1000 resultados para Corvinus, Messala.
The global economic and financial crisis has raised further concerns about the euro-entry criteria, in addition to other factors, such as the effective tightening of the criteria due to the enlargement of the EU from 12 to 27 members, the highly unfavourable property of business cycle dependence, the internal inconsistency of the criteria due to the structural price level convergence of Central and Eastern European countries, and the continuous violation of the criteria by euro-area members. The interest rate criterion became a highly volatile measure. Many US metropolitan areas would fail to qualify to be members of the US monetary union by applying the currently used inflation criterion to the US. It is time to reform the criteria and to strengthen their economic rationale within the legal framework of the EU treaty. A good solution would be to relate all criteria to the average of the euro area and simultaneously to extend the compliance period from the currently considered one year to a longer period.
The euro area is facing crisis, while the US is not, though the overall fiscal situation and outlook is better in the euro area than in the US, and though the US faces serious state-level fiscal crises. A higher level of fiscal federalism would strengthen the euro area, but is not inevitable. Current fiscal reform proposals (strengthening of current rules, more policy coordination and an emergency financing mechanism) will if implemented result in some improvements. But implementation might be deficient or lack credibility, and could lead to disputes and carry a significant political risk. Introduction of a Eurobond covering up to 60 percent of member states’ GDP would bring about much greater levels of fiscal discipline than any other proposal, would create an attractive Eurobond market, and would deliver a strong message about the irreversible nature of European integration.
A tanulmány célja, hogy bemutassa a Magyarországon működő vállalatok gyakorlatát az ellátási lánc disztribúció oldalának menedzsmentje területén egy empirikus kutatás eredményeinek segítségével. A dolgozat két részből épül fel. Az első részben egy elméleti áttekintés olvasható azokról a menedzsment eszközökről, amelyeket a vállalatok disztribúciós folyamataik során alkalmazhatnak az ellátási láncban. A második rész az empirikus kutatás eredményeit mutatja be. A felmérés során 92 vállalat (amelyből az elemzésbe 79 volt ténylegesen bevonható) vett részt, és válaszaik és a statisztikai elemzés alapján kirajzolódik egy kép, hogy milyen mértékben alkalmazzák a disztribúciós lánc menedzsment eszközeit, valamint milyen fejlettségi szintek különböztethetők meg az alkalmazás volumene alapján. = Aim of the paper is to present the operational practice of Hungarian companies in managing the distribution side of the supply chain (the demand chain), with the help of the results of an empirical research. The paper consists of two parts. In the first part, a literature review is presented about the management tools which companies may use while managing their distribution processes in the supply chain. In the second part I introduce the results of the empirical research. The survey was participated by 92 companies (of which 79 could be analysed) and according to their responses and the statistical analyses, a picture was formulated about how intensely they use the demand chain management tools, how developed they are in the application of those.
The case for taxing financial transactions merely to raise more revenues from the financial sector is not particularly strong. Better alternatives to tax the financial sector are likely to be available. However, a tax on financial transactions could be justified in order to limit socially undesirable transactions when more direct means of doing so are unavailable for political or practical reasons. Some financial transactions are indeed likely to do more harm than good, especially when they contribute to the systemic risk of the financial system. However, such a financial transaction tax should be very small, much smaller than the negative externalities in question, because it is a blunt instrument that also drives out socially useful transactions. There is a case for taxing over-the-counter derivative transactions at a somewhat higher rate than exchange-based derivative transactions. More targeted remedies to drive out socially undesirable transactions should be sought in parallel, which would allow, after their implementation, to reduce or even phase out financialtransaction taxes.
A tanulmány a variációszámítás gazdasági alkalmazásaiból ismertet hármat. Mindhárom alkalmazás a Leontief-modellen alapszik. Az optimális pályák vizsgálata után arra keressük a választ, hogy az Euler–Lagrange-differenciálegyenlet rendszerrel kapott megoldások valóban optimális megoldásai-e a modelleknek. Arra a következtetésre jut a tanulmány, hogy csak pótlólagos közgazdasági feltételek bevezetésével határozhatók meg az optimális megoldások. Ugyanakkor a megfogalmazott feltételek segítségével az ismertetett modellek egy általánosabb keretbe illeszthetők. A tanulmány végső eredménye az, hogy mind a három modell optimális megoldása a Neumann-sugárnak felel meg. /===/ The study presents three economic applications of variation calculations. All three rely on the Leontief model. After examination of the optimal courses, an answer is sought to whether the solutions to the Euler–Lagrange differential equation system are really opti-mal solutions to the models. The study concludes that the optimal solutions can only be determined by introducing additional economic conditions. At the same time, the models presented can be fitted into a general framework with the help of the conditions outlined. The final conclusion of the study is that the optimal solution of all three models fits into the Neumann band.
We show that in a simple price-setting game with one large firm and many small firms the large firm does not accept the role of the price leader.
Using the risk measure CV aR in �nancial analysis has become more and more popular recently. In this paper we apply CV aR for portfolio optimization. The problem is formulated as a two-stage stochastic programming model, and the SRA algorithm, a recently developed heuristic algorithm, is applied for minimizing CV aR.
This article is searching for necessary and sufficient conditions which are to be imposed on the demand curve to guarantee the existence of pure strategy Nash equilibrium in a Bertrand-Edgeworth game with capacity constraints.
In our investigation we are expanding a Bertrand-Edgeworth duopoly into a two-stage game in which during the first stage the firms can select their rationing rule. We will show that under certain conditions the efficient rationing rule is an equilibrium action of the first stage.
A magyar nyugdíjrendszerben 1998 óta egymás mellett működik a felosztó-kirovó és a kötelező tőkefedezeti pillér. Ezt a paradigmatikusnak tekintett reformot követően is több változtatás zajlott az elmúlt években, amelyek lényegében a nyugdíjparaméterek módosítására irányultak. Mára a nyugdíjreformról szóló diskurzus világszerte újra általánossá vált. A magyar nyugdíjviták középpontjában nem elsősorban az idősödő népesség növekvő aránya, hanem az alacsony foglalkoztatás és a csekély jogosultságszerzés áll. A hozzászólások ma már nem a felosztó-kirovó versus tőkefedezeti rendszer kérdéskörét érintik. A vitában újra és újra előkerül az öngondoskodás hangsúlyozása. A tanulmány egy felmérés adatain keresztül elemzi az öngondoskodás különböző formáinak elterjedtségét. A kérdőív tanulsága szerint a megkérdezettek jellemzően nem saját maguk hozták meg döntéseiket a vizsgált kérdésekben - a nyugdíjrendszerről és saját várható nyugdíjas élettartamukról korlátozott (és néha téves) ismeretekkel rendelkeznek. Az emberek öngondoskodásának túlhangsúlyozása a szerzők szerint meg nem engedhető optimizmus. /===/ Unfunded and mandatory funded pillars of the Hungarian pension system have been operating simultaneously since 1998. This reform, seen as paradigmatic, has undergone several changes in recent years, designed essentially to alter the pension parameters. Discourse on pension reform has become general again throughout the world. The pension debates in Hungary have focused less on the rising proportion of the elderly than on low employment and eligibility. Contributions to the debate these days are not about the question of an unfunded versus a funded system. The emphasis has repeatedly been on self-provision. The study analyses by means of survey data the extent of the various forms of self-provision. The survey shows that respondents have not typically made decisions of their own on the matter, for which they have limited (and sometimes false) information about the pension system and their life expectancy as pensioners. According to the authors, it is impermissibly optimistic to place excessive emphasis on people’s ability to provide for themselves.
The converse statement of the Filippov-Wazewski relaxation theorem is proven, more precisely, two differential inclusions have the same closure of their solution sets if and only if the right-hand sides have the same convex hull. The idea of the proof is examining the contingent derivatives to the attainable sets.
The existence of viable solutions is proven for nonautonomous upper semicontinuous differential inclusions whose right-hand side is contained in the Clarke subdifferential of a locally Lipschitz continuous function.
A brief introduction into the theory of differential inclusions, viability theory and selections of set valued mappings is presented. As an application the implicit scheme of the Leontief dynamic input-output model is considered.
The short-term effects of fiscal consolidation have attracted an increasing attention from both the academia and policy makers in the recent years. Authors in the literature on non- Keynesian effects usually put the emphasis on the need for the devaluation of the national currency, the accommodating reaction of the monetary authority and the favourable international economic conditions as the necessary accompanying tools of fiscal consolidation, in order to realise short-term expansionary effects. Some also add the necessity of large-scale adjustment; while others support the view that a high and increasing debt ratio or increasing government spending, by triggering an unavoidable adjustment, is the key to experiencing short-term expansionary effects. The composition of adjustment also became a crucial explanation for non-Keynesian effects. However, as the following critical assessment of the literature on expansionary fiscal consolidations will reveal, institutional conditions, such as the importance of the depth of financial intermediation and the influencing role of labour market structure, can prove to be crucial in the occurrence of the desired expansionary short-term effects.