958 resultados para Copper aluminum silver alloy
In the development of a technique it was necessary to learn the fundamentals of ore microscopy as applied to the various minerals of silver, which included the use of reflected polarized light, etch reactions, microchemical analysis, and sight recognition of mineral. In addition it was necessary to become familiar with the accepted criteria of sequence, replacement, and other textural phenomena.
A microscopic investigation of the Montana silver minerals was conducted. This study consisted mainly of identifying the silver and silver-bearing minerals and of determining their paragenetic relationships. The increasing amount of research in which the reflecting microscope is employed is evidence of the great value of this method of approach in the solution of problems of paragenesis of the opaque minerals.
An amalgam is an alloy of mercury with other metals, and amalgamation is the art of making or forming amalgams. In metallurgical language the word is limited to the means adopted for the recovery of gold and silver from their ores by the use of mercury.
The subject of the thesis was based upon the theory of precipitation or age hardening of the copper by the compound formed by the Manganese and silicon present in the ternary Cu-Mn-Si alloy. The effect of the heat treatment to such an alloy was to be studied and the best aging time and temperature was to be determined.
Powder metallurgy is a branch of metallurgy which produces metallic compacts in their final forms by means of pressure and heat-treatment from the powders. The products of powder metallurgy are being used in our daily lives quite often. For example, the tungsten wires in the electric bulbs to the silver-tin fillings of our teeth.
Silver Bow Creek runs approximately 25 miles from Butte to Warm Springs, where it joins Warm Springs Creek to form the Clark Fork River. This historic creek was terribly contaminated with mine wastes around the turn of the 20th century, leaving many "slickens" that persisted into the 21st century, when it became a Superfund remediation project. More than 5.5 million cubic yards of stream-deposited mine waste have been removed and 1,650 acres revegetated. Chief contaminants are copper, zinc, and arsenic, but acidic soils are often equally or more limiting to plants. The stream was relocated, and mine wastes were replaced with biologically inert cover soil. Richard A. Prodgers is currently a plant ecologist with Bighorn Environmental Sciences in Dillon, Montana.
The wartime demand for fluorspar has caused renewed interest in fluorite deposits. Near Silver Bow, Montana, a deposit of massive, coarsely crystalline fluorspar, which has not been described in the literature, has attracted the attention of the United States Geological Survey.
An attempt was made to deposit a 50:50 copper-cobalt alloy from various sulfate electrolytes. No true 50:50 alloy was obtained but various mixtures of cobalt and copper rich crystals were deposited.
The experiments which were preformed showed that sulfur dioxide would reduce the ferric ion content of the mine waters to a very low figure. The reduction in the ferric ion content would improve the efficiency of the precipitation process, and also increase the recovery of copper.
In the modern aspect of powder metallurgy, the first use of a sintering process was in making filaments for incandescent electric lamps.In the short while from the day of Edison to the present, the science of working with metal powders has advanced by leaps and bounds.
The radiological determination of foreign objects in corpses can be difficult if they are fragmented or deformed. With multislice computed tomography, radiodensities--referred to as Hounsfield units (HU)--can be measured. We examined the possibility of differentiating 21 frequently occurring foreign bodies, such as metals, rocks, and different manmade materials by virtue of their HU values. Gold, steel, and brass showed mean HU values of 30671-30710 (upper measurable limit), mean HU values for steel, silver, copper, and limestone were 20346, 16949, 14033, and 2765, respectively. The group consisting of objects, such as aluminum, tarmac, car front-window glass, and other rocks, displayed mean HU values of 2329-2131 HU. The mean HU value of bottle glass and car side-window glass was 2088, whereas windowpane glass was 493. HU value determination may therefore help in preautopsy differentiation between case-relevant and irrelevant foreign bodies and thus be useful for autopsy planning and extraction of the objects in question.
The Yangla copper deposit, situated in the middle section of Jinshajiang tectonic belt between Zhongza-Zhongdian block and Changdu-Simao block, is a representative and giant copper deposit that has been discovered in Jinshajiang-Lancangjiang-Nujiang region in recent years. There are coupled relationship between Yangla granodiorite and copper mineralization in the Yangla copper deposit. Five molybdenite samples yielded a well-constrained 187Re-187Os isochron age of 233.3±3 Ma, the metallogenesis is therefore slightly younger than the crystallization age of the granodiorite. S, Pb isotopic compositions of the Yangla copper deposit indicate that the ore-forming materials were derived from the mixture of upper crust and mantle, also with the magmatic contributions. In the late Early Permian, the Jinshajiang Oceanic plate was subducted to the west, resulting in the formation of a series of gently dipping thrust faults in the Jinshajiang tectonic belt, meanwhile, accompanied magmatic activities. In the early Late Triassic, which was a time of transition from collision-related compression to extension in the Jinshajiang tectonic belt, the thrust faults were tensional; it would have been a favorable environment for forming ore fluids. The ascending magma provided a channel for the ore-forming fluid from the mantle wedge. After the magma arrived at the base of the early-stage Yangla granodiorite, the platy granodiorite at the base of the body would have shielded the late-stage magma from the fluid. The magma would have cooled slowly, and some of the ore-forming fluid in the magma would have entered the gently dipping thrust faults near the Yangla granodiorite, resulting in mineralization.
From X-ray mineralogical studies and chemical analyses of the whole rocks and the fine fractions (<2 µm) of ten to fifteen samples at each site of ODP Leg 124, two major sources were identified in the sedimentary components of the Celebes and Sulu basins: (1) a terrestrial and continental contribution; (2) a volcanic influx that gives way to well-defined volcanic units or to a dilute contamination, consisting of coarse-grained minerals (Plagioclase, pyroxene, olivine, spinel) or a smectitic-rich fraction produced by the alteration of volcanic glasses and ashes. The continental signature increases the amount of quartz in the rocks and the phyllitic association is complex: micas, kaolinite, disordered interstratified clay-minerals. The chemical compositions of the bulk rocks and the fractions <2 µm are more potassic and aluminum-rich. The volcanic imprint depends on the grain-size and chemical properties of the components. Ca/Na contents highly variable compared to the K content of the bulk composition are due to the presence of coarse-grained volcanic Plagioclase. The fractions <2 µm are more magnesian than in the continental regime. The diagenesis is revealed by the crystallization of zeolites, the fixation of magnesium into the smectites that depletes the pore fluids in this element. Smectitization of the disordered interstratified clay minerals enriches the alkalinity of the pore fluids. Some deep formations of the Sulu Basin are affected by a thermal event, but no thermal event was recognized in the Celebes Basin.