo di questo elaborato di tesi, da considerarsi come la trattazione di tutto il percorso soprascritto, dall'inizio alla fine, secondo l'ordine cronologico in cui si svolto l'intero processo della tesi.
Realizzazione di un database semantico in Java a partire da una sua versione in tecnologia OSGI. La trattazione è organizzata come segue: nel primo capitolo verranno introdotte nozioni generali sullo scenario di rilevanza e le tecnologie. Nel secondo capitolo si parlerà della SIB-O, introducendone l’architettura e le funzionalità. Il terzo capitolo descriverà il lavoro svolto ed infine il quarto capitolo riporterà i risultati di test di performance allo scopo di validare il lavoro svolto e caratterizzare l’efficienza dei prodotti software realizzati.
La Federazione è un concetto molto utilizzato ed implementato in vari ambiti dell’informatica. In particolare sta avendo grande interesse nel Semantic Web, e risulta essere significativo e importante il suo utilizzo in una disciplina in grande evoluzione come l’Enterprise Architecture. L’obiettivo di questa tesi è stato implementare il concetto di Federazione di Endpoint SPARQL, dove l’elemento centrale è stata la condivisione del modello dei dati tra i vari membri, il quale rappresenta il patto della federazione. Successivamente sono stati messi in luce i benefici che questo tipo di soluzione apporta alla disciplina dell’Enterprise Architecture, in particolar modo nell’ambito dell’analisi dei dati. In relazione a quest’ultimo aspetto, il Semantic Web offre un linguaggio flessibile e facilmente evolvibile per rappresentare l’azienda e i suoi dati, oltre che ad un protocollo standard per la loro interrogazione, ovvero lo SPARQL. La federazione, invece, apporta dei miglioramenti rendendo le fonti dato omogenee dal punto di vista del modello, utilizza un unico protocollo per l’accesso ad essi (SPARQL), ed elimina le criticità in relazione alla normalizzazione dei dati nei processi di analisi. Questi due aspetti risultano abilitanti proprio per l’Enterprise Architecture. Infine sono state definite due possibili evoluzioni, in particolare un costrutto che permetta l’implementazione e la gestione della federazione a livello di linguaggio SPARQL, ed una ontologia standard e condivisibile tramite la quale gestire la federazione in modo trasparente.
Se presenta un panorama y los interrogantes fundamentales de la etapa de la Web 3.0. Se analizan las características actuales de los sistemas bibliográficos estructurados con el modelo entidad-relación. Se definen los niveles conceptual, lógico y físico en los sistemas informáticos; consecuentemente se presentan las características de los FRBR y se obervan las relaciones entre obra y documento en el modelo conceptual FRBR. Se describen los FRBRoo como una interpretación con una lógica de objetos de los mismos requerimientos funcionales. Finalmente se plantean las tendencias a futuro, tales como pasar de las modelizaciones de entidad-relación a la de objetos, la explicitación con anotación semántica consistente, el mapeo de bases bibliográficas existentes y el desarrollo de ontologías para que los sistemas documentales se integren en la Web Semática
Se presenta un panorama y los interrogantes fundamentales de la etapa de la Web 3.0. Se analizan las características actuales de los sistemas bibliográficos estructurados con el modelo entidad-relación. Se definen los niveles conceptual, lógico y físico en los sistemas informáticos; consecuentemente se presentan las características de los FRBR y se obervan las relaciones entre obra y documento en el modelo conceptual FRBR. Se describen los FRBRoo como una interpretación con una lógica de objetos de los mismos requerimientos funcionales. Finalmente se plantean las tendencias a futuro, tales como pasar de las modelizaciones de entidad-relación a la de objetos, la explicitación con anotación semántica consistente, el mapeo de bases bibliográficas existentes y el desarrollo de ontologías para que los sistemas documentales se integren en la Web Semática
Se presenta un panorama y los interrogantes fundamentales de la etapa de la Web 3.0. Se analizan las características actuales de los sistemas bibliográficos estructurados con el modelo entidad-relación. Se definen los niveles conceptual, lógico y físico en los sistemas informáticos; consecuentemente se presentan las características de los FRBR y se obervan las relaciones entre obra y documento en el modelo conceptual FRBR. Se describen los FRBRoo como una interpretación con una lógica de objetos de los mismos requerimientos funcionales. Finalmente se plantean las tendencias a futuro, tales como pasar de las modelizaciones de entidad-relación a la de objetos, la explicitación con anotación semántica consistente, el mapeo de bases bibliográficas existentes y el desarrollo de ontologías para que los sistemas documentales se integren en la Web Semática
Current “Internet of Things” concepts point to a future where connected objects gather meaningful information about their environment and share it with other objects and people. In particular, objects embedding Human Machine Interaction (HMI), such as mobile devices and, increasingly, connected vehicles, home appliances, urban interactive infrastructures, etc., may not only be conceived as sources of sensor information, but, through interaction with their users, they can also produce highly valuable context-aware human-generated observations. We believe that the great promise offered by combining and sharing all of the different sources of information available can be realized through the integration of HMI and Semantic Sensor Web technologies. This paper presents a technological framework that harmonizes two of the most influential HMI and Sensor Web initiatives: the W3C’s Multimodal Architecture and Interfaces (MMI) and the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) with its semantic extension, respectively. Although the proposed framework is general enough to be applied in a variety of connected objects integrating HMI, a particular development is presented for a connected car scenario where drivers’ observations about the traffic or their environment are shared across the Semantic Sensor Web. For implementation and evaluation purposes an on-board OSGi (Open Services Gateway Initiative) architecture was built, integrating several available HMI, Sensor Web and Semantic Web technologies. A technical performance test and a conceptual validation of the scenario with potential users are reported, with results suggesting the approach is sound
The Semantic Web is an extension of the traditional Web in which meaning of information is well defined, thus allowing a better interaction between people and computers. To accomplish its goals, mechanisms are required to make explicit the semantics of Web resources, to be automatically processed by software agents (this semantics being described by means of online ontologies). Nevertheless, issues arise caused by the semantic heterogeneity that naturally happens on the Web, namely redundancy and ambiguity. For tackling these issues, we present an approach to discover and represent, in a non-redundant way, the intended meaning of words in Web applications, while taking into account the (often unstructured) context in which they appear. To that end, we have developed novel ontology matching, clustering, and disambiguation techniques. Our work is intended to help bridge the gap between syntax and semantics for the Semantic Web construction
In spite of the increasing presence of Semantic Web Facilities, only a limited amount of the available resources in the Internet provide a semantic access. Recent initiatives such as the emerging Linked Data Web are providing semantic access to available data by porting existing resources to the semantic web using different technologies, such as database-semantic mapping and scraping. Nevertheless, existing scraping solutions are based on ad-hoc solutions complemented with graphical interfaces for speeding up the scraper development. This article proposes a generic framework for web scraping based on semantic technologies. This framework is structured in three levels: scraping services, semantic scraping model and syntactic scraping. The first level provides an interface to generic applications or intelligent agents for gathering information from the web at a high level. The second level defines a semantic RDF model of the scraping process, in order to provide a declarative approach to the scraping task. Finally, the third level provides an implementation of the RDF scraping model for specific technologies. The work has been validated in a scenario that illustrates its application to mashup technologies
The Semantic Web is an extension of the traditional Web in which meaning of information is well defined, thus allowing a better interaction between people and computers. To accomplish its goals, mechanisms are required to make explicit the semantics of Web resources, to be automatically processed by software agents (this semantics being described by means of online ontologies). Nevertheless, issues arise caused by the semantic heterogeneity that naturally happens on the Web, namely redundancy and ambiguity. For tackling these issues, we present an approach to discover and represent, in a non-redundant way, the intended meaning of words in Web applications, while taking into account the (often unstructured) context in which they appear. To that end, we have developed novel ontology matching, clustering, and disambiguation techniques. Our work is intended to help bridge the gap between syntax and semantics for the Semantic Web construction.
RDB2RDF systems generate RDF from relational databases, operating in two di�erent manners: materializing the database content into RDF or acting as virtual RDF datastores that transform SPARQL queries into SQL. In the former, inferences on the RDF data (taking into account the ontologies that they are related to) are normally done by the RDF triple store where the RDF data is materialised and hence the results of the query answering process depend on the store. In the latter, existing RDB2RDF systems do not normally perform such inferences at query time. This paper shows how the algorithm used in the REQUIEM system, focused on handling run-time inferences for query answering, can be adapted to handle such inferences for query answering in combination with RDB2RDF systems.
Semantic Sensor Web infrastructures use ontology-based models to represent the data that they manage; however, up to now, these ontological models do not allow representing all the characteristics of distributed, heterogeneous, and web-accessible sensor data. This paper describes a core ontological model for Semantic Sensor Web infrastructures that covers these characteristics and that has been built with a focus on reusability. This ontological model is composed of different modules that deal, on the one hand, with infrastructure data and, on the other hand, with data from a specific domain, that is, the coastal flood emergency planning domain. The paper also presents a set of guidelines, followed during the ontological model development, to satisfy a common set of requirements related to modelling domain-specific features of interest and properties. In addition, the paper includes the results obtained after an exhaustive evaluation of the developed ontologies along different aspects (i.e., vocabulary, syntax, structure, semantics, representation, and context).