1000 resultados para Cutaneous radiation syndrome
Theoretical analyses have shown the radiation use efficiency of maize, soybean, and peanut to increase with a decrease in the level of incident radiation and an increase in the proportion of diffuse radiation. This study compared the growth and radiation use efficiency of Panicum maximum cv. Petrie (green panic) and Bothriochloa insculpta cv. Bisset (creeping bluegrass) beneath shading treatments (birdguard and solarweave shadecloths) with that in full sunlight. A level of incident radiation reduced by 25% under birdguard shadecloth decreased final yield and final leaf area index, but increased canopy leaf nitrogen concentration and radiation use efficiency (19-14%) (compared with the full sun treatment). A similar level of reduced incident radiation under solarweave shadecloth (which provided an increased proportion of diffuse radiation), increased final yield and radiation use efficiency (46-50%). An understanding of the effects of composition of incident radiation on radiation use efficiency of tropical grasses enables more accurate estimation of potential pasture growth in shaded environments. It also has impact upon crop production in glasshouses and greenhouses.
The gamma-radiolysis of poly(tetrafluoroethylene-co-perfluoromethyl vinyl ether) (TFE/PMVE) was investigated using chemical and mechanical analyses. The polymer was found to form an insoluble network with a dose of gelation of 15.8 kGy. Tensile and glass transition temperature measurements indicated the predominance of crosslinking, with optimal elastomeric properties reached in the dose range of 120 to 200 kGy. Photoacoustic FTIR spectroscopy CPAS) showed the formation of new carboxylic acid end groups on irradiation. These new end groups were shown to decrease the thermal oxidative stability of the crosslinked network as determined by thermal gravimetric analysis. Electron spin resonance (ESR) studies of the polymer at 77 K indicated the presence of radical precursors. A G-value of 1.1 was determined for radical production at 77 K. Comparison of radical concentrations for a copolymer with a different mole ratio of PMVE, indicated that the PMVE units contribute to scission reactions. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Familial partial epilepsy with variable foci (FPEVF) joins the recently recognized group of inherited partial epilepsies. We describe an Australian family with 10 individuals with partial seizures over four generations. Detailed electroclinical studies were performed on all affected and 17 clinically unaffected family members. The striking finding was that the clinical features of the seizures and interictal electroencephalographic foci differed among family members and included frontal, temporal, occipital, and centroparietal seizures. Mean age of seizure onset was 13 years (range, 0.75-43 years). Two individuals without seizures had epileptiform abnormalities on electroencephalographic studies. Penetrance of seizures was 62%. A genome-wide search failed to demonstrate definitive linkage, but a suggestion of linkage was found on chromosome 2q with a LOD score of 2.74 at recombination fraction of zero with the marker D2S133. FPEVF differs from the other inherited partial epilepsies where partial seizures in different family members are clinically similar. The inherited nature of this new syndrome may be overlooked because of relatively low penetrance and because of the variability in age at onset and electroclinical features between affected family members.
Objective: To design, introduce, and evaluate STD syndrome packets containing recommended drugs for each syndrome, four condoms, a partner treatment card, and a patient information leaflet, with the goal of improving sexually transmitted disease (STD) case management. Methods: Packet design evolved around available packaging technology, informed by pilot testing with nurses working in primary care clinics, doctors in private medical practices, and patients with an STD, in Hlabisa, South Africa. Evaluation 1 year later included analysis of distribution records and interviews with 16 nurses and 61 patients. Results: A cheap packet (2 U, S, cents each, excluding contents) compatible with current legislation was designed and introduced to six public sector clinics and as a short pilot to five private medical practices, Four thousand eighty-five packets were distributed to the clinics, equivalent to approximately 115% of the STDs reported over that period. All 16 nurses reported using the packets, but only 63% did so all the time because of occasional supply problems, All believed the packets improved treatment by saving time (75%), improving supply of condoms and partner cards (44%), and making treatment easier (56%), Patients also responded positively, and most said they would buy a packet (up to $5) at a pharmacy (84%) or store (63%) if available. Conclusions: The STD syndrome packets have the potential to improve STD syndromic management by standardizing therapy and improving the supply of condoms, partner cards, and information leaflets. Packets are popular with practitioners and patients, but consistent supply is essential for maximal impact, There may be scope for social marketing of the packets, which could further increase use.
The radiolysis of nitrile rubbers with different acrylonitrile/butadiene composition and the homopolymers, poly(butadiene) (PBD) and poly(acrylonitrile) (PAN) has been investigated and compared with the photolysis of the same polymers. A significantly different mechanism of degradation was found for the two types of radiation. The results obtained by ESR, FTIR and measurements of soluble fractions of irradiated samples, indicated that the acrylonitrile units of the nitrile rubbers are more sensitive units to gamma-radiation, with the effects of irradiation increasing with the acrylonitrile content. The reactions observed were consumption of double bonds, crosslinking, and cyclization with the formation of conjugated double bonds. No chain-scission reactions were detected. In contrast to gamma-irradiation, the effects of photolysis were centred at the butadiene units, and increases in the acrylonitrile content resulted in a proportional decrease in the sensitivity of the copolymers. Crosslinking and chain scission were identified as the main effects of photolysis of NBR rubbers. (C) 1999 Society of Chemical Industry.
The thermal and gamma-irradiation induced curing of two phenylethynyl terminated composite resin systems, DFB/BPF and PETI5A, was investigated. Thermal curing of these matrix resin samples was performed at a temperature of 360 degrees C, gamma irradiation of the samples was conducted at 300 degrees C at a dose rate of 2.2 kGy h(-1). The reaction and subsequent loss of ethynyl groups in the resins for both cure methods was demonstrated by observing the decrease of the 2215 cm(-1) peak in the Raman spectra of the resins. Fully cured resin samples were found to have glass transition temperatures of 244-246 degrees C and 278-280 degrees C for DFB/BPF and PETI5A respectively. Similar relationships between T-g and fractional conversion were observed in both resins. The apparent polymerization rate, R-p, for thermal cure at 360 degrees C, was found to be 4.79 x 10(-2)% s(-1) in PETI5A and 3.22 x 10(-2)% s(-1) in DFB/BPF. Catastrophic degradation under nitrogen was observed to commence near 450 degrees C and 530 degrees C, with 5% weight losses occurring at 455 degrees C and 540 degrees C for DFB/BPF and PETI5A respectively. Gamma radiation induced cure at 300 degrees C was shown to be feasible, with full cure being reached with doses of 40 kGy for DFB/BPF and 100 kGy for PETI5A.
The radiation chemistry of poly(dimethyl siloxane) has been investigated with respect to identification of the nature of the small molecule chain scission products. Low molecular weight linear and cyclic products have been identified through the use of Si-29 solution NMR, GPC and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. It has been suggested that the low molecular weight cyclic products are formed by back-biting depolymerization reactions.
Background: Sexually transmitted diseases (STD) are important co-factors in HIV transmission. We studied the impact of health worker training and STD syndrome packets (containing recommended drugs, condoms, partner notification cards and information leaflets) on the quality of STD case management in primary care clinics in rural South Africa. Methods: A randomized controlled trial of five matched pairs of clinics compared the intervention with routine syndromic management. Outcomes were measured by simulated patients using standardized scripts, and included the proportion given recommended drugs; correctly case managed (given recommended drugs plus condoms and partner cards); adequately counselled; reporting good staff attitude; and consulted in privacy. Results: At baseline, the quality of STD case management was similarly poor in both groups. Only 36 and 46% of simulated patients visiting intervention and control clinics, respectively, were given recommended drugs. After the intervention, intervention clinics provided better case management than controls: 88 versus 50% (P < 0.01) received recommended drugs; 83 versus 12% (P < 0.005) were correctly case managed; 68 versus 46% (P = 0.06) were adequately counselled; 84 versus 58% experienced good staff attitude (P = 0.07); and 92 versus 86% (P = 0.4) were consulted privately. A syndrome packet cost US$1.50; the incremental cost was US$6.80. The total intervention cost equalled 0.3% of annual district health expenditure. Interpretation: A simple and affordable health service intervention achieved substantial improvements in STD case management. Although this is a critical component of STD control and can reduce HIV transmission, community-level interventions to influence health-seeking behaviour are also needed. (C) 2000 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Objective The syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone is a rare disorder in dogs characterised by hypo-osmolality and persistent arginine vasopressin production in the absence of hypovolaemia and/or hypotension. The study describes the efficacy and safety of the nonpeptide selective arginine vasopressin V-2 receptor antagonist OPC-31260 in a dog with the naturally occurring syndrome. Design The detailed case history of a dog with spontaneous syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone that received long-term therapy with oral OPC-31260 is presented. Effects of the first dose of OPC-31260 and of a dose administered after a continuous dosing period of 12 days are reported. Procedure Packed cell volume, plasma sodium, total protein, arginine vasopressin, renin activity, atrial natriuretic peptide, urine specific gravity, urine output, heart rate and body weight were monitored for 2 h before, and for 4 h after, the first dose of OPC-31260. The same parameters plus plasma osmolality and urine osmolality were monitored when an identical dose was administered after 12 days of therapy. Results Oral administration of OPC-31260 at 3 mg/kg body weight resulted in marked aquaresis with increased urine output and decline in urine specific gravity within 1 h. Corresponding increases in concentrations of plasma sodium, plasma osmolality and plasma renin activity were recorded over a 4 h period. Arginine vasopressin concentration remained inappropriately elevated throughout the study. Results were similar when the trial procedure was repeated after a stabilisation period of 12 days. Long-term therapy with OPC-31260 at a dose of 3 mg/kg body weight orally every 12 h resulted in good control of clinical signs with no deleterious effects detected during a 3-year follow-up period. Despite sustained clinical benefits observed in this case, plasma sodium did not normalise with continued administration of the drug. Conclusions Treatment of a dog with naturally occurring syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone with OPC-31260 at 3 mg/kg body weight orally every 12 h resulted in marked aquaresis and significant palliation of clinical signs with no discernible side-effects detected over a 3-year period. Thus, OPC-31260 appears to offer a feasible medical alternative to water restriction for treatment of dogs with syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone. Higher doses of OPC-31260 may be required to achieve and maintain normal plasma sodium in dogs with this syndrome.
H-1- and C-13-NMR spectroscopy and FT-Raman spectroscopy are used to investigate the properties of a polymer gel dosimeter post-irradiation. The polymer gel (PACT) is composed of acrylamide, N,N'-methylene-bisacrylamide, gelatin, and water. The formation of a polyacrylamide network within the gelatin matrix follows a dose dependence nonlinearly correlated to the disappearance of the double bonds from the dissolved monomers within the absorbed dose range of 0-50 Gy. The signal from the gelatin remains constant with irradiation. We show that the NMR spin-spin relaxation times (T-2) of PAGs irradiated to up to 50 Gy measured in a NMR spectrometer and a clinical magnetic resonance imaging scanner can be modeled using the spectroscopic intensity of the growing polymer network. More specifically, we show that the nonlinear T-2 dependence against dose can be understood in terms of the fraction of protons in three different proton pools. (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Objective: To determine whether electromyographic (EMG) onsets of vastus medialis obliquus (VMO) and vastus lateralis (VL) are altered in the presence of patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) during the functional task of stair stepping. Design: Cross-sectional. Setting: University laboratory. Patients: Thirty-three subjects with PFPS and 33 asymptomatic controls. Interventions: Subjects ascended and descended a set of stairs-2 steps, each 20-cm high-at usual stair-stepping pace. EMG readings of VMO and VL taken on middle stair during step up (concentric contraction) and step down (eccentric contraction). Main Outcome Measures: Relative difference in onset of surface EMG activity of VMO compared with VL during a stair-stepping task. EMG onsets were determined by using a computer algorithm and were verified visually. Results: In the PFPS population, the EMG onset of VL occurred before that of VMO in both the step up and step down phases of the stair-stepping task (p < .05). In contrast, no such differences occurred in the onsets of EMG activity of VMO and VL in either phase of the task for the control subjects. Conclusion: This finding supports the hypothesized relationship between changes in the timings of activity of the vastimuscles and PFPS. This finding provides theoretical rationale to support physiotherapy treatment commonly used in the management of PFPs.
The effects of ionizing radiation in different compositions of polymer gel dosimeters are investigated using FT-Raman spectroscopy and NMR T-2 relaxation times. The dosimeters are manufactured from different concentrations of comonomers (acrylamide and N,N'-methylene-bis-acrylamide) dispersed in different concentrations of an aqueous gelatin matrix. Results are analysed using a model of fast exchange of magnetization between three proton pools. The fraction of protons in each pool is determined using the known chemical composition of the dosimeter and FT-Raman spectroscopy. Based on these results, the physical and chemical processes in interplay in the dosimeters are examined in view of their effect on the changes in T-2 The precipitation of growing macroradicals and the scavenging of free radicals by gelatin are used to explain the rate of polymerization. The model describes the changes in T-2 as a function of the absorbed dose up to 50 Gy for the different compositions. This is expected to aid the theoretical design of new, more efficient dosimeters, since it was demonstrated that the optimum dosimeter (i.e, with the lowest dose resolution) must have a range of relaxation times which match the range of T-2 values which can be determined with the lowest uncertainty using an MRI scanner.
The majority of severe epileptic encephalopathies of early childhood are symptomatic where a clear etiology is apparent. There is a small subgroup, however, where no etiology is found on imaging and metabolic studies, and genetic factors are important. Myoclonic-astatic epilepsy (MAE) and severe myoclonic epilepsy in infancy (SMEI), also known as Dravet syndrome, are epileptic encephalopathies where multiple seizure types begin in the first few years of life associated with developmental slowing. Clinical and molecular genetic studies of the families of probands with MAE and SMEI suggest a genetic basis. MAE was originally identified as part of the genetic epilepsy syndrome generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures plus (GEFS(+)). Recent clinical genetic studies suggest that SMEI forms the most severe end of the spectrum of the GEFS(+). GEF(+) has now been associated with molecular defects in three sodium channel subunit genes and a GABA subunit gene. Molecular defects of these genes have been identified in patients with MAE and SMEI. Interestingly, the molecular defects in MAE have been found in the setting of large GEFS(+) pedigrees, whereas, more severe truncation mutations arising de novo have been identified in patients with SMEI. It is likely that future molecular studies will shed light on the interaction of a number of genes, possibly related to the same or different ion channels, which result in a severe phenotype such as MAE and SMEI. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.