900 resultados para Content analysis, discourse analysis, mixed-methods research


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Content analysis of media messages from a gender perspective has a long tradition. In the particular field of advertising, most of the researches have been focused on generic samples of advertisements or on the advertising traditionally associated to a masculine or a feminine audience. However, few authors have analyzed gender contents in food advertising, in spite of the close relationship between gender structures and the social processes of food purchase and preparation. Thus, gender representations in food advertising broadcast in Spanish television are analyzed in this article. The main results obtained show clear gender differences. For example, there is a clear predominance of masculine voices over and a more balanced situation regarding protagonists. Besides, feminine protagonists are more frequently located indoors, portrayed as attractive women and connected to advertising claims related to beauty or to the healthy qualities of the product.


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Operational capabilities são caracterizadas como um recurso interno da firma e fonte de vantagem competitiva. Porém, a literatura de estratégia de operações fornece uma definição constitutiva inadequada para as operational capabilities, desconsiderando a relativização dos diferentes contextos, a limitação da base empírica, e não explorando adequadamente a extensa literatura sobre práticas operacionais. Quando as práticas operacionais são operacionalizadas no ambiente interno da firma, elas podem ser incorporadas as rotinas organizacionais, e através do conhecimento tácito da produção se transformar em operational capabilities, criando assim barreiras à imitação. Apesar disso, poucos são os pesquisadores que exploram as práticas operacionais como antecedentes das operational capabilities. Baseado na revisão da literatura, nós investigamos a natureza das operational capabilities; a relação entre práticas operacionais e operational capabilities; os tipos de operational capabilities que são caracterizadas no ambiente interno da firma; e o impacto das operational capabilities no desempenho operacional. Nós conduzimos uma pesquisa de método misto. Na etapa qualitativa, nós conduzimos estudos de casos múltiplos com quatro firmas, duas multinacionais americanas que operam no Brasil, e duas firmas brasileiras. Nós coletamos os dados através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas com questões semi-abertas. Elas foram baseadas na revisão da literatura sobre práticas operacionais e operational capabilities. As entrevistas foram conduzidas pessoalmente. No total 73 entrevistas foram realizadas (21 no primeiro caso, 18 no segundo caso, 18 no terceiro caso, e 16 no quarto caso). Todas as entrevistas foram gravadas e transcritas literalmente. Nós usamos o sotware NVivo. Na etapa quantitativa, nossa amostra foi composta por 206 firmas. O questionário foi criado a partir de uma extensa revisão da literatura e também a partir dos resultados da fase qualitativa. O método Q-sort foi realizado. Um pré-teste foi conduzido com gerentes de produção. Foram realizadas medidas para reduzir Variância de Método Comum. No total dez escalas foram utilizadas. 1) Melhoria Contínua; 2) Gerenciamento da Informação; 3) Aprendizagem; 4) Suporte ao Cliente; 5) Inovação; 6) Eficiência Operacional; 7) Flexibilidade; 8) Customização; 9) Gerenciamento dos Fornecedores; e 10) Desempenho Operacional. Nós usamos análise fatorial confirmatória para confirmar a validade de confiabilidade, conteúdo, convergente, e discriminante. Os dados foram analisados com o uso de regressões múltiplas. Nossos principais resultados foram: Primeiro, a relação das práticas operacionais como antecedentes das operational capabilities. Segundo, a criação de uma tipologia dividida em dois construtos. O primeiro construto foi chamado de Standalone Capabilities. O grupo consiste de zero order capabilities tais como Suporte ao Cliente, Inovação, Eficiência Operacional, Flexibilidade, e Gerenciamento dos Fornecedores. Estas operational capabilities têm por objetivo melhorar os processos da firma. Elas têm uma relação direta com desempenho operacional. O segundo construto foi chamado de Across-the-Board Capabilities. Ele é composto por first order capabilities tais como Aprendizagem Contínua e Gerenciamento da Informação. Estas operational capabilities são consideradas dinâmicas e possuem o papel de reconfigurar as Standalone Capabilities.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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In a search for potential biocontrol agents for Acacia melanoxylon R. Br. (Mimosaceae), larvae of the beetle Diplocoelus dilataticollis Lea (Coleoptera; Biphyllidae) were found within damaged seeds of A. melanoxylon. The gut contents of larvae and adults were examined to determine whether their diet included seeds, in apparent contradiction to the known mycophagous diet of members of this family of beetles. Calcofluor M2R White, a plant cell-wall staining optical brightener was used to differentiate between plant cell fragments and fungal tissue in the gut content smears. Gut contents of adults of a known seed predator of A. melanoxylon, a weevil of the genus Melanterius, were examined in the same way to provide a benchmark. The gut contents of D. dilataticollis differed from those of Melanterius sp. Fungal structures and microbes were found in the gut of D. dilataticollis, in contrast to plant cell fragments found in the gut of the weevil and from scrapes made directly from seeds. We conclude that larvae of D. dilataticollis feed primarily on fungi associated with damaged seed and therefore may not be the proximate cause of seed damage.


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Research expeditions into remote areas to collect biological specimens provide vital information for understanding biodiversity. However, major expeditions to little-known areas are expensive and time consuming, time is short, and well-trained people are difficult to find. In addition, processing the collections and obtaining accurate identifications takes time and money. In order to get the maximum return for the investment, we need to determine the location of the collecting expeditions carefully. In this study we used environmental variables and information on existing collecting localities to help determine the sites of future expeditions. Results from other studies were used to aid in the selection of the environmental variables, including variables relating to temperature, rainfall, lithology and distance between sites. A survey gap analysis tool based on 'ED complementarity' was employed to select the sites that would most likely contribute the most new taxa. The tool does not evaluate how well collected a previously visited site survey site might be; however, collecting effort was estimated based on species accumulation curves. We used the number of collections and/or number of species at each collecting site to eliminate those we deemed poorly collected. Plants, birds, and insects from Guyana were examined using the survey gap analysis tool, and sites for future collecting expeditions were determined. The south-east section of Guyana had virtually no collecting information available. It has been inaccessible for many years for political reasons and as a result, eight of the first ten sites selected were in that area. In order to evaluate the remainder of the country, and because there are no immediate plans by the Government of Guyana to open that area to exploration, that section of the country was not included in the remainder of the study. The range of the ED complementarity values dropped sharply after the first ten sites were selected. For plants, the group for which we had the most records, areas selected included several localities in the Pakaraima Mountains, the border with the south-east, and one site in the north-west. For birds, a moderately collected group, the strongest need was in the north-west followed by the east. Insects had the smallest data set and the largest range of ED complementarity values; the results gave strong emphasis to the southern parts of the country, but most of the locations appeared to be equidistant from one another, most likely because of insufficient data. Results demonstrate that the use of a survey gap analysis tool designed to solve a locational problem using continuous environmental data can help maximize our resources for gathering new information on biodiversity. (c) 2005 The Linnean Society of London.


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A large number of studies have been devoted to modeling the contents and interactions between users on Twitter. In this paper, we propose a method inspired from Social Role Theory (SRT), which assumes that a user behaves differently in different roles in the generation process of Twitter content. We consider the two most distinctive social roles on Twitter: originator and propagator, who respectively posts original messages and retweets or forwards the messages from others. In addition, we also consider role-specific social interactions, especially implicit interactions between users who share some common interests. All the above elements are integrated into a novel regularized topic model. We evaluate the proposed method on real Twitter data. The results show that our method is more effective than the existing ones which do not distinguish social roles. Copyright 2013 ACM.


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Despite considerable and growing interest in the subject of academic researchers and practising managers jointly generating knowledge (which we term ‘co-production’), our searches of management literature revealed few articles based on primary data or multiple cases. Given the increasing commitment to co-production by academics, managers and those funding research, it seems important to strengthen the evidence base about practice and performance in co-production. Literature on collaborative research was reviewed to develop a framework to structure the analysis of this data and relate findings to the limited body of prior research on collaborative research practice and performance. This paper presents empirical data from four completed, large scale co-production projects. Despite major differences between the cases, we find that the key success factors and the indicators of performances are remarkably similar. We demonstrate many, complex influences between factors, between outcomes, and between factors and outcomes, and discuss the features that are distinctive to co-production. Our empirical findings are broadly consonant with prior literature, but go further in trying to understand success factors’ consequences for performance. A second contribution of this paper is the development of a conceptually and methodologically rigorous process for investigating collaborative research, linking process and performance. The paper closes with discussion of the study’s limitations and opportunities for further research.